An Island of Dreams IV [mff] [incest] [series]

Just when Logan thought he would explode, Mallory lifted Saundra by the hips to guide her to where she had spread the big bedroll, crowned with an assortment of blankets and pillows. Their figures silhouetted against the rays of the setting sun painted a picture in his mind that he vowed to remember forever. As the two began making out, Mallory beckoned for Logan to join. He chuckled softly as he grunted into sitting position, stealing a swig of whiskey as he rose to his feet. He watched as Mallory topped Sandra, and then made her way down Sandra’s lovely torso, kissing every inch of her as she went. Eyeing Logan from the corner of her eye, she suckled and groped Sandra’s breasts. He could no longer bear merely watching, Logan stumbled both drunk and distracted, quite out of touch with his surroundings, and collapsed next to his sisters. Mallory made room for him, and together they ravaged Sandra as she moaned and moaned.

Mallory took Logan’s hand, and guided it down to Sandra’s throbbing pussy. It felt like he was in auto pilot, he let Mallory explore with him as they played round her clit and stroked hungry fingers over her labia. Logan was so entranced by the motion and Sandra’s heavy breathing, that he only barely noticed the dildo Mallory pulled from under a pillow. It slid into Sandra with ease, she moaned and writhed lusciously with the intense and constant pleasure. Logan shuddered, feeling the second hand waves of pleasure. His hand strayed to his cock, which had grown rather flaccid with lack of attention.

“Aww, do you need some loves, babe?” Mallory crooned as she reached across Sandra and pulled him in for a kiss. She was entirely different from his older sister, the contrast was a satisfying shock from what he had just experienced. Despite being the youngest, Mallory had a commanding aura, often credited to the rebellious streak that she never outgrew. She was an entrepreneur by trade, ambitious in nature, and utterly enthralling. He could feel the strength in her grasp, part of him wanted to eagerly submit, but it was not a role he was used to playing, so he countered by placing a hand on her neck. Sandra watched the tension build for a few moments before giving a tired chuckle and wiggling out from underneath. She decided to be the “responsible adult” and make some real food before it got too dark.

Mallory playfully bit Logan’s lip, “You wanna wrestle, big boy?”, she chided between muffled lips. He was certain she’d win, her most recent enterprises was a start up extreme fitness business. He was by no means out of shape, but he lacked the training and experience Mallory had in her corner. Still…

Rather than answer directly, he leaned into her, grasping her wrist and pulling sharply towards him, trying to knock her off balance. She followed through. Using his momentum against him, she wrapped her leg around his as she went down, and wound up on top, completely pinning him. He tried using his mass to force his way up, but by now her legs were locked around his waist. Sandra laughed from across camp as he flailed helplessly. The smell of roasting hot dogs and corn wafted his way as he reluctantly began to offer submission.

Mallory’s face was right next to his ear and she let out a rasping breath that sent shivers down his spine with an uncanny feeling of sublime ease. “You must understand, my dear,” she murmured breathily, “I’m not just a top, I’m *the* top.” He moaned compulsively. “Your. Top.” His eyes rolled back as his body went limp.
