Submitting Abroad: Part 2b [FF]

The villa was hidden away in the hills outside Rome, nestled within a sprawling vineyard that kept the rest of the world at bay. In truth, villa may have been an understatement. Two large structures made up the primary residences, surrounded by other smaller buildings that served to maintain the surrounding estate.

I was still at work on Claire’s pussy when she began the explanation, now driving up a dirt road that led to the central buildings.

“There are two buildings at the villa you will be acquainted with, three if your training progresses well.” She was looking out the window, admiring the scenic drive. She began to stroke my hair, a small sign of affection, as if petting a dog, fingers running across my scalp encouraging me to continue servicing her.

“The first is the big house, the primary residence of Mr Gallo when he is in town. He often hosts parties and invites associates here, some of whom may require your services.”

I was getting further turned on than I already was at the thought of it. I was truly owned now, an item to be loaned out to guests, having sealed that deal on the cum-laden tongue of my now mistress.

“The second is our residence, along with 29 other mistresses and their wards.”

The thought of others hadn’t crossed my mind, but made sense now. Mr. Gallo was a dominating man, as were his mistresses. There were many like myself who were attracted to that.

“Ah,” she smiled, something outside catching her eye. “Jaques let’s please give them a lift” Patting me on the head, she added, “that’s enough now. We have company.”

I reluctantly removed my mouth from her soaked cunt, my own chin wet with her juices, as the limousine ground to a halt. The driver quickly departed the vehicle, running around the front to get the door for our new arrivals. I sat with my cheek pressed against Claire’s knee, watching the bright light that streamed in intently.

“Claire, is that you?” called a lilting voice, figure stepping into the vehicle. A woman, with a second in tow behind her. As my eyes adjusted to the incoming light, I quickly established the relationship: a mistress and her own ward. Perhaps this was an opportunity to learn more about the future that awaited me at the villa, even make a friend, if such things were permitted.

The mistress was a redhead, draped in a black dress, similar in form to the one Claire was wearing, down to the revealing length.

“It is!” she cried, stepping deeper into the limo towards us. Irish accent, I determined. As she approached, I made further observations: a bit shorter than Claire, but with larger breasts, pushing against the top of her dress, begging to be pulled out and played with. Perhaps I would get such an opportunity.

In tow was a girl roughly my same age with darker skin and frizzy hair that bloomed out in all directions. North African, I guessed, even before hearing her speak. She was entirely nude as well, feet dusty from the dirt road they had been walking along. A perfect smile broke across her face as she saw me, seated on the ground. Her breasts were fairly small, smaller than my own at least, though her pussy looked divine. Even after having spent the last half hour servicing Claire, my mind grew weak at the thought of tasting this new comer.

Both wore chokers, leash included for the ward, in a similar fashion to me and Claire: rose-gold and black.

“Good to see you, Anna,” Claire reciprocated, standing to greet them. The two briefly hugged, kissing cheeks, before turning to me.

“This must be the new ward,” Anna cooed, placing her hand under my chin, tilting my face up towards her. I was unsure whether I was allowed to speak.

“Gallo does have good taste, doesn’t he? I imagine she’ll be earning a name sooner rather than later.”

She patted me on the cheek before turning to her own ward. “Zohra, please answer any questions Claire’s new ward may have.”

“Of course,” Zohra continued smiling, taking a seat beside me.

Claire handed my leash to Anna, who proceeded to tie them together, knot close to the base of both our necks, leaving us only a few inches apart. The closeness forced me to sit up against her, practically on top of her, as our shoulders rubbed together. Having completed her task, Anna and Claire shuffled to the back of the limo, where they took their seats, chatting away in quiet tones I couldn’t quite make out. Old friends, apparently.

“Come,” Zohra said, slapping my thigh lightly, “Let me sit on you, it will be more comfortable.”

“Ok,” I whispered, slightly nervous. She was attractive. Intensely attractive. So attractive in fact, I was afraid I would get further turned on with her in my lap. Where would I place my hands? Could I handle that much contact?

She climbed onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist, our faces only a couple inches apart, held together by our tied leashes. I felt the warmth of her stomach, the softness of her breasts as they rubbed against my own. She had just been out in the sun, radiating heat and the scent of grapes, mixed with a faint perfume that smelled how I imagined a bazaar would: a melange of spices and exotic fruits.

Her olive eyes shone into my own, probing me deeply until I turned away. My own breath had quickened, and the feel of her body jiggling against my own as the limousine resumed its course only excited me further. How could I maintain a conversation like this, let alone ask any meaningful questions?

The light pull of her hand, placed along my cheek, turned me on even more, as she pulled my head to back face hers. Yes, touch me! Touch me everywhere!

Her own mouth was now slightly opened, as she leaned forward. Her lips brushed against my own. I felt the warmth of her breath as she exhaled into my own mouth, before plunging in.

Ambrosia. Her tongue worked against my own, as her hands began to knead my breasts. After all that time spent in Claire’s pussy, I was ready for a release of my own. Suddenly, she pulled away, gyrating her hips against me as she pinched one of my nipples, eyes half shut as she bit her lip in a coy smile.

“So,” she breathed. “What would you like to know?”

“How are you so good at this?” I asked, the only thing that I could get through clearly. The lithe body that ground against my own shook slightly with laughter.

“You will learn. You will learn.”

She leaned in, mouth pressed against the inside of my ear so I could hear every flutter of her breath.

“I can tell,” she whispered. “You will earn a name.”

Her hand that had been used to cup my cheek now sunk lower, fingers brushing along my arm until they arrived at my hand, gripping her thigh. With a slight tug, she pulled it away, directing it now to her pussy.

“Us girls have to practice all the time, you know,” she continued, as my fingers made contact with her pussy. She was almost as wet as I was. Almost.
“Do as I do,” she continued. “And ask your questions.”

Her fingers began tracing my labia, ever so softly. I gasped slightly, enthralled by every touch and tap she performed, navigating her way expertly around my pussy. I barely was able to focus enough to copy what she was doing, a fumbling fool compared to this goddess that sat in my lap.

“What do you mean, earn a name?” I was able to get out, moaning near the end as she inserted a finger into me. I reciprocated, enjoying exploring her, arms rubbing together as we exchanged pleasures.

“We come here nameless,” she whispered, face once again pressed against my own. She was swapping between fingering me and rubbing my clit with her thumb, moving in small circles that matched her own gyrating hips. She was lust incarnate.

“Those of us that prove ourselves in our studies are given the chance to take a test. Those that pass are given a name by our mistresses.”

“What is the test?” I asked, pumping my fingers into her, rocking my own hips in rhythm with her own. Her belly rubbed against my nipples, velvety skin the perfect material to press them into.

She shook her head playfully, free hand placing a finger to her lips. It was to be a secret then, a rite of passage. For now I was just focused on the orgasm that was building between my legs, Zohra’s hands now moving at a blistering pace. For my own part, I was desperately attempting to keep up, but this was no contest. She was a master in training.

Her shushing hand now moved from her own lips to my cheek, thumb pressing into mouth. I ecstatically took it in, enjoying the taste as I pressed my tongue against it, sucking harder and harder as I approached climax.

And then I was there, pussy contracting around Zohra’s fingers, softly biting her thumb as the waves of pleasure rippled across my body. Never in my life had I felt so good. A soft moan escaped my lips, which I proceeded to smother against her shoulder, pulling her body closer to my own. She had brought me to this great height of ecstasy.

I was so awash in my own emotions, that I hadn’t noticed the limousine come to a stop. And so, it was with great surprise that I felt a tug at my leash, pulling Zohra and myself to our feet. Time to depart.

Claire now held both leashes, carefully untying them, as my recent lover and I stood face to face. Zohra winked suggestively, biting her lip again, the message clear. You want more of me, don’t you?

I did. I could have stayed on the floor of that car forever with her. But, now was the time to leave and enter where I would be living for the foreseeable future, mastering the arts that had just driven me into a state of pure lust: not just the art of sex, but the art of control.

I was now a student of the art of dominance; I just hoped more of my lessons would be taught by her.


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