Ignored No Longer: Part 2

“Hey Chase!”, I called out across the short hedge separating our driveways. His head shot up as he stopped his bike at the end of his drive and unconciously propped it up on its kickstand. I stood in the threshold of my front door, leaning against the white frame. I was still wearing the orange bikini, but over it was a long black cover up. It was slightly see through in the right lighting, and its thin material hugged the curves of my hips and the contour of my breasts. I left it open in the front just enough to expose a hint of cleavage, my pineapple belly button ring, and the inside tracings of my long legs. Chase scanned his surroundings and after a couple seconds found me with his bright blue eyes. He did a double take, looking back towards his house and then back to me. His smooth cheeks were highlighted by his blushing. I found it cute and flattering.

“Could you help me with a couple things? I have some shelves I need to take down and I could use some muscle.” I shifted my lean from the right side of the door frame to the left making sure to accentuate my hip movement. My cover up opened a bit more and I crossed my arms and smirked slightly. Chase was like a deer in headlights. He snapped his gaze and looked back at his house again. He didn’t say anything. “Well…can you help me?” I asked in a teasing tone.

“Y-y-yes ma’am…”, he struggled to reply and took a hesitant and nervous first step towards my house. He stepped over the low hedge clumsily but composed himself and put on a cool teenage facade.

Chase was a typical teenager, but unlike older teens he had the fading hints of puberty all over him. He had bright blue eyes, still innocent and youthful. His shaggy brown hair was swooped across his head. His jawline was sharp but smooth, the rough stubble of facial hair had yet to take over. He was average height, not quite as tall as me. He had an athletic frame, more on the thin side but with the definition of muscle. His blue striped tank clung to his chest and his thin but toned shoulders. He walked across the drive and up my front steps. He looked up with a fake confidence, but behind those eyes was a nervous boy.

“Come on in sweetie”. I put my hand on his shoulder and he gave me a nervous smile. His blue eyes sparkled in the glare. My upper thighs clinched tight as my mind wandered for a brief moment. I followed him through the front door and shut it behind me. He stood and surveyed the spacious foyer. “Do you want something to drink?”, I asked as he focused back on me. I put a hand on the middle of his back and felt a hint of muscle outling his spine. My heart rate picked up slightly. I used my hand to lead him towards the living room. “Uh, yeah sure.”, he replied, his voice trembling. I couldn’t fight back the excited grin I had on my face but I used it to try to make him feel comfortable and welcomed. I lead him to the bar top counter separating the living room from the kitchen and slid a padded black bar stool from under the counter. I gave the stool a playful pat and sat up facing the kitchen. I walked around the bar towards the fridge and swung my hips in slight exaggeration with each step. I could see his head turn slightly in my peripherals as he caught himself a glimpse of my ass. I looked back and he quickly adverted his gaze back to my face. “Too slow young man”, I thought to myself. Chase’s youthfulness and flattering innocence sparked something in me and I trembled with nervous excitement for a moment before composing myself.

“I have water, Powerade, and diet Coke.”

“Uh, water please ma’am.”

I opened the fridge and a rush of cold air chilled my skin. I lost my breath as my groin sparked. My mind once again wandered to thoughts of fantasy. I didn’t have to look to know that Chase was admiring my body again. His eyes were probably fixated on my ass, making their way down my thick cheeks to my thighs. He was probably admiring my hips and fantasizing about untying my top. I bet his shorts were getting tight and his breath was getting faster and more shallow. I bent over to grab a bottle from the bottom of the fridge and I heard the breath leave Chase’s body. My nipples became more sensitive and I had to fight hard to not touch them. Habit, I guess, as I had gotten used to servicing myself. I thought about my asshole husband and rolled my eyes. I stood up and handed Chase’s the water. He was white as a ghost. And he was cute as hell.

“Oh by the way, happy birthday!!!” I almost forgot under the circumstances. He smiled sweetly and looked away in embarrassment.

“Thank you ma’am.”

“18! How does it feel to be a big man now??”. He shrugged and maintained his embarrassed sly smile. I put my hands on the counter in front of him and leaned against the bar top, giving him a perfect view of my cleavage. He struggled to maintain his focus on my eyes but he did good to not take the bait.

“I bet you’re having a blast with those girls you’ve probably got wrapped around that finger”, I said teasingly and nervousness consumed him again. I changed the subject quickly.

“Well, those shelves are right over there.”, I said as I pointed to 2 shelves on each side of the mantle in the living room, “I just need them to be taken down and have them touched up with a bit of paint.”. There was not a damn thing wrong with them, but I needed an excuse to keep him distracted until Kimmy was ready for the party. I had other reasons too.

We walked into the living room and examined the shelves. “I don’t know much about this kind of stuff”, I said as I looked puzzled at Chase, urging him to step up and take over. He looked more confident than ever. “I’ve done this before. Our houses are just alike and these are the same shelves that came in our house when we moved in. Cookie cutter houses…”, he said as he stood tall and looked around like an expert building contractor. It was so fucking cute and I fawned over Chase’s sudden confidence. He looked at the shelves and stepped back. “Do you have a screwdriver?”, he asked. I reached into a drawer in the nearby end table and handed him a yellow handled screwdriver. “I’ll go to the garage and get the paint while you take these shelves down. I’ll grab some paint brushes too.” I brushed my hand against his arm as I walked past and another spark shot thru me.

I walked back thru the side garage door and into the kitchen. Chase had lifted the 2nd shelf and was lowering it to the floor. His toned arms and legs bulged as his muscles worked to slowly lower the heavy shelf. He bent down and his back muscles kicked in to maintain his posture. I was now the one standing behind and admiring the body of the other. I pulled my cover up back just a bit as my body became hot with eroticism. I walked back into the living room carrying a heavy paint in one hand and several brushes in the other. “Hey sweetie, can you get my phone for me? I don’t want to drop it.”. He stood up and looked around for my phone. I stuck my left hip out and revealed my phone in the waistband of my bikini. He looked down and his face went pale again. “Come on”, I teased as I looked down. Hesitantly, he reached forward and grabbed my phone. He made light contact with my soft warm skin in the process and a shock buzzed between his finger and my hip. “Ooh!”, I yelped playfully. “Carpeted floors huh?”. I chuckled and he smiled, placing my phone down quickly and turned back to the shelves on the floor. It was obvious he was hiding the changes happening in his shorts. “Damn he’s cute”, I whispered under my breath.

“Let’s prop those up against the wall and wipe them down before we paint”, I suggested and he followed suit. I grabbed a cloth from the pocket of my cover up and handed it to him. “You might want to lose the shirt so you don’t ruin it while we paint”. He turned and faced me with a shocked expression. “Its okay”, I reassured, “i don’t want to ruin my cover up”. I turned away from him and dropped my cover up to the floor, fully exposing my body and the bikini that contained the source of all of Chase’s emotions. The backside of my cheeky bikini was in full view for him. I paused for a second to let him soak it in before turning to give him his first view of my front. I twirled around and faced him. He stood still facing the wall, but his head was turned to me. He had been looking just had I had wanted. I felt wanted, and it felt good. He glanced quickly at my cleavage, my full breasts supported by the orange bikini, and then turned back to the task at hand. He furiously wiped the first shelf, trying to maintain himself. I stood proudly just a few feet behind him. I approached him and tugged upwards on the hem of his tank. “Its okay”, I whispered in his ear. Chills covered the back of his neck. He raised his arms without turning around and I pulled the tank off his body. I tossed it aside and stepped back. He stayed facing the wall and wiped the shelf slowly and without direction. My mind was now fixed on one thing, Chase. My heart raced. My nipples ached and my body thirsted for him. I knew he didn’t have much experience, if any. I wanted to be his first, I wanted to teach him. I wanted him to worship me. I hadn’t felt this way in too long.

I slid my bottoms off of my hips and dropped them to the floor. I stepped out of them and teased my clit with index finger. It twitched and ached so good.

“Have you ever been with a girl, Chase?”

He stopped wiping the shelf and didn’t say anything.

“Have you ever kissed a girl, Chase?”

No response. His body trembled. His breath was quick. I untied my top and tossed it on the leather couch. He stayed facing the wall.

“Have you ever had an orgasm, Chase?”

I stepped closer to him. He still did not respond.

“Have you ever seen a girl naked, Chase?”

I stepped to within a few inches of him.

“Chase?”, I asked, trying to coax an answer out of him. He shook his head no. Just as I thought.

I closed the gap between us and pressed my firm tits against his back. I held my hips and groin firm against his ass. I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my hands on each of his pecs. I thought in that moment that he might melt.

“Do you want to, Chase?”, I asked softly. It seemed like an eternity had passed before he nervously nodded. “Y-y-yes”.

I took a step back, grabbed his shoulders, and turned him to face me….

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kahpw9/ignored_no_longer_part_2


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