Holly’s Tales…Part 8

My restraints are now hooked to each other under my robe. With her hand on the back of my neck leading me forward, we have left the bedroom, but turn left out of double doors I had originally entered in. She leads me up a narrow switch back set of stairs, ten each to a set, up to the second level and back down a long hallway. Once at the top, she lets go of the back of my neck, and I feel the tug on the leash leading me forward. The hallway is wide enough that my leash serves its purpose well enough despite my blindness. The robe is keeping me warm as it appears there is no heat in the house turned on. My mind is lost in trying to understand what had happened in the bathroom, and how embarrassed I had been afterwards. Tears are streaming down my face as we walk. She had made me feel wanted, and I had wanted her. She must notice the tears. The games were over, she again reminded me on the way down.

“*Oh* Holly, did you really think you were here to be pampered and loved and mothered?*”* She says in a mocking tone. She clicks her tongue.

****tut* *tut****


*“*Might want to save some of those tears, sweetie*.”* She tugs twice on the leash at that that, and I almost stumble.

We stop, and I’m standing there wishing the tears on my face had already dried, my moist cheeks more of an embarrassment now. I hear a sliding door in front of me, and she pushes me in. The door slides shut behind me. I feel the floor lurch and I realize we are in an elevator.

*Rich bitch…so what…*

The car moves down one floor, and I hear the door in front of me slide open. She pushes me forward firmly a few steps and stops, standing behind me. The air in here is warm and inviting. As if on cue, she removes my robe and I am naked once again. My body relaxes. She reaches around my naked form and I feel my restraints are uncoupled from each other and I place them at my side. The fabric of her shirt feels soft and sheer. Her hands are around my head, and I feel my blind fold removed. Wait awaits my focus is amazing.

*A castle wall with a draw bridge?* *What the hell*? *A moat?*

I’m standing on a cobblestone road based on what I can see. We are entering in the middle of the road between what I think are medieval vendor carts, currently empty. Even though it is mostly dark in here, some utility lights are on above lighting up enough to see quite a bit. A lot of straw covers the area by the carts, while the road is clean. The road is about twenty feet wide. The cobblestone road leads up to a wide bridge; at least five people could walk side by side on it. The bridge spans the moat by about ten feet to an opening in a massive stone built castle wall where the cobblestones start up again. Two large chains drop down from the middle of the wall to the cobblestone side of the wooden bridge. A black metal gate appears poised over the wall side of the bridge, its wrought iron fangs deadly looking. The wall looks to about ten feet deep before the road disappears in the darkness and the space beyond shrouded. I can just make out a red glow off to the left past the bridge on the other side.

The wall in front of me stretches at least one hundred feet in either direction. The roof over me stretches up at least thirty feet at the wall, and then angles upward at least another twenty feet to meet in the middle at the very top.

*Holy shit this place is huge.* *I thought it looked big from the outside…oh my god…*

From the edge of one wall to the other left to right in front of me is what appears to be a castle wall, and a drawbridge that appears to be let down over a wide moat that also stretches the wall from end to end. A small, three foot stone wall is along the cobblestone side nearest me separating us from the water. The wall itself extends up about twenty feet, with large towers at each end at the wall, large enough that quite a few people could enjoy look out over both sides of the wall.

*What’s on the other side?* *Fuck…you know what’s on the other side.*

There are gaps along the wall where suits of armor stand guard silently.

*I bet they’ve seen some things in here. At least they’re looking out here though, right?*

I notice black iron torches along the castle wall about, twenty per side of the draw bridge. They are black now, but I can picture how terrifyingly medieval it must look. I am reminded of books I had read about the history of England. I had read about the *Tower of London*, and I wonder if the trepidation I can feel building is anything like what those prisoners felt floating to the “Traitor’s Gate”. Above the gate, the wall opens up and a wooden platform overlooks the gate by a few feet out from the wall. It has a wooden fence around it, but is clearly designed to allow people to address the crowd from above.

*What kind of a crowd comes here to a place like this?* *Who the hell HAS a place like this!?*

She has let me look long enough, and pushes me forward towards the bridge. She will not let me look back at her. The straw is softer under my feet than I expect, and the cobblestone road smoother than I had thought. She leads me across the bridge and I can see that the moat is filled with water, with several dormant fountains stretching the length. We cross through the underside of the bridge, and I stare at the bottom points of the iron-gate above.

I realize it’s a façade, but it’s an imposing façade none the less.

She pushes me through the gate to the other side into the darkness and turns me left. I can now see two red lights ahead of us pointed at what looks like a large X slightly leaning back. My breathing suddenly intensifies and I find myself taking deeper breaths. We are walking on the road, but I can make just make out shapes and shadows from the red glow ahead.

*Furniture?* *What is in here?*

I pick out things hanging from the ceiling, and as we approach the lit area around the X, I notice a large cage hanging about fifteen feet up from above it. There is even another large X cross further to the right of the illuminated one she has ready for me. My small breasts heave with each deep breath I take in my struggle to calm my nerves. There is a table to the left of the cross and as she leads me up to the X, I notice the items of torture. I can’t take my eyes off what I am seeing, but before I can start registering what is laying out, she stops me by grabbing my mouth from underneath my chin and squeezing my cheeks. My lips turn fishy and she brings my head up. I barely have time to notice that she is wearing a very light and very see through red, long sleeve blouse. Her bare breasts are very visible, and I momentarily look at one of her nipples, but the tight pressure on my cheeks takes my eyes from them immediately.

”Holly,” she looks at me in mock confusion, rubbing my cheeks with her “did you really trying to get a peek at my tits? Are you fucking serious you fucking slut?”

*Oh no…oh no you idiot…*

My eyes go wide with fear. My brain stops. I remember the cane strikes outside earlier. I grab my legs. My heart races and my face flushes. She squeezes a little harder.

”I asked you a god damned question, Holly.” She demands, her voice louder and more demanding than I have yet seen. Her eyes are narrowed and she’s right on top me, looking down. I feel her right nipple brush my cheek.

I try to answer to apologize, “mmph…mmphmmmm”. It sounds more whiny and pathetic than I wanted, but I can’t move my lips.

She grips my cheeks and shoves me away from her; her face contorted in disgust.

“Shut up.” She says, yanking on the leash and forcing me to stumble back towards her, and I fall to my knees. I look up and see that she’s wearing black leather stiletto boots that go up almost to her knees where the purple laces that extend their length from the toes up wrap the leather tightly around the pitch black latex pants that paint her bulging thighs and ass. The red sheer blouse has several, small black buttons, but only the bottom three of the six are fastened. Her chiseled abdomen gives way to almost perfectly round, enticing breasts. She does not let go of the leash in her right hand.

“Oh Christ, Holly…seriously? You play volleyball you fucking clutz? Stand up.”

I stand up quickly and get my hands to my side.


I didn’t notice the cane in her hand, but I feel it. The thin, whippy stick has left another stinging welt on my right upper arm this time. I almost reach up with my other hand to grab it.

“ow!” I squeak, without intending to. I look up directly at her. Her raven black hair is now perfectly straight and hanging off of the right side of her head, the left side exposing the shaved portion of her skull that reaches back around and underneath the other side. Her arms are no longer as defined as they look at the gym after a workout, but they are large and intimidating. I can make out that her eyebrows are just as black as her hair and neatly cared for. She’s wearing make-up I can tell, because her skin is smooth, but the red light makes it difficult to tell.

*She’s gorgeous…she’s everything you wanted her to be…*

“Mmhmm” she voices in disapproval. She reaches over to the table on her right and I watch her hand. She grabs a wickedly beautiful paddle. She holds it up in front of me and starts turning it over to show me.

The entirety of the paddle is a single piece of dark wood. The red light makes it look black. The handle is somewhat thick and about ten inches long. The base of the handle is rounded and flared out, with a dark leather wrapping the stem to the bottom of the flared out paddle part. The paddle is about ten inches wide, and about two feet in length, and a solid inch in thickness. In the middle of the black wood is a small hole about two inches in diameter. My eyes, though, are quickly drawn to the metal design laid into the flat parts of the paddle. In the middle of the paddle, on both sides, and on either sides of the hole, are the designs of two long stemmed roses, with about two millimeters of the metal exposed. The stems are about six inches long, curving outward from the bottom of the paddle and arcing upward in a curve to the petals. Three thorns accompany each stem.


I involuntarily back up a step, only to suddenly feel a strong and powerful hand on my shoulder from behind me.

*Mister Donovan.* *Maybe this isn’t such a good idea…*

She doesn’t pull on the leash. Mister Donovan reaches up and undoes the latch. She places the leash on the table.

”Based on those thick little thighs and butt, I’d say you can run fast, but not very far. I don’t think we’ll need to worry about you going anyway though.” She grins wickedly. Of a sudden, her face changes to one of feigned sadness. Her shoulders shrug in disappointment.

“Sadly, Holly,” she says, “First we need to address the punishment for disobeying me at the gym earlier tonight.”

*Wait, what?* *No…no wait…I did everything you said!*

“But Mistre…”


My left butt cheek lights up in searing pain and I grimace. I manage to keep my hands at my side but they shake for a moment.

“Did they lower their standards at Stanford this year, Mister Donovan?” It’s a rhetorical question obviously. I don’t hear him answer.

“She’s not exactly the brightest thing we’ve entertained, is she?” She smiles at me and then asks, “Is counting to sixty too difficult for a Stanford freshman these days?”

*Counting to sixty? Oh no. No no no!* *On the leg machine?* *She was fucking counting?*

My face transitions from momentary confusion to terrified understanding. My wide eyes are locked on hers.

“The good news, Holly dear, is that you only fucked up by one.” She holds up the paddle and smiles. “Can you imagine if you had miscounted by more?”

*One…oh god she’s going to hit me with it…*

My rapid breathing intensifies with the morbid acknowledgement.

“Before our playtime begins,” she nods to the large cross behind her, “You need to turn around and face Mister Donovan. Bend over, spread your legs shoulder width, and grab your ankles. Bend over all the way. I want to see your smiling face.”

*Fuck…oh god…*

I turn around and face my previous escort. He has no emotion on his face at all. His arms are crossed in front of him. I spread my legs, and bend over. I’m limber, and I’m able to keep my legs straight. I close my eyes for a moment, and grab my ankles and look up. My round butt is pointing at her, my thighs spread, and my ass and vagina exposed to her inspection. A firm hand on my lower back applies gentle pressure. Mister Donovan will not let me fall forward. My breathing comes harder. I look up at her.

*Please no…*

I grip my ankles and hold tight. I see her take a step off to my right and hold the paddle in both hands.

“*Volleyball”.* *You can say it…it can end.* *Right here…right now.*

She lines up the hole with my clenched tight little asshole, and I feel the coolness of the metal on my ass for a moment.

*Say it…say it!*

I look up at her immense and gorgeous physic, her dominating body, her gorgeous face and eyes her ears and the memory of her hands on my head in the bath…

She brings the paddle back, and I see her tense up…

…and I close my eyes.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kdgh3q/hollys_talespart_8