Ayako’s Apology Part 1 [MF] [Dub-con] [rough] [name calling] [Office Sex] [3100 Words]

Before getting into the story let me say that I hope I have appropriately tagged this story. I have called it dub-con because of power dynamics: it involves a boss and an employees under his charge. The rough sex includes spanking, some various other slapping including the face, and rough nipple play.

This story was just a bit too long to put in one post so I have had to break it into a part 1 and a part 2.

Also, I’d like to point out (and indeed promised her) that there is a real Ayako and though this experience is fantasy it is an example of her most intense personal fantasy (a MFM threesome, which is seen in part 2) and filled with the kind of sex she likes best (which is throughout the story). This story was written for her personally as a present but she wants to share it for others to (hopefully) enjoy.


Ayako stood, nervous and fretting in front of her manager’s desk. Looking down at her feet, her fingers twisting together in front of the gray skirt of her suit. With no client meetings today she’d normally have dressed more casual, but knowing this meeting would happen, knowing how bad she’d screwed up to cause it, she’d felt it best to make the best impression possible.

Her manager flipped through the page of figures for the fifth time. Numbers she was sure he’d have reviewed well before calling her in here. She was right, of course, but he was stalling for time, trying to find the right words. When they wouldn’t come, he settled for any words, knowing he had to say something.

“Aya-san…this has been such a costly mistake. I don’t even know what to say.”

“I’m sorry, Maeda-san. I’m sorry sir. I know.”

Dropping the papers to the desk Maeda ran his hands through his dark hair. Sighed. Looked at the roof.

“I truly like you Aya-san. And I know you work hard. Too hard perhaps. Too many late nights and extra hours and too many accounts. The cut backs of course. The extra load was bound to cause problems for someone, sometime. But it has been such a costly mistake.”

Ayako’s heart fluttered ever so slightly at the idea the gorgeous manager she sometimes fantasized about ‘truly liked her’, but that only made the rest of his words, and the clear weary disappointment and frustration in his voice all the more upsetting. Luckily for Ayako, the frustration seemed as much directed at the situation in the office in general as at her.

In a small voice she said “I have no excuse Maeda-san. I accept responsibility. I hope I haven’t caused too much damage to you or the company.”

Groaning, Maeda looked to the ceiling once more. “Why must you be so sweet and likable Aya-san? I have decided to protect you as much as I can in this. A formal reprimand will be added to your file but I will be filing a formal complaint about the working conditions the staff are expected to endure. I will talk with Mori-san and smooth things out with him as much as possible for you. It was his account your mistake has damaged after all.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I am so sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused.”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure you are Aya-san.”

“No, sir. Really,” Ayako said, looking down again. “I want to make up for this. I want to take responsibility for things. I’ll…I’ll do anything to make it up to you, Maeda-san. Just…anything.”

For Maeda the air of the room seemed to suddenly become very thick. His ears felt hot as he looked up at the little slip of a woman from accounting. Cute little Ayako he’d always enjoyed talking to and seeing her now standing here in his office, eyes downcast, fidgeting slightly, and promising…anything.

Slowly he licked his lips before smiling and suggesting, “Heh. You could unzip your skirt and let it fall.”

Ayako gasped at his words. “Sir…”

Quickly Maeda looked away, appearing almost shocked at himself. “I’m sorry, just, I thought. Just a joke. A bad joke. Obviously…” but his rambling back-tracking came to an end at a sound that seemed to echo louder than if could possibly be in the confines of the office. The sound of a zipper. The sound of a zipper being opened.

Looking up Maeda saw Ayako holding her skirt in one hand, the other finishing lowering it’s side zipper. She kept her eyes down, never looking at him, but she let the skirt go and it fell to her ankles leaving her standing there still wearing her suit jacket and white blouse, but only her navy boy-short style underwear covered her below the waist.


“I meant it. I did. Anything.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to. I…just never thought you’d want me.”

“I want you. I’ve wanted you.”

“And I…want to apologize,” she whispered.

Maeda stood and walked around his desk until he stood as close as possible to the small woman without touching her. Still she kept her eyes down. She looked up when he reached out and brushed her bare leg, and moved his fingers up to her underwear, and then up to slide under her blouse and touch her stomach and her side.

“You feel so warm,” he said.

Slowly his fingers moved back down Ayako’s bare stomach stopping at the band of her navy boy shorts for just a moment before continuing on to trace abstract patterns on them over her most intimate but still covered place.

“It feels like there isn’t anything under here but your skin Aya-chan” he whispered as Ayako’s face reddened and she looked down again. “Something is missing. Even through your underwear…you feel so smooth.”

One finger moved back to the band of her underwear and hooked in them, just a little, just to the first finger joint.

“So smooth,” he said.

Ayako’s breathing got a little faster, a little shallower as her heart picked up speed and her face burned hot while, bit by bit, he moved the underwear she felt was so embarrassingly unsexy lower and lower uncovering her smooth soft little mound, her hips, her ass, the crease of her soft hairless puss.

“So soft Aya-chan. So smooth. I had no idea what a wonderfully naughty girl you were,” he continued in his hoarse whisper before lifting her chin and kissing her as her panties fell to join her skirt around her ankles, her exposure below her waist complete.

It was a good long kiss and when he broke it off he smiled. Putting his hand between Ayako’s legs he enjoyed the feel of her bareness. She enjoyed being touched and gave the slightest moan of pleasure at how good it felt to be touched standing half-naked in her boss’ office. He didn’t touch her long though before moving his hand around to feel up her small little ass.

“You are sorry, aren’t you Ayako-chan.”


“But maybe sorry isn’t enough. Maybe you need a little…punishment?” he asked and gave her ass a much harder squeeze in his strong hand.

Ayako said nothing but looked down once more and nodded quickly.

“Mmmm. Maybe you even like a little punishment?”

Ayako shook her head slowly, slightly, but then Maeda gave her ass a little swat and she yelped.

“You do, don’t you?” he said, groping her ass hard again.

“Y..yes,” she admitted and gave a little groan as he let go for a moment and then squeezed again.

“I knew you were naughty,” he said and helped her out of the suit jacket, leaving only her blouse and padded bra left on her slight body. Putting his hands on her hips he moved them up over her smooth skin and put pressure on her lower back with his thumbs. “Bend over Aya-chan. Lay across my desk.”

Slowly, she did. Leaving her ass very exposed and her boss free to admire her bent over his desk in a terribly slutty way. She couldn’t bring herself to look back at his face. She wanted to see lust in his eyes as he gazed at her ass and bare little slit exposed for him to enjoy, but was afraid her lack of curves were disappointing him. Or perhaps he didn’t like how her small puss looked.

“Fuck, you are so fucking hot,” he said and with those basic words he wiped most of her fear away. “Aya, I’m going to punish your cute little ass now. I think we should have a little system. A word. Red. Red means stop. OK? If you say red I’ll stop. But otherwise, your sexy little ass is mine.”

“I understand.”

“And Aya-chan?”


“This office happens to be very sound proofed. Can’t say this was why. But lucky for us, it is. So, feel free to let yourself go.”

Ayako barely had time to think, ‘oh my god’, before the first spank came.

She yelped.

It wasn’t too hard, but it caught her off guard, and it did sting a little. Another slap on her ass and suddenly it all became very real. She was really doing this. She was really half naked. Bent over her manager’s desk. Letting him see her waxed pussy. Letting him hit her. She was getting spanked at work and it felt so wrong and so good and she tried to hold it in but let out another yelp as his hand smacked her ass loud and hard for the third time. And a fourth. And fuck fuck fuck it felt so good.

The fifth spank made her do a little dance and clench her hands and say, “Ah. Shit.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

She said nothing at first, but brought her ass up again. He stroked it’s reddening flesh.

“Aya-chan? You know what colour is stop? Do you want to stop?”

“No. I know it. I know stop. I…don’t…I.”


“Green. Green means go. Green. M…more.”

Maeda’s groan was deep and dirty and he grabbed a fist full of her shirt below the back of her neck, pinned her down on the desk and started spanking her with even more vigor.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four. Five and each slap to her little ass was harder than the last. She swore and tried to move without really wanting to but he held her down on the desk and after each slap she made sure her ass was up and ready for another. She had fantasized of him before, and all her fantasies tended to the rough and hard, but she couldn’t believe she was actually getting spanked, spanked as a prelude to so much more she hoped, by Maeda-san finally and for real. How had this happened so fast?

Maeda rubbed her red ass and then let his fingers move between her legs, one rubbing through the small outer lips of her puss. At first Ayako could feel her cheeks start to redden as much as her ass must be knowing he could feel how wet her ‘punishment’ had made her, but then she just sighed and let her self enjoy how good it felt for him to touch her.

Back and forth through her soft smooth lips he played, never pushing inside her, but making her slippery with her wetness. Then he brought his fingers, slick with that same wetness, up to her lips while never letting her up from the desk.

Touching his wet fingers slightly to her mouth he said, “Stick out your tongue. Lick. Let me see you taste yourself.”

It wasn’t something she’d really done on purpose before but she closed her eyes and slowly stuck out her tongue to lick the taste of herself off his fingers. It wasn’t the best thing she’d ever tasted. But it wasn’t bad either as she teased the tip of her tongue over his finger tips.

Suddenly her eyes flew open as Maeda hauled her up off the desk,to stand in front of him. He let go of her shirt and ran his hand up into her hair and took a firm grip of a fistful of it. His other hand he put down between her legs again, making it even more wet with her juices. He looked her in the eyes and gave a quick light kiss before pulling back and bringing his wet fingers covered in her personal taste and smell of sex and ran them over her lips. She understood what he wanted and put out her tongue for him to wipe the wetness on it too. Then he bent down to kiss her in earnest and she moaned a little as they shared the taste of her across their tongues with a passion and a hunger for one another.

While their tongues continued to dance in one another’s mouth he returned his hand to the slickness between her legs and pushed in such away against her thighs she understood he wanted her to stand withe her legs more apart.

So she did.

And then he slapped her there.

She yelped a near scream with him still kissing her and he muffled it with his own mouth and didn’t let go of her hair. His hand moving back to rub nicely over her now slightly stinging pussy and finally breaking away from their making out.

“I want to hit you again Aya-chan. I want to slap this lovely little pussy of yours. Don’t you think you still deserve some more punishment.”

“Hmm. Sir, it hurt.”

“I think you like when it hurts,” he said. Rubbing faster.

“Mmmm. No, I. Oh. Mmm.”

“Yes, I think you do little Aya-chan. Green you said. Green means go.” And he gave her puss the slightest of slaps. Though there is no slap there that doesn’t sting just a little at least. “Do you want me to stop?” Another light light slap. “Or go?” And another, just a tease.


He slapped again, harder.


“Yes, Aya-chan?”

“Fuck. Ah. Ah. Yes. Green. Go. More.”

Maeda laughed in a knowing way and rubbed Ayako’s little pussy, that seemed to be getting only wetter and wetter from his rough treatment of it, and then he gave it a quick hard smack. The sound was loud but not as loud as Ayako’s cry of pain. Instinctively she closed her legs tight but Maeda worked them apart with insistent pushes of his hand and saying, “Spread you legs. Show me that sore wet pussy. I’m not done yet.”

“Yes. Yes, sir,” she said and let him push her legs wide again. Her wet stinging pussy exposed and vulnerable to the next hit which came almost immediately.

“Ah, fuck fuck fuck,” she said half collapsing against him in a little dance from the pain.

“OK, OK. Good girl,” he said. Holding her close, his fingers in her hair. “Good girl. I think now maybe you’re starting to feel sorry for your mistake. And I’m starting to feel better. I want to feel even better though,” he said and started to push her down. Her coworkers might think her overly innocent, but Ayako wasn’t inexperienced. She understood what came next. She quite enjoyed it actually.

Letting him push her down to her knees she took hold of the front of his pants and began undoing them.

“Mmm,” he moaned. “You’re wonderfully eager aren’t you?”

She undid his belt and pants and freed him from the confines of his underwear. It turned out what he kept there was as pretty as she’d always imagined, alone in her room, playing with herself and dreaming of getting naked with her boss. She held him in one hand, stroking him slowly and looked up at her boss.

“You are eager, aren’t you Aya-chan? Do you like sucking cock?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“Say it. Tell me you like sucking cock.”

“I do. I…like sucking cock.”

Putting one hand on the back of her head he pushed her closer to the head of his cock, his shaft still in her hand. “Show me you pretty little cocksucker.”

And she did. Opening her mouth she licked the tip of his penis, and under it’s head and then took the head in her mouth, sucking on it before pulling back to look at it again while she kept working her hand up and down it’s length.

“Suck it, baby,” he said.

She went to work in earnest. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to take as much of his cock in her mouth as she could. Wanted to make him feel good with her sucking. Wanted to enjoy the feeling of it sliding over her tongue. Wanted to show him just how eager a little cocksucker she could be.

She wasn’t quite prepared for how eager he would be though.

After a short while of letting her do her thing he took hold of her hair and started getting more active himself. Soon, it was less her giving him a blow job and more him fucking her mouth. She liked the feeling of him taking control. Him using her. But she did have a fairly sensitive gag reflex and soon she started choking. He pulled out, not letting go of her hair though, and she began spluttering and coughing.

He pulled her hair to force her to look up at him and rubbed her face gently, but also rubbing her spit over her cheek as he did. “Poor baby. You need to stop?”

She shook her head. No.

“Take off your shirt first.”

She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and slipped out of it. He took it from her and threw it by her skirt and underwear.

“And that bra.”

Slower, she undid the padded bra and let it come loose. He took it and instinctively she covered her chest with her arms. She wasn’t inexperienced, but her barely even there breasts, her basic lack of much in the way of breasts (covered for at work with a very padded bra) had sometimes led to bad reactions from men.

Maeda rubbed his hand down over her shoulder and pushed in under her arms, over Ayako’s flat chest. Over a sensitive nipple. “Move you arms. Let me see you sexy girl.”

Looking away, she did. Her fists clenched tight in worry. His hand kept rubbing over her chest, and his fingers pinched one hard nipple until she gasped.

“Hmmm. So sexy. I can’t believe I have Aya-chan naked in my office.” He pushed her down gently and offered his dick to her again. “Show me more what a good cocksucker you are. It felt great.”

She smiled and took him in her mouth again. Sucking him harder and bobbing her head faster, wanting to please him even more for not ruining her dreams of what fucking him might be like. She was so focused on it, on this pretty cock in her mouth and how much she enjoyed it and how wonderfully slutty she felt being naked in her boss’ office that she didn’t even notice him reach for and take his phone off his desk. Only noticing when she heard him speak.

“Mori-san,” he said into the phone.

Ayako would have yelped in shock, but it was muffled with a cock in her mouth and Maeda held her to it, apparently ready for her surprise.

“Yes, I’d like you to come to my office please. That’s right, now if you would. Oh, and Mori-san? Please enter and close the door immediately.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k0ize2/ayakos_apology_part_1_mf_dubcon_rough_name