The City in the City – A Freeuse Series – Part Eleven – Busted [Noncon][Wet][Anal][Deepthroat]

“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law. Furthermore, you are still within the Zone and thereby fall under all of the rules of the Zone even though you are under arrest, including consent to any and all sexual acts. Have you understood your rights and obligations?”

The voice came harsh and Cathy nodded. The cuffs cut into her wrists as they hauled her away.

“Answer me! Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Cathy said hoarsely.

She was put into the back of a van with Linda and the camera crew. Everyone just sat there in stunned silence looking down at the rough metal floor of the vehicle. Ten minutes later they were hauled out of the van and into a holding facility. She was separated from the others, she exchanged one last look with Linda then she was put in a cell with a single hard bed board. Exhausted she lay down and was asleep within seconds.

As she woke up a familiar woman stood looming over her. But there was something different about her.


“It’s Bree. Remember?”

Cathy blinked, trying to focus her thoughts. Why was Becky here?

“I got you, bitch,” Becky said and pushed her down onto the cold floor. “Now there’s some serious payback to be had. Open your mouth.”

“Who are y−“ Cathy began before the stream of hot piss hit her mouth.

“I was sent in to CCFZ to bring down Linda Sterling. But you, you little fuck slut, you’re as bad as she is. Aren’t you? Swallow, bitch!”

Cathy did her best to swallow the piss that was quickly filling her mouth. She had had a lot of practice and even though she was a bit dazed and confused she got into it pretty fast.

“Good little bitch. Everyone kept telling me you were the best piss drinker in the office, never expected it to be true.”

The stream of piss subsided, and Cathy drank down the last spurts before Becky stood up again.

No. Not Becky. Bree. Was this really the same girl that she and Linda had been using all this time?

“Eat me.”

Bree sat down on Cathy’s face and Cathy tried her best to eat the girl’s pussy even though it hurt like hell laying on her handcuffed hands. She found Bree’s clit and sucked it into her mouth and flicked it with her tongue. That’s how she got Joanna off quickly when she wanted to. Bree grabbed her hair and pulled Cathy’s face up into her pussy.

“How’s the interview going partner?” came a rough male voice.

“Not bad,” Bree replied.

Moments later Cathy’s legs were lifted up and a cock pressed against her sphincter. Luckily, she was still lubed up and the cock easily slid into her asshole. The man fucked her ass as Cathy did her best to get Bree off as quickly as she could. She couldn’t help but smile as the woman started convulsing around her mouth.

“Oh God. Oh God,” Bree said as she pulled Cathy’s face deeper into her pussy.

Cathy kept sucking on Bree’s clit as the man finished up in her ass and Cathy managed to bring Bree to another climax before he was done. Then Bree stood up and looked down at Cathy with a sour face.

“You have a choice to make now, bitch. Either this becomes your daily wake-up routine, or you work with us. Understood?”

Cathy nodded, though she wasn’t sure she understood. Then they left her alone again. Hands still cuffed behind her back. She crawled back up on the hard wooden bed and fell asleep once more.


The next time she woke up she had a huge cock up her ass.

“Rise and shine, breakfast will be along in a minute.”

The guard was a big black guy, and his cock was stretching Cathy’s rear to the limit. The guard had his hand on her face, pressing it down towards the hard bunk. Cathy lay there, listening to the guard’s loins slap against her ass, feeling his big cock in her butt. At least it was better than drinking Bree’s piss. At least she thought it was. The best thing was that they had taken her handcuffs off and Cathy sighed with relief.

Twenty minutes later she wasn’t so sure anymore. There had been at least a dozen guards that had used her asshole and the only breakfast she had had was a dozen loads in her mouth that she swallowed down along with their morning piss. Her stomach was full to bursting so at least she didn’t feel hungry.

“Good morning.”

Cathy looked up and saw Bree standing in the doorway. She was wearing a dark suit and looked nothing like the woman who’s mouth Cathy had been filling in the ladies’ room every day.

“Looks like you’ve had quite a bit to drink this morning,” Bree said walking up to her and running her hand over Cathy’s distended stomach. Cathy nodded.

Cathy was so tired that she hadn’t even noticed how much she needed to use the toilet.

“There’s a toilet right there,” Bree said nodding over at the toilet that was in the corner as if she could read Cathy’s mind.

Cathy stumbled over and sat down and soon the pee was running into the bowl.

“Spread your legs.”

Cathy looked up in confusion at Bree who was standing with her arms crossed in front of her.


Bree’s open hand hit her face with a loud slapping sound.

“Do as I say, bitch.”

Cathy obliged and looked on in stunned silence as Bree went to her knees and put her tongue out and into the stream of piss that was running out of Cathy. Cathy had drunk so much guard piss that it seemed to go on forever. Cathy looked on in fascination as Bree lapped at the stream of piss that was running out of her. The woman drank down a fair share of the guard piss that Cathy in her turn had drunk.

*This can’t be happening, can it?* Cathy thought and closed her eyes.

“Look at me when I drink your piss,” Bree said in a rough voice.

Cathy opened her eyes again and watched as Bree drank the last of the pee and held it in her mouth before swallowing it down.

“You like when I do that, don’t you?”

Cathy nodded and was ashamed as she realized that she really did like it. Bree smirked. Then she leaned in and licked Cathy’s pussy dry.

“No need to waste perfectly good tp,” she said standing up. “How does your ass feel?”

“It hurts,” Cathy said honestly.

Bree nodded in apparent satisfaction.

“We at CCPD are not to be fucked with. Don’t fuck with us. We fuck you. That’s our motto. I’ll be back later.”

Cathy lay down on the bunk again and fell asleep.


Cathy’s ass hurt from all the poundings the guards had given her and she reeked of piss. Her stomach was filled to bursting and then she had already been to the toilet in the corner of the cell a dozen times already, but every time she went a guard was there to fill her stomach up again.

A day had passed, and she hadn’t seen Bree or her partner again. Just after lunch had been served, a small plate of gruel covered in cum swallowed down with the guard’s piss, she heard footsteps.

*God. I hope it isn’t another guard come to use my ass*, she thought as she saw a figure she recognized.

“Linda!” she said standing up and walking towards the bars.

Her former partner looked at her. Recognition dawned in Linda’s eyes.


The star reporter stopped at Cathy’s cell and their fingers intertwined around the bars.

“Are you okay?” Cathy asked.

Linda shrugged.

“I’ve been better.”

“Come on. No loitering,” the guard said and slapped Linda’s ass.

“Please. Can’t we just talk for a minute?” Cathy begged.

The guard sighed then he unbuckled his belt and stood behind Linda. The star reporter grimaced as he thrust his cock into her.

“Fuck. They only hire the biggest guys here,” she said shaking her head and her fingers closed around Cathy’s.

“Is he in your ass?”

Linda nodded, her eyes closed.

“At least I am well lubed up.”

Cathy ran her fingers over Linda’s face. Linda managed a weak smile.

“Where are they taking you?”

“Don’t know,” Linda said, shaking her head. “More interrogations, I guess. Damn, my ass is so sore.”

Cathy nodded. She knew that feeling.

“If only I could rub my clit while they were assfucking me. I usually cum so hard then, but they won’t even let me do that,” Linda said, biting her lip.

“Do you want me to rub your clit?”

Linda looked at Cathy.

“You’ve always shown good initiative. That’s why you got promoted so fast,” Linda smiled.

Cathy smiled and took that as her que. She got down on her knees and reached out with her hand and found Linda’s pussy. She looked up at her former boss as she rubbed Linda’s clit.

“Yes. Yes. Just like that,” Linda whispered.

Cathy could feel every thrust of the guard’s huge cock and also how Linda’s pussy started flowing. Moments later she came for the first time. In the next few minutes Linda came what felt like a dozen times, the guard however seemed to last forever. Linda was panting heavily. Cathy stood up and was happy to see that Linda looked a lot more relaxed than she had before.

“Thank you,” Linda said and before Cathy knew Linda had leaned forward and kissed her.

It was the most tender thing that Cathy had felt in a very long time and she relished Linda’s soft lips against her own. She could still feel the cock being thrust into Linda’s ass and when the guard came deep inside Linda’s ass Cathy could feel it as a quivering on her lips.


“Believe it or not, but it is not you that we want. We want Linda. And you will give her to us. If not …” the word hung in the air like a raised hand.

She must have been in this small barren room for an hour with Bree trying to break her mentally while her partner abused her asshole. She had barely seen the guy that Bree called Sander. Cathy didn’t know if that was his first or last name, but whatever he was called he had the best stamina that Cathy had encountered. His cock was as rigid now as it had been when it first pressed past her distended sphincter. Cathy was ashamed to say it, but she had climaxed at least a dozen times over the past hour. She knew now that she came more easily being assfucked than when a guy fucked her pussy. And it didn’t help that Bree reached in under her and rubbed her clit from time to time.

Right now, Bree had Cathy’s face pressed into her pussy and Cathy did her best to suck on the woman’s clit. Whenever she made her cum she got a little break, and it was something that she sorely needed right now.

“I … aaaahhh,” Bree said and came once more.

Cathy made sure her mouth covered the other woman’s pussy, sometimes Bree peed a little after cumming and she got very upset if Cathy didn’t swallow it all. It was a good thing that she was prepared as hot acrid fluid soon ran into her mouth. She swallowed it all. The shame of how much she enjoyed swallowing Bree’s hot pee was almost too much to bear. With Bree’s warm piss still running into her mouth and Sander’s cock plowing her ass, she came once more.

She couldn’t really tell how long it took for Sander to finish, but when he did, he did it in her mouth. She had barely been eating in the last few days, so her ass didn’t taste much at all. When they were done with her Sander left, and Bree stood towering over her while Cathy was panting on the cold table.

“You can choose,” Bree said pulling her shirt on again,” either you spend the rest of your time in the Zone here, being gangbanged by the guards from morning till evening, or you give us Linda and you are put up for auction. And we only hire black guys as guards. And not the ones with small dicks.”

Cathy’s ass was painfully aware of this. Sander’s cock had barely stretched her compared to the immensely hung guards.

“I’m your only friend in here, remember?”

Cathy was ashamed but she was looking forward to Bree coming and filling her mouth with piss, having her swallow it. It made her wet like nothing else. But wait. What had she said?


Bree nodded, buttoning up the last button on her shirt.

“Six months of service to whomever bids highest and you’ll be a free woman. Or a freeuse woman at least.”

Cathy thought of Linda for a moment. She felt that she owed her something. On the other hand, she owed her asshole a bit of rest.


A smile spread on Bree’s face and she leaned down to kiss Cathy.

“I knew you’d come through in the end.”


If Cathy had known that she would have to testify before a judge, with Linda and the rest of the staff of CCFZ watching, she wouldn’t have done it. She could see the looks in their eyes as they judged her. And their ruling was clear. She was a traitor.

“And this woman. She was the one that insisted that you infiltrate the Senator’s party?”

Cathy nodded, lowering her gaze to avoid those of her former colleagues.

“Speak up, please,” the judge said in a not too friendly tone.


The rest of the examination went in a similar fashion. Once the judge excused her, she was escorted away again. She looked one final time at Linda and the words that she mouthed at her haunted her for many nights to come. *I will get you*.


This was the eleventh chapter of our Freeuse series – The City in the City

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