Bee Porn Movie

The Queen clamored throughout the beehive. After the load scream there was a deafening silence, the load constant buzzing stopped instantly. Thousands of bees all faced towards their Queen, dying to know what she was going to say, plus hundreds of thousands more bees watching silently from their homes.
The male bee only knew two things in life, work and listening to the Queen. After all, she gave life to all and without her everything they know would be nonexistent.
“It is now time for the monthly fertilization ceremony! You know what that means, one of you shall be picked to die for your Queen!”
Surprisingly the bees all cheered. That’s because this isn’t any death, bees die when having sex so the chosen bee will die fucking the Queen! There is no greater death imaginable in bee culture. On top of that the Queen is fit as fuck (and the only female in their society).

Beenie the Bumble bee, like every other bee right now, was imagining winning the ceremony. You could volunteer online and since every bee always signed up it would always crash the world wide hive (bee Internet).
Beenie was a nerdy bee with glasses and even though every bee is fuzzy, he was very fuzzy for bee standards.
He managed to sign up before the bee Internet crashed and he spends the night fantasizing about being picked tomorrow. His endophallus slowly everted as he fell asleep dreaming about the Queen and her big bumbling bee boobies.

Beeyonce the Queen entered her room after her speech. It’s tough to lead an entire hive and give birth to everyone but she’s handling it very well. All this work was very demanding.
“I got to get fucked” she said to herself, while she removed her royal dress which was constricting her for all this time. For months the bees that are picked do not satisfy her wild kinky needs. No bee knows how kinky Beeyonce is because no bee has lived to tell the kinky tale.
She starts imagining a bee getting picked that finally fucks her properly.
She sits down with only her panties on and her imagination starts running wild, her hand moves under her panties to her sting chamber and she slowly enters, sending shivers all over her chitin. If there was anyone who knew what she liked it was herself as she started rubbing her clit sensually.
While she’s rubbing her glands, her fantasy is getting wilder and wilder, she softly starts moaning from her own fantasy.
She reaches for a desk drawer with 2 of her 6 hands and she grabs 2 big wax dildos. You can tell that the Queen of the bees is a size Queen.
One of the dildo’s moved to her face and she licked it from the base all the way to the top multiple times until it was dripping with saliva and she started sucking it.
With one clean motion she takes off her soaking wet panties and starts rubbing the other dildo on her vagina which got wetter with each rub. Finally, she pushed it in all the way, and she let out a big moan, which was muffled by the other dildo in her mouth.
At this point she’s fucking herself with 4 hands at the same time, the other two are squeezing her big bee boobs. Her tits are huge even for bee standards and she knows it. She loves staring at herself while playing with her tits. After a wild 6 hand masturbation technique, she cums with a load moan.
The moan is so loud that the guards hear it, but they hear it almost every day, so they are not surprised. Beeyonce is one giant ball of sexual energy, it is going to be extremely tough for the next bee to pleasure this sex insect.

The next day Beenie was excited all day for the announcement of who won the fertilization ceremony. After a hard day at work making honey at the honey factory, he came back to watch it on his L.E.Bee screen.
“and the winner of the 734-fertilization ceremony is!” the announcers yelled, and the camera turned to the Queen who will pick the winner from a bowl with the names in it. It’s been a tradition for hundreds of years. It was a big bowl to hold the millions of names as the queen walked towards it.
She was wearing a stunning long tight red dress that hugged her body, and she walked with high heels over the matching red carpet. All the bees were looking at her with every step, also because there was a classy amount of cleavage and a sexy slight bounce every step she took.
As she bends over to reach into the bowl, to the delight of everyone watching, she grabbed a ticket and read it for everyone to hear.
“Gregorbee Hivemaker!” she yelled, the audience that was there cheered.
Beenie was disappointed, but also happy in a way! Gregorbee was a friend of his! He got his phone and texted him, “congratulations bude! I’m super jealous, but you deserve it!”.

Normally Gregorbee replies quickly, but not right now. He’s obviously busy, Beenie thought. At that moment his phone buzzed (which is confusing for bees but they learned to live with it). He grabbed his phone and it was Gregorbee!
“can I talk to you soon?”. He was a bit confused, but he had nothing better going on, “sure drop by whenever”. Beenie was glad that he could talk to his bee buddy before he fucks himself to death. He’s going to miss him. He got some honey beeers from the store and went to his apartment.
Not long after he gets back to his apartment Gregorbee knocks, he was in disguise because he was like a celebribee right now.
“Congratulations man! Come in!” he was surprised, Gregorbee didn’t seem stoked at all, in fact he seemed very down!
“Are you excited man?! Every bee’s dream comes true for you! I was watching our Queen in her sexy red dress and man my stinger was”.
“I’m not excited at all!”
Gregorbee interrupted.
“I signed up because everyone always signs up, I never thought I would win! There’s a higher chance you’ll get stomped by the giants outside the hive and that’s like a billion to one”*
* (the giants were the homo sapiens, these animals lived outside the hive and were the greatest fear of all the bees (and all the other living things)).

Beenie was very confused, why wouldn’t he want to win. Gregorbee looked like he was searching for confidence and he said.
“I don’t want to fuck Beeyonce!
There was a moment of silence
“I’m not attracted to bee girls, which has been nice since there is only one”.
After another silence, with Beenie having a very confused look on his face, Gregorbee said
“I’m gay!”.
Beenie was shocked, he never knew! He was proud that Gregorbee had the confidence to tell him, he must be a good friend to him! In bee culture it is not something that is fully accepted yet, bee culture is a matriarchy and it’s very female-centric. It is, even now, frowned upon to not like women.
“Thanks for telling me this, it must be hard for you”
Beenie said trying to bee a good friend.
“So are you telling me this… Because you like me?” Beenie asked.
Gregorbee sighed, “no man, I need your help with something. We’re just friends! Plus, no offence, but you’re not my type. You’ve kinda got a big beelly and you’re so fuzzy. Also, you… ”
“… ok ok, I get it!” Beenie interrupted.
“I thought that that was why you were telling me all this.” Gregorbee explained
“no there is a giant underground gay scene in this hive. With lots of beears, it’s great! The reason I’m telling you this is because I need to get out of fucking Beeyonce and I have a plan.”
Beenie still was very confused but he started to get a bit excited while he took a sip of his beeer. “we’re going to switch places for that day and you…. Are fucking Beeyonce in my place!”.
The mere thought of fucking Beeyonce caused Beenies stinger to rise, he got super excited and at the same time he was still very confused. “I’ve got it all set up, we trade IB cards and you’ll walk through. I know the guards and they’ll let you pass the final check into… The Queen’s chamber!”.

Beenie was blown away, a once in a lifetime chance. He was definitely taking this; he’ll never get another chance like this again.
“Wouldn’t she know?”
Beenie asked one of the many questions he had.
“I don’t think so, I heard from at least one bee that did the same thing, nothing happened!” Gregorbee said. They spend the rest of the night drinking beeers and speculating how the queen’s chamber looked.
“I think the queen’s chamber is fabeelous” Gregorbee said, “seeing that chamber is the only reason I maybe wanted to do it, but I don’t want to die for it!”.
Beenie agreed.
“She got the top beesigners to decorate the room and none of them were ever heard of again, so no one knows just how amazing it is!”
Beenie agreed again, he was also very curious how the Queen’s chamber looked but not the Queens chamber Gregorbee was talking about, the other Queens chamber.
“Yea, it must be amazing” Beenie said “and I think it will taste beelicious!”
Gregorbee noticed that Beenie was not exactly following along with his train of thought, but he thought it was cute.
The beeers were making Beenie a bit buzzed. He still couldn’t believe that his bee long dream was finally coming true! After many hours and many beeers Gregorbee looked at Beenie.
“you’re a good friend Beenie, thanks for doing this!”. Beenie couldn’t believe it,
“no, you’re a good friend Gregorbee! Thanks for thinking of me to fuck Beeyonce in your place!”. They laughed and Gregorbee left buzzed after a long night.
He’s always buzzed because he’s a bee, but he’s extra buzzed from the beeers this time. Beenie was ecstatic, but he had no idea what he was getting himself into.
Meanwhile, Beeyonce was looking at the winner of the competition, Gregorbee.
“He looks fit” she said to her assistance. They gathered a bunch of photos from the world wide hive for her and she was pleased. She was going to be disappointed when she figured out Beenies and Gregorbees plan.

The next day was the big day for Beenie. He had spent most of the day furiously masturbating to pictures of his Queen till he passed out from exhaustion, which was good because it meant he got some relatively good rest before he got to perform.
He met up with Gregrobee for some final instructions and then he made his way to the bee castle. Beenie flew up the stairs (which everyone did so no one really knew why there were stairs).
When he approached the big gate there were 4 guards who stopped him, he nervously showed them his IB card. If Gregrobee was lying he would probably be killed right there on the steps, which wouldn’t be the first time. In fact, multiple bees were killed that very morning for trying to pretend to be Gregrobee.
But Gregorbee was not messing around, he knew his good friends wouldn’t make this up. The guards looked at each other and handed the IB card back, they slowly nodded to Beenie and opened the doors. “The directions are simple, just keep going straight until the big door and knock 3 times, in there you will find her holiness the Queen.” After the guards gave directions Beenie entered the castle.
His stinger was currently semi erect. A combination of fully erect from the thought of fucking the Queen and completely flaccid from the incredible stress he’s experiencing from losing his virginity. He approaches the big door and after gathering some courage he knocked three times. Almost instantly the door started to open, but very slowly.

The Queen sat in her throne waiting for Gregrobee to arrive, she was dressed to fuck and to get fucked, she wore a black wrap dress, the hem reaches mid-thigh on one side and is slashed almost to the hip on the other, showing off one of her 6 legs, she was definitely a fit bee girl. The dress had a deep v neck which plunged almost to her bee belly button and her bosom was exposed on both sides.
You could tell that she didn’t wear any underwear. She looked classy, sexy, and stinging all at once. She was waiting for a while now and when she heard a knocking, she got a bit excited as she ordered the door to be opened.
Beenie entered the room and the door was shut behind him and all the Queens assistants left. He looked up and made eye contact with the Queen. He could tell the disappointment in her eyes; this is not going well.
“You’re not Gregorbee Hivemaker” She said angrily
She got up from her throne and walked towards Beenie, her long high heels made her quite a bit bigger than Beenie and it made her ass look to die for in that black dress.
“Tell me who the hell you are and why I shouldn’t kill you right now!”
Beenie had many emotions flowing through him right now. The fright of dying was making him shiver while the sound of his Queen ordering him was giving him chills. All this shivering and chilling made him buzz in a very peculiar way.
“I’m Beenie! Please Let me explain! Gregorbee is my friend and he doesn’t like bee females, he likes bee males! and I do like bee females, a lot especially you my Queen!”
Beeyonce couldn’t believe it. “Not this again” She tought.
She had spent all day thinking about how Gregorbee might be up for the task, all day she had been aroused at the thought of Gregorbee flying in her chamber and fucking her brains out. Now what she got was this fuzzy, less muscular, and less stylish version of that.

Beeyonce was visibly angry. “So, I have to do it with you I guess.”
“Yes, my Queen”, Beenie said
“Could it out with the ‘my Queen’ bullshit ok!” She yelled at him, reaching her limit.
“Yes my …” Beenie stopped mid-sentence.
“This guy is an idiot” Beeyonce thought to herself.
“Take those ugly clothes right now!” Beeyonce yelled.
Beenie felt his cock getting fully erect from Beeyonce yelling at him and he started taking off his clothes while shaking.
With every piece of clothing that he took off Beeyonce was getting more and more calm, a little big horny even. He wasn’t that bad! Under his cheap ugly clothes was a nice fuzzy belly, rather big, but in a firm strong way. He was of course working very hard every day making honey.
When Beenie went to take off his pants his penis was now fully erect from his Queen telling him to get naked. He clumsily tried to take off his pants revealing his cock to his Queen. Beenie was flying uncontrollably while wrestling with the final pants leg.
The Queen had her eyes on one thing during the painfully long period while Beenie tried to take off his pants and that was his cock. It was flailing in every direction until Beenie finally managed to take off his pants, he was completely naked, and more importantly, his cock was huge.
She was a size Queen and she was pleased with what she saw right there. “That thing looks bigger than my favorite wax dildo” she thought to herself. She was right, Beenie was far above average. “This might be a fun day after all” Beeyonce said.
Beenie had no idea what she was talking about. He mustered all his strength to not seem nervous as he stood proud in front of his Queen completely naked with his giant cock fully erect. He got a bit more confident from seeing a cheeky smile on his Queens face.

“Alright, I’ll give you a chance” Beeyonce said
Beenie could not get more erect, this was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him and it didn’t even really start yet! He had imagined all day how amazing it was going to be, but he wasn’t even close so far.
Beeyonce slowly walked towards Beenie with every step she revealed the skin of her leg up to her hip and her high heels made a sexy ticking sounds which was like the clock counting down until Beenie would fuck himself to death.
When she reached Beenie she slowly moved her hand over his chest, moving further and further down. She could feel his heartbeat beating faster and faster, it was beating so fast that he might die right there.
She moved her hand further down until she reached his big cock. It was big and curved and as big as the biggest of her 6 forearms. She slowly caressed his cock from the base up to the tip. She moved more hands to the cock, and she was caressing it with at least 3 arms.
With her final free arm, she grabbed his neck. “You’re lucky your cock looks fucking amazing!”
She almost hated herself for wanting his dick so bad. She gripped the cock tight and she fell to her bees knees. She had to suck his cock.
Beeyonce loves sucking dick, and she was very good at it, constantly practicing with her wax dildo’s. But she had never had a monster cock like this before. She had a tingling sensation all over her body like she had when she sucked dick for the first time.
She stuck out her tongue and placed it firmly on the base of his cock with the rest of his cock resting on her face. She moved her tongue up his shaft licking his cock all the way to the tip. When she reached his tip, she was eager to go back down and do it again, licking every inch of his cock. Her taste buds picked up every vein and ridge of his dick. She tried not to lick her lips while she continued to slobber over his throbbing veiny cock. When she reached the tip again a thick drop of pre-honeycum had collected on the tip of his dick. Instinctively she licked it off tasting the salty taste of his honeycum, but also sweet, a bit like honey mixed with cum.

Beenie was basically frozen for the first few licks that Beeyonce gave over his cock. But he started to get into it, loosening up and staring down at his Queen on her knees before him licking his cock up and down.
After a few licks he got a bit cocky and he grabbed her head with 2 hands while she was licking his cock.
Beeyonce reacted angrily and slapped his hands away. Beenie froze, he fucked up now he thought.
“I know how to suck dick!” Beeyonce said, after she said it, she got a cheeky smile on her face as she opened her mouth, she was ready to take his cock.
She wasted no time as the mushroom tip completely vanished in her mouth, but this was just the beginning. She pushed his cock further and further down her throat. She wasn’t kidding, she knew how to suck dick.

Her mouth almost felt a bit painful while it stretched to fit the girth of his cock. But she loved it. As she felt his cock pushing against the back of her throat her eyes started watering. Beenie didn’t see it because his eyes were already in the back of his skull at this point.
She could almost fit his entire cock in her mouth, at this point it became her main goal as she trusted his cock further down as best she could. Her tongue licking the base of his cock almost reaching his balls. She never had anything this big in her mouth, but she didn’t give up! She had to prove to herself that she could do it. She kept pushing her mouth over his cock until finally her tongue was licking his balls while his cock had completely disappeared down her throat.
A few triumphant licks over his balls and she took his cock out of her mouth with a big sigh, gasping for breath. She looked pleased with herself, this time she didn’t stop herself from licking her lips while saliva was dripping from his cock and her lips.
After she had had some time to catch her breath, she couldn’t wait to get that cock back in her. She started sucking his cock with 1 hand holding his cock, 2 hands handling his balls 2 bees knees on the floor and the final hand reached over to his ass.
She kept sucking his cock while her hand felt his ass. Beenies ass was big and firm, just as she liked it to feel it.
But there was another thing that she liked to do with asses. While sucking his cock Beeyonce used her final free hand to put her bee thumb up Beenies bees ass to his surprise.
Beenie started making the weirdest moaning buzz sounds Beeyonce has ever heard. She felt his cock swelling in her mount. and his hands grabbed the back of her head.
This time she loved it. Beenie grabbed her head and let our one final buzz while he blasted thick streams of honeycum into the back of her throat.

Beeyonce was surprised by the amount of honeycum that Beenie had just produced. She took his cock out of her mouth and got ready to swallow it all. Some were still shooting out landing on her face and all over her dress.
One big gulp and it was all gone. She got up off her bees knees and swiped some of his honeycum off her face and licked it up. She looked pleased
“Enough foreplay, let’s get down to business!”
Beeyonce saw the stains on her dress and she slipped her shoulder straps off. Her dress fell down a bit and the areolas of her nipples became visible. That alone was enough to bring Beenies cock back to fully erect and ready for more.
She grabbed the bottom of her dress and shimmied her dress further down. As she revealed her breast Beenie could not look at anything else. It was unlike anything that he could have imagined.
Beenie was so focused that he didn’t notice the dress falling to the floor. She kicked the dress to the side and walked towards Beenie.
Beenie snapped out of it because Beeyonce grabbed his cock and pushed him against the wall.
She pushed her tits against his face, “Suck my tits!” She yelled at him. She was really getting into it
Beenie started sucking and motorboating her tits like crazy, using all the hands that he had available.
Meanwhile Beeyonce stroked his cock and started rubbing it against her vagina. She was soaking wet and had been since she was done sucking his cock.

She slowly put the tip in, which slid in easily from all the natural lubrication that was surrounding her vagina. She moved it up and down putting it in further with each pump.
Beeyonce could already feel this was going to be amazing as his girth was stretching her vagina. His cock disappearing more and more in her vagina as she kept pumping it deeper and deeper.
“A fuck yes! Your cock is fucking amazing” Beeyonce screamed, she almost couldn’t believe how good it felt.
Beenie also couldn’t believe how good it felt as he felt the Queen gliding over his cock. With each pump he would get more and more excited and it was like he was losing control.
It was like Beenies primal insect instincts kicked in. He grabbed Beeyonce and bent her over her throne. There was no stopping him as he forced his cock in her with a load groan and he started fucking her from behind.
Beeyonce couldn’t stop herself from moaning loud as Beenie fucked her from behind, she had some time to get used to his size, but it still hurt for her. But she liked the way it hurt.
Beenie was loving every minute of it, it was he was taken over by some sex insect.
“Moan loader!” Beenie said while he grabbed Beeyonce’s thick ass cheeks spreading them open revealing her asshole while his thick cock was pounding her from behind disappearing in her vagina.
“Oh, Fuck YES! Keep Fucking me just like that!” Beeyonce was happy to follow Beenies orders now, as the Queen of the bees she has never allowed anyone to take control of her like that. But if Beenie kept fucking her like that she would do what he would say, just so he wouldn’t stop.
Beeyonce gripped her throne, her nails ripping through the fabric. Beenie grabbed her hair with one of his free arms and pulled on it. “Fuck Yes! Is that all you got!?” Beeyonce was challenging Beenie, she loved how he was handling her.
Beenie pulled her hair harder. 2 of his hands still gripping both of her ass cheeks as his final free hand started to rub the Queens asshole. He lubed up his thumb with some of his saliva and he pushed it in her asshole. This was probably payback for when Beeyonce did the same to him.
Beeyonce was not expecting it. She tried to get a grip of herself as she now had to handle not just Beenies cock pounding her from behind and his strong hands pulling her hair, but also his thick thumb forced in her asshole.

Beeyonce was feeling shivers all down her chitin. Beenie grabbed her head and pushed it into her throne. She had to bite into the cushions to stop her from constantly moaning loudly. As a muffled moaning continued Beenie started his final trusts before he had to catch his breath. His final trusts were accompanied by loud groans from Beenie as he slid his cock out of his Queen.
Beeyonce was shivering and shaking and she was squirting all over her throne. It was almost completely destroyed and filthy from their fuck session.

Beenie and Beeyonce were both catching their breath, Beeyonce could not believe how amazing his cock felt to her. She was done catching her breath and she wanted to continue.
Beeyonce pushed Beenie to the ground and quickly grabbed his cock and inserted it back as fast as she could. Beenie moaned as he was completely overtaken from Beeyonces desire to keep fucking him.
She grabbed his chest with 3 of her hands and the other she moved over his mouth, she was going to ride his cock the way she wanted, and he should shut up.
“Oh My God, Oh My God” She kept moaning uncontrollably.
All Beenie could do right now was stare up at his Queen, he never would have imagined that in his bee life he would watch his Queen naked, riding on his cock. With her tits bouncing with every pump. He loved every second of it.
Beeyonce kept riding his cock with her moans seemingly increasing in pitch as it almost turned into squealing. For a moment she would sit down on his cock and grind a bit while she was shivering and shaking. But then she would continue, like she was insatiable.

Beenie loved it and he felt like it hurt a bit, but in a good way he loved it. He didn’t notice that Beeyonce was riding his cock so hard that it started to break apart. The more pain Beenie felt, the more he loved it. Beeyonce also noticed Beenies cock breaking off, she didn’t seem surprised though. It was like she had seen this before, which she of course did.
Beeyonce had a few more pumps before Beenies cock broke of his body. It was only at this point that Beenie noticed what the hell was going on.
The pain that was soaring through his body would still feel great, that was the complete and total ecstatic state that the Queen has brought him too. Still Beenie couldn’t help from letting of a scream of pain, he’s not really used to seeing his cock break from his body.
Beeyonce grabbed his cock which was now completely ripped from his body, she grabbed it with her 4 available hands as she continued to keep fucking herself like Beenies cock was her new dildo play toy. She was not done even if Beenie was done.
The Queen seemed like she was reaching a new height as she moaned loud while fucking herself with Beenies cock. She finally let out a final scream, accompanied by a forceful squirt like she had never experienced. She took Beenies cock out and her honey squirt combined with Beenies honeycum shot out of her vagina

The thick streams covered Beenies body, he was still alive, and he would feel the warm streaks cover him. He looked up and saw Beeyonce, his Queen holding his cock, some final drops of his honeycum on the tip as she would suck the final drops out of his cock. Her vagina was dripping with his honeycum while she would shiver and softly moan.
He was slowly fading away; he knew that his life would end if he would fuck the Queen but at this point, he completely forgot about it because of the high he got. It is over now.
“Oh, I’ll remember this fuck. You were absolutely amazing” Beeyonce said, she also knew that he did not have long to live.
In his final moments Beeyonce knelt beside him and gave him a sensual romantic kiss. Bee heaven could not be better than what he had just experienced.
Beenie let out his final breath with a content smile stuck on his face.
Beeyonce stood up and threw Beenies cock next to his now dead body, she was covered in sweat as she let out a sigh of relief. Finally, someone fucked her good.

At this point her assistants came in, they were used to some stuff, but this was unlike anything they had ever seen.
“I’m done, clean this mess up while I go take a shower” Beeyonce went straight back into her Queen role.
“Prepare the egg chambers! I feel like there will be thousands of eggs, coming”
“When they hatch, they should be given the best Royal Jelly available, do you understand!”
The assistances nodded while they dragged Beenies body out of the throne room to his final resting place.
“Also, I need a new throne!”
