Your BF Fucked My Ex…

The following is either a horror or a love story…

It depends on what type of person you are.


Your BF fucked my ‘girlfriend at the time’ last year (before you were together) and I’ve never forgotten about it.

When my ex and I finally broke up in a heated argument a few months ago, she bragged about how she seduced a guy (your BF) at a frat party while I was out at the party all night trying to find her.

She told me how she found my porn search history, found out all of my favorite things I liked… all of the things that she would never do for me… then invited your BF over to MY place — all while I was still out at the party looking for her… texting to see if she was ok… hoping she was safe…

She told me how she visited the local sex store and bought everything kinky she could think of.

She didn’t even know what half of what the fuck she ended up buying…

Then, bringing your BF over to my place… on MY FUCKING BED… she told your BF to tie her up and use anything from the huge bag of toys she bought.

Then, when she was completely naked and helpless, she lied and told your BF all about how much of a little pussy I was. How I never satisfied her. How she wanted a real man to ‘fuck her right’ and film the whole thing to show me later.

Then… knowing that she had a BF… knowing that I existed…

Your BF promptly set up his phone, and proceeded to use all sorts of toys on her and fucked her until he creampied her little asshole…

Something she would never let me do…

Something she knew I fantasized about…

Then she told him to wipe his dick on my pillow.

And then laughing, he did.

Later on… after she had told me all of this and we had broken up…

She sent the link to me…


And the worst part is, the ENTIRE VIDEO he talks shit about me. He asks my ex what it feels like to be with a REAL man, how much better he is, how no one can fuck like he can.

… I HATE your BF…

I hate him with every ounce of my being…

…And now it’s time for revenge.



You are at University, but still living at home with your parents, and your “amazing,” hot new BF lives on campus at one of the dorms.

You are a little kinky, you fantasize about being bound up and played with by someone else in front of your BF and enact all of your darkest fantasies with him powerless to stop it.

You don’t want him to see how much you are enjoy it…

But DEEP, deep… down…

You do.


I apologize in advance…

I didn’t want it to come to this…

I don’t know you… not yet anyway…

But I will very soon. We will get to know each other VERY well…

Here’s how it goes:

Last month I rented the dorm room in the building across from his with a large bay window that is in clear view from his… and I’ve been waiting for the right moment…

Then… finally… FINALLY!

It happened…

After all the awful, trashy one-night stands…

He found a girlfriend he really loved…


He posts all about you on social… and with every ‘aww’ post that gets a thousand likes, you look like the perfect, hot, instagram couple in love.

It couldn’t have been more perfect.

Not for you…

Or him…

For me.

From what I’ve seen through his semi see-through curtains with my military-grade binoculars, your sex life is just ok.

And I’m sorry to tell you this…

…He masturbates to other women.



I think my ex-GF might have ruined him that fateful night…

I’m serious though… no joke…

I’ve seen his entire search history on multiple occasions.

He likes dirty things that your PG-13 sex to date hasn’t even come close to.

And… you know what…

I KNOW he’s still thinking about my ex-girlfriend…

Every time I watch as he timidly slaps your ass…

Gently pulls on your hair…

He is thinking about HER.

NOT you.

Every time he pulls out and tries to ‘accidentally’ creampie your tight little asshole…

He is thinking about her.

Every, single, time.

Don’t lie… think about how many times he does that…

And it’s right when he’s finishing too.

Right when he reaches the PEAK of his climax…

It’s her that gets him there.


Not you.

And it’s unfair really…

Because you are hot as fuck and have some really sexy kinks.

I know because I found your reddit profile with all the dirtypenpal stories…

Not only are you hot, you are smart… funny… and your mind is sexy as hell.

Some of those cuckold bondage stories you write about…

You could say… You… inspired me.

Inspired all of this.



One day you will read this…

And I hope you will understand.

I never want him to watch that video again…

I want him to delete all traces of it…

…And that’s where you come in.

My karmic gift from the gods.


So… this is how it’s going to go down…

A few weeks ago I broke into his dorm room and downloaded all of his dirty pics and sex videos of you…

And in… lets see… five minutes, you will get a random message from a certain distinguished gentleman with the username ‘theclarkkent_ero’ saying that I have a dirty video of you…

When you receive it, you will reply with something like… yah right, fuck off.

One second later, you will then receive a ‘reply all’ email to the last group ‘happy 23rd birthday’ email to you, from your family.

It was a group email…

The message will be blank…

But the email will be from ‘clarkkentero’…

Your family members will soon respond with messages like: haha funny name! which of the kids emails is this?

It will be a whole funny pun-filled email chain.

Umm… who is Clark Kent? Your sister will reply.

It’s Superman silly! Your sweet Grandma will chime in.

It’ll be a riot.

Best group email in years your dad will say.

But you will stay silent.


The next day, another reddit message…

Still think I’m full of it? I’ll say.

A direct email this time.

It’s a 10 second video of a hidden recording that your BF took of you without you knowing.

One where he is somewhat successful in cumming on your asshole without your permission.

“What THE Fuck!?” You say to him… “I TOLD you I don’t like that.” Then the video cuts out.

Then, in another message, I tell you exactly what is going to happen.

I tell you that if you don’t meet me in my dorm room… your entire family, all of your friends, all of your professors, your ex’s, your kindof-crushes you are still thinking about, EVERYONE YOU KNOW, will start to receive pictures and videos of you.

They will receive an email with images and videos of you, day after day, with EVERYTHING.

And then I will post everything online for the world to see…

Not that your BF hasn’t done that already…

You don’t know about it… and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you… but… like… 10 gross dudes might have watched those videos…

But don’t take it the wrong way…

His videos are hidden behind books and shit quality so they don’t get many upvotes or views.

It’s not your fault that the videos aren’t popular I swear…

Just wait…

I will show you just how sexy you are…

You will become famous.

More popular than any porn star perhaps.

Im serious.

By the end of all this, with high probability you will end up a millionaire.

And I really hope you do.

And one day, I hope you read this post.


So… here’s the deal…

There are 10 emails with the most explicit content of you that I’ve edited together.

The footage from your BF is garbage for the most part… but I took some online video editing courses and put in the very best scenes.

I want you to know that you look good when you see these.

It’s actually pretty decent with the edits I made… and I even thought about posting it… but I’ll keep these for you and let you make that decision if you want to post one day…

Maybe it will be titled: Her… before the fame…

I dont know.

All I’m saying is don’t throw these away without thinking about it…

Anyhow, down to business.



(I’m sorry I made the message so frightening… Please know it was all part of the plan).

ITS SIMPLE: If you want these videos gone, all you have to do is come over to my dorm, and let me OWN you for the night.

For each successful night, I will delete one of the videos.

And on the 10th night… you will be free… you will never hear from me, or have to worry about the videos again…

They will be deleted forever.

I promise.


-Clark Kent

Then… Surprisingly… I will email you a video of me…

My face hidden, the first thing you will see is the torso of a ripped, tanned athlete in his thirties.

What the fuck… Your tormentor is… Hot?

(What did you think I did to cope with my Ex’s devastating betrayal… eat icecream?).

The video will be just of me… sitting shirtless at my desk… vein-corded forearms slowly, methodically practicing tying all sorts of beautiful, intricate knots and loops…

Even the thought of it then, at the peak of your terror, admit it… you got more than a little bit turned on.

I know this, because…

The number of non-consenual/ bondage /cuckold erotica stories you posted from your throw-away reddit account that I found skyrocketed after that day…

And guess what… I took note of every, single one of the kinks that you wrote about…

I dare say, there’s a reason you are one of the most popular writers on here… the details and the vivid clarity of your stories… it’s just excellent work.)

What you probably didnt notice (go back and find the video if you still have it)… is that in the background… to the right of my chiseled abs… zoom in close if you can…

You can see a figure in a window hunched over his laptop masturbating.

That’s your BF.

Stroking his pathetic cock to the video of my Ex… for the 3rd time… just that day.

Guess what.

Thats the very same night when you show up to surprise him with sexy lingerie that you bought just for him…

Maybe you thought it would break him out of his weird asshole creampie fetish that he kept trying to force on you… but it didn’t.

It made it worse.

And that’s why…

This needed to happen.


So now… tonight… when you come over… and night after night until we complete our little ‘arrangement’…

(Upon which time I will have deleted all 10 videos as promised…)

I will wait until your BF is in his dorm room, alone… thinking that you are at home with your parents…

And then curtains open… lights on… I will bring you into view on a leash.

Your face covered by a latex mask… you will be just far enough away that he doesn’t know it is you.

Then… I will degrade you… embarrass you… expose you… toy you… spank you… bind you… make you quiver with body-shaking orgasms…




It will all be catered to you.

Based on your stories of course.

Your lovely stories.

You will wonder how the fuck I know you so well… how I know all the right places to touch… the right amount of pain to give…

You have to realize… I’ve been planning these nights, in detail, for months.


But I digress…

Let me tell you what your stupid fuckin BF is going to do.

Soon, after the second…

The third?

The fourth night!?

Waiting impatiently in his room watching for our little show to begin will become that little fuck’s favorite nightly masturbation.

It must always be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm… he will think to himself as he turns off all the lights and waits patiently.


Before I slip the mask over your head…

Before the satisfying ‘click’ of your collar as I clip it around your flushed, pulse-pounding throat.

Before the sensual trace of the thick binding ropes against your shivering skin…

Before I turn on the lights to guide your sexy, fetish-costumed body into my little sex dungeon with a view…

I will ask you to text him.

“hey babe, how’s your night?” it will say.

I will tell you to start playing with your engorged, throbbing clit.

Then for each passing minute, for up to 5 minutes, we will wait.

Every time, the time will expire without a response.

Because of that…

Every time…

Every magical time…

I will own you, your body, your mind, for 5 hours…

“sorry, was at the gym” his response will come…

But it will be well, well after your first orgasm of the night.

Usually, it’s right when you are slumped over, exhausted from the multiple toe-curling, leg shaking orgasms… and our time expires.

Right when I tell you how much of a good girl you are, then flick off the lights.

Isn’t that a strange coincidence?


During the day he will laugh and tell you all about the crazy sex your neighbors are having.

But the entire time I will be turning you into my little cumslut while he peeks between his blinds and plays with his cock.

The best part is, I won’t have even have to film you.

He will end up doing it himself.

Then he will masturbate non-stop to the videos of you, without ever knowing…

Until the final night…

THE night.

A true masterpiece.

The best part is, I know exactly what he is going to do…

He will post the videos he takes of us on REDDIT from his shitty garbage account, and every porn site he can think of.

“My KINKY Uni Neighbors!!”

They will go viral. #1 Trending…

OMG ANOTHER VIDEO!? They will say as the amateur reality content just keeps coming.

Is this the same girl as the videos before? His “fans” will ask.

Fuck no. He will respond. That one from before is my personal cum dumpster.

(Oh… How sweet revenge can be…)

Your BF will be so proud of himself when his new videos start to become wildly popular.

“Yeah.. isn’t it crazy?” He will post.

It’s like… every other night… just insane.

Done worry all… buying a high def camera with a zoom lenz 4 the next one…

Stay tuned!”


People will send him loads of money to buy the best equipment possible… more than enough…

Every amateur porn voyeur will post dummed down camera gear how-to’s in the comments for the mouth breather to try to follow.

And yet, even with all the excess cash, he will keep most for himself, but buy you a few little things to make you feel special…

Maybe he can quit University and make a living off of this? He will think.

Remember that expensive diamond ‘promise’ band he bought you?

You know… the one you wear on your right ring finger?

Yah… That’s where the money for that came from…

Not to worry though… I will take screenshots as he posts everything, collecting all the evidence…

Then, on that final night… the crescendo to my masterpiece… for the first time he will see multiple men come into the room and start masturbating to you.

What the fuk? He will wonder as he starts to play with himself, rock hard.

As the first of many start to jizz all over you, I will put up a sign in the window…



Not knowing how lucky he is, he will race over as fast as he can…

But he is late to the party…

But not too late.

This final night is my party for HIM after all…

The guest of honor must make an appearance.

Even if fashionably late.

There’s a lineup down the hall when he arrives and he’s in last place…

It’s over an hour wait but he doesn’t care… he’s been masturbating to the girl in the window for over a month and he is close to jizzing his pants just waiting..

Finally, his turn will be next…

“Am I too late?” He will say as guys high-five each other on the way out.

“Naw man, she’s all yours!” I will say as I pass him.

He won’t even acknowledge me as he rushes into the room.

The best part is he will never remember my face.


Masked… in a tight latex corset… face down… ass completely covered in cum… he will add the final load.

And then… unable to help himself… he will take off your mask…


The fight will be epic.

The best part is, I will have been filming this night the entire time…

And then comes my reddit post…


I will post from your BF’s now-famous reddit account.

In it… will be the whole story… everything…

The whole world will find out that he was sharing and getting off to his own GF getting used and abused without ever knowing it.

It will go down in Reddit history… never to be deleted.

Once you find out, you will either forgive him… come clean about your fantasies and somehow reconnect over dirty fetishes…


One day you will show up at my door…


Mask off…

And beg to come in…

Unable to help himself… your ex-BF will be watching…

And that’s when you will turn to him and hold up your middle finger.

His diamond ‘promise ring’ on the tip.


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