This happened several years ago a true story. I had just found out my fiance was cheating on me while I was in the service and we had broken up. It is 3 months later when this story took place, did ad lib a little as I remember all that happened . I was attending college on the GI bill at our local college studying logistics engineering. My Mom and Dad had moved from our community to the country about 25 miles outside of town onto about 10 acres about 3 years ago. I was working for my uncle as a plumbing apprentice to have an income till I finished college. I was living in an apartment in town but would visit my parents sometime on the weekends. This happened to be one of the weekends, My Dad was working on his tractor and I was helping, my Mom calls out to the barn for my Dad to come to the phone. When he returns, he said Ann ( their neighbor) is having trouble with her well and asked if I would go over to see if I could help her. He tells me he feels responsible to helping her out because her husband died about 18 months ago and her living out here alone is very difficult. I had never met Ann so I did not know what to expect.
Ann lives about a quarter miles from my parents, so I drive over in my truck and knock on the door. Ann comes to the door and we are separated by a storm door and ask if she could help me. I told her who I was and that I was there look into her well problem. She invited me in, she said she had no water and show me the circuit breakers for the well and she pointed to the well house way out back. I went to my truck and got my tool bag, found nothing wrong with the breakers and went to well house. I found ants on the well pump contacts, turned the power off, cleaned the contract and re-powered the pump. It started working. I went the house asked Ann to turn on a water faucet, well worked find, I told Ann what happened. Ann wanted to pay me but I said no, she said let me at least fix you supper. I told her that Mom had dinner ready. She asked to sit and drink some tea with her. We talked for over an hour, she told me about her husband dying and I told about my cheating fiance. Ann was lonely so I asked her for a rain check on dinner, she smiled and said yes. She asked if I could come the following Friday evening, I asked her if 7 was too late, she said no. I left when to my parents for dinner, told my Dad about the well but said nothing about Friday evening.
Friday evening came around, got off from work at 5, went home took a shower and got to Ann’s about five till 7. Ann was very attractive, maybe 45 to 50 in age, a slight bit chubby, sexy legs ,nice breast and a killer ass. She answers the door in a nice flowery dress that showed off her legs and was barefooted. She apologized for being barefooted but enjoyed it around the house. I told her I liked it, as I noticed later she was not wearing a bra. The table was set for two, with a candle in the middle of the table, Ann had poured us both wine and ask me if I wanted something else besides wine, I told her wine was fine. We drank the 1st glass, Ann refilled the glasses and we talked, she told me that she was married for 20 years before her husband died, she graduated from college with a business degree. I just let her talk and on the third glass of wine she said lets eat. After dinner we went to the living room and sat on the couch, Ann turned facing me with a leg up on the couch and a foot on the floor. Her dress pulled up to midway on her thigh, I don’t know if it was intentional but I could see her panties, we were on our fifth glass of wine and then we got on the subject of sex. Looking at her legs, I was getting a hard on, she then tells me she was more into sex then her husband, she told me that while being married she had to masturbated once a day. I was a little taken back, never had a girl tell me she masturbated but I really was rock solid hard now. She then asked me if I had ever smoked weed, I said I had, she asked if I would smoke some with her. I said yes I would.
Ann gets up and gets us a smoke, after a couple of hits, I am flying and I think she is too. After a few hit she slides her foot on the floor on to mine, Then she asks me to take off my shoes, then runs her foot up my pant leg and says she is getting real horny. I lean over and give her a passionate kiss. She gets up, pulls me by the hand and we go to her bedroom. She sits me on the end of the bed, opens a drawer filled with dildos, big one, small and medium size shows me each one with a little story about each. Ann comes over to the bed, unbuttoned the top 2 buttons on her dress and pulled out a super soft tit with a long nipple and stuck it in my mouth. I could not stand it anymore, stood up and pulled the dress over her head. What gorgeous body, the skin was so smooth and her ass was out of this world. We had sex every way it could be had that night, I did not leave until noon the next day, oh what a night. We continued to see each other for about 2 years until she sold the house and moved to another state.