I’m Not A Bull [M/F, cheating]

I’m not a bull. I don’t enjoy demeaning a man while dominating his wife. I don’t even really think of myself as all that dominant. I have, however, taken the wives of other men, both with and without their knowledge; both with and without their being present. I have never belittled a man while doing so, however, regardless of how little I might think of him.

Is that a distinction without a difference? I don’t think so. My understanding is that the dominance and degrading are a critical part of the bull experience. I have noticed in the last few years a dramatic increase in the number of “beta males” I come across. Men who are passive. By comparison, men who are assertive or openly masculine seem to be more dominant.

I have seen that some women like a man who they can bend to their will. I have also found that some women react quite strongly to a strong, masculine man. I don’t necessarily mean physically, though that is a factor. I’m a fairly burly man. I lift weights regularly and while I’m not a bodybuilder, the strength shows. However, I’m more referring to the masculinity of spirit, so to speak. The man who gets things done, takes what he wants (without being an ass about it) and doesn’t bend to any external pressure.

I’ve discovered one more aspect of the attraction over the years and that is safety. While the strong, masculine traits are attractive, knowing that he won’t do anything to harm her and in fact, offers some protection, it essential to the allure.

I’m not a bull, as I said, however, I have found I thoroughly enjoy pleasing a woman with my masculinity, especially when that need in her has been malnourished. Being on the receiving end of that voracious hunger is something I find extremely satisfying. I discovered this about 15 years ago.

I had become friends of a sort with my neighbors Charlie and Beth. They didn’t live next door, but actually on the next street over. Our houses kind of backed up to one another in a catty corner manner. We could readily see one another’s houses through a thin stand of trees. Over time, we talked about various things, attended each other’s barbecues, and other neighborly things.

Beth was always intrigued when I was working on a project. Building, planting, repairing…it didn’t really matter. She would wander over and ask questions and check out the progress. Soon it turned into asking if I could help them with things at their house. It didn’t take me long to figure out that Charlie had no interest in doing any of the work. He would be happy just hanging out on the back deck with a beer.

I agreed to help, partially because I like being around Beth. She was a short little Filipino lady and a little curvy in the right places. She was friendly and outgoing, which is why we knew each other anyway. I tend to be quiet and keep to myself, but it was her bubbly personality that led her to call out to me whenever she saw me.

I helped with a few projects over the course of a few months. She offered to pay me, but that didn’t seem very neighborly, so we came to an agreement. I would work for food. She can cook like few can. Always delicious and plenty of it. So that became the routine. I’d help with a project and then join them for dinner.

Charlie seemed pretty indifferent about both the projects and my being there. I could sense her frustration with him when we were working and he wanted to do things the easiest way instead of what was required to get the result she wanted. She was very appreciative when we were finished, though. Not just with a great meal, but with compliments about the work and many thank yous. 

One weekend, I helped to fix a part of their deck that was sagging and then build a small edition onto it that stepped down onto a hill in their backyard. When we were finished, Beth asked if they could keep my saw for another couple of days because she wanted Charlie to cut a couple of boards to raise some things off the floor in the garage. I said they could and was a little relieved that I could have a couple of days before lugging it back across the yard to my place.

A few days later I stepped out my backdoor and heard Beth calling me in her normal cheerful voice. I waved and walked toward her. “We’re finished with the saw, so you can get it whenever you want,” she said. She had a look of expectancy which I took to mean she would like me to get it now. I didn’t really want to at that moment, but I didn’t have a good reason not to.

“I can get it now,” I told her.

We walked around the side of the house to their garage. As the door came up, I could see only her car was inside. We walked into the back corner, under the stairs to where I had left the saw. I locked the handle in place and turned around to see if my path was clear to the door.

I stopped, a little startled because Beth was standing just inches away from me. “Thank you for letting us use it, and for always being such a big help,” she said, looking up with a steady gaze. 

I have to admit, I was a little confused. I wasn’t reading the signs very clearly. She put her hand on the back of my arm and continued a little hesitantly, “It’s nice to have a strong, capable man around.”

Now it clicked. Her message made its way even through my thick skull. My eyes must have widened a little but I couldn’t think of any words in that moment. “There are so many things that need done around here,” she continued trailing off at the end.

I put my hands on her shoulders and moved her back just a bit so I could see her better as my words returned. “I get it,” I said, not sure that I really did, “but if you’re not careful, I might do something we both regret.”

“I don’t think either of us will regret it,” she answered.

I leaned forward and kissed her almost before the sentence was of out of her mouth. I half expected her to pull away and scream. She didn’t. She extended to her full tiptoe height and threw her arms around my neck and returned my kiss.

My embrace lifted her off the ground and held her tight against me. I could feel the warmth of her skin through her dress and my shirt. She clung to me almost desperately. Her kisses were hungry; maybe even ravenous. “Am I really going to do this,” I thought.

It was just words. The decision had already been made. It briefly occurred to me that one of the garage doors was open and I didn’t know when Charlie would be back. Then I decided I didn’t care and pushed the thought aside. I turned and lifted Beth onto a mostly empty table. As we continued to kiss furiously, I began to unbutton her dress. Pulling it open and breaking our kiss, I found a light blue bra contrasting with her brown skin.

As I unclasped it, I wondered if she would become shy when she was exposed. She didn’t. Her round skin and dark nipples bare before me, she looked at me almost proudly. As if she were offering her best. Her skin was hot when I touched her and returned to kissing her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me against her.

With one hand cupping her breast, I slid my other along the outside of her thigh, underneath her dress. Reaching her hip, I realized she wasn’t wearing any panties. She had come prepared. We had said nothing for several minutes. The only sounds were our breathing, kissing and an occasional moan.

I unbuckled my belt and maneuvered my jeans and shorts to the ground. Pressing our bodies together, I found her hot and wet against me. As we moved against on another, I was soon fairly slippery with her moisture. For a moment I considered the potential issue of my girth and her small body. I thought about asking her if she was sure, but her hungry eyes and heels digging into my backside made it unnecessary. 

Pressing forward, I squeezed inside her. She pulled me toward her even harder and tried to press her hips forward as well. After a moment, the initial tightness gave way to a snug fit as I moved inside her body. The angle on the table was problematic, so I lifted her by her hips and held her up as we desperately thrust our bodies together.

Her moans became persistent now and my breathing was partially made up of grunts. Her need was apparent and it was driving me wild. I had never had such an urge to give an orgasm to a woman. It happened suddenly. As I kissed her neck, she pulled her pelvis hard against mine, her back arching, face pointed to the ceiling. She seemed like she stopped breathing for a while as her body alternated between being rigid and convulsing slightly.

I felt her squeezing me inside as well. I was throbbing, perched on the precipice of my own orgasm. Her breathing started again with a gasp and she collapsed forward, her head on my shoulder. Then she released the grip her legs had and started to rock slightly again. My body didn’t need much convincing. My throbbing turned to mini-convulsions as I expelled my pleasure inside her.

She raised her head and looked at me with wide eyes, mouth open. Then she kissed me, not quite as hungrily as before, but still with considerable passion. I held her up like that for several minutes, still tasting her lips. Eventually, I set her back on the edge of the table. After a few more moments of kissing, she mumbled, “That’s what I needed.”

There was no awkwardness. Just a knowing appreciation between two people. An affection that isn’t shared between mere neighbors. After that, we occasionally had moments to share together again. I don’t know if Charlie ever found out, but I suspect not. 

There have been others, too. Not neighbors but friends, acquaintances, co-workers. I have since learned to read the signals. The looks and body language of a woman who is hungry for some assertive male attention. Each time, I remember that first time with Beth. I remember what that hunger from a woman felt like. And I know I want to feel it again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jybzhz/im_not_a_bull_mf_cheating


  1. Wow, that was amazing! I need a neighbor like you! I want to feel WANTED like that…it’s been a while….mmmm…yes…thank you:)

  2. See I have a sexy neighbor story too, but this one is *whooo* ??

    Can’t wait to see more stories!

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