

1. how old are you?
2. Where from (state/country)
3. How many men have you been with?
4. How many women have you been with?
5. What’s the most people you’ve ever been with at once?
6. What’s the greatest age difference in you and your partners? (Older and younger)
7. What’s your favorite position?
8. Do you like oral? Giving and or receiving?
9. Do you like anal? Giving and or receiving?
10. Where is your favorite place for a guy to cum?



  1. 1) 75, 2)Pennsylvania,USA, 3)15-20, 4)60+, 5)32, 5)42 years I was 18 she was 50. 6)Woman on top 7) love giving oral, 8)enjoy receiving anal. 9) mouth

  2. 1. 32 (close enough to my bday)
    2. Ontario, Canada
    3. 70+
    4. 3
    5. 3
    6. 20 years my senior
    7. Doggy
    8. Love giving and receiving oral
    9. Only tongue on my anal area. If my partner likes more, I’m willing to give
    10. Inside me

  3. 36 . Montana us. 2. 0. 1 person at a time. I’m 36 he’s 23 too many to count.
    Yes and yes to both. Never had anal in my mouth or inside me

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