Missys not a cheater Pt 1[Mf][NC][bd]

Missy was finishing up her rounds at work. Warm water blanketed her soap covered hands while she rubbed them together. She had a long day but she managed to keep most of herself clean for once, and her best friend Britt was coming in from out of town. It had been almost a year since her last visit and they had quite the night planed. Kent was watching the kids, and their clingy dog, while they went out to dinner, and more than likely drinks after. The last time they went out Britt had gotten too drunk halfway into dinner and Missy had to go full mom mode and hold her hair while she puked out the window of their Uber. Not this time. She needed to relax. Between work and the kids she just needed a break. Spending time with Kent after the kids went to bed was wonderful but this scratch an itch Missy had been ignoring for months. She got changed into a cute black dress and pair of heels to match. She wanted to look cute so she put on some make up and made her hair presentable. By the time she walked out to her car it was already dark.

Missy plopped into the drivers seat and called Kent. “ hey babe.” he said. She could hear a child scream and a dog barking in the background. “ it’s going that well” she asked.

“ better, he just dumped his food on top of his head and the dogs barking and begging.( she could hear him the phone to his shoulder and tell something to be quite) Don’t worry you go out and have a good time. I got this.”

“ Thanks sweetie. Call me if you need me. And I’ll try not to wake you when I get home.”

Kent laughed “ after tonight, if you wake me up, I’m gonna need some payment for my hard work.”

“ Oh, what kind of payment?” Missy asked.

“ I get to choose? Well In that case, how long is Britt in town?”

“ Ha you wish!”

Just then missy heard a dish shatter on the other line.

“ ok I gotta go. Love ya.”

“ love you too.” Missy said smiling from ear to ear. Tonight was going to be a good night.

It only took 10 minutes to get to Britts house. She was staying with her parents. Missy pulled up and honked the horn. Britts mother was sweet and like a second mom but she would talk their heads off for an hour and Missy was hungry and ready for a drink or four. Britt opened the car door and knocked Missy into her door with a strong hug. She was wearing black pants and a cute red top that was opened a bit to expose her perky tits. The car ride to the restaurant was about 15 minutes, and it consisted of nonstop talking laughing and catching up on Brits love life. Conversations flowed with her easily and Missy wasn’t scared to tell britt anything. And that went both ways.

Missy pulled up to their favorite Italian restaurant, Leo’s Pasta Palace. The first time they saw the sign they laughed and both agreed to go in as a joke, but the staff was so kind and the food was surprisingly tasty. Britt squealed with glee. “ I knew you’d be excited. They walked in the hostess showed them to their table. They ordered a round of drinks and a second round when the first round came. They talked, and gossiped, and checked out guys for Britt. Most were older or with their wives. But after their meal two handsome men in their mid thirty’s came and sat at the bar.

They were both on the taller end seem to be in good shape. They were sitting with their back to the bar, smiling and it could of been Missys imagination but she thought they were talking about the girls. The blonde man, she found out was named Eric, came over first. Followed by Dan. Dan had brown hair he kept clean and neat and short brown facial hair. He stood around 6’2 on a hard body. To say they were good looking would be rude. Eric was almost pretty. And Dan was very “ manly”. Britt had convicted missy to take her wedding ring off before they walked over. She said “ it’ll be more fun to flirt, and be a good wing girl.” She stuffed it in her purse and the night went on. Two drinks turned to 8ish and they were all getting pretty drunk.

Eric and Britt were really hitting it off. He kept whispering things in her ear and making her laugh. She could tell Britt was into him. And Dan was flirting up a storm. Missy had to be a good wingman, and didn’t want to be rude so she flirted back. Pretty soon Dan‘s hand disappeared underneath the table found Missy‘s leg. Rubbing up and down. She put her hand on his and stopped it from going too high. This was wrong, Kent was at home with the kids and she wasn’t a cheater. Missy was walking a fine line.

Over the course of the night the girls found out Eric and Dan were business partners and were in town to do some research for a few properties. They were only going to be staying for another month. That’s how they ended up in the hotel only a few miles from Leo’s. Subtle hits turned into obviously asking if the girls wanted to come back to their rooms. Missy said she had to use the bathroom and elbowed Britt.

They stumbled their way in the door.

“ let’s go! It’s gonna be fun! And I need to get fucked. No ones taken a tripod down south in over three months! And I felt his cock threw his jeans.” she used both hands and spaced them far from each other to demonstrate the estimated length. Britt was drunk and knew she wouldn’t be Able to talk her friend out of going. “ fine you can go but I have to go home. Kent is waiting and I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy about me going to some strange mans hotel room.

“ no way! I’m not going alone. They might kill me or rape me!”

Missy laughed “ oh you’d like that!” Britt laughed too. “Shut up! I’m not telling you to fuck him or anything. Just tease him a bit until we get back to their rooms. Ill go in Eric’s and you go to Dan’s. After 5 or so minutes make an excuse and get out of there and Uber home. I need this Missy. Please!” Brit said with pleading eyes.

“ Fine but you owe me one!” Missy said reluctantly.

“ sure thing boss. Ill suck your hubby off for you. Sound fair?” She laughed

“ You want me to change my mind? The both of you better watch yourself.”

They all stumbled out of the restaurant and into the Uber mini van Eric ordered. It was maybe 30 or so seconds before Eric and Brit were loudly kissing in the third row. Dan was siting with his arm around Missys shoulders and his other hand on her thigh. This is ok. I’m not cheating. I’m doing this for Brit. A little touching never hurt anyone. Missy thought. Dans hard was going farther and father up her leg and she couldn’t help but enjoy the attention. She could feel her panties getting wet and her breathing was becoming heavy. “ when I get home I’m wake Kent up the sloppiest blowjob, and then fuck him silly.” She thought not knowing If it was out of guilt or how horny she was becoming from the events of the evening. It was dark outside, but when the doors opened and the lights of the van shined on the group to get out, she could see the large bulge in Dans jeans. He must of been massive, she thought.

Five minutes latter and one elevator ride that wouldn’t of qualified for a pg13 rating, they were on the 5th floor of the hotel. Eric managed to remove Brits panties during the short ride and was showing off her ass to Dan, not bothering to be shy or inconspicuous. Brit didnt seem to mind. Her lips weren’t leaving Erics mouth for more than a few seconds at a time and she seemed to be turned on by showing her ass to missy and a stranger, wiggling it side to side. Brit barely squeaked out a bye, see you in the morning before closing the doors on them.

Missys head was spinning, half because of the drinks, and the other half because despite not wanting to cheat she was very turned on. She decided that she was going to go into his hotel room, use the bathroom and get the hell out of there before she did anything stupid.

Dan seemed like a nice guy, and she felt kinda bad teasing him and playing along but he was a big boy and would get over it. Dan slid the key card in the door and swung the door open. Missy looked inside and saw a pretty typical hotel room. “ let me give you the tour” Dan joked. He put his hand around her waist and walked her into the room. “ Here we have the window with a perfect view of the “lake”. And a dresser I’ll be using for a month or so. A perfect picture Tv, my bathroom with a shower. And finally where all the magic happens, the bed.” Dan said laughing at his corny joke. They made some awkward small talk for a few minutes and Missy excused herself to the bathroom. She picked up her phone and texted Brit “ I’m getting out of here. Text me in t he morning so I know your ok.” She waited one minute and was surprised she got a response. “ Ill be more than ok =p” Brit laughed and shook her head.

She opened the bathroom door and turned the corner to the bed where she was shocked Dan sitting on his bed, nude besides a pair of black boxer briefs. His body was muscular while remaining slender. And she could see that his cock had not deflated from the little bit of touching that had occurred in the van. “ Umm, I’m not feeling that great. It must of been all the drinks. I think I’m gonna get out of here.” Dans smile went from a seductive smile to a stern look. Missy thought “ he must not get told no very often”.

“ That’s bullshit.” Dan said coldly.

Missy wasn’t expecting that. Maybe a bit of a push but not just cold flatness. “ excuse me?”

“ No you will not be excused. Eric picked the blond and I got stuck with you. And I intend to use you until I’m satisfied. It’s too late for me to go into Erics room and share Britt, and to be honest I prefer not to ask. So your going to stay here, and do as I say until I’m done with you. Come here and get on your knees.” Missy breath shallowed. She was frozen in place. The Dan she was talking to before was gone. Now there was just this man that wanted to use her. She had to get out of there. The door was only 10ish feet way and he was all the way on the bed. But her purse was on the dresser. She walked toward her purse. “ That’s not going to happen. I’m gonna go.” Missy said softer than she intended. Her hand went to grab the strap of her purse when she felt his hand grip his wrist.

“ What do you think you’re doing? I wasn’t asking. I’m telling you. You cant leave this room until I’m satisfied. Do you understand?” Dan said looking down into her eyes.

Missy tried to rip her arm free and bolt toward the door but Dan easily whipped her around and took hold of her other arm by the elbow and moved her to the bed.

“ You cant do this. Help! HELLL-“ missys scream was cut off. Dan used the weight of his body to hold missy down and put his free hand on top her mouth. He had a pair of handcuffs in his hand. Where did he get those? Missy thought. She was fighting and squirming but it was no use. He had his hand over her mouth muffling her screams. And using his free hand he hooked one of her Wrists in the handcuffs. Missy was in full panic mode now. She got her other hand free from under Dan and punched him as hard as she could, hitting him in the cheek. He didn’t seem fazed at all “ is that the best you got?” He then removed his hand from her mouth grabbed her writs and clamped the other handcuff on her. “ HELP ME PLEA-“ was all she could get out. No one would hear her. She didn’t notice that the tv was on and loudly blaring a repeat of the office. Her hands were cuffed and being held above her head and his hand was not around her throat.

“ Aww you like to struggle. That’s ok. It makes catching you all the more fun. Now I told you that I wasn’t going to let you leave until i was satisfied. So i can go about tying you up until you cant fight, and I will be very rough with you. Or you can obey me and we both can enjoy ourselves. I’m fine with both options. And I’m feeling generous, I’m going to reach down and take off your panties. If youre dry and you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself, I’m going to let you go and you wont say a word about this. I know this because youre married and it will raise some questions about why you were in a strange mans hotel room in the first place.” Missys eyes went wide. This wasn’t fair. She didnt want this. Her body might be she didnt. Was she being honest with herself? Or did she not want to cheat. And how did he know? As if reading Missys mind Dan said“ Come on I can tell, not to mention that you pulled off your wedding ring. But if you’ve wet you will to be my slut for the evening like it or not. I’m going to take them off. Now let me know now, easy way or the hard way.

Missys mind was running. She could feel her wetness on her thighs. She was soaked. Missy didnt want to like it, but being held down and being told she was going to get used like a slut just make her pussy throb. She was caught. She was bound. And she couldn’t do anything about it. He had her and he was going to use her. She didnt have a choice. She was going to give in. It’s not cheating. He’s forcing her to be a slut. It will be ok. She can do this.

Dan moved his hand from her mouth. “ easy way”. She said quietly.

( This is my first time posting a story. Let me know what you think and if you want a part two. Thank you for taking the time to read it.)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/k7f1a2/missys_not_a_cheater_pt_1mfncbd

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