“FINE JUST FUCKING GO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FUCKING LOSER FRIENDS, I DON’T CARE!”, I yelled at my husband’s back as he was already shutting the door behind him. I stood fuming with smoke billowing out of my ears, but after a few seconds of reflection I could feel the red in my face and neck fade away. I didn’t even know why I was mad as I had come to expect my husband of 20 years to do whatever the hell he wanted to do. He had turned into a fat fuck, one that would rather play poker and drink cheap booze with his friends than do anything with me. I had tried time and time again with no luck, not even so much as a glance from him, but each attempt left me more numb with less fucks to give. “I mean, damn I look good!”, I stated to myself and my empty house as I admired myself in the full length foyer mirror. I had put on a new bikini, a bright orange one that I had seen the young models sporting on Instagram, in order to entice my husband into a pool day. My 40 year old body had held up well, and although I had gained a little weight in the past few years it had luckily went to the right places. “This day will not be ruined”. I went to the kitchen to grab a drink and headed to the pool.
I laid back in my pool chair and sipped from my frozen strawberry daiquiri. The scorching Florida sun forced my hand as I reached for the SPF 15 and began coating my long tan legs. I made my way up my torso with the lotion and untied my top to finish off my front side. My full breasts spilled out but maintained most of their shape. I scanned my surroundings to ensure my privacy and all I saw was the wooden privacy fence, the back deck, and the tops of the nearby houses. I squeezed the last bit of lotion out of the bottle to finish off my arms and tossed it aside. I laid back and grabbed my drink as condensation from the glass dripped onto my chest and rolled down my deep cleavage. I gasped and in an instant my entire 5’11” body was covered in chills. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I noticed the unusual quietness of the neighborhood, the chirp of a bird, the drone of a lawnmower in a distant yard. I nodded off a few times until the sound of a shutting door brought me back to life. I looked up to see multicolored balloons rise above the top of the fence separating my pool from the neighbors back yard. “Let’s hurry and get all this set up so we can start preparing the food, we don’t have long.”, my neighbor Kimmy said. “Everyone will be here soon!” Curiosity got the best of me as I sat up from my chair and retied my top. I ran quickly across the sizzling pavement and stepped over onto the grass bordering the fence.
“Hey Kimmy! Whatcha doing??” I asked as I looked over the 5 foot high fence. “Oh hey girl! I’m setting up for Chase’s surprise 18th birthday party. How about you?? She walked over towards me.
“Oh just laying by the pool.”
Kimmy stood on her tiptoes and looked over the fence, then down at my bikini body.
“Damn girl you look good! Where’s the hubby?”, she asked having already known the answer. Kimmy was used to hearing our shouting matches from across the narrow gap between our houses. I just shook my head as I fought back a rant and a frustrated cry. Kimmy quickly changed the subject. “You want to come to the party later??”
“Eh, I don’t know, maybe”
“Well, you’re always invited”.
“So Chase is 18 now??!!”
“Yeah, today actually! I can’t believe it. It seems like only yesterday he was still in diapers and now he’s a man. He’s had such a hard time the past year with changing hormones and senior year of high school and getting bullied because he was a late bloomer and all and….”. She stopped herself and chuckled nervously. “I’m saying too much”, she said as she shrugged her shoulders and brushed some hair out of her eyes. I chuckled too.
“Well maybe all that is in the past now that he’s a man and all”. I winked at her and she blushed.
“I better get going”, she said, “I’ve got to finish decorating and start putting appetizers together.”
Her phone buzzed and she pulled it from her shorts pocket. “Ugh! And he’ll be here in 10 minutes! Damn stubborn teenagers! Fuck!” Kimmy turned and ran back to her house in a stressed panic.
I chuckled as I remembered my stubborn self at 18. I was just about to head back to my pool chair when my mind fixated on Chase. He was cute. Kimmy was right, he was a late bloomer. As far as I had noticed he hadn’t shown any signs of puberty until just a few months before when I noticed his voice has changed slightly when I said “hey” to him as I went to get the Sunday paper. He was tinkering with his bike in the driveway and as I walked back thru my front door I looked back and caught him staring at my ass. Embarrassment consumed his smooth baby face. And then there was the time at the grocery store when I caught him staring at my tits as he bagged my groceries. And then there was the thing just last week where….I bit my lip and felt my nipples stiffen against my orange top. It felt good to be noticed and drooled over. The gears in my head spun and my thoughts raced to one of my hottest fantasies.
“Hey Kimmy!”, I shouted before I even realized what I had said. She stopped just shy of her back door and turned to face me. “Why don’t I distract Chase for you for a bit so you can finish up??” Kimmy thought for split second and began running back to me. “I’ve got some stuff inside I could use some help with and…” She rushed over, pulled my face to the top of the fence, and kissed me on the cheek. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You’re the best! I’ll text you when I’m ready!” She turned and ran back to her house. “I won’t be ignored any longer” I said lowly to myself.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ka23vy/ignored_no_longer_part_1
Damn very hot start to this, can’t wait to read the rest. Feel free to check my stories out if you like ?
I like where this is goin