Aphrodite’s Emissary [Chapter 1] [M/F, fantasy/sci fi, creampie]

Totsan was barely hanging on when I took up my sword. Once, we were ruled by the gods themselves, and our borders stretched from coast to coast, but after centuries of divine guidance, the gods and goddesses simply vanished. Their shrines were empty, their palaces dark, and their messages ceased. We were left to our own devices.

While Totsan held onto hope that they would return, the rest of the world moved on. Humans are base creatures, and as soon as they realized they could not serve their gods, they found new rules: greed, war, lust, and power. They split the entire island into 14 regions, all ruled by their own factions.

For generations, this was the state of the world, and then the first change the gods enacted in decades snapped into play; we became immortal. If we did not die in combat, we did not die at all. But there was a price for our new unending lives. Nearly every man in existence simply vanished overnight.

I know I am not the only one left. I had heard stories about men from every region, survivors who leaders often capture and enslave for their own use and pleasure. However, I was still the only man in the capital of Totsan, the only country where I could stay free. But when I heard her call, our borders were shrinking. We had no leader. We simply persisted on the same customs and traditions we always had, and that included a law of consent. Although I was legally protected, out of caution, I spent most of my time in the Temples, a complex of worship sites once dedicated to the gods. There, I was left alone, for even then the people of Totsan still feared the eyes of the gods and goddesses.

It was during a routine visit to the Temples that I felt a strange urge. My cock slowly hardened as I walked the paths winding between ruined structures and overgrown gardens, and I felt a growing urge that I could not fight. True, many worshippers forwent clothes and many practiced worship by losing themselves in each others’ bodies, but it wasn’t the entwined, moaning bodies that had my libido up. Instead, I could feel a nearly-lustful urge to enter a large, rose-covered parthenon on one end of the Temple complex.

I knew the Temples like the back of my hand, but this temple was still one I rarely visited. It defeated my purposes. I came to the Temples for peace and solitude, but Aphrodite’s temple represented the antithesis of that. The temple’s stairs and warm marble floors were normally covered in naked bodies taking part in a worshipful orgy. The moans and sighs of ecstasy could be heard from practically every part of the Temples. On a full moon, they echoed across the city. This was a place for lust to be unleashed, and as much as I enjoyed the idea of a flock of beautiful women fawning over my cock and pressing their naked bodies against me, I knew the orgy was so animalistic that I could be captured in the heat of passion or even suffocated. As the only man in the city, my cum would be in high demand, and I knew that brought risks. Instead, I would usually waylay some worshipper on her way to the temple and bed her in some hidden garden, enjoying the night in privacy.

But now, I felt compelled to Aphrodite’s shrine. Even as I let myself be pulled along by the flow of my desire, I steeled myself for the hungry hands and lips I knew would meet me on the temple steps. But as I approached, I was surprised to find her temple entirely empty. No one stopped me or spoke to me as I was swept up the stairs and into the main hall.

Above me loomed a marble statute sculpted so masterfully it resembled real skin. Aphrodite’s supple body stretched above me, one arm holding the back of her neck while the other reached forward with slender, beckoning fingers. A coy smile played across her lips, and the onyx eyes set into her face were more seductive than any human eyes I had ever seen. Her neck curved into large, perky breasts with erect nipples. Her back sloped down to a set of small dimples above her perfect ass, and her hips jutted slightly to one side so that she looked comfortable and coy. Her flat stomach transitioned into a smooth pussy that gleamed in its marble glory, giving the illusion that she was already wet. I could see the back wall, also covered in lush roses, between her thighs. Then her knees came back together, and her legs traveled down to the floor, where one foot was slightly lifted so that she could curl her toes.

I was getting harder just looking at her. For the first time I paused, marveling at her literally divine body and its contours. After a few moments, I resumed my journey, making my way past the many sanctums adjoining the room.

The sanctums were curtained-off rooms filled with plush pillows, silk sheets, and rose petals. In each, another much smaller statute of Aphrodite stood in a sultry pose, though each pose was different for each room. Many features Aphrodite entwined with faceless men and women, sometimes riding them and grinning down at them hungrily, other times filed with cocks that penetrated her every hole as cum dripped down the sides of her breasts. Each one was meant to inspire worshippers with lustful desire, and normally, they were filled with cries of ecstasy and the beautiful scent of wet pussies. Now, however, they stood silent, as if patiently waiting for something.

In the center of the wall behind the statue, one alcove was curtained off. This was unusual; although worshippers were only allowed to enter sanctums that were opened, I had assumed they all fell into this category, since the only one allowed to open or close the curtains was Aphrodite herself. I smiled to myself; to be fair, the few times I had come to the temple were such a blur of nude bodies and ecstasy that I could easily have missed this closed-off sanctum.

Even as I considered the strange sanctum, the curtains slid apart before my eyes. My jaw dropped, and I stumbled. Had they just moved on their own? Had she…

If Aphrodite had just moved the curtains, it would be the first sign of divinity in our world in generations.

Before I had fully recovered from my surprise, I was running toward the sanctum. As soon as I stepped inside, the curtains snapped closed behind me.

The statue mounted in the sanctum’s wall was different from the rest. Aphrodite’s slender form still bent in ways that made my heart pound, but this time, she was wearing armor that clung to her form and a sword that jutted from her extended arm. She held her other hand palm-up, and purple sparks danced in the air between her fingers.

As I watched, the sparks spilled from her hand to the floor, pooling on blush silk sheets. Slowly, the light spiraled into two pillars extending from the ground. Faster and faster the sparks flung, until a woman’s form stood before me, made up of gleaming purple light. There was a flash that almost flung be from the sanctum, and Aphrodite herself stood in front of me draped in nearly-translucent scarves of red and white. She had the same perfect and divine form, and her wrappings afforded me a perfect view of her pink nipples and smooth pussy. She bit her scarlet lip and smiled at me.

“Let’s see what we’re working with,” she said in a smooth purr, and snapped her fingers.

My clothes disintegrated off of my body, revealing toned limbs and a hard stomach brought on by hours of training. Before I could say a word, my cock sprung up, all eight inches throbbing for something to wrap around them. Even as it settled into a full erection, I could feel it straining for her body.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled again. “Plenty, it seems. But can you use it?”

She rubbed her thumb and middle finger together, and I moaned aloud. I wanted her. Every inch of me wanted to be inside her. She was a goddess, I a human, and I knew such union could bring dire consequences, and yet I ached for her breasts, her lips, her pussy. I stepped across the sanctum and scooped her into me, hungrily pressing my lips against hers. I could feel my cock trapped between our bodies and rubbing against her stomach, and I reached down to sink my fingers into her ass, pulling her leg up and pushing myself against her. I shoved her back until she hit the wall, then lifted her ever so slightly as my mouth locked with hers.

“You’re not going to take your time, are you?” she whispered in my ear. In response, I slid my other hand to her ass, picked her up, and pushed her against the wall, spreading her legs with my torso. She reached past her thigh to grab my cock, then nestled it in the opening of her exposed pussy. As her hand came back to hold her thighs open, she tapped her middle finger twice against her palm.

“Go ahead,” she said. “Fuck me.”

And I did. Her pussy was dripping wet, and I almost managed to bury my entire shaft in her on my first thrust. She moaned aloud as I pulled back, then managed to sink even deeper into her. I thrust again, and again, and on the fifth stroke my balls slapped against her body. Her breasts bounced with each thrust as I began to fuck her hard against the wall.

“Oh… yes!” she cried, head lolling to one side and mouth open. “Fuck me, mortal. Worship me. Worship me!”

I turned to drop her into the pillows and silk beneath us, but as we fell she threw out one arm. She twisted our bodies so that she landed on top of me, straddling me and grinning down.

“Oh no,” she said, shaking the last silk wrapping off her shoulders. “I’m a goddess. I will make you treat me like one.”

With that, she raised her hips slowly, them slid them back down around my cock. I gasped, feeling the muscles inside her tighten around me before she pulled up again. She began to move faster, and her soft breasts began to bounce with the rhythm of her riding. Her fingers raked across my chest as she moved. She threw her head back to moan, and I saw her torso twitch just as her pussy tightened around me.

Her eyes closed for a split second, and without thinking, I moved. I wrapped my arm around her slender waist, puller her close so her tits squished against my chest, and rolled. She was on her back now, splayed out in the pillows and sheets, her eyes shut and mouth open as I fucked her.

“What’s the matter?” I panted between thrusts. “Don’t feel appreciate enough, your gloriousness?”

She opened her eyes and started to respond, but before she could speak I slammed my cock into her and raised my hips slightly.

I found her g-spot.

Her fingers dug into my arms as she cried out and arched her back into me. We were thrusting faster and faster, our hips crashing together as her chest danced in front of me. I reached down and grabbed one of her breasts with my hand, thumbing her erect nipple, and that did it. She screamed and thrust her hips into the air, crying out as an orgasm rocked her body. She squirmed and moaned beneath me, shuddering slightly as her pussy tightened and opened around my cock.

“Fill me,” she moaned, fingers closing around the red sheets beneath her. Her eyes met mine, and she gave a direct order: “Cum inside of me. Now.”

My cock throbbed, I thrust into her one more time, and that was that. My seed exploded inside of her, filling her with its warmth as she moaned once again. I found myself thrusting again, then cumming again. It was overflowing her pussy and running down my cock onto the sheets below us, but I didn’t care. I came again, and again, and again.

When I finally found the strength to pull out of her, she sighed and smiled up at me.

“You’ll do just fine.”

Before I could ask her what she meant, she pulled me gently into her, nestling my head on her stomach beside her breasts. I tried to speak, but she laid a finger on my lips, and just like that I was asleep.


This is my first time writing erotica, let alone posting it, so any C&C is welcome! Let me know if you’d be interested in seeing more!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kaz1lv/aphrodites_emissary_chapter_1_mf_fantasysci_fi

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