a sexual awakening…..out of my league

Not sure how to do this, but wanted to tell of an experience that awakened me sexually, followed by something I fantasize about, all wrapped into one, story if you will.

First off, a long time ago, I was afraid of sex. Growing up my parents never talked about sex. My Dad or Mom never gave me the talk. Most of my friends talked a big game, but thinking back, I am sure most of them bragged about stuff that they never really did sexually. Growing up in the 80’s, with the onslaught of Aids, it was a scary time. I was taught to be afraid of it, so I waited, pretending I was into it, but really I was just not very knowledgeable. It’s not like today, where if you don’t know what something is you couldn’t Google it. Or have places like this to genuinely ask questions etc.

I lost my virginity my senior year. Then never had sex again until my first year of college. I never knew I was any good at sex, had no idea. It wasn’t until I was 40, when I had a sexual relationship with a younger woman. She was 23. The first time I went down on her, she grabbed me and said, Did you invent pussy licking ? I was like huh ? Everything I did to her, she stopped me and asked how I learned that. I really had no idea what she was talking about at first. Sexually, I have always been a pleaser. I know chatting online, and seeing post here on Reddit, alot of women want men to be dominant. Something I try to be, but I always fall back on being a pleaser sexually. I get off on pleasing my lover. This 23 yr old, one night, now mind you, I’m not trying to brag or anything, because she was very multi-orgasmic. But one night, I made her cum orally 8 times before she got my cock out of my pants. The bed was wet, the room smelt of her sex, which engulfed all of my senses and made me want to lick her even more.

Anyway, long story short, I want to give a shout out to all the nice guys out there, who are afraid of sex, who maybe aren’t confident sexually, who are shy, like I once was, and partially still am. I have always been the time of guy who had to know a woman was kind of into me to make my first move. That is where I turn now to my fantasy…..

She’s out of my league.

I’ve had a fantasy of being with a woman who is entirely out of my league. Mind you I am a handsome man, and a confident lover now. But what my fantasy is, is someone out of my league like a model, or a celebrity, or now that I am in my 50’s perhaps a college cheer leader lol. You know where I am going. A woman who would see me walking down the street and have no idea I am a guy who can make a woman cum over and over orally, but she passes me by because I am older, and look nothing like I did 10, or 20 years ago. But, if she only knew. That is where I always say us older guys, we know our way around a woman’s body. We love to please, especially orally. I try and tell my young guy friends, please your woman. make them want you, make them crave you when your not with them.

I’d love to be with someone who not only is a stunner, but someone who hasn’t been sexually pleased by a man who loves to lick pussy and ass. I can make a woman cum by fucking too, but orally, god I love that. Id love to find a young sexy woman online, chat, maybe find out we live close. She might want to meet, she might not, but let’s just say she does. I envision laying her on the bed, letting her relax, let her just lay there, I’ll do all the work, it’s what I love. Foreplay should never be rushed, it should last for hours if you have the time. let me touch your mound as it pressed against the light fabric of your panty. let me rub my finger up the front of you, around your belly button and over your bra, feel your tits heaving to be let free, up your neck line to your ear, down across your cheek to your wet lips, your tongue flicking for my touch.

All you hotties out there, just remember, there are lots of men who know how to please you. it might be the shy guy next to you on the bus. it might be your boss, it might be your professor. It could be your Dad’s best friend.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ke3tr8/a_sexual_awakeningout_of_my_league

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