Naughty Christmas Party – My first try at Erotica

He guided her through the party with one hand firmly on the small of her back. She sipped her second glass of wine (or was it her third) as he stopped to talk with his co-workers and their wives. She didn’t know anyone at the party. Why would she? She wasn’t even from there. He politely introduced her and she smiled and sipped her wine. Each time they walked away she could feel the couples’ eyes lingering on her. Her dress was far too short and barely contained her more than ample breasts. But he had insisted she wear it and she wanted to please him. He led her away from the great room crowded with mingling couples and into a hallway the hosts had indicated led to the bathroom. She tried to ask where they were going but he shook his head and urged her on. He paused briefly outside the bathroom door and glanced around before opening the door and slipping inside pulling her in with him. Again she tried to ask what they were doing but was only answered with the click of the door locking. He took her now empty wine glass and set it on the counter. Then he scooped her up effortlessly and set her there also. She tried to protest. She wasn’t sure if it was the look on his face or the wine but her protest came out as an almost inaudible moan. His hands slid up her thighs. He hooked her panties with his fingers, pulled them off, and dropped them on the floor. He moved closer as her legs wrapped around him. He pressed his body against hers and whispered to be quiet into her ear just as he slid inside her. She couldn’t contain her moan of pleasure as he went all the way in. He placed one hand tightly over her mouth as he slid in and out faster and harder. She could feel the orgasm welling up inside. She grabbed his hands and put them firmly on her throat. His grip tightened as her hips began to rock back and forth in unison with him. She could feel her face turning red and she gasped for breath. But it wouldn’t come. She was glad it wouldn’t because the whole party would have her cries of ecstasy if it had. She reached her climax and he released his grip on her throat. She pushed him away with the intentions of finishing him with her mouth. But there was a knock at the door. “Just a sec.” He said as he tucked himself back into his pants. He led her out of the bathroom, past his boss’s wife, down the hall, and out the front door. As they left the party, she remembered her panties were still on the bathroom floor.



  1. Brilliant story. Hope you keep writing.

    Just as a little writing advice, you should add paragraph breaks. It makes the text easier to read. Atleast on mobile, it’s one block of text

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