*New – Subject Malfunction PT 1 & 2- The Tiny Good Girl [MF] [mind] [control] [subversion] [sensorydep] [bondage]

This Subject found me after reading my ‘Looking for Subjects’ post on DPP.

This is what I look like, and this is what I’m into… She sent me all the details.

“Do you think you may be interested in someone like me?”

And then I wrote Part 1…

The next day, you told me how you read it 16 times, and masturbated 3 times… one of which surprised you. 

It was the type of orgasm you had only ever had from sex. You tell me.

Vibrator on the inside, other hand on your clit, you gave yourself the kind of orgasm where your entire body shakes hard…

“Super earthquake hard, especially my legs… And then I passed the fuck out.”

And then, to help me visualize you better… You sent me a few photos.

…I didn’t believe they were real. 

I had been tricked by others before and felt hurt… 

We argued… I could tell she was upset… 

I really didn’t think it was possible you existed.

And then…

The third photo…

“If you say shit about this one I’m out.” Your message said…

Reddit handle hand-written on a piece of paper… 

A ‘fuck you’ eyebrow cocked, your adorable dimples just below your lightly freckled nose and cheeks… 

(Your curly brown hair and trendy large-frame glasses drive me wild by way…)

That and the innocence in your eyes… battling against the desire for my attention…

It’s true. 

You are real…

Oh fuck. 

I’m so sorry. 

I promise… I’m going to make it up to you… 

I hope you can forgive me…

And… for everyone else reading this…

The two main characters you are about to read about… are 100% real… 

And what turns them on in these stories is 100% real…


Know that we did…

Oh… we did…


Part 1

“Subject, can you hear me?”

You are laying down on your back on some sort of raised bed, hands at your sides. The room is pitch black.

Wait… you blink rapidly… there are no shades of grey, no little burst of light appearing behind closed eyelids.

A sense of fear sets in.

You are completely blind.

“Professor?!” You cry out weakly.

You feel disoriented, time feels mixed up as you attempt to backtrack your memories.

“It’s alright little one.” I say gently. “Just a small mishap during the mind sync process. But not to worry, your sight will be restored soon.

However… it is imperative that we run through a few diagnostics tests first…

It’s currently unknown if any other parts of you may have been compromised…”

Compromised? You try to move but are unable to. You can feel at least… there’s a slight draft of cool air coming from somewhere…

Panicked, your heart begins to race.

“Subject, please relax.” I say as I place a warm, firm hand onto your chest.

As a calming sensation washes over you, my sleeve grazes your left nipple, tickling it to attention.

You realize that you are completely nude.

I see the tension play across your face.

“Everything is going to be ok Subject, I promise. The body lock is just a temporary safety measure while we proceed with isolated area tests.”

Perhaps it’s my calming words, my deep soothing voice, my warm hand on your chest… whatever it is… you give in.

“That’s a good girl.” I say as I watch the anxiety leave your sparkling green eyes.

I sweep back a curl of your soft brown hair that had fallen across your lightly freckled nose and cheek.

“Can you smile for me Subject?”

You smile. And it’s a good one. A big relaxed smile like you had just woken up from an amazing nap.

I watch as little shadows play across the dimples in your cheeks.

“You know Subject…” I say as I lightly touch your nose, trace your eyebrow to your ear, and then drift down the side of your neck to your collarbone. “There is something special about you…”

“You listen like such a good girl.”

“Do you like being a good girl?”

Your cheeks bounce as your eyes close and you give an almost imperceptible but noticeable nod.

“And this body you have…”

I run my warm hand from your chest, down the dip of your hourglass side to the top of your hip bone.

“Only 5ft and 115lbs… but these curves…”

I apply smooth pressure as I grip your hips on either side, my thumbs almost meeting at your navel as I slide them up slowly up to your breasts.

Your skin is silky smooth. I’m amazed by how enjoyably soft and pleasing to the touch you are.

“I don’t think I could design it better myself…”

Reaching your breasts, I massage them gently to watch how they move.

“Full and yet perky at the same time. Somewhere between a B and C cup…”

You are beaming. You can hear the affirmation in my voice and you love it.

You yearn for me to grope you. You want to feel my palms graze your nipples, my large hands drift down to your tender abdomen and tickle the tiny triangle of pubic hair. You want me to…

I take my hands off of you and move somewhere nearby.

Sighing, you bite your lip as you feel a bit of your wetness dribble down your thigh.

If you could move, nothing would keep you from playing with your throbbing clit.

“Now, let’s not leave you lying there all day shall we? Are you ready for the testing?”

“Yes please Professor.” You moan.

I smile as I turn around to watch you for a moment. Your nipples are hardened like crystals, your breath is heavy, face flushed… I can see how the increased blood flow has engorged your clit… your lips are glistening wet.

“Very good Subject.”

You can hear the shuffling of what must be me lifting something off of table and walk over to you.

“Now Subject, listen very closely. I will be disabling the body lock, and you will be able to move freely again. However you must obey my every command.

It is of EXTREME importance to avoid any damage to your brain. If you disobey, I can not guarantee that you will regain your sight.

Do you understand?”

“Yes Professor!” You cry out.

All you want to do is touch your throbbing pussy and release the uncontrollable need to cum. You are so close that it would be over in seconds.

“Now Subject, I will release you in 30 seconds, however you can not touch ANY of your erogenous zones.

The software seems to have enhanced the link between your sexual desire and your pleasure receptors. Once the body locks are released, the additional blood flow will effectively double your sensitivity to touch.

Which could lead to a catastrophic failure if you improperly handle yourself.

Therefore I will be binding you with physical restraints to help you resist the temptation.

Also, I should mention…

To avoid conflict of interest, Sexbot TM industries has been mandated to bring in an impartial third party panel to oversee this testing…

Therefore, for this entire session, there have been several PHD candidate students who have been watching via livestream…

…to ensure proper protocols are followed of course…


As the body lock is released, please slowly turn onto your stomach and get on your hands and knees.”

As the body lock releases, your body begins to shiver uncontrollably. Every sensory touch, the cold draft on your nipples, the tickling of your juices running down your leg, it’s almost too much.


Biting your lip, you focus with all the fiber of your being on the pain.

Slowly, in small but quick movements, you manage to roll onto your stomach, then onto your hands and knees.

You hear me walk over to stand near your head. You hear the slow pull of a zipper.

Breath coming in short bursts, you clench your fists until your nails dig into your palms.

In this position both your pussy and asshole are exposed, and the cool air of the drafty room feels like a feather being flicked playfully across them.

“Subject, look towards me.” I command. And you comply.

Gently, I place a silky black latex mask over your head.

There are two attachments on the mask. A collar, which I clip into place around your neck. And on the back, a short chain dangles off the back like a pony tail.

I zip up the back of the mask, being careful not to snag your hair.

“Very good Subject.” I say fondly as I attach a smooth, slightly curved attachment to the chain and place it beside you.

“Now…” I grab your wrists and place soft cuffs around them. Then clip the cuffs to the collar on your neck — effectively forcing your hands to sit underneath your chin.

“This should help you resist the temptation a little bit…”

Pushing your head down softly, I guide you until your weight is resting on your forearms, hands securely tucked under your chin.

Still on your knees, your back is arched seductively, forcing your tight heart-shaped ass in the air.

“Are you ok little one?”

I pat your head as I grab a small bottle of lube and apply it generously onto the smooth curved object attached to the chain on the back of the mask.

Glancing down your back, I admire all of the twitching muscles that run down either side of your spine.

“Yes Professor.” You pant.

“That’s a good girl…”


Carrying the short silicone hook, I walk slowly along side of you, the chain sliding across your back.

Carefully, I position the lubed device inches from your asshole.

“Remember Subject…”


Spreading your quivering ass cheeks gently, I slip the firm nub into your tiny little hole.

“AAAAauuuuuuuuugggggggghhhh” You scream in pleasure. The release is too powerful to hold back and your head whips forward, causing the hook to tug on your poor little asshole, which causes even more pleasure.

You quiver as the orgasm shakes your entire body, the added movement of your hips adds too the breeze on your clit and you can’t control it.


And that’s when you black out.

When you awake, there are tears streaming down your face.

“SUBJECT! Are you ok?”

Blinking through the tears, you can see me hunched down, peering at you through the slits of the mask. The kind eyes behind my glasses are kind, worried.

“Yes… Professor… Hic…” Tears well up again. “Im so sorry…”

I place my hand on your back glistening with sweat and massage you gently.

“Hey now… Subject, look at me, hey it’s ok! You can see again!” I laugh warmly as I run my hands up and down the full length of your back. “It worked!”

“It… worked?”

“Yes! We needed to shock your system with an intense orgasm in order to get your sight back!”

You grin. Your adorable freckle-nosed, dimpled grin.

But something was wrong…

Something didn’t feel… right…

“I need to cum again Professor.” You gasp.

The warm sensation was building already.

It was overwhelming.

“Please fuck me NOW Professor!”

Pulling your head forward in jerking motions, you try to fuck your own ass with the silicone hook buried deep inside. Each movement isn’t enough. It’s too shallow.


There is a pulsating deep within you. Your G spot has gone into hyperactive mode.

“Uuunnnnggghh” You moan as you bounce your ass up and down. The moving air on your pussy providing little relief.


I watch in awe as your pussy’s wetness puddles at your knees.



// Part 2 //

On a small HUD display on my glasses, a huge yellow warning sign pops up with a bar graph representing your desire and arousal levels.

They are completely off the charts. Absolutely unprecedented.

I glance at the video camera’s that encircle the raised bed that you are kneeling on.

I wonder what the PHD candidates must be thinking… watching you grinding and moaning in wanting agony…


Tears begin to stream down your cheeks.

“PLeaSe FuCk mEEEEEeee…”

The flashing warning sign turns red…

Your mind is close to breaking…


Jumping to the foot of the bed, I clamp my large rough hand over your sopping wet pussy and begin to stroke up and down. Your engorged clit is absolutely massive. I can feel your racing heartbeat through it as it slips in and out between the tips of my fingers.

“Shhhhh… my Little One…” I say gently. “It’s ok…

Focus your mind on my fingers…”

“ThAnk yOu DadDDy.” You pant…

Your toes are curling and uncurling uncontrollably… absolutely every single muscle in your body is firing…

Dammit… I know the relief will only be temporary… I need to do something quick…

The malignant software is adapting to the new stimuli too fast…

“SUBJECT… LISTEN… TO. MY. VOICE.” I growl in a deep baritone.

I knew from your file that your had very powerful audio-erotic receptors… even before the enhancements…





With my other hand, I slap your tight, round little ass with a wet CRACK that rings out in the auditorium.


“UUUNNNNGGHHH” You cry out… your neck whipping back as you press as much of your sopping cunt against my hand as you can.

A flood of cum begins to pour out of you as you shake violently.

“UHhuuuHHuhhhuu hhuhh uuhu hhhuuuu….”

“SUBJECT STAY CALM” I shout I try to keep the your orgasm going.

It was our only chance…

Still rubbing your clit as you press against me, with my other hand I grab the hook still embedded deep in your ass and begin to fuck you with it at the same time.


The flashing warning sign dips ever so slightly…

It’s working…

But again… it wouldn’t be enough…

The malignant software had focused in on your g spot, and it would need to be released.

I glance at the cameras again… the watchful red light blinking…

I’ve been trying to hide the rock hard length of my throbbing shaft between the folds of my lab coat, but I fear they may have seen…

I can’t fuck you… not with them watching… it’s against the rules.

I need another solution.

Your body is becoming accustomed to the stimulus again…

“No no no…” You whimper. “Please no…”

Your body jolts in sustained micro-orgasms. Little flashes of ecstasy touch each and every part of you, one at a time…

The frequency begins to build once more.

We needed to get a dick, or SOMETHING, into you fast.

An idea comes to my mind.

It’s a bit unorthodox…

But it MIGHT just work.

“REBECCA!!!!” I bellow. “I NEED YOU!”

“Yes my love?” You hear a sultry voice call from the top of the auditorium.

Panting… barely able to stay conscious… you turn your head to look past me… my hands now working slowly, luxuriously on your pussy with slow calming strokes… to watch as a long-legged beauty begins to saunter down the stairs in confident, knowing steps.

Immediately your breath catches.

You’ve seen her before…

It’s really her…

The Professor’s newest ‘Model’.

It was a wetness-inducing holo-ad you saw of her at campus that inspired you to become a Subject in the first place.

She was the first… woman… if you could call her that…that you touched yourself to.

And it was the thought of Her. The thought of Rebecca… is what had made up your mind to become a Subject in the first place.

She was the perfect sex toy.

Your inspiration.

What you wanted to BECOME.

As she approached the last step, she did a playful little tip-toe hop onto the auditorium floor. Her barely-restrained DD tits bouncing joyfully in a tight black corset.

“Well doesn’t this look fun?” She said with a devilish grin.

“Are you playing with Subjects AGAIN without me Professor?”

You gasp as her eyes lock onto yours.

Her flowing waist-length raven black hair frames smooth ivory cheeks and piercing golden-iris eyes.

Her eyes ravish your body as she bites a full, luscious bottom lip.

“Ohh, Professor… you naughty man…”

As she begins to walk toward you, your breath begins to quicken.

“STAY CALM LITTLE ONE!” I call out from behind you. Your hips have begun to gyrate once more…

Involuntarily, you begin to moan as she approaches.

“Oh myyyyy…” She says in surprise. Stopping to give me a look. “It looks like we have a tier 5 catastrophic malignant software malfunction on our hands…”

She cocks a disapproving eyebrow at me.

“You KNOW these are my favorite Professor…”

I sigh…

“I know… Rebecca…” I turn a bit flush as I turn my gaze back towards your tiny, round little ass, hook still stretching your hole… with all the action it’s seen… it’s not so little at the moment…

My hands are starting to cramp as I feel your pussy lips begin to swell and I try to match the tiny holding-pattern’ gyrations of your hips with little side-to-side micro movements.

Through the display on my glasses, I turn on the x-ray vision feature to look ‘through’ you, through your tiny little opening, to focus in on your g spot.

The activity there is an absolute mess of data.

The g spot has been completely taken over by the malignant software…

And now, the software, embedding into your g spot… has expanded to convert the ENTIRE vaginal cavity into one large erogenous zone.

Pulsing… it is growing… getting deeper into you…

The level of corruption is… extensive…

It is going to be EXTREMELY difficult to stimulate it all at once…

But it is necessary.

Fuck… fuck fuck fuck fuck….

“Rebecca… I could really use your help.”

The smile on Rebecca’s face is radiant.

“Say, PLEASE, can you help me Rebecca.” She says to me… eyes challenging.

Fuck sakes…

“Ahemm…” I clear my throat… “Please Rebecca… the Little One needs your help.”

Quick as lightning, Rebecca slaps me across the face.


With an indignant shout, her commanding voice echoes throughout the hall.

“YOU FUCK-ING NAMED — HER!!!???” She boomed again, even louder.

The pure volume of her voice was inhuman… chairs around the room rattled and shifted in place.

“THIS BITCH?” She points at you with a menacing finger.

You hold your breath as you watch her push her face in close to mine.





Her gaze is daunting as she touches the tip of her nose to mine.

“I —




With a light kiss to the tip of my nose, she bounces up beside you.


You gasp as she slaps your ass with a playful clap.




Cheek to cheek she goes, watching your taut skin spring back with a delicious bounce.


You feel the pressure building…

“Oh Professor, she is just DIVINE.”

Stopping… she takes all of you in as she runs her hands all along your back with eager anticipation.

You feel a building pressure inside of you.. deep inside of you…

Everywhere inside of you…

With a sudden grab onto your tiny waist, she tickles your sides as hard as possible.

“Look at this WONDERFUL little Subject!” She screams as you being to squirm and laugh.

The tickling hurts in a way… but… for some reason…


“Unhhhh” you begin to moan as your pussy drips, clit engorged once again. “Ye-hess… yes…”

“Do you like that cupcake?” She asks with a sultry voice.

“TELL mE DO YOU LIKE IT?” She yells as she grabs the hook in your ass roughly and stretches your tiny hole even further.

“Yes!” You cry out.

The pain, the humiliation, the tickling…

It’s becoming overwhelming.

“CAREFUL REBECCA!!!” I cry out… the software is moving too deep…

I can see that it is passing your cervix… into your uterus…

With each second our options to save you are becoming limited.

“OOhhhh YEESSSsss LITTLE ONE!!!” Rebecca cries out as she reaches to the chain attached to your head with the other hand and pulls back to arch your little spine.

You are being played with by your idol…

THE ‘REBECCA’, the one and only, is getting pleasure from YOU.

“LET ME HEAR YOU SAY ‘DADDY PLEASE!” Her powerful voice commands.

“Da- —

“Da —

Your legs begin to quake.

With a rough shove, Rebecca sends me flying across the room and takes her place behind you.

The blood is rushing to your head, you can barely breathe as she cranks the chain on your head back and pulls up on the hook in your ass with a forceful tug, almost lifting your entire tiny frame off the table.

The pain is torture.

But you want more.

“Daddy… you moan…”

All around the table, the cameras have begun to move of their own accord…

Closer and closer they come.

“What do you think little one?” Rebecca whispers to you.

She nods to the cameras.

“Should we give them a little show?”

You try to nod but you can’t.

“Yesshh…” You try to say, but the mask is pulled too tight.

Bringing her leg up between yours, she rubs it against your clit.

“Say fuck me please.” She whispers.

You can’t take it.

“FUCK ME PLEASE!!!” You scream.

Your breath is panicked… shallow… your vision blurs once more… you can barely see or hear or see anything…

All you can feel is the throbbing desire within.

Your pussy begins to gush… the little opening dilating in anticipation…

“I’m going to shoot cum all inside your little pussy.” Rebecca breathes as she licks your neck… her leg applies more pressure against your raw little clit.

“Do it…” You pant…

“Do it now!”

Sliding from a location around her waist, a thick object moves like a boa constrictor snake, down into Rebecca’s pussy.

The fibers interweave immediately as the cock twitches to life.

Rebecca grabs your perky little tits.

“Mmmmm… are you ready baby?”

“Unhh yessss…” You cry.

Rotating, moving, spinning, pulsing, the unit that comes to life is the maximum possible size available.

I quickly do the math as I watch Rebecca press the tip against your clit… moving it with smooth strokes up and down your lips to your tiny hole.

The unit pulses in anticipation as it swells in size.

The full length and girth of it would surely kill you…


Your frame is absolutely tiny in her arms…

With a forceful shove, the rotating tip of the dildo enters you.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” You scream in pain as you try to flinch away.

But Rebecca is too powerful. Pulling up on the hook she draws herself deeper into you.

With each inch, the twisting surging thing fills your entire hole, massaging every surface, expanding to press against every single part of you.

“YOU’RE A GOOD GIRL!” Rebecca screams as she goes even deeper.

With a great heave… Rebecca pulls you completely off the table so that she is holding your tiny frame upright in her arms.

Your legs dangling helplessly as the red lights on the cameras come closer… still blinking…

The weight of your upright body slips you deeper onto Rebecca…

The full length is now inside you…

You can’t distinguish yourself… from it… from Her.

Reaching around with one hand to your throat, and one hand on the hook, she whispers into your ear as she begins to lift you, sliding you up and down on the entire length of her rotating dildo.

“Oooohhh Little One…” She moans in your ear.

“You feel so good to me…”

“Are you going to cum for me?”

“UH!” You cry with every pump.




“UH!” Rebecca joins you.



“Oh Little One… I’m going to CUM!”

“Cum with me little one.” She pants.

“Cum with me.”

“Cum with me..”

You feel the thing inside of you become harder, it applies more pressure…


Rebecca pulls you tight against her. Her tits rub against your back as she grinds every inch of her into you…


“YES!” You cry out. The pressure building.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see me behind the cameras… my cock is out… it’s a huge thick veiny dick and I’m stroking it with two hands… matching pace for pace every pump that Rebecca puts into you…

I’m close to cumming…

“CUM FOR ME LITTLE ONE!” I shout to you as Rebecca’s dildo tenses in a powerful orgasm.

“UUNNNGGHH!” Rebecca cries out…

Her powerful cry reverberates through your body as she pulls into you one last time.

Pressing every inch of herself into you, both of your backs arch with electricity as you feel a shooting pressure of liquid course into you.

“UNNGHH FUUUCK” You hear me shout as my pent up load shoots across the room towards you.


Your body begins to quake uncontrollably.

Your eyes begin to roll back…

And then the room goes black once more…


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jzkv7o/new_subject_malfunction_pt_1_2_the_tiny_good_girl

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