She straddled me(f) into curiosity and it led to one of the hottest friendships I’ve ever experienced.

Up until she came around, I never really thought of girls in a sexual or romantic way. I however could always tell when people were looking at me in more than a friendly way and her eyes were locked from day one. She would linger more than a little bit longer than anyone else and went out of her way to get my number. Before I knew it we were texting and face-timing everyday and if I didn’t answer or reach out myself she’d let me hear about it.

Anyway in the locker room where the team would hang out before practices she would sometimes come to where I was and sit on my lap and talk to me. and sometimes she would sit on me and just be on her phone but I never thought anything of it because she would do this in front of the whole team. One day I was alone and she came in, walked directly towards me as I sat in my chair, and straddled me wrapping her arms around my neck. She then continued to stare into my eyes and talk to me about completely average things that I couldn’t even focus on because of how she was pressing herself against me. I should note that she was very hot and had a sex appeal that even the straightest of girls wouldn’t notice. So at that moment I couldn’t deny how much I wanted her and I got embarrassingly horny which was interesting because it seemed like she had been on a mission to make me feel that way given how she acted around me. But just as soon as my desire for her crept in, so did our teammates causing her to jump off of me and play it off like nothing was happening. That was the first time she actually got me wet and I think she knew she was breaking me down which only motivated her to keep at it.

That continued on for a couple of weeks and our sexual tension became difficult to hide from people. There’d be moments people caught us just staring each other down, we would pop up late to events after losing time with each other, we would slip out inside jokes too difficult to explain innocently, accidentally be to playful or cuddly, etc. We got so comfortable to the point where we would talk about sex and what turned us on sexually over FaceTime some nights. I could literally hear when she was turned on because her voice would get all stressed and I could hear her struggling to stop moving. Sometimes she would breath really hard, trying to get control and would even admit how hard it is not to touch herself. She would blame it on how my voice just turns her on when I’m tired or the fact that I was one of the very few who knew all her spots. She told me how safe she felt when I would hug or hold her and how she wanted my hands to be more curious about her body. And I did want to explore especially since she had already told me what worked for her. It’s like we were taking notes on each other for each other even though neither of us has been with another female. Everything that she told me that drove her crazy I wanted to do to her. I ended up doing everything and more.

We were alone finally and I was on my bed. And like clock work she straddled me down into a position where she was on top of me. At this point we hadn’t even kissed yet but, when she was on top of me we were close enough to where our lips were touching and teasing. When we finally kissed, it was so slow. I could feel it in my entire body. I started moving my hips under her and she naturally caught my rhythm and we just kept each other’s pace. She pinned my hands down and starting biting my lip; which she already knew I liked because we talked about it. I freed my hands and moved them to her hips and she pressed them harder into me as she kept kissing me then I grabbed her ass which made her moan so softly I could have lost my mind. It was one of her turn ons. We basically both had cheat sheets to each other’s bodies and the one place she knew would absolutely make me hers was my neck. She got control of my hands again, bit my lip one last time, and then kissed my cheek, and then breathed in my ear (one of her big weaknesses too), and then started sucking on my neck exactly how I liked it and I was done. The only thing we did for the rest of the night was each other. We went through every kink on our cheat sheets, several times, and for two girls who had never been with girls, that night is still the longest amount of time I’ve spent having sex.

I could add more parts to this because this is probably the wildest sexual friendship I have had but I’ll just see if there’s a demand for more of the storyline after this one.

TLDR; I was basically seduced into a great situation



  1. Come on specific details as this sounds so hot….how did she taste….did u eat her little ass

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