Revisiting His Office [fM]

Not necessary to read others but reading order if interested:

An Office Hours Meeting

After an Office Hours Meeting…teaser story

An Empty Conference RooM

An Empty Conference RooM pt 2

She’d been going crazy since the conference. Every time she saw him, she couldn’t stop fantasizing about the next time they’d get to touch. Class was unbearable – he looked so sexy commanding the room, speaking with such authority and knowledge. But it was also her only chance to see him. She knew if they were alone together in a room, she wouldn’t be able to stick to their plan. She bit her lip from her new seat in the back row, imagining his hands running down her body, his lips pressed against her neck…oh god. I don’t stand a chance she thought.

He tried very hard not to steal too many glances in her direction, but she really made it a challenge between the thigh high boots and lowcut sweater she had picked today. Was she doing it on purpose? He couldn’t decide. He was relieved she had moved from her normal front row spot as it made it less obvious when his eyes found hers. If she didn’t stop biting her lip, however, he might be in big trouble. He inwardly groaned as she leaned down to pull a book out of her bag, giving him he perfect view down her sweater. It had only been a week and a half, but he couldn’t stop playing their trysts over in his mind when he was alone. Plus the fact that after every class since, she made a point of pausing by his desk on her way out, finding a way to casually brush against his arm before saying “great class, Professor” and sauntering out the door. Was this waiting game easy for her?

Her pen replaced her bottom lip between her teeth as she anxiously waited for class to end. She tried to listen to his lecture, but his voice just sent tingles down her spine. Finally, the clock struck the new hour and he dismissed them, reminding the class to drop their papers on his desk on the way out. She gathered her things slowly, waiting for most people to leave first before heading towards the door. She paused by the side if his desk as she added her paper to the stack. Her breath hitched as he glanced up from the pile of papers that had formed. For a moment too long, his eyes met hers and held her gaze. She swallowed and was convinced the sound echoed in the emptying room. His arm brushed against hers; the electricity was instant.

The sound of footsteps jolted them out of the moment as another student approached. She turned her head and seeing her classmate, smiled. “Thanks, Professor” she said and made her exit while he was forced to turn his attention to the girl behind her.


As the end of the semester drew closer, the more assignments she had, but the less she could seem to focus. She was frustrated, stressed, and in dire need of his touch. She threw her book down and held her head in her hands for a long moment, closing her eyes and trying to remind herself of what she needed to get done, of what needed to be most important. She ran her hands through her hair, thinking. She rifled through the papers on her desk, checking her syllabus and then her watch.

“Fuck it.” She muttered. She got up, threw open her closet and started rummaging through. New plan she thought.

Almost simultaneously, he sat in his office, head in hand, his hair disheveled, having run his hands through it one too many times. He tried to keep his eyes on the papers in front of him. He couldn’t stop picturing her every time he glanced at the sofa in the corner of his office. He felt completely ridiculous. He was a grown man for gods sake, he could wait four freaking weeks, especially with only 2 left and yet…he felt himself harden a little as he glanced at his bottom desk drawer. The drawer that still held the panties she left after that day in his office. He would not open it. Not again. Grading! He reminded himself. Plus, he had a few articles to review and a presentation to the board to finish. Not the time to be daydreaming.

“Coffee, that’s what I need” he said to himself. He got up and went down the hall to the lounge. On his way back he ran into the head of the department who corned him with a barrage of questions. He inwardly groaned but at least it was a distraction from his inner turmoil.

15 minutes later, his coffee now cold, he was released to go back to his office. He turned the corner and froze. There she was.

She had just approached his door and he watched her knock softly before clearing his throat. She jumped and he bit back a smirk.

“Oh, hi professor” she smiled. She wore a beige trench coat, belted at the waist and heels. Her hair fell in perfect curls and soft, sultry eye makeup.

“Hello” he responded, trying his best to sound casual as he fumbled with his keys, nearing his door.

“I was hoping I could talk to you a moment.” she paused, fidgeting slightly. The hall was crowded. “Can I come in?” She asked, looking up at him innocently.

“Oh, um, of course.” He pushed open his door and held it open for her, clearing his throat.

“Thanks” she moved past him into the room. He let the door close behind them and walked over to his desk, setting the coffee he no longer wanted down.

“What can I help you with?” he kept his voice cordial, watching every little movement she made.

“You see, Professor, I’m having trouble” she took a step towards him and he took one backwards. “I can’t seem to focus.” Another step. “I keep playing our” she paused as if she couldn’t find the right word. “moments” she smirked at the choice “in my head, over and over”

He tried to step back but hit the side of his desk. He could smell her perfume. It was intoxicating.

“I don’t think I’m going to make it another two weeks. More importantly,” She looked at her feet, gathering herself before her eyes snapped to his. She was one step away from being pressed against him. “I don’t want to.” She closed the distance and leaned in so he could feel her breath on his ear. “And I don’t think you want to either” she whispered while her palm found the bulge in his pants and pressed firmly. She broke contact and stepped back to look into his eyes again.

“We really shouldn’t” he manages somehow. His resolve was weakening quickly though. The air pulsed around them. He needed distance. He stepped to the side and circled his chair, creating a furniture barrier.
She stepped back too and looked down, nodding. “Okay.”

He closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath. In that moment she managed to undo the belt on her coat before starting on the buttons.

“Are you sure?” she asked sweetly as his eyes find hers once again. She lets the coat float off her shoulders to the floor.
