[MF] [femdom] Dnd style Half orc archdruid having her way with an elven prince

Content:  femdom Blood, strangling, biting, knifes, ownership oral and non con roleplay between a half orc having her way with an elven prince its what you’d expect based on a real roleplay.

Woosh an arrow whizzes past your ear embedding itself in the tree to your right;

You’ve been seen by the raiding party.

As the ginger wood elf prince continues running through the woods arrows are fired past his head, thunking into treas as he books it through the once peaceful woods.  His village has just been raided by a rival settlement of orcs.

               Checks his AC its not high enough” –
-Dungeon master Heh (…get it……)
An arrow catches your cloak of elven kind pinning you to a tree. 

             (Rolls a failed strength check)

You can feel the panic growing in your chest as you strugge to free yourself of the arrow keeping you pinned by the cloak. The panic nearly nearly explodes in your chest as you feel a large hand grasp you by the waist. You’re forcably ripped  off the tree but Your pinned cloack catches your neck, cutting off your air supply for a brief moment before.. snap! the clasp breaks with a sharp crack.

As you you look at the face of your captor you’re surprised to see a smaller than average, tho still taller than you orc or more more likely half orc female. As she approaches you realize shes  smaller than the other brutes that have been ransacking your village and kidnapping your citizens for the past few months but she looks like she likely more than doubles your mass.  She approaches handing off an ornate antler bow to another orc who continues running past firing at the other fleeing elves.

Her long thick black hair in a Mohawk style has been braided and now swings just above her alarmingly full hips.

She smirks exposing her sharp tusks as she reaches out to you and effortlessly tosses you onto her shoulder muttering something in orcish under her breath. through your basic understanding of their primitive language it seems to be something about having fun with you tonight.

The prince begins to look nervous, demanding that she explain what she means by that. The half orc begins to walk back to the sound of orcish being shouted. She ignores your demands and tosses you like a ragdoll to her other shoulder for easier transport of her plunder.

You’re about to begin to chastise this brute more for handling royalty so roughly but she cuts you off, grabbing you by the scruff of your fur robes. Now dangling you in front of her so that you’re at eye level. Locking her dark eyes on yours she grunts in broken elvish

           “Conquered kings need to learn little respect,  I have time to educate”

Her hand grips your chin slightly turning your head to look at you from a different angle. She licks her thick tusks as she grins menacingly at you and grunts something else undoubtedly foul or crude in orcish that you can’t translate before calling out an orcish name.  another half orc jogs up with a bloody great axe affixed to her back and thick ropes in their hands.

The prince freezes staring at the huge orc full blood and her jagged dripping weapon

              “Arms out your highness” the orc holding you jeers at you in broken elvish. Her hot breath hits your neck sending a wave of goosebumps across your lithe elven body.

The new orc steps up to you still hanging in the air and begins wrapping up your wrists with the thick hemp rope before you hear an elven man scream. The orc draws her blade leaving you two alone once again. Your captor speaks again butchering your elegant tongue,

            “Im looking forward to marking you as part of my collection”

Now hands bound your half orc continues walking towards her home your body is brought in secured against her admittedly soft chest.

               Shes warm…

After a second of staring ahead like a deer caught in headlights the wood elf prince, deciding that you’d really rather not be a spoil of war, attempts to struggle out of his binds. manages to roll a 18 sleight of hand and successful loosens the rope enough to have access to your hands. and you havbt been noticed your half orc is humming some war song to herself and making the treck through the thick woods parting branches and bounding over roots the elves would scale with more grace.

The muscular arms begin to adjust you a bit as she climbs over the roots of a redwood sized willow. These huge trees have become increasingly more abundant as you decide to make your move before she gets to much further.

                 Aiming for her jugular Roll an attack

Waiting for his moment the ginger elf draws a small hidden blade slipping it inbetween his bound hands. Stealing his nervs he exhails before managing in a sudden leap, to sink the blade a good 2 three inches into her broad shoulder meat just missing his target.

A beastial roar comes from the half orc bearing her fangs she gasps surprised from the firm jab and lears at you.. Her angered growl and passed off face are terrifying. Steeling her self she exhails before swiftly grabbing both the blade and your wrists in one hand the other still supporting you in her arms.
Roll contested strength..
Orc 18+3str,  wood elf 11 -1str

Easily disarming you the blade is wretched from your grasp and out of her collarbone a trickle of dark blood starts to run down her shoulder.

Not saying a word She pivots sharply  Continuing to hold you she begins to walk off what path there is with intent and under the hanging leaves of a the huge willow before you. Looking towards it you hear, this time in common..

“I guess we’ll do this here if you can’t wait till you get home boy”  she grins as you realize just how large her nearly 3 inch tusks are as she snears both angry and eagerly at you.

               Roll a con save

Her large hand clasps around your throat as you feel her other arm fall from under you and you’re left dangling by the neck.  Your body starts to panic as with a 5 you didn’t get a breath before her hand began to crush your windpipe. After only a few seconds  you can see things start to go fuzzy as your back impacts the tree trunk hard.

A choaking noise escapes your lips and a sharp unsuccesful gasp for air. She grins  eyes widening as she hears the sound escaping you, moving her face to your now pinned neck and collarbone. She exhails breath onto your neck.  Now trapped thourally between her imposing form and the hard bark of the tree she releases your neck before you can start to slide down both your thighs are cast in her hands holding you up.  Grasping both your thighs she digs her sharp nails past the fine cloth and into your tender leg and small red spots begin to stain your garb around her nails.

It Makes you wince and she exhails excitedly seeing your reaction. Her arms flex as she forces your legs appart and steps between them using her weight and body to keep you pinned there.  Her hot breath hits your exposed neck in heavier pants and she begins to get excited like a wolf looking at a rabbit. As she hovers close to your neck you can’t help but notice her large tusks not more than an inch away threatening to gouge into your neck if you move but a muscle.

I offer to let him roll a dex or strength to escape this rather tight grapple and like a rabbit he tries to run… 9 for dex

The prince in a last ditch attempt tries to kick off and throw his body to the side away from her and the tree. Your feet planted into her hips and try to push off but her body doesn’t budge while your pinned.  This weak display to slip away makes her laugh a hearty and surprisingly cute laugh before her tone darkens and she growles.

       “a wound for a wound ay slut?”

Before you can process what she means a white hot pain sears into your collarbone as she bites down on your shoulder and collarbone. Her hot tongue slides over the wound and your neck as she starts biting and kissing your neck and shoulder, smearing the blood. You can feel her huge tusks embedding themsefs into your chest and neck. Your mind starts to go fuzzy flashing between the pain and the sensation of her tongue before your attention is drawn lower.   A hand begins to undo and slip under your robes. 

Your bound hands try and fail to grab her groping hand. You can feel her grin into your shoulder. As you struggleher jaws stay embedded into your shoulder releasing only to bite down even harder, sending more pain through your body and more blood onto your pale green royal garb. Your back arches in pain but your mind is stuck on her hands feeling your stomach and chest.  Tho her continual shifting thigh pressing into your crotch continues to make him squirm.  Each time the half orc  only presses her thigh harder helping to pin your crotch almost painfully to the tree. Releasing her bloody tusks from your neck her hot breath hitting your raw shoulder she mutters something still breathing heavy.

“That wasn’t very smart fey and I though elves were supposed to be the smarter superior more sophisticated race but look at you here now such a pathetic sight.”

The clawed hand continues to fiddle with the buckles sealing your body behind torn robes she begins to get more and more agressive with her attempts to remove them before.. irritated at your complex elven buckles grabs a fistful of fine fabric and belt ripping it from you form exposing most of your torso.

Leaning she gazes down wiping the red away with her sleeve and appears to admire the prince fondly her eyes scanning his body. The cool air and cold stare makes you shiver and not being held as tight you begin to slip down the tree.

Still bound by the ropes the prince  subconsciously attempt to readjust pressing his hips into her thigh to better ballence.

As you start to move yourself  she smiles leaning back and licking and gently gnawing on your wounded shoulder… roll a con save
As her hot tongue slides over your sensitive neck a whimper escaped the princes pale lips. Her leg moves you up forcing the prince up the tree to her eye level

“Have you accepted your fate yet boy? …and.. do think carefully”, she say fully releasing your shoulder from her bloodied jaws. The tall half orc looks you up and down, licking your blood off her chin before leaning back.  Shes scanning her eyes over his freckled chest muttering about each freckle on his perfect form excited to have such a delicate thing to break.

Against his better judgements and the increasing pressure in his pants clouding his little mind he mutters.  …yes maam..”
Shrinking away and starting to tremble thinking about the unneeded permission he’d jusy given her to use him as she wanted.. 

“Look at me boy” she growls  “…when you speak to me” and he instinctively he does

“Yes maam anything” the prince says almost eagerly this time.  Her scowl shifts and she giggles a bit catching you off guard at the sudden and radical softening in demeanor if only for a moment.

She now grins excitedly before as she mutters something in old orcish and her eyes erupt in green light. Druidcraft.. your studies recognize instantly as the willow bark begins to animate growing swiftly over your wrists suspending you to the side of the tree and trapping you thourally.

Fuck.. shes not just a brutish barbarian the prince realizes as she releases your thighs her claw tips leaving little picks in the skin and small red stains even through your robes. Left dangling from the tree she steps back looking you up and down admiring her work.

A glow is maintained in her eyes as if concentrating on her spell. Her now freed hands begin to loosen her own leather barbaric armor which you can now see has intricate embossing of different fauna of Ferun on it.

Her top armor piece removed she stands before you as you begin take in the woman who bested you her hips and curves seem unreal and countless Battle scars cover her muscular form. She’s strong and fit maybe 6ft 2 as you’re realize youre watching her undress and feel yourself growing redder in the face and visibly erect through his torn fine clothing.  The only thing left covering her chest are the wrappings worn underneath,

She starts inspecting the small wound from your earlier knifing attempt. Grinning she whipes her fingers over it and you watch it begin to close with a bit of green arcane energy.

Building up courage to speak to this brute you studder out. “So what are you some orcish witch, some hag shamin? What do you want with me?”
I can offer you money food land anything.. lots of people will pay to have me back safe  and unspoiled.” you manage to choke out sounding braver than you feel

Once again the imposing orcish woman laughs before approaching you again her arm releasing the wrappings that remain and contain her, freeing her enormous breasts and you can’t help but stare..

She laughs again “Ahahaha hahhh.. don’t assume you know anything about me or what I want boy. Ive made a point of knowing about you makes sence elves would ignore their Savage neighbors huh. And you can forget about going back” her eyes flashing a brighter green as she speaks the trees wave behind her. She approaches you again as her eyes lower and she starts to take a knee lowering herself eye level to your abdomen   and starts fiddling with your pants.

Its at this point you realize just how hard you’re getting and it seems she’s noticed too.
The prince squirms as her clawed fingers run softly over your bulging pants

Looking up she speaks at you again directly. “What did you think you were going to escape me slutused to getting rescued and having it easy? Hope I’ll give you back for some shiny trinkets? Hahah no. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on the king of the elves for a long time/

Prince… you mutter lowly

Her head snaps up at your correction her eyes widening as if amused you’d speak back to her.

Yes..prince.. she says giving up on your belt entirely her irritation either from your correction or her nat one to undo your fancy elven buckles.

She continues speaking as her long claw finds a loose seam on your once elegant pants pierces your thigh and begins to rake the sharp nail up your skin leaving a long red line in your skin and tearing away the fabric. Gripling the loose straps of cloth on both thighs she begins removing your trousers looking up at you expectantly, intending you to help her undress you.

“Ive heard alot about this prince eho walks around like he owns the whole forest and you’ve peaked my interest. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about some gorgeous elf I just had to come see for myself.
heh.. something about orcs being unable to resist little elven madens…” she grins pleased with herself like she’s just been given a new toy.

You lift your leg allowing her to remove the remains of your royal robes it tho you don’t know why your complying. Feeling exposed and vulnerable you look away, Attempting to distance yourself from the vile and painful things she wants to do to you. your heart sinks as you realize…  will do to you.

you feel a sharp claw tap under your chin forcing you to look back at her “look at me when I’m speaking to you slave.” She whispers moving her head between your now exposed thighs. With a firm yank your undergarments are unceremoniously removed exposing your now very much erect cock. Her grin widens immensely seeing it.

Ahhhh she breaths licking the drop of blood off your claw marked inner thigh, “You look just as good as the rumors say so pristine” she mutters eyeing the princes pale freckled body needy cock befire she smirks and plants a kiss on the now light bleeding claw marks on your thighs.

A small breath of air escapes you as her warm lips and sharp tusks kissing your thighs is enough to make you want her dispite the throbbed in your shoulder and  mild stinging on your thighs. Looking down this beast that had been towering over him is now sniffing around his crotch tasting and its too much for the little prince whimpering.
(Roll a general charisma check)

Your voice cracks a bit while you shudder and you hear her laugh heartily.” Oh did I hurt my poor little fey pet?” she says looking up. Her face is inches from your throbbing cock thats just begging to be touched.

The prince shakes his head itrememering eye contact he whispers “I’m ok ahh.. it didn’t hurt much just a little sting I guess..” you swallow hard not wanting her to stop. Each breath of hot air and each kiss sends a jolt through his hips she denies touching his cock.

She notices how hard you’ve become and smirks, brushing her dark hair away and begins to trace the base if your cock with her sharp nail.  Her other hand loosening and then slipping under her own remaining leather armor.

You hear her exhail sharply pleased.  she continues her tracing before pausing and  beings to kiss and suck your abdomen marking an orcish rune just below your navel designating you as hers.

The faint red mark begins to bruse, it makes you blush somehow its comforting in a way.  her free hand traces once up the base of your cock before griping it tightly and grinning moving her face over it she plants too more marks on either side before running her tongue up it once.   A whisper of some elvish prayer escapes you as her tongue moves over your shaft

You feel her breath on your cock faulter before she hovers at the tip her lips barely covering it you can feel her tongue tracing the tip. Her other hand fondles and grips your hips tightly her claws threatening to piece into you.

Roll a con save .. 18

you  feel a wave of pleasure surge in you as her thick hot tongue wraps around your cock. But you manage to maintain controle of yourself her showing no signs of letting up. Her claws on your hips release as she suddenly grabs your ass hard. You feel a wave of tingles across your skin as some of her claws pierce your ass and she swallowed your cock in one sudden move. As your dick dissapears into her throat you feel your member pressed between the thick tusks and are reminded of the damage they can do, glancing at the mess that was your shoulder.

A small moan escapes your lips before you can stop it when the half orcs tongue rolls over and around the base, sucking just right  and you start to pull against your restraint as she backs away letting his cock slip from her mouth. her tongue the last to leave she steps back from you the cool air on your exposed cock makes you long for her mouth. You can’t help but try and follow, no luck as you wrench against your restraints but hold fast.

Watching her she begins to remove the last of her armor. Fully nude shes a truly impressive warrior, stronger physically than any of your tribes men dispite her smaller than average female orcish frame. As she removes the last bit of cloths all you can focus on is her gorgeous muscular stomach and soft looking tits… she looks wonderful…

You whimper slightly thinking about this impressive girl getting ready to use you and you start to pull against the bark restraints again.

She grins widely looking at your pathetic needy form, her eyes flash green once more as she giggles at the pathetic escape attempt. You can feel the living bind supporting your wrists grow small thorns that pierce into you as you pull forcing you to stop.   suddenly the barbed bark is yanked lower lower down the tree forcing you to your knees.

On the ground more viney restraints immediately cover your ankles pinning you there in a kneeling position. She’s standing over you now your view up her long legs to her curves seems far away as she towers over you before placing a knee into your wounded shoulder.

The sudden reminder of red hot pain in your shoulder forces you to cry out as pressure is applied to your exposed wound. As your eyes close from your wincing you feel her hand brush aside your  long red elven hair before grabbing a fist full. Getting a firm grasp on your skull she forces your head to her cunt. Grinning down at you says sharply.

“You’re pretty but Show me you’re worth my time.” She states coldly and expectantly looking at you

Looking up at her you obey scared for your life but admittedly you’ve begin to imagine how good she tastes. You start with a kiss matching her obsession with your tiny thighs with hers. You think about her crushing your hed easily between her powerful thighs before planting another kiss into her. Gods  she does taste wonderful the prince things tasting her.  You can feel yourself wanting more burying your face into her pussy a happy sigh escaping the fallen princes lips into hers
Roll performance

She exhails hard and grins a bit. Her tight grip on your hair does not loosen as you begin to suck and trace her clit with your tongue, doing your best to get any kind of rise from her only to wince as she sinks harder into your face and sore shoulder.

You feel your hair released and a breath grunts from your captor as she releases your hair. Her weight fully shifts onto your wound. Looking up you can see her faced buried into her muscular forearm which has been pressed into the willow for support.  low muffled noises can be heard coming from her as she rocks her hips in your mouth.

You continue to suck and kiss her feeling her knee shaking on your shoulder causing waves of white hot pain to run through you but it feels good and shes started to get noticeably wet aside from your tongue.

Encouraged the prince continues more vigorously rolls a 15 performance

You can feel her faulter as her arm falls from the tree to your unharmed shoulder now completely using you to support her weight sjes basically doubled over the in comparison tiny prince. 

You moan into her from the pain as you continue to please her and you immediately feel her react to it as she mutters a half hearted curse in orcish your tongue working its way over and in her nuzzling your face deeper to her cunt.

You can feel her getting closer shes getting soaked and you feel like you’ll begin to drown if you can’t get her off soon as you realize it’s once again getting hard to breath. Not that he wants to. Her hand wrenches your hair again as she looks down at you expectantly.

She fails her concentration check as one of your writs binds becomes brittle and breakable the glow fades from her now very much rolled back eyes her mouth open as you continue tasting her.

She gasps a bit gripping your head as she pushes you into her cunt deeper and moans in orcish “yes thats a good whore”

At this moment the prince realizing his chance gently snaps the brittle bark that had been holding his arms above his head.

Rubbing his slender wrist his hands instantly reach for her hesitating next to her inner thighs before his need to touch her gets the better and using a newly freed hand start gentling circleing her entrance while you brush your tongue over her clit. You start beginning slowly to press a finger into her looking up asking permission with his eyes hut shes not looking at him. Meeting her enteramce She’s tight and unbelievably hot and you can feel her double over onto you as you begin pumping your fingers feel into her cunt doing your best to keep a steady rhythm.
Roll persuasion with adv
7 and 13

as your fingers slip inside, her body quakes and her once weak arm is now off your shoulder and completely encloses your comparatively tiny throat . She begins gently pressing on your Adam’s apple and whispers “Careful boy best not screw this up” she grins bearing her teeth in a evil grin.

The princes eyes shift to look into hers and grin into her crotch  he begins to slowly curl another  finger inside of her as my tongue glazes over her pussy.

Roll performance again.. 16

Suddenly she pulls back looking excited and impatient

You feel her pull away she grabs your hair pushing your head firmly against the scratchy bark  “So far I’m not impressed with this pathetic perverted little leader, But I’ll give you one last chance since I’ve invested the time already and have enjoyed some of this show you’re putting on ”

She removes her now blood stained knee from your shoulder allowing you a brief breath of relief before she kneels down fully straddling you. Your cock is pressed firmly against her stomach and dripping cunt

Your skin crawls as you look at her body her orcish curves are unbelievable and each breast must be the size of your head her nips look so delicate its surprising before quickly stumbling over your words to apologize for disappointing.

“I’m sorry mistress ill do better I promise give me another chance ill make you happy I will” you beg to be of use. But you’re eyes haven’t  stopped scanning the body pinning you to a willow tree. She giggles once more watching you look her over.

“Do you like what you see toy” she whispers nearing your ear and biting it gently.

Nodding unable to look away you’re able to studder out some half baked compliment about her having pretty hair

She grins a bit despite herself cuppinng both sides of your face and whispers, “..good that your all bug eyed then that should help you perform better.” She kisses the elfs forehead before her expression changes darkening.

A sadistic smile spreads exposing her tusks again. ” Understand I will hurt you i hope don’t forget that but I don’t have to make it unbearable when I do” she starts to grind a bit against your cock you can feel how slick she is but the prince nods managing to look her in the eyes as his heart nearly bursts from his chest.

Looking now directly at you her lips mere inches from yours as she continues speaking

“Show me a good time and I’ll make you a happy slave” she whispers to him.

The prince nervously  raises a hand up towards the ample curvs that pin him in an attempt to feel his captor.  in a swift motion its snatched and your tiny wrist is grabbed.

“No touching yet slut  you haven’t earned it yet”  she snears forcing your hands back to your chest.

Unable to help yourself you move in to kiss her but she sits up  pulling her face away from your reach she kneels up hovering just over the  princes cock. the tip pressing slightly against her enterance is like torture.

The sudden movement forces you to take a sharp inhale as the fear sets in, but as your cock presses into her the breath turns into a moan. You look at he dark haired brute bitting your her lip as she uses you to pleasure herself.. you want to be usefull and find yourself needing to tell her “Please miss let me surve you” is all your swimming brain can manage to say”

She grunts and continues to rock against the tip pleasuring herself with you like a toy and denying you the pleasure of being inside her pussy

“Good answer..” she exhails her head back just enjoying your member sliding back and forth between her hot cunt.

You  gasp and try to thrust your hips the little prince can’t help it the teasing won’t stop but she recoiles sitting up and off the needy cock between her thighs.

Her strojg clawed hand grabs your neck and begins to apply pressure on your wind pipe. She grins widely seeing your eyes widen as the air is blocked.” I didn’t give you permission to move slave I’m still using you..” she threatens in a low voice inches from your ears

“don’t be stupid boy” her mad grin covers most of her face as she lowers continuing to use you like a toy before grabbing the base of your throbbed cock in her fingers.

As the moan from being treated as a fucktoy  escapes its met with on of hers and she begins to lower herself onto you. Moving slowly she let’s its entire length full her before finally sitting it completely inside her little cunt.

Roll a con save

Now filly inside her, her back arches and she moans some crude orcish curse at the same moment you whisper another prayer to your elven God for strength. Or stamina you think to yourself as you do your best to hold back.

Your mind melted all you can process is the half orc riding you and moaning clearly enjoying herself, her warm body and movements teasing your cock. Her hips buck hard and she moans loudly hitting just the right spot and begins moving it in and out. and in and out again and again before saying with heavy breath in your ear.
” I may not know your fancy language but I know a prayer when I hear one and nothing can save you from me not even your fey gods” she cries out grabbing your throat with both hands and sinking back down on your cock fast.

Under the willow the prince cries out in a mixture of fear and pleasure, yet his frantic hips are bucking under this much larger woman. You thrust your hips into her again seeming to hit the right spot  driving your cock deeper into her cunt with a sharp bucking of your hips.  She gasps loudly and you feel her constrict your cock squeezing you between her powerful thighs. Continuing your pace afraid of what might happen should you slow.

She moves in close maintaining the pressure on your windpipe. The half orc presses harder onto your throat enjoying the red flush on your cheeks. She comes mere inches from your face

Her face is so close you could kiss her. The prince tries to lock eyes with her as she draws closer parting his lips in anticipation. The lack of air beins to make you light headed her bouncing on your cock the only thing your senses can focus on.She presses harder onto your throat enjoying the flush on your cheeks lingering close enough to kiss.  Roll persuasion


She grins letting your lips brush hers for a moment before pulling away your lips following hers. She grins before suddenly moving in for the whole kiss. You can feel her tusks through it and the iron taste still lingers on them making you shudder remembering her savagely ripping into you. Her tongue tastes your sweet bottom lip biting it gently.

Using her thumbs while maintaining the pressure in your windpipe to tilt your head up. Her lips move from yours to your jaw then lower and begins to suck and bite at your neck trying to mark you more. Each graze of her teeth and role of her tongue starts to make you feel closer

As her lips touch yours , your body relaxes and you softly sigh into the kiss, she feels no resistance as she tilts my head, and i try to press my hips deeper into her
Roll persuasion… 18

Shes fully taken you and you can feel her practically convulsing around your cock her breath is much faster as she lets her body fully contact yours

You need to keep kissing her you need to and you can’t think straight As she lays into you i try to sit up and gently place kisses anywhere you can reach. Her cheeks neck anything Gods you want to taste her nipples.  She moans again letting up on the grip to your throat as cold air rushes in she begins letting you kiss her body.

At this point it feels like being a extra. The half orc barely looking at you, her head back and hips going wild on top. Even when she’s not choking its hard to catch your breath watching her bounce on you and you can feel yourself struggling to keep it together

“Mm.. maam I don’t think I can..” the elven prince starts to murmer feeling the need to cum getting harder to push down but he’s cut off. Tge half orcs sudden leaning down her face inches away from his,, her hips still rocking the pace not slowed.

“Then you better end with a bang then huh little prince wouldn’t want to disappoint right? She breaths with less vocal controle than before. She grabs both your hands moving them to her breasts while she grins flashing those still bloody tusks. Her rocking picks up and you can tell she’s getting close too.

“I can’t hold it anymore fuck I need her” the prince thinks in his melted mind before grabbing hard and thrusting as deep as he can, cumming nto his violent captor moaning a series of rather benign curses in elvish which are immediately cut off. The half orc on top throws hee head back practically convislung around his cock.

Completely drained you watch as she slowly gets off. The prince looks up
I whisper before she stands, “can i have my new masters’ name, or shall i simply call you maam from now on?”

Another cantrip is cast and the vines return binding iur wrists and now ankles before you’re scooped up in her arms again held like a princess against her chest.

“You’ll lean it in time pet don’t worry. But for now we have people waiting to see you she grins speaking softly to you.  You look down at your once fine cloths now rags and the many now deep purple hockey’s forming all over your body. Not to mention the bloody mess that was your shoulder and wonder exactly what will happen when you get to her village. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kc6rk0/mf_femdom_dnd_style_half_orc_archdruid_having_her