Submitting Abroad: 2a [FF]

I’m back!

Unfortunately the character limit meant I had to split part 2 across separate posts: 2a and 2b.

I’m also preparing to start writing some shorter one-off stories while I’m continuing to edit this story down in to parts. PM me if you have requests or suggestions!


Gallo left the makeshift privacy room shortly after the flight attendant did, departing without a word. I guess he was done with me for now. Sitting up, I stretched and took a peek out the window, watching as the swiftly approaching Italian countryside rose to meet us. I spent a half hour admiring the golden hills and valleys, vineyards dotting the landscape, surrounded by communities that grew denser as we approached the capitol.

The attendant popped in past the curtain, causing me to turn.

“We will be landing in 20 minutes. Please remain here until I come get you.”

I nodded. She had changed out of her uniform, donning a tiny black dress that barely covered everything, though her rose-gold choker remained. I was transfixed, tracing her body with my eyes, letting my imagination fill in the details. Did she even work for this airline? Before I could ask, she had departed again, curtain falling back into place. At least I knew I would see her once more before the flight was over.

Once touched down, I remained seated, listening to the shuffle of passengers as they disembarked, grabbing luggage from the overhead compartments. I was nervous someone would attempt to pull back the curtain and reveal my half naked body. Fortunately, no one disturbed me. Finally, the cabin grew silent, and I began to worry that not only the entire crew, but also my now wonderous guardian had abandoned me. A familiar hand now pulled back the curtain: my new guardian.

“My name is Claire. Signor Gallo has placed you under my charge. Your belongings have already been removed from the plane and are enroute to our destination.”

“Thank you,” I responded, proud of my composure given our recent intimacy and my continued lack of covering below the waist.

“Please stand in the aisle.”

I did as she commanded, at the beck and call of this sonorous Italian voice, rising while scanning the rest of the cabin.

“Do not worry,” Claire assured me. “Everyone is gone, even the pilots.”

She gestured down the hallway to where I could see the empty cockpit.

“The perks of owning your own airline.”

I nodded in pretend agreement, still processing what she had said. Of course the man I had just tasted owned the airline, how else could he have gotten away with such a series of acts, with a willing flight attendant to facilitate, yet I could not believe it. Who was this mysterious Gallo? How else was he connected?

Claire’s hands worked to remove my top and then bra, before stepping back to observe me, eyes tracing my every curve.

“Feet as well,” she added, continuing her careful observation as I removed my socks and flats.

“You are my type,” she finally concluded, clapping her hands together.

I blushed self-consciously, secretly proud to have received a compliment from this woman.

“Unfortunately, your current wardrobe will not do, and I do not have a replacement prepared.”

She pondered for a minute before shrugging to herself. She was an animated woman.

“No matter, you will be fine as you are. However,” she now reached into a small vest pocket on her uniform and produced a thin strip of cloth. “You will need to wear this at all times.”

I took what I now realized to be a choker from her, turning it over in my hand. It had almost no give to it, with a metal ring on one end and a clasp on the other. I draped it around my neck and snapped the clasp around the metal ring, securing it in place. Claire then produced a thin silver key from her purse, barely larger than her fingernail, with which she locked the clasp. Apparently she was serious about this not being removed, though all I could think about as the thin fingers brushed my neck was how she could use them in other ways.

As she replaced the small key in her clutch, I took a closer look at Claire’s own choker. It had no ringlet or locking clasp, and appeared to be woven, in contrast to my own leather version. A sort of ranking system, perhaps, or identification. I would ask her later.

At last, she produced a final item for me: a thin leash, matching in color and material to the choker that now rested immovable around my neck. She clipped it onto what I now realized to be not just a choker, but also a collar. I was her pet.

“Come along now, the car is waiting.”

I nodded, not entirely sure where she would lead me, completely naked and on a leash. Not through the crowded airport, I determined; that would attract too much attention. She strode up the aisle, black high heels tapping in contrast to the soft pads of my bare feat. She kept my leash taught at all times, and I made sure to follow close behind. No slack was accepted.

Rounding the end of the aisle, instead of the expected walkway that bridged the gap between the airplane and terminal, I was instead met with a row of stairs down to the tarmac where a black limousine awaited. The warm Italian sun radiated off my exposed skin, as I stared out over the empty space, enjoying the first view of my new home for the next half year. A mild breeze washed across my body, drawing out goose pimples on my breasts and hardening my nipples even more than they had been. I could have stood there for ages, soaking up the sun. My mistress had no time for this.

Claire descended ahead, tugging me along firmly. I was to follow her every step. That was what the leash was for, to establish dominance. She was my mistress now. On the even footing of the ground, she towered over me. Already a couple of inches taller naturally, the heels only accentuated that difference between us. Another show of dominance, I suspected, having me remove my shoes as well.

An older man, white shock of hair and spindly posture, held the door open for us as we climbed in. He seemed unfazed by the entire experience, suggesting he was also in the employ of Gallo. Claire made her way to the back, and I followed obediently.

“Please sit on the ground,” she directed, taking her own seat on the leather cushions and pointing to a carpeted spot on the ground in front of her. I did as commanded, sitting perpendicular to her, head resting back against the inside of her thigh.

In one hand, she held my leash and in the other her cell phone, absentmindedly scrolling as if I wasn’t even there. From my position, I now had a perfect view up her dress, hairless pussy staring back at me. No panties for her either, it would seem.
I couldn’t take my eyes off it, even once the ride began, biting my lip to suppress the urge to bury my face in it. I merely rested my face against the inside of her thigh and watched, enjoying the small jolt each bump in the road carried through my leash.

After half an hour in the car, Claire, yanked my leash towards her, bringing me an inch from her hairless vagina.

“Eat me out,” she ordered, eyes still glued to her phone, though in such an offhand way I hesitated for a moment. How was she so casual about this?

She placed a heeled foot up on the seat, exposing herself further as her dress rode up, to my excitement, tugging my leash again so that my nose made contact with the luxurious vagina in front of me.

I had never eaten a woman out before, much less one that seemed so uninterested in me. The smell was aromatic, a richness to it I was dying to taste. I guess there was a first for everything, and I was going to give this my best shot. I dove in, tongue lapping at her, penetrating the soft outer tissue. She was beginning to moisten, as was I as the strengthening taste drove me insane. I devoured her, moaning slightly to myself as wave after wave of her scent washed over me. I was in paradise.

I glanced up, hoping to find my mistress enthralled, but instead found the same bored look as before, still fixated on her phone. I was the secondary entertainment here. Perhaps I was doing something wrong?

I paused briefly, preparing to ask, but this instead drew Claire’s ire. “Bitch, did I say you could stop?”

I shook my head, fearing speaking would make the situation worse. I just wanted to make her happy.

“Then keep going.”

With another yank I was pulled back into the paradise of her pussy, eagerly continuing my new role, knowing any sort of acknowledgment outside of running my tongue over her clit would bring out her ire.

“I am assessing your abilities,” she continued, eyes now back on her device. “You clearly have no experience with women.”

The accusation, as accurate as it was, stung. She had high expectations.

“Do not worry,” she closed her eyes and smiled tiredly, dropping her phone onto the seat beside her and leaning her head back. The ice queen was in need of rest, it would seem. “I will teach you. But for now I expect you to pleasure me until we arrive at the villa.”

I happily ate her out for the remaining half hour of the drive.
