RECENTLY WIDOWED [mF] [mast] [oral] [facefuck] [prostate] [squirt] [facial] [swallow]

In March, Marjorie lost her husband to cancer. She was 54. He was 73. Every woman who marries a considerably older man is aware of this eventuality. So it was no surprise. A shock nonetheless. But no surprise. In fact, they’d been planning for this. He’d been dying for quite some time.

Even still, when Joel died, Marjorie didn’t know exactly what to do. They planned on growing old together. Well, he did. She never got the chance. After his death, she did the usual distract yourself, suppress your feelings, pretend that everything is fine routine.

And then, one evening, she was watching some stupid TV show (part of the “distract yourself” routine) when she suddenly became incredibly aroused by the sex scene.

Before she knew it, her hand was down her pajama pants and she was masturbating. She was dripping wet. Soaked. Things escalated. The sex scene ended, but she was on the couch, fingering herself into a huge puddle.

She needed more. She kicked off her pants, noticing the large puddle she’d left behind on her sofa and she rushed to the bedroom and grabbed her laptop. She’d never even watched porn before. What to type? Porn? Sex? She went on Google and typed in “porn.” Naturally, Pornhub was the first thing to pop up. So incredibly horny, she didn’t even bother to look for anything in particular. She just clicked on the first video.

A young, good looking couple, fucking their brains out. She masturbated to the entire 25 minute video, cumming over and over.

My, how sex had changed since she and Joel used to be “active.”

They hadn’t had sex in three years — or since his diagnosis. But even before, sex was so pedestrian for him. She was European, though. So she had always had a passionate sex life. Until she met Joel. The first time they slept together, she called a girlfriend in Spain to weep into the phone.

“It was AWFUL,” she said between laughter and tears.

Oh, but there was so much to love about Joel. Perhaps he could be … coached? Well, long story short, he couldn’t. He didn’t really have much of an interest in sex. And so over the years, she became complacement.

But he was dead now. And there was an entire new world for her to explore.

The kids in the video said the most vile things, “Fuck my throat.” “Beat that pussy up, daddy!” “Choke me!” “Fuck my ass!” “Cum on my face!”

Compare that to her quiet, PG-13 sex with Joel and you might think she’d be horrified. But she wasn’t. She’d never been so horny. After she masturbated for 25 full minutes, she took a bath. She picked up her phone to scroll through Facebook … but then her mind wandered. Soon, she was back on pornhub.

She typed “Fuck my throat” into the search bar.

The videos.

They were shocking. Horrifying. Arousing. These men — all with huge cocks — pounded throats as if they were pussies. Is this what sex had become? Aggressive? Wild? Wet with buckets worth of saliva? Gagging? Choking? Puking.

Her mind raced as she browsed. Watching. Masturbating. Cumming. Watching. Masturbating. Cumming. Weak from fingering her pussy for over an hour, she drained the tub and stumbled to bed.

In the morning, she reached for her phone, eager to go back on Pornhub and see what else she could discover. But there was a text message from a friend of hers.

“We’re having an impromptu BBQ tonight. Would you like to join us?”

Marjorie had been politely ignoring everyone. When invites like this arose, her first thought was, “Joel would have loved this.” And then, of course, she’d burst into tears and says, “Thank you for thinking of me. Maybe another night.”

But this time, she studied the text. She contemplated. But she wasn’t thinking about Joel. She was thinking about getting face fucked.

“Any cute guys gonna be there?” She asked.

“WHAT?!!!!” Her friend responded.

Marjorie burst into a fit of laughter.

“Girl!” It’s been a minute, you know? A woman’s got N-E-E-D-S.”

“Um. Well. Fuck. Yeah! Tim is gonna be there. And this guy named Jackson. He’s super cute. And I think Marc? Hold. I’ll send pics.”

One by one, photos arrived. Tim. Jackson. Marc. All cute. All nice looking. But Jackson. Oh my GOD. GIRL. HE was GORGEOUS. Light skinned black guy. Muscular. Charming. He had tattoos. He had a smile to KILL for.

“What’s up with JACKSON?” Marjorie asked with heart emojis.

Marjorie was an incredibly youthful 54 year old. She never had kids, she was a fitness enthusiast, addicted to yoga and lifting weights. She was toned, tanned, and had long brown hair. She had green eyes, perky little tits, an adorable little butt, and a faaaint Italian accent.

She glanced at the photo of Jackson and noticed he was holding and saw him holding a bottle of Allagash White. Boom. She swung by the liquor store on the way and grabbed two six packs.

When she arrived, she headed right over to her friend who gave her a huge hug.

“That’s Jackson,” the host whispered.

“Call him over here and tell him to put the beers in the cooler …” Marjorie said with a smirk.

“Hey Jackson! C’mere!”

Jackson walked over and introduced himself.

“Babe can you take these and put them in the cooler?” The host said, handing him the two six packs.

“Only if you introduce me to your friend,” he said with a wink. Jackson was probably in his 30s.

“This is Marjorie.”

“Jackson,” he said with a smile. “Oh shit! Allagash White. My favorite.”

“Mine too!” Marjorie said, lying through her teeth.

Flash forward three hours later and Marjorie and Jackson moved to a private part of the backyard. They were stuffed to the brim with BBQ and beer. She put her hand on his leg as he was talking about how his ex dumped him via an Snapchat video.

“A Snapchat video! So you couldn’t even watch it again!”

Jackson laughed.

“Well, maybe that’s for the best, huh? Otherwise I would have watched it back 30,000 times.”

“Jackson,” Marjorie said. “I have to be honest with you. When I met you earlier today … the first thing I thought was, ‘By the time this BBQ is over, I am going to fuck his brains out.’ But …”

“But you’re so full that you’re going to burst?”

“Exactly,” Marjorie said.

“Me too,” Jackson said. “I mean. About being full … Not that I wouldn’t. You’re beautiful. I just — uh …”

He was flummoxed. She was soaked through. He was charming. She leaned in and kissed him softly.

“So what about you?” Jackson asked. “Got an ex or …”

“Something like that,” she said, feeling a tinge of awkwardness. Her heart raced. Don’t ruin this moment by talking about your dead husband. Don’t ruin this. Don’t ruin this.

She leaned in and kissed him again.

“I think I’m going to fall asleep,” she said, laughing. “Too much BBQ. Can I take your number? I promise I won’t dump you over Snapchat.”

They laughed and exchanged numbers.

Before she left, they all made s’mores. She ate hers and then headed out. Before she left, though, she hugged Jackson and kissed him on the neck.

“I really wanted to fuck you tonight,” she said as she walked through the house to the driveway. She got in her car and kicked herself for eating so much BBQ! How stupid.

The car ride home was blissful. She thought about Jackson the entire time. When she got home, she took a quick shower, admiring her body in the mirror. She looked good. She didn’t look like other 54 year olds who looked like they were 65. Jackson was gonna be one lucky son of a bitch.

She slipped her finger into her pussy, propping her leg on the tub, digging her finger deeper and deeper into her cunt, hitting her g-stop. She started to fill and drip down her inner thighs as the warm water washed over her. She pulled her soaking wet finger from her pussy and licked it clean, dried off, and passed out.

In the morning, there was a text from Jackson. “Loved meeting you last night. Hope we can hang sometime!” She moaned with excitement, tossed her phone down, and slid her fingers inside of herself. She slept nude, so access was super easy.

“Wait,” she said, reaching for her phone.

“Wanna come over right now?” She texted. “I’m dripping wet.”

“ONM,” he wrote back.

Her brows ruffled and she jumped over to google to find out that he said, “on my way.”

Her heart started to race. Really? Wait. REALLY? He was coming over right now? RIGHT NOW? Ohmygod ohmy GOD. Her heart was pounding. She started to panic. Was this a mistake? Should she cancel? She Facetimed her friend, the host from the BBQ.

“So …”

“Wait, girl. Are you naked?”

“Just woke up babe,” Marjorie said. “Listen. Listen. Just shut up okay just … listen. Jackson is coming over?”


“NOW???” Marjorie screamed.

“Oh fuck get it girl!” The friend screamed.


“Don’t be,” the friend said. “Just do it like you do. Play it cool. Charm him. He wouldn’t come over if he wasn’t insanely attracted to you. In fact. After you left last night, all he could do was talk about you.”

“Did you … tell him about …”

“Nah,” the friend said. “That’s your business. Have fun! TAKE PICS!”

“Pics?! REALLY?” Marjorie asked.

“Babe. You don’t have kids. Your body is FIRE. Show people. Show them how good 54 can look. Also … because I wanna see his cock.”

“Um, you’re MARRIED,” Marjorie said, giggling.

“So? I wanna LOOK, not SUCK.”

Marjorie looked down at her phone. Photos? Really? Is that what kids were doing today? Filming their sex? What if someone … saw it? What if someone got the photos and blackmailed her?

“Maybe,” she said. “Gotta go get ready!”

“Have fun!”

Marjorie hung up and walked to the bathroom. She snagged a blousy long tank top and put it on. Her nipples poked through. It was just long enough to cover her pussy. She stood in the mirror of her bathroom.

*I don’t have kids.*

*I’m not in politics.*

*My parents are dead.*

*So what if someone sees it?*

She took her phone and snapped a photo of herself. Excited by how good she looked, she pulled her left breast out from the tank top and took a second photo. She pulled the top down, exposing both of her breasts and took a third. Her heart was racing. Her pussy was dripping. She pulled the tank top up just enough to expose the faintest hint of her flowering pussy lips and snapped another photo.

She was turned on by HERSELF. She couldn’t wait.

*Where IS he?* She wondered.

Just then, her phone buzzed.

“Outside!” He texted.

She tucked her tits away and hurried to the door. Her heart was POUNDING.

*Here. We. Go.*

She opened her front door just in time to see Jackson hop out of his Jeep Wrangler. Of course he drove such a bad boy truck. It was old, but in a classic kind of way. Green. No top. Big tires. He had a paper bag with him, too. Her brows ruffled.

“Snacks!” He said, holding up the bag.

She laughed.

“For later.”

Horny AND hungry, she thought. What a catch.

Jackson stepped inside of her house and kicked off his shoes.


“Thattaway,” she said.

Jackson headed in. Stopped. Turned around and looked her up and down.

“DAMN,” he said. “Lemme see you.”

Marjorie paused, anxiously. And then she licked her bottom lip and gave him a small twirl. When she turned, she shimmied up her tank top to show him her firm little booty.

Face to face with him, he was shaking his head in disbelief.

He walked into the kitchen, put the food away and walked back to her. She was standing there. Nipples hard. Heart racing. This was it.

He leaned in and kissed her. Deeply. It was the most passionate kiss of her entire life. Her entire body exploded. She could feel her cunt dripping down her inner legs. Fireworks.

She pulled him close and kissed him deeply. She ran her hands up and down his back, finally grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it up. He raised his hands and just like that, he was topless. She admired his rock hard, muscular body. His cock pressed up against her thigh. It was big. Hard. She couldn’t wait to see it. Feel it. Photograph it.

She fumbled for his belt, sliding his pants down. He stepped out of them. Out of his socks. She stepped back and admired his body, shaking her head.

“Wow,” she said.

He slid his thumbs into his boxer briefs and looked at her, waiting for permission. She nodded. He pulled them down. His cock sprang out. Her eyes popped. He chuckled.

“Wow,” she said, gulping. He was going to wreck her pussy. And she was going to let him.

She slowly grabbed onto the bottom of her tank top and, chewing on her inner cheek, looked at him with eyes that said, “Can I, daddy?”

He nodded.

She pulled her top off, exposing first, her pussy lips. Her small, neatly trimmed bush. Her flat stomach. Her perky tits. Her tanned skin. He shook his head in disbelief.

Standing in the foyer, completely naked, they studied each other. He motion for her to spin around. She did.

“Stop,” he said, walking up behind her. When his body pressed against her, her skin exploded in goosebumps. She felt a blast up her spine. Her heart was pounding. He put his hands on her hips and kissed her neck. Her eyes were closed. She could feel his hands caress her body. He groped her breasts, touching her nipples. He moved his hands lower, down her stomach. On her hips. He licked her ear as he ran his fingers through her thick bush. When he ran his fingers lower, he could feel how soaked through she was.

He stepped back and spun her around and looked. She was dripping down her inner thighs. A small puddle had formed on the floor.

“Wow,” he said, laughing. “You’re super wet.”

She nodded.

He took her hand and escorted her to the sofa and pushed her down. He got on his knees and started to kiss her legs and inner thighs. She exhaled as she reached for a pillow to grab onto.

“Are you a squirter?” He asked.

Her eyes popped. She was afraid this would happen. Some new terminology she’d never heard of. He’d put her on the spot. Expose her for being an elderly woman.

“I don’t think so,” she finally said.

“We’ll see,” he said as he leaned in and put his mouth on her inner thigh, sucking, licking, kissing. He ran his fingers up and down, inching closer. Closer. CLOSER.

*Stop teasing,* she thought. *Finger me already. Lick my clit.*

But he kept teasing, kissing, licking. Closer. Closer. Finally, his tongue ran over her lips. He nibbled softly, pulling on her lips. She closed her eyes. He pressed his mouth to her clit, running his tongue up and down from her asshole to clit and back again, rimming, eating, slurping up her liquids.

She was definitely a squirter. She just didn’t know it yet.

He pressed two fingers inside of her.

She gasped.

He fingered slowly, licking, kissing, sucking. He pumped the fingers in and out. Faster and faster, licking, slurping. Licking. Slurping. Fingering.

“What are you d-doingggg,” she purred. She writhed, squirming, arching back into the sofa.

“You like it?” He asked.

“I love ittttt,” she groaned.

“Good, let it all out. Just. Let it out.”

She nodded as he kept fingering. She was sloshing around. Filling up. He could hear it. He pumped his fingers in faster and faster.

“Uh-huh. Oh god. UH-HUH. OH. OH FUCK. OH FUCK I’M … OH FUCKKK!!”

He picked up the pace, fingering harder. Faster. In and out in and out in and out. And then it happened.

“You’re gonna squirt!” He shouted, leaning down, opening his mouth.

“Oh FUUUUUUCK!” Marjorie howled as she gushed, soaking his entire face and filling his mouth with four bursts of liquid. He swallowed. He spat some on her tits. She kept squirting. He kept fingering.

“YESS! DO IT!” He yelled.

She squirmed and writhed. He pressed his mouth to her pussy, licking, slurping.

“Let me taste!” She screamed.

He pressed his mouth, full of squirt, to hers. They kissed. Her juices ran down her chin as she swallowed.

“You taste so fucking good,” he grunted as he pulled his fingers from her. They dripped.

“Gimme,” she begged.

He shoved his fingers into her mouth. She licked and sucked.

“Give me your cock,” she whispered.

He stood. She was face to face with his cock. It was massive. Truly.

“I want to deep throat you but …”

“Don’t worry if you don’t. Most women can’t,” Jackson said.

“I’m not most women. And I’m not afraid to get a little messy.”

HIs cock throbbed.

She took his cock in her hands and felt the weight. It was heavy. It was hard. It was throbbing. She opened her mouth, cautiously. She knew she might puke on him. She warned him. He didn’t seem to mind. She put his cock on her tongue and wrapped her lips around his shaft. She looked up to him. He looked down at her. He smiled as she struggled.

One inch. Two. Three. Four.

He nodded.

“Good girl. Suck that cock.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she groaned as she struggled to fit more of him down her throat. She braced. Wretched. Stopped. Her mouth filled with saliva.

“Let it out,” he whispered.

Marjorie opened her mouth and a river of saliva flowed out, drenching her tits and thighs. She spread her legs and felt the warm saliva run through her bush. She put a finger inside of herself while she sucked, bobbing up and down on him.

In and out.




She took his cock from her throat and huffed and puffed.

“Oh god,” she giggled. “It’s so big.”

“Keep going, you were so close,” Jackson said.

Marjorie opened up and put him back into her mouth. She wrapped her lips tightly around and began to suck and force, pushing. Deeper. HARDER.

“GUH!” She shouted, opening her mouth. Saliva flowed.

“Again,” he grunted.


“Good!” He grunted.

He wrapped his hands around her temples and held her head, firmly, in place. And then he began to pump, vigorously. Hard. Maybe a little too hard. But she didn’t stop him. She liked the feeling of helplessness. Desperation. Fear. He pushed. Harder.

She gagged and he yanked his cock from her throat. She threw up a huge pile of thick, white saliva.

“Gooood,” he whispered as his slippery wet cock bounced up and down. “Again!”

She opened her mouth and he proceeded to fuck her face. In and out. Harder. She gagged and drooled. He caught the saliva and smeared it across her face.

She nodded. She wanted more.

He pushed. He was three inches away from being entirely deep throated, a feeling he hadn’t experienced in quite some time. He wanted it so badly. He knew if he just pushed a little harder he could get there.

“Relax your throat, baby. You can do it. You’re almost there.”

She nodded, even though she wasn’t quite sure what it meant to relax her throat. She tried. And he pushed. She grabbed onto the couch cushions. He pushed. Her toes curled. Her pussy was dripping. Or maybe she was pissing on the floor from the sheer intensity. She wasn’t sure.

“Almost there,” he grunted. “You can do it.”

She nodded. He pushed. He pressed, He could feel his cock slide down her throat. He could feel every inch of her. He pressed his pelvis to her nose. She’d done it. He’d done it.

“Yessss,” he groaned as he slowly pulled his cock from the back of her throat. When he did, Marjorie collapsed onto the sofa, gasping for breath.

“I did it!” She cheered.

“Fuck yes. That felt SO good. Oh my god! You did it! He leaned down and kissed her. Before he knew it, he was on top of her. They were kissing. Making out. He was suddenly inside of her. Pumping in and out. Her cunt sloshed. He knew something was up with this woman.

Her pussy was too tight. No way was she 54.

“Damn your pussy is tight,” Jackson grunted.

“No kids,” she whispered.

Well, that explained it, he said to himself as he pounded her cunt. Hard. She took every inch of him. He pumped so fast and so hard that her cunt was frothing, creamy, full of thick white grool. He pulled his cock from her, crawled up and pushed his cock into her throat, fucking her face.

“AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH!” Marjorie groaned. He hit the back of her throat. She coughed saliva all over his torso.

He yanked his cock from her mouth. She leaned forward and slurped her spit from his rock hard abs.

“Flip over,” he groaned.

She did, presenting her pussy to him from the back. He eased inside of her, hands on hips, and watched his entire cock disappear inside of her.

“Get my phone?” She begged, pointing to it on the coffee table.

He handed it to her. She unlocked it, opened the camera and handed it to him.

“Film it, baby. I wanna see your monster cock disappear inside of me.”

He took the phone and filmed himself slowly sliding in and out of her pussy. He focused the camera on the squirt puddle that had collected on the floor. The squirt stains all over the sofa. Her pussy. His cock. In and out. ALL the way in. ALL the way out. She trembled as he pounded. His pelvis slapped against her ass. Slap. Slap. Slap.

She could feel every inch of him inside of her. He spat on her asshole and pushed a finger inside. Her eyes popped. Her whole body tensed up.

Had that just happened? A finger in her ass? She hadn’t had a finger in her ass since college. But it felt SOOO good.

“Yessss,” she purred. “Finger my ass and fuck me,” she begged.

He moved his finger in and out of her asshole.

“Let me ride you,” she whispered.

Jackson stood up. Marjorie crawled off of the sofa and stepped directly in her squirt or piss puddle. She looked down. Her eyes popped. She looked at the sofa. She looked at his cock, dripping with her wet pussy.

“Jesus …” she said as she took in the mess. “Wow. Did … I squirt that much?”

He nodded as he sat down on the sofa.

“Which finger was in my asshole?” She asked.

He held it up.

She took his hand in her hands and wrapped her lips around the finger.

His eyes popped as she sucked and licked.

“Damn,” he laughed. “You’re a kinky slut!”

She pressed him back into the sofa and crawled on top. She looked down between her legs at his throbbing huge cock and began to lower herself, guiding him into her pussy. She took every inch, straddling him. She leaned down and kissed him deeply as she rode him. Slowly at first. She was scared. His cock was going to rip her in half. But she kept dripping, soaking his pelvis. Soaking her sofa. She took the phone and handed it to him.

He continued to record, focusing on her pussy lips wrapped firmly around his big hard cock. All the way in. All the way out. Up and down. Faster. Faster. FASTER. Her hair dangled in front of her face. Her small perky tits were in his mouth. He sucked her nipples. She whipped her hair out of her face and leaned down, kissing his neck, chewing his ear.

“Harder,” he grunted.

She bit on his ear.

“Fuckkkk,” he grunted as she pounded him.

“I’m gonna cum!” He grunted.

Marjorie flew off his cock and got on her knees. She looked up at him and begged.

“Cum on my face!”

He stood up and pointed the camera at her face, stroking his throbbing cock.

“Do it! DO IT!” She screamed as she knelt in her own squirt. “Cum for meee!”

He stroked. He grunted. His muscles tensed up.

“Ohfucki’mcummmiiiiiing!” He grunted.

He squeezed and ejaculated four flowing, thick ropes of sperm across her face. They were heavy and thick and rolled down her nose and over her eyes. He kept pumping jizz all over her.

“MORE!” She begged.

“He kept jerking. He kept cumming. His balls had been so full of cum that he drenched her entire face. Her hair had three thick ropes darting across. Cum dangled from her nose and chin. She opened her mouth and licked up some of his cum.

“Mmm, you taste nice,” she whispered as he collapsed back into the couch. She leaned down and kissed his inner thighs, her face dripping with cum. She pushed his legs apart and hoisted up his heavy cock and hug balls. She leaned down and put her mouth on his asshole, licking, rimming him.

He never got the chance to go soft. His cock began to throb and pulse as she reached up and stroked him while she ate his ass.

“Do you like it when I eat your ass, baby?”

“Fuck yeah,” Jackson grunted. “I love it.”

She slurped and licked and stroked his big hard cock. She spat on his asshole and pushed a finger in with ease. His cock got even harder.

“OH fuckkkk,” he grunted as she fingered him, spitting on his cock, jerking him off. She pressed her finger deep into his asshole and pressed on his prostate.

“Damnnnn that feels so good.”

“Look at how big and hard you are,” she whispered as she began to suck his cock for a second time. “Get the camera. I’m gonna deep throat you again.”

He nodded as he filmed. She took inch after inch until her nose was pressed against his pelvis. She opened her mouth and bobbed up and down as saliva gushed out of her throat and all over his pelvis and sofa.

“Mmm damn I’m gonna cum again!”

She nodded as she deep throated and gagged and choked. He squirmed and held her head down. She began to squirm and writhe.

“Fuck i’m gonna NUT!!”

She squirmed, fighting for breath as he held her head down, his cock jammed down her throat.

“fuuuuuuck!” he howled as he ejaculated down her throat. She yanked his cock from her throat. Sperm flowed out of her mouth and onto his thigh. She gasped, catching her breath.

She looked down at the puddle of cum on his thigh. He looked at it. He looked at her. She smirked and slurped the jizz up, swallowing it.

“Mmm,” she whispered as she collapsed onto the floor and exhaled. “That was. AMAZING.”

“So fucking amazing.”

“Let’s shower and then …”

“Round two?” Jackson asked.

“Oh. I was gonna say … eat the snacks you brought.”

They laughed. She held up her hand and he helped her from the floor.

“I’ve never squirted before,” she said.

“It was hot,” he whispered.

They kissed as he handed her the phone. She stopped recording and immediately texted the videos to her friend.

“Enjoy ;)” Marjorie texted.


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