The Amazonians: FUTA Rules: Breed or Die, Ch 1 (futa)

Chapter 1

Anka paces back and forth, as if I’m not in the same confined space as her. She looks pained, anguished, like she’s been up all night running possibilities through her head.

I weigh my own options in my head. I decide it may be best for me to speak first. “Anka, look,” I start.

“Shht” she says through pursed lips. She holds her hand out and pinches, as if to shut me up. “You are not supposed to know,” she says, suddenly sounding much more familiar with English.

Her hands connect behind her back as she paces. “You should not have gone to that waterfall,” she says, speaking more to herself than to me.

I’m beginning to feel suspicious of her intentions. And annoyed that she’s been able to speak English all this time. “Wait…what.”

“Shht” she interrupts again. She sighs deeply and finally looks me in the eye. “You were not supposed to know about our… abilities.”

“Right. It’s fine, really,” I assure her, speaking rapidly. “I promise I won’t say anything to…”

“You’ve put me in a precarious position, Jake,” she says, sounding more now like the leader of a tribe. It’s the first time she’s used my name since my first day.

I want to ask questions, but I’ve quickly learned this is a one-way conversation. I try to calm myself and study her. Why was she so affected by this? Surely, they must get Westerners out here now and again, people like me who get lost while hiking.

“I’ve come to…,” she begins. “Take a liking to you, Jake. I have appreciated… your company. And your… discretion.”

I assume she’s talking about keeping her significant physical ailments between us. She sits on the straw chair the guards had provided when she arrived, and her focus on me intensifies.

“The tribe is upset,” she begins, concern never leaving her expression. Her dark eyebrows furrow, revealing the stress lines in her otherwise ageless, bronze complexion.

“Many of us are very protective of our secret,” she informs. “We have remained hidden from the outside world for millennia. You are the first white man to know of our existence in centuries.”

I’m awestruck. Both by the information she’s sharing and at her expansive vocabulary. “Well, I can keep it secret. I have no intentions of exposing you to the world,” I say.

“Despite essentially being kept as a servant, I’ve learned to respect the ways and culture of your people,” I continue. “What do you call yourselves, anyways?”

“We are the Terana,” she states. “We… I have also enjoyed your company these past few weeks.” The look of agony returns to her face.

“Then what’s the problem?” I ask. “I don’t say anything, and we just go along as if nothing happened.” While I mean all of what I say, I’m laying on my charm especially thick. My first approach out of this mess is the one with the least resistance.

She scoffs. “It’s not that simple, Jake,” she says. Her hand lowers to my shoulder. Her fingers feel cold and calloused. “There are only three options that lie ahead for you.”

“Yes, what are they?” I ask eagerly.

“First option is we kill you,” she says plainly. “That eliminates the threat immediately.”

“Okay, let’s go on to option two,” I suggest.

“Second, you stay as our servant. Forever. You would be allowed to live, but never leave.”

“And three?” I ask.

“The third option would involve some cooperation in your part,” she says.


“The third option: we breed you.”
