Micro Rocks Pt 1: Up Your Ante [Furry] [M/M] [Drug] [Weed] [Solo] [Unaware] [Masturbation] [Anal] [Anal Vore] [SciFi]

“Dude turn right! turn right! turn right! You can flank ’em. ”

“No, if I got that way I’m gonna-I’m gonna-” Nathaniel bit his lip to focus. The soldier on screen ran into the next room, sight already drawn. The game controller clicked and rattled violently as and enemy team member grunted and died. An echoing boom made the pink and grey lion side eye his minimap. “Fuck. They already have the observatory.”

“Nobody ever remembers to check the canyon path. Go get the missile strike. You’re gonna get shot up either way.”

The cat ignored the panda. The character ran across the bridge, towards the base. He’d clocked in way more hours of playtime. He knew what he was doing.

Chad rolled his eyes and swiftly downed the last of his orange soda. Tiny fingers were easily able to crunch and crack the can down into a disk. He rolled the final product across the table. A few wobbly spins and it settled. Satisfied, the brown and white panda sunk deeper into the couch, melting into the overly large red hoodie. Words oozed across the front in faded lettering but they had been impossible to make out for a while.

Right as the doorbell rang the soldier onscreen buckled as a sniper shot took him through the head. “Fuck!” Nathaniel snarled, throwing down the controller.

“Yeah, yeah, go get the pizza,” Chad smiled. “And stop breaking controllers while you’re at it.”

The doorbell rang again.

Moodily Nathaniel exited to the lobby with dramatic heavy button presses. Snatching shorts from the floor and cash pile from the coffee table, he headed towards the door. With each shimming step he flailed more into his clothes.

With a stretch, Chad got up from the couch as well. Thick back muscles gave a few meaty pops and he groaned as the old hoodie barely rose above his knees. Casually he swiped the bong and headed to the bathroom. The normal clumsy panda was super careful as he changed the water. A dragon friend had gifted him the piece for his birthday. Using her own flame, she’d meticulously shaped the foot and a half wonder into a sugar cane. Most the time it was mistaken for bamboo but Chad didn’t mind.

When he came out all heavy eyed the pizza boxes were spread out across the table. Porkrind’s Pizza Emporium spread across in large blocky writing as a large pig winked. Nathaniel, already back down to boxers, was shoving another slice of spicy buffalo chicken down his throat. Oddly there was another bottle of weed on the table that hadn’t been there before.

“Chewy on delivery again?”

“Yagh heff godg shma new shiff. Thsrily goofh” Nathaniel spit out, trying not to lose any chicken in the process.

“Swallow,” Chad advised as he opened his own box. Grease and salt wafted. The bear dug into the spinach artichoke hands first. The fragrant slice dripping olive oil and cheese across the others. Why use plates for pizza? Just a needless step for the both of them.

“Yeah that rat got some new shit in. Says it’s all the rage. Rich college kids are smoking it. Asshole made me pay a pretty penny.” Nathaniel tossed the bottle over. Chad caught it mid air and popped the cap one handed. He glanced down at what looked like heavily coated moon rocks and gave a deep sniff. Blue raspberry mixed delightfully with an earthy rosemary. Just faintly something bitter underneath, but it was fleeting. He was barely even sure it was there. Raspberry Rocks was scribbled on the front in crayon. Each letter a different color in broken hand writing. Reminded him of a child’s scrawl.

“Smells good, but something’s little off. I wouldn’t trust it you never know when he cheaps out.” He closed the cap and shoved the rest of the slice in his mouth.

“Everything smells weird to you,” Nathaniel chided. “I checked it at the door. It’s fine. He’s just as likely to bring us fire.”

Chad shrugged it off. That was his point. There was plenty of weed. Nathaniel could do what he wanted to.

They continued to eat and chat. Nathaniel had started out strong, finishing nearly his whole pie but fell a few slices short. Chad on the other hand consumed his in its entirety. Gut gurgled happily as he cleaned his teeth while Nathaniel complained his didn’t have enough chicken. Chad tossed his toothpick into the ashtray. The pineapple etched into the middle, barely visible.

“Pussin’ out today?” Nathaniel grumbled as the bear reached for the grinder. With well practiced movements, Chad unscrewed the metal. A fruity whiff of hybrid tickled his nose. The higher notes smelled way better to him as he packed his bowl large and loose. Short brown fingers kept slipping on the lighter. He wiped away the grease across his hoodie and his bowl lit up in a crackle of orange. Bubbles rapidly popped as he took a long well practiced hit, holding in the smoke before exhaling through his nose. Sensitive nostrils stung so bad his eyes started to water but he thought it made the high that much better so he held through.

It was Nathaniel’s turn to roll his eyes as Chad finally coughed. The room pungent as the haze settled. Smelled vaguely of pine thought the panda as he passed over the bong. He laid back into the couch, sinking nicely.

“Don’t need adventure with flower like this.”

Nathaniel ashed out the bowl and packed a tiny bit from the grinder. Using his claws, he shaved one of the moon rocks in half and broke it over. He pulled out his cheap lighter. The green plastic was jerry-rigged into a tiny flamethrower. He torched half the bowl, mane lifting as his chest puffed out.

“Nothing but fire,” Nathaniel croaked through smokey syllables. Pain seared his lungs something wicked but the flower kept burning and he hurriedly took a second hit.

“I’ve been hearing some weird shit from Chewy’s crew lately. There’s talk about mixing new stuff.” Chad shrugged it off. He didn’t want to get into such dark matters. “Mouth’s gettin’ dry, you want a soda?”

Nathaniel’s thumb shot up and Chad padded away to into the kitchen. About half way through the exhale his eyes started to burn. It snuck up quick and combined with the lung burn he broke. Violently he choked. Tears tracked down his face, barely enough thought in him to put the pipe down before he stumbled off the couch and blindly into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind him, he fumbled at the light switch. Eye drops should be on the counter still. An icy pit of nausea rolled through him abruptly forcing the air from his lungs, clenching as if he’d been punched. He stumbled backwards and instead of the wall fingertips met soft fabric. He flinched and opened bleary bloodshot eyes. A puddle of his underwear lay all around him. A warm cloud of anger coursed. The fuck had Chewy given him. Dark tear trails stained his fur as he looked up. The door handle was way out of his reach.

The powerful high had already snuck up on him. He blinked trying to clear his head. This was all too surreal but he had to play along. FOCUS! The lion’s attention snapped back. He stared at underneath the door for a little too long. Yeah he was small enough he convinced himself. A wide smile. And was he still a cat after all. King of the jungle and ruler of the land. Could his hips collapse? Or was that Chewy telling him about rats.

He took a few steps out of his ridiculously sized clothes. It was silly but the feeling of being naked and exposed was stronger than before. He shook it off and dove face first under the door frame. Back feet flexed for purchase against the tile and he wiggled through. Instinctively he sucked in his gut and body flattened down.

He popped through the other side and scampered across the carpet. Black claws velcroed him up the couch. He stood still and waited. Ice settled in his gut again and to his horror he shrunk again.

“Our neighbors are gonna smell that shit. House reeks.” Chad’s voice could be heard before the cat saw him round back into the room, two sodas held awkwardly in one hand and a large bowl of ice cream in the other.

Nathaniel jumped up and down trying to get his attention as goodies were placed on the table. The panda started to turn and Nathaniel thought he’d been seen but Chad was lost in his own high and the music from the video game too loud. Nathaniel tried to run but Chad’s fuzzy ass pinned him to the couch.

“Nathaniel you okay?” Chad called out. He leaned back, hoodie bunching as he peered down the hallway. He saw the light underneath the bathroom door. Mystery solved he grabbed the bowl of vanilla ice cream. Two sugarcane were stabbed like an X through the center. He pulled one out and began sucking on it delighted.

Nathaniel was pinned, back against the couch. From the chest down, he was squeezed and trapped by the ursa’s weight. Soft fleshy fur pushed against his face. Mouth opened to breathe but skin molded making it nearly impossible. With urgency he tried to wrestle his arms out. Black spots ate away at his vision when Chad shifted just enough to let one arm free. It was enough. He pushed the skin away and took in short sharp gasps. Bitter and pungent was the smell of sweat and testosterone. The overpowering musk made him cough as downy fur above squished and moved. Nathaniel was furious. Chad balls were in his face and he was barebacking his ass all over their couch. He desperately tried to free his other arm but couldn’t find any purchase. Chad’s ballsack would move and undulated whenever Nathaniel tried to get purchase. The cat could feel himself start to sweat as the bear’s body temperature heated him up. The orb shifted and adjusted on top, putting more weight on him.

Luckily for the lion, Chad was at the end of his bowl. He shifted around, trying to get the last of the cream. Nathaniel was repositioned as the bear set his empty dish aside but dazed as massive legs moved.

It was dark as everything stopped moving and settled. To his surprise, Nathaniel could move but barely. Chad’s body was still just above him. The lion could barely even crawl to his knees but his night vision was working well enough. Fear and disgust ran through his small frame as he realized he was on the wrong side of Chad’s balls. The bear’s half exposed anus flexed. Nathaniel watched the soft pink hole wink at him, wishing he never know his roommate this well. He was gonna kick the shit of Chewy once he got big.

Chad shifted deeper into the couch and Nathaniel was unwillingly pressed up against his asshole. The innards above gave a few deep rumbles and the vibrations rattled into Nathaniel frame from deep within the panda’s body. The small lion roared in frustration. This shouldn’t be happening to him. He had to get Chad’s attention before it got any worse. The soft rosey center throbbed against his chest. Maybe if he caressed it a few times. Warmth flooded the sensitive skin and the bud moved quicker. Chad felt a pleasant tickle and he grinded his ass into the couch. Nathaniel was getting more pissed off and knocked the bud as hard as could, kicking against the sphincter. This was just doing gay stuff and he wasn’t into that. The gurgling noises from the panda’s guts became louder and the anus started to pucker hard and tight.

Pain churned inside Chad. His large intestine was tensed and bloated then he could feel it. He leaned to the side and out came a long relieving fart, warmth flooding his thighs momentarily. Then the smell hit. He made a face.

“You okay in there? Doing any better?” Chad called. No reply from from the bathroom. The dumbass had probably smoked himself silly. He’d wake up and come out complaining about neck pain. That gave Chad enough time to perform another after meal ritual.

With the putrid fart Nathaniel was given enough space to free himself. He had more room stand but that’s about it. On his knees heaving and retching, balls pressed lightly against his face. Hot furry replaced the urge to vomit and he got up with a swing. His punch connected but instead of a satisfying hit warmth engulfed arm to elbow. Chad’s body unforgivingly tried to pull his arm deeper. Nathaniel fought against the pulsating muscles, hardly able to yank himself out.

Chad’s cock started to elongate and thicken from the tickle of pleasure. He pulled his hoodie up to his stomach and was surprised how excited he was already. He watched as his thick shaft started to slide up the side of his leg from the pressure. He grabbed his tip and pulled the foreskin down, exposing his head and began using tiny quick little jerks.

Chad’s anus began to darken in color, the light pink inside turning to a dark red. Nathaniel stared transfixed as it winked. The cat broke his trance and turned towards Chad’s huge sack. He attempted to push and prod it forward but textured skin remained firmly planted. The weight of each testicle tremendous. Suddenly they moved, independent of Nathaniel. He took a half step back confused until a rhythmic pattern started to form.

“Motherfucker!” Nathaniel shouted.

As if in response, Chad gave a particularly hard jerk and a heavy orb smacked against the lion. The odd momentum twisting him backwards and face first into the needy sphincter.

Nathaniel could only see red. Without thinking, he gripped his own flaccid shaft and pawed himself furiously until cock was rock hard. Giving himself a last few jerks, he harshly ground his hips into Chad’s asshole. Nathaniel gasped, the tight skin puckered. All the pressure around his dick gripped so hard. He used some spit and slowly was able to thrust himself in and out of the textured hole. It was surprising how much he was enjoying this.

‘Adrenaline,’ he lied to himself.

Chad stared high and transfixed at his own cock as he jerked off. Hand moving quick and rapid, he gripped the foreskin around the base of his head hard. Nothing fancy today. He wanted to cum and cum fast. That didn’t mean he couldn’t add some spice now.

Nathaniel could feel himself getting closer. Upping his speed, forehead pressed into the soft yet taught flesh as he closed his eyes. Hands gripped the moving folds harder. The pressure was so close to building when without warning humongous fingers pushed against him. Yells were cut off as pizza greasy fingers dug greedily inwards.

Easily, Chad was able to insert two fingers down to the knuckle. He pushed and played, quite familiar with his prostate. Nathaniel thrashed in the tight confines, trying to sink claws into the invading digits, but the panda was closer. Pressure swelled internally and Chad’s body seized from the intensity as long thick ropes shot upwards. White blinded his vision with pump after pump as the pleasure plateaued. The flow tapered and slowly subsided. Nathaniel was gone, dragged deeper into the Chad’s vitals. Trapped in his little air bubble the intensity and pressure had knocked the cat out. Chad sat there for a minute covered in cooling cum, brain restarting. The head of his penis was super sensitive. The throbbing movements nearly too intense against his fur. He felt drained.

Forcing himself to move, he grabbed some of the leftover napkins. He cleaned off himself, the couch, and the table, thoroughly impressed by the amount. The entire time his cock resisted going back down but it was no bother. The hoodie went down nearly to his knees after all.

He ashed the bowl and lazily went and changed the water in the kitchen sink. Not long after the smell of weed filled the house again. Video games distracted himself until after a few matches his guts started to gurgle again. A long deep fart tore its way through him as the lactose intolerance started to complain. Knowingly he had dug his own grave. Good ice cream too hard to resist. A pain spasm made him break out in a sweat. The brown and white bear rushed upstairs towards the other bathroom.

Left on the couch was a half dead lion. Consciousness returned and he started gasping down as much air as he could. Coughing back to life, Nathaniel looked around in confusion and pain. The video game was paused, blaring music at him cheekily. Chad was nowhere in sight. He couldn’t get caught now. Forced to his feet, he flopped off the couch. He landed heavily and was barely able to keep standing. Frame tottered over to the bathroom and wiggled back under.

Chad could never find out about this. Nobody could. He was gonna kick Chewy in the ass so hard his testicles were gonna fly off. Then he could go about his life and never think of this incident again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k0g923/micro_rocks_pt_1_up_your_ante_furry_mm_drug_weed