Math teacher crush

In highschool I had such a big crush on my math teacher. If I told any of my friends they would’ve definitely laughed at me and called me gross or weird but I thought she was so cute.
She was an asian lady in her 50’s or 60’s, my height, black hair that was peppered with some grey, Thin, nice legs and body especially for her age. People would mock her openly in class for her voice which was “squawky” like a bird but I thought it was cute and really liked listening to her talk. As well as for her whole Demeanor which was completely unfiltered and it was noticeable she might’ve done some drugs back in her day but i loved it. Her.
I would look at her face, lips, eyes, quick glance at her breasts, even though she dressed conservatively, whenever she taught her lessons. I felt warm whenever we locked eyes as she taught the class.
Every time she walked around the class helping students I would call her over to help me out, giving her a big smile and looking her in the eyes whenever I could.
I had her sign my yearbook and she gave me a sweet note. When I graduated and walked to receive my diploma she asked me to keep in touch and come visit her.
I wish I had gone everyday and ate lunch in her room or afterschool to talk to her but I didn’t and feel it’d be weird to visit her.
