Holly’s Tales…Part 4

The black leather is warm when I slide onto it. The seats are heated. I close my eyes for a moment. I can feel the warm air blowing through the vents above me and below me. My skin is cold, my clothes wet. My hair is a mess; matted and pressed against my face, down in my eyes. Water is dripping down my face. I shiver a couple of times.


I’ve waited too long. My eyes snap open and I realize I haven’t buckled in my seat belt. I reach for it and turn my head to look at her. She’s actually smiling.

“Stop. Do not put that on.” She commands me. I take my left hand down and grab my right hand, the thumb of my right massaging my other palm. She looks down and sees, and then looks back at me. She says nothing and holds her gaze me for a moment. Her smile disappears.


I pull my hands apart and rest them on my thighs. Her smile returns.

I shiver again. She looks to my left and nods and I see her gym bag on the seat next to me.

“Sweetie, reach in there. I have another towel you can use. Dry yourself off and get warm. We’re going to have a little chat about what’s about to happen.”

With my heart still racing, I reach over and unzip the black bag with the white Adidas logo on it. I immediately find the small, dark black towel and begin to wipe myself off. I start with my face, massaging my eyes, feeling the ridge of my nose between my hands. I slowly bring the towel up and dry off my hair as best I can, and then down around my neck. I also notice, with a degree of growing embarrassment, that my nipples are poking out against the white, wet t-shirt that’s stuck to my body. While I’m drying, she begins to explain things to me. She has turned in her seat to better face me.

“First, I’m sure you have figured out by now what this is. I’m also pretty sure you have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

“Yes ma’am.” I nod as well, as I finish drying off my legs, the small towel becoming somewhat useless now. The warmth of the chair is setting in though, and I’m feeling better.

“Good. Now, we are going to discuss the details of our contract together for the rest of the night. Are there any issues with you being gone over night? I don’t want to get an Amber alert on my phone at three am.” Her eyebrows raise in question.

*Overnight?* *Well, not really…I can’t believe I’m thinking about this…*

I’m eighteen and two months from living in California on my own in college. My foster parents don’t care what I do for the most part. I’m clean, I respect their rules. No one comes over, not even Chris. No drugs, although I have enjoyed cannabis occasionally but not at their home. In return, they keep the doors open until nine at night on weekdays, and eleven on weekends. We don’t barter about it; either I’m home at that time or I’m not, and if not then I spend the night elsewhere.

“No, ma’am.”

“Good.” She says. “Put that back in the bag and zip it up.” She nods towards the wet towel bunched up between my hands.

I do so. I sit back in the warmth; the soft leather hugging me gently. I can feel my body relaxing as the heat continues to spread through my body. Even though my clothes are wet, the SUV’s heater is winning the war. I put my hands on my legs and look up at her.

She is waiting patiently, not smiling but certainly not angry, and says, “Holly, while I’m sure you’ve heard of BDSM, I can assure you that you know very little of it. I am a dominatrix, and tonight, I am going to be your Domme, which simply means to be the female dominant.”

*Holy shit…yep…*

My heart is still racing.

“To make this very simple tonight, I’m going to lay out the rules that will bind us together. If you accept the rules and conditions, you will fasten your seatbelt. If not, you will exit the vehicle. Again, do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Excellent.” She says, “First, your safe word is ‘volleyball’. Repeat it to me.”

“Volleyball.” I don’t hesitate.

“Good girl. That word is your guaranteed exit from this contract. If at any time you want this to end, simply say that word. I promise to immediately end whatever activity we are engaged in and our contract will end. You will be taken home, and you and I will be through and I don’t want to see your eyes on my ass ever again.” She’s looking at me intently.

“Yes, ma’am.” I mutter sheepishly, the sting of being caught still too fresh on my mind.

“Now,” she continues, “once you fasten your seatbelt, you are my property. You do not speak unless I ask you a question. You do not move without my permission. From here on, I will take over the responsibility of your decisions, and what I want to do with your body.”

At that my body responds, and I can feel the hairs on my arms and legs stand on end. My nipples feel even harder than before. My chest is rising and falling visibly, betraying my apprehension, or possibly my excitement.

“Holly, first and foremost I am not going to injure you. Under no circumstance am I going to violate you beyond what I offered to you.”


“You and I are not engaging in sex.” She then quickly adds, “Tonight.”

*Wait, ‘tonight’?* *She’s interested though?*

My eyes must have betrayed my thoughts because she says, “Get through tonight and let us see what tomorrow brings, shall we?”

I meekly smile, and I can feel the warm flush come over my face.

She continues saying, “We’re going to drive to my place, and you’re going to sit there in silence. When we arrive I’ll give you more instructions. Tonight, you will strip naked, and you will be tied to a wooden cross. I am going to blindfold you and put a rubber bit in your mouth to bite down on for the pain…and to shut you up.”

She grins briefly at that part. My heart pounds but I imagine for a moment being tied up, naked and helpless next to her. It arouses me.


“I am going to be inflicting pain on your back, your ass, and your legs. I will limit the pain to those areas and those areas only. You will not be harmed outside of those boundaries. Use your safe word and we stop. You’ll immediately be taken home. Bleed and pay the price for you being a horny little bitch, and we’ll talk more in the morning. The choice is yours.”

Her last statement catches me off guard and there’s no denying the sudden wave of pleasure I can feel below. The thought of relinquishing control of my body and freedom and letting her hurt me should scare me, but it oddly feels comforting because of her. I want her to be happy and abusing my body would do that. To feel each stroke coming from her…her chiseled body naked next to mine, towering over me, lashing me…

*I want it…I want you to hurt me…I want you…I don’t know why…*


I suddenly realize I’m lost in my thoughts and she’s looking at me quizzically, waiting for a response. My eyes start wandering around the interior of the car. I notice the large TV screens in the back of the front seats. I glance at the digital controls of the heater and air conditioning for the back passengers in the back of the center console, the blue glow momentarily distracting. The SUV is immaculate, I notice. There is no dust, no dirt. It is spotless. The window controls are lit up on my right. There is a dark red glow to indicate their location. I look out the window. Through the rain I can see the gym, and Chris and Amy are still at the windows, talking. From the corner of my eye I see the metal of the seat belt.

I look back at her. She wants an answer.

*Do it…*

My chest is rising and falling with my breathing, but my left hand reaches up and over my right shoulder and grabs the seat belt. I pull it down and across my body, and look down to insert the clip into the slot. It slides in and clicks.

She says to me, “From here on, you may call me Mistress Kim.” She turns back to the steering wheel. She then puts her seat belt on, puts the car in drive, and since there are no cars in front of us, we pull out of the parking spot and head to the parking lot exit. I grip my legs tighter and close my eyes.

*You’re hers, now…Holly.*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kaji1j/hollys_talespart_4