The Other Sister Pt. 3 [MF] [Cheating] [Handjob] [Blowjob]

Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated as I continue this WIP story. Definitely helps in terms of motivation and encouragement!

“Can I get your advice on something?”

Ashley lowered her phone and turned to face her sister sitting across from her on the other side of the couch. For the past hour or so, the two had been mindlessly staring at their screens. Or rather Ashley had been. Maddie, on the other hand, as Ashley had noticed whenever she glanced her older sibling’s way, had spent most of the time staring off into the distance, something clearly on her mind. Apparently, she had finally decided to get whatever was on there off of it.

“Of course,” she said. “Dress sexier. Always good advice.”

“Ha. Ha,” Maddie deadpanned with a roll of her honey-colored eyes. “It’s about a guy.”

Ashley had assumed as much. Over the past few months, she had become Maddie’s confidant whenever it came to the subject, and advice had basically turned into code between them for guy talk. However, it had been some time since her older sister had come to her for “advice,” and the prospect of Maddie at long last needing some got Ashley extremely excited — in more ways than one.

Her sister hadn’t gone on a date in several weeks, which for Maddie was an unusually long time. Guys tended to ask her out on a near weekly basis but ever since her breakup with Emmet — a bear of a guy with a disappointingly small dick — no one else had apparently made a move on her. Which meant, in that time, Ashley had been just as untouched as her pure, virginal sister. Figuratively speaking. Ashley had touched herself many times in the intervening period, but instead of fingering herself to all-new twistedly perverted encounters between her and Maddie’s boyfriends, it was to the memory of previous ones.

Sure, she enjoyed every moment of lustfully pumping her wet hole while reminiscing about stroking Maddie’s boyfriends’ cocks until they exploded rivers of hot, sticky cum all over her sister’s stuff, but a girl could only hit replay so many times before the song got old. If Maddie was coming to her for advice, it meant that it could be time to queue up something new and Ashley’s panties grew damp at the thought.

“If it’s about a guy,” Ashley said and pretended to turn back to her phone, “dress sluttier then, not sexier.”

“I’m serious!”

“Okay, okay.” Ashley relented. In truth, she was also serious about wanting her sister to dress sluttier, secretly finding the idea of the sweet, innocent Maddie showing off her body and doing the type of dirty and debaucherous things that she did immensely appealing. However, for the sake of the matter at hand — and to avoid delving too deeply into her own psyche on why exactly she felt that way — she played the comment off like a joke. “What’s up?”

“Malik Bryson asked me out.”

Ashley’s jaw dropped. Of all the things Maddie could have needed advice on, that was one she did not expect.

A member of the school’s track and field team, Malik Bryson was well known on campus. He wasn’t a college celebrity by any means, but when you said the name, most people knew who you were talking about. He was tall, fit, and carried himself in a way that parted seas of people. Above all though, he was fucking hot. The possibility of her sister dating the attractive athlete, and of she herself getting a crack at him, nearly made Ashley slip her hand into her pants right then and there to relieve her suddenly pulsing pussy. Instead, she simply said, “Holy shit. When are you guys going out?”

“Well, I haven’t accepted yet,” Maddie admitted, darting her eyes away and missing her younger sister’s furious glare. “That’s what I wanted your advice on. I’m not sure.”

“Why the hell not?” Ashley couldn’t believe Maddie would pass up the chance at someone of Malik’s status. She would kill for someone like him to notice someone like her, and here was her sister, wondering what to do instead of immediately throwing herself at the handsome runner. Not to mention that Maddie’s hesitation might end up costing Ashley the only shot she’d ever get with him as well. “Is it cause he’s black?”

“God, no!” Maddie exclaimed. “Nothing like that.”

Ashley was relieved by her sister’s obvious and immediate horror over the suggestion of her being prejudice. Not that Maddie ever exhibited those types of thoughts and feelings. But they did grow up in a rather small, conservative town, and while she and Maddie might not have taken issue with dating someone like Malik, the rest of their town would have and absolutely judged them for it. However, loathe as she was to admit it, Ashley had to acknowledge that the level of her own attraction to Malik stemmed from its own type of prejudice. The taboo nature of hooking up with a black guy made her even more interested in him and made the thought of his thick, dark cock in her pale, white hand even more arousing. But philosophical debates about prejudice aside, she’d be damned if she let her sister ruin an opportunity like this.

“It’s just that…” Maddie continued, drawing Ashley’s attention back to her sister and away from the fantasy of her on her knees stroking Malik’s dick. “He’s an athlete and clearly experienced and confident and… I’m just worried he might have expectations for a date that I, um, can’t deliver on.”

“Good. Don’t. Instead, you should wear your skimpiest outfit. Something that really shows off those tits. And when you walk in front of him, sway those wide sexy hips. Maybe even give him a flash of your panties, the green ones for sure. Get him all worked up thinking about you parting those fat lips for him, or even better, spreading those thick thighs. Get him hard and horny. And then bring him back here for me to take care of, since you refuse to just let him pop your cherry with his big dick. This is why your boyfriends like me more, Maddie. Because you ‘can’t deliver’ with that body no matter how much I keep telling you to.”

That was what Ashley’s lust-addled brain wanted to say. Her mind filled with a flurry of images, dirty thoughts her dripping snatch wanted and needed to become reality. Part of her even considered telling her sister to just do it, the idea of Maddie giving up her virginity on a first date making her burn with scorching hot desire. However, again Ashley managed to restrain herself, this time her sisterly instincts kicking in and shoving her dark cravings to the back of her mind.

“Maddie, you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to. If you’re interested in him, go on the date, but don’t ever ‘deliver’ because you feel pressured to.”

“Thanks, sis.” Leaning over, Maddie yanked Ashley into a hug. It was a surprising moment and it took Ashley a second to return the gesture. She always thought she and Maddie were close, but it occurred to her that they never really hugged. It was nice. She squeezed her sister back. “I think I will go out with him. He is pretty hot.”

“Right?” Ashley said, her excitement on the rise again. “And remember, you don’t have to go down on him unless you want to, no matter how big his dick is.”

“Oh my god!”

Maddie shoved her away and they both burst out laughing.

Ashley stifled her moans as best she could, her breaths coming out in heavy gasps. Her extra horny imagination had gone into overdrive the moment she was alone. As Maddie slept soundly next door, Ashley’s fingers played at her clit and occasionally dipped themselves lower to plunge into her wet hole. She meant what she told her sister earlier, but the fact that her advice also worked in her favor was certainly an added benefit. Her sister had decided to go out with Malik, and in response, the second she had gotten into bed, she had let her submerged thoughts resurface and her mind went wild with lusty fantasies.

Eyes closed, Ashley pictured her and Malik in Maddie’s bedroom, so familiar to her at this point that she had no problem envisioning the exact layout, the precise spot they’d be in as she gripped his thick cock in her hands. She imagined she’d need both to hold him, to adequately cover the length of his shaft if the rumors were true. She jerked him vigorously, her fingers in real life matching the pace of her pumps. She wanted to make him cum so bad. He’d asked out her sister, but it was her that was going to get Malik Bryson to cum.

What if she wore the same outfit Maddie had on the date? A small “ah!” of pleasure escaped her lips at the thought. Still on her knees in front of Malik, still jacking his dick with both hands, but now Maddie’s dress hanging off her smaller build. Where the low neckline would have emphasized her sister’s cleavage, it left Ashley’s smaller boobs almost fully exposed. She groaned. Her frantic jerks would cause the dress to slip, shift over to completely bare one of her tits for him. Outside the fantasy, Ashley’s hips rocked and bounced, her ministrations edging her closer to completion. He’d stare down at her, eyes locked on her stiff pink nipple, and say, “Fuck, you look so much sexier like this than your sister.” Then… “unngghhh”… he’d cum, pulsing his thick load all over the dress and her tits. Just like Maddie should have let him.

Ashley bit down onto her hand as she climaxed, nearly breaking skin from the sheer intensity of her walls spasming around her fingers. Waves of pleasure crashed her against the rocks until she lay there, broken and exhausted, falling asleep with her legs sprawled, sheets disheveled, and hand laying on top of her trimmed mound.

The day of Malik and Maddie’s date, Ashley did her best to dress provocatively without making it obvious. She searched her closet for something seemingly casual yet enticing, an outfit that would catch Malik’s attention when he came by to pick Maddie up. She ended up going with a pair of shorts that barely came down past her crotch, putting all of her long legs on display, and an oversized top made of sheer but darkly colored fabric. At the last minute, she also decided to forgo a bra, causing her nipples to push out at the top in a not-immediately-noticeable-but-naughty way.

Pleased with her choice in wardrobe, she sat on the couch with a small smile on her lips, but when Maddie emerged from her bedroom, it became clear that if she actually wanted to stand at chance at getting noticed she might have to go topless.

Maddie did end up wearing the stylish dress Ashley had convinced her to purchase so long ago and it elevated her attractiveness from pretty to sinfully seductive. The dress clung to her chest, giving her sister’s moderate bust a more pronounced appearance. It followed the curve of her waist but not so close that it over-emphasized anything, at least not until her hips, where it flared out before flowing down her thighs. Ashley had half a mind to ask her sister to turn around so she could check out her ass, which probably looked equally incredible in this magical outfit despite its usual lack of pertness.

“What?” Maddie giggled when she caught her sister’s stunned expression. “Is it too much?”

“Maddie, you look amazing.” Ashley scanned her sister again, thinking to herself that if she were a guy, her erection might have burst out of her shorts from how hot Maddie looked. “Like, really amazing.”

“Thanks. You’re the one always telling me I should wear this. I guess I should listen to your advice more often.”

That old sting of jealousy came rocketing back and for the first time in a while, Ashley felt like there was no way she’d be able to compete with her sister. Malik wasn’t going to even glance her way with Maddie around. Yet, at the same time, a sense of pride and elation filled her. Maddie had taken her advice and was thanking her for it. She was actually helping her sister, in the one area that Maddie, despite her superior looks, was lacking compared to her.

“You should. Maybe then you might finally get laid. Or at the very least see your first dick.”

“Ashley!” Maddie exclaimed, seemingly appalled.

She was about to apologize for the comment, feeling bad about embarrassing her sister like that during a shared moment. But then she noticed the flushed color to the older girl’s cheeks, and instead of saying anything, she let the silence hang in the air. A professor once told her that if you wanted someone to continue talking, say nothing and eventually, they’d break. Sure enough, after a beat, Maddie continued, her words flying out in a rush.

“Can I get your advice on something? I was thinking about—”

A sharp knock cut Maddie off, startling them both. Malik was here. With one last glance at Ashley, Maddie ran off to let him in.

While her sister unlocked the front door, Ashley considered escaping to her room, hoping to avoid the now less common but still all-too-familiar experience of Maddie’s dates treating her like a living ghost. However, she decided to stay, figuring she could at least get to see and ogle Malik up close, and make some deposits into her spank bank for a later withdrawal.

“Damn, girl,” Malik said as Maddie greeted him, the rumble of his deep voice making Ashley quiver. “You look fine as hell.”

“Thank you. That’s so sweet,” Maddie gushed, leading the tall runner into the living room. Just seeing Malik, his toned physique apparent even under a pair of dark jeans and a tight purple polo, made Ashley’s decision to stay worth it. Her imagination was already conjuring up some ammunition for later that night. She fully expected them to mostly ignore her, as had happened so many times before, but Maddie surprised her by gesturing over and saying, “This is my sister, Ashley.”

Malik’s dark eyes turned toward her, and Ashley’s heart pounded in her chest as his gaze roamed across her body, tracing the length of her exposed legs and briefly pausing when he reached her breasts. “Apparently hotness runs in the family.”

If the peaks of her nipples weren’t visible before, they certainly were now.

“Thanks, Malik,” Ashley said, as it abruptly occurred to her that maybe, just maybe, she still might have a chance. “You’re bringing some heat yourself.”

Malik responded with a half-smile that nearly made her melt into the cushions.

“I still need a few more minutes to finish up my make up,” Maddie said, apparently oblivious to the sudden electric tension between her sister and her date. “I’ll try and be quick. Okay waiting?”

“Yeah, not a problem,” Malik said, eyeing Maddie’s ass like a panther tracking its prey as she left the room. Ashley couldn’t blame him. Glancing over as well, she saw the obvious outline of her sister’s bountiful butt beneath the slinky fabric, confirming her earlier suspicions about the dress’s impressive effects. She was in the middle of telling herself that maybe Malik really was out of her reach when the click of Maddie’s bedroom door closing made him return his attention back to her.

“So,” he said, dragging out the syllable and sauntering closer until he stood towering over her. Ashley could smell the musky hint of his cologne, see the cords of muscle in his arms. With their height difference, and with her on the couch, she was in the perfect position to turn her head and stare at the bulge in his pants. But she resisted, despite the heat within her threatening to fog up her glasses, and once again kept silent, still until Malik continued his thought. “I heard a rumor about you and the guys your sister dates.”

“Oh,” Ashley said, both her eyelids and voice dropping seductively lower. The implication in that statement sent her into a lust-crazed frenzy, and she was already planning on tearing off her shorts and masturbating herself to a furious orgasm the moment Maddie and Malik walked out the door. The idea that Malik asked her sister out knowing, and maybe hoping, that Ashley might make a move on him… “I heard a rumor about you as well.”

At this point, Ashley did turn her sight toward the sizeable swell in Malik’s jeans. She was tempted to unbuckle his pants and beat him off right then and there, and the thought summoned a twistedly perverted fantasy into her head. Ashley sitting up on the couch, Malik standing between her spread legs. His black cock out of his pants and in her hands, the tip inches from her face as she jerked her fists rapidly back and forth. Maddie coming out of her room, fiddling with her purse, before looking up at them and nonchalantly asking, “Ready?” not even the slightest bit phased by her sister jerking her boyfriend off. Malik grunting “Almost,” Maddie watching his cock hose Ashley down with sticky bursts of cum, leaving her face and top a gooey mess. Ashley lying back on the couch covered in Malik’s spunk, him shaking the last bit of it onto her panting body. Maddie coming over and taking his arm, the two of them heading out on their date, her sister adding as they left the apartment, “Do you think I’d look that hot wearing your cum?”

Back in the real world, Ashley reached a slender arm toward Malik, a moan escaping her lips when her palm pressed against the absurdly thick snake hidden in his jeans. Her brown eyes burned with a horny hunger behind her glasses and she stared up at him with a savage lust. “Come by tomorrow and we’ll see how true both rumors are.”

Maddie’s door reopened and Malik stepped back to put some distance between him and Ashley, reluctantly forcing her hand away from his denim-covered dick. It might have been Ashley’s lust-drunk imagination, but she could have sworn she saw Maddie’s eyes dart toward Malik’s crotch when she reentered the room.

“Ready?” Maddie asked, making Ashley shiver from the fantasy still at the top of her mind. Malik nodded and the two walked hand in hand out the door, the athlete giving one last thirsty look Ashley’s way. Within ten minutes of their departure, she had already made herself cum twice.

Ashley had difficulty concentrating the next day during her classes. The anticipation of meeting up with Malik caused her mind to continuously wander and had her squeezing her thighs together in her seat. She ended up leaving her last class early just to get home and get herself off one more time before he came over, slowly rubbing herself on the couch while thinking about what last night must have been like for him with Maddie, how much her sister’s revealing outfight must have worked him up.

One hand squeezing her breast and the other tracing circles on her clit, she pictured Malik checking out Maddie’s on display tits. She licked her lips remembering the cheeks of Maddie’s ass and the way he focused hungrily on them. With two fingers inside of her, she edged herself while thinking about Malik on his way over, equally excited for his hook up with Ashley after Maddie failed to put out… or even more, only going out with Maddie in the first place just to get to her. By the time he knocked at their front door, Ashley was so worked up and close to cumming that she answered dressed only in a pair of skimpy pink panties, the garment askew on her hips to the point that her sparse dark pubic hair stuck out the top.

“God damn,” Malik said upon seeing Ashley’s near nude form. She grabbed him by the hand and yanked him inside, slamming the door shut behind him. Telling him to come on, she quickly led them to Maddie’s room, the pale cheeks of her small butt half hanging out from her underwear. With her long legs, flat stomach, partially exposed ass, and perfectly perky tits all bared for his roaming eyes, Malik’s cotton joggers were already tenting out obscenely by the time Ashley dropped to her knees in front of him. “Shit girl. And I thought your sister was fine.”

Ashley let out a passionate whine at the pussy-gushing compliment and the sight that greeted her down on her knees. A small animal could fit inside the tent Malik had erected directly in front of her face. She could see its thickness molding the fabric of his pants and extending down, down, down. His dick had to be huge.

“I need to see your cock,” she growled. Taking ahold of the elastic waist of his sweats, she tugged them down in one swift motion and freed the massive slab of cockmeat. It sprung up like a cobra ready to strike, long, fat, and black as coal with a flared head dripping slimy venom. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers and her lips parted on instinct. His ungodly cock jutted out from his muscular body, long and hard, all because of her. She was already so close to cumming and the knowledge of her body giving Malik Bryson an erection like this almost made her explode. She reached up with both hands, stacking them on top each other and wrapping her fingers as best she could around his impressive girth. She let out a blissful moan from the heaviness of it in her hands, the contrast of his black tone against her white skin, and the extra four inches still extending out past her grasp. “It’s even bigger than I imagined.”

She began frantically jerking him off, hands sliding across his length, working his shaft with her grip. The slaps of her hands against his flesh echoed across Maddie’s bedroom and her small breasts bounced to the beat of her fists. Malik groaned from the sensation of Ashley’s pumping, the lanky girl’s body gyrating from the sheer pleasure of touching his hard dick. God, his cock was so big and thick, she thought, mesmerized by the sight of it in her hands. The thrill of jerking Malik off in her sister’s room, of her stroking a big black cock for the first time, sent her into a spiral of arousal. Her panties were nearly drenched from how turned on it all made her.

“I love how hard you are for me,” she hissed, licking her lips and turning her eyes up toward his grinning face. “Your big fucking cock makes me so wet. Do you like me jerking your fat dick?”

“Fuck, girl,” Malik said, rocking his hips a bit to meet her pumping fists. “You’re much better at this than your sister.”

Ashley groaned, pleasure rocketing through her from once again getting compared favorably against her sister. But then Malik’s words sank in, and she froze, gaping up at him incredulously. “What?”

“Your sister. You’re definitely more skilled than her at this. She still got me to cum but you’re getting me there much faster. Helps seeing your fine ass body almost naked, and those lily white hands all over my big black dick.”

“Maddie… made you cum?”

“Huh? Yeah. Last night, after our date. She jerked me off in my car.”

Ashley came. Hunched over with Malik’s cock still in her hand, she rocked and bucked, her pussy spasming without her even touching herself. Maddie had jerked him off. Maddie had made him cum. Head bowed, eyes clenched shut, tongue hanging out of her mouth, Ashley let out little ahs of pleasure while repeating it over and over again in her head. Her sister had touched her first dick.

“Yo, why’d you stop?”

Coming off her orgasmic high, Ashley looked at Malik’s dick through lust-crazed eyes. Without another thought beyond her sister having already beaten him off, she lunged forward, parted her lips wide, and took him into her mouth.

“Ooohhh, shit!” Malik said, taking a step back from the surprise of Ashley’s mouth engulfing the head of his dick. Keeping herself latched onto his tip, Ashley followed his momentum until Malik caught his balance. The sudden stop caused four more inches to sink past her lips until she kissed the finger and thumb encircling his shaft. They both moaned in unison, savoring the sensation of her mouth stuffed with cock. Jaw stretched wide, Ashley slobbered and sucked her way back to his tip and down again, bobbing her head onto Malik’s meaty fuckstick. “Goddamn, fuck! Work that black dick with your pretty white face!”

“Tell me everything,” Ashley gasped as she came up for air. Spit dripped from her lips, a slimy strand of it connecting her pouty bottom lip with Malik’s dark mushroom tip. “I want to know how it happened.”

“How’d what happen?”

Malik dug his dark hand into her wavy brown locks and held the back of her head. He guided her face forward and back onto his pole. He grunted in pleasure when she readily accepted him back into her mouth, her warmth and wetness enveloping the first few inches of his shaft. She slavered his cock with her spit for a handful of sucks before pulling off again with a pop, chest heaving.

“Maddie. Tell me…” she swirled her mouth around his head, “how she…” she licked the underside of his shaft, “jerked your cock…” she traced her lips with his tip and then sucked him back in, “and made you cum.”

“Unnggghh, shit, you are one hot twisted bitch,” Malik said, muscles tensing from the intense sensations of Ashley’s sloppy blowjob. “After dinner, we went for walk around campus. Mmm fuck… she looked so hot in that dress. I wanted to pull the back up when she walked in front of me so I could get a good look at those wide sexy cheeks. Shit fuck!”

Ashley let one hand drop off Malik’s cock and dive into her panties, allowing her to shove even more of his coal black pole into her face. She filled her mouth completely, gagging lightly from the obscene size of it stretching her lips wide and pressing against the back of her throat. She sucked hard, drooling all over his shaft, her lips moving up and down his thick, fat cock faster and faster, splatters of spit landing on Maddie’s carpet.

“Keep going.”

“I told her how sexy she looked but I had heard she didn’t put out, that you were where the action was.” Ashley hummed in pleasure around his cock, her fingers frantically manipulating her swollen lips and wet cunt. “By the time we got back to my car, ungh, damn your mouth feels good, I didn’t expect anything but next thing I know, shit, she’s unbuckling my jeans and my big dick was out in the air. Hnnggh! You gonna throat me?”

Ashley answered with slurps and sucks, and by slamming her face forward, a full two inches of Malik’s monster cock popping into her gullet before she gagged and pulled him back out.

“Fuck that’s good! Her eyes were so big. She couldn’t believe the size of my dick. Poor little white girl getting a good look at big black cock and clearly liking what she saw. She started stroking me, her hand mmm yeah gently pumping up and down and those wide eyes of hers concentrating right on my cock. She wasn’t that good but a sweet girl like her with my fat black dick in her hand? I held back long as I could because I wanted to savor that sight.”

The slick sounds of Ashley playing with her pussy mixed with the loud glks and wet gags of her mouth flying back and forth on Malik’s cock. Frantic, short, needful moans steadily ran up her throat as she fingered herself and choked on his dick. The pleasure she derived from sucking Malik off was secondary only to the images behind her eyes of Maddie in Malik’s car, the very same large black cock straining her jaw and filling up her mouth gripped in her sister’s delicate hand. She pictured Maddie gingerly wrapping her fingers around the shaft, her slightly tanner skin still an erotic contrast to his ebony rod. Twisted in her seat, she’d beat him off, her inexperience showing. She couldn’t hold the rhythm, her grip was a little too loose, but her enthusiasm was there. It took a while, her arm growing a little tired, but eventually Maddie got him to cum.

Ashley’s scream of joy erupted around Malik’s dick as she orgasmed once again, her walls clamping down on her fingers, her hips grinding her clit against the heel of her hand. At the same time she imagined Maddie watching in awe as Malik’s cockslit opened up and spurted a fountain of thick spunk into the air and all over her hand, the vibrations of her bliss around his shaft had him firing off into her mouth. His cock expanded in pulses that matched his grunting, each one depositing a heavy dose of jizz across her tongue and palette. By the time he was finished, Ashley’s mouth was nearly overflowing.

She pulled away, lips pressed tightly together and eyes frantically darting around Maddie’s room. There was no way she was going to swallow and needed somewhere to spit his load. She was about to head toward Maddie’s panty drawer when her sister’s lotion bottle caught her eye. Stumbling over, cum threatening to ooze down her throat, she quickly unscrewed the cap, leaned over, pressed her lip against the rim, and emptied the mouthful of cum inside. She gave one last spit, gathering any remnants from her mouth and adding it to the bottle. With a satisfied smile, she returned the cap and gave her sister’s lotion a shake, mixing the contents of cream and cum together.

“Jesus,” Malik said, pulling his sweats back up over his deflating but still impressively large dick. “That was…”

“Way better than Maddie’s handjob?” she said, returning the bottle of lotion to her sister’s dresser and turning to face Malik.

“For sure. Your sister don’t seem that experienced.”

“Better for me. The moment she starts sucking cock I’ll have to start spreading my legs if I want to measure up.”

Malik stayed quiet for a moment, pensively watching the somewhat gangly but attractive brunette. They were back in the living room, Ashley retrieving her clothes from where she’d thrown them earlier and slipping back on her blue tights.

“You know, I’ve been with a lot of girls but that was one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever gotten. Even if your sister started sucking cock, I don’t think she’d be that good.”

“Mmm,” Ashley grinned. She paused while dressing, arms already in the holes of her t-shirt but not yet lifting the garment overhead. “Looking to get another one?”

“Nah,” Malik laughed, and Ashley’s smile dropped. “No, I am. Just not right now.” Lips curling back up, she shrugged and pulled her top over her braless breasts. Malik made his way toward the front door. He stopped before heading out, turning her way one more time. “All I’m saying is, as much as I’d like to get my dick between those fine white legs, you don’t have to fuck a guy to stay ahead of your sis. Your skills already got her beat.”

Ashley shut the door behind him and shivered at his words, loving how much her blowjob must have swayed him into enjoying her over her sister. However, she knew he’d sing a different tune should Maddie’s thick lips ever find their way onto his dick. Still, she doubted her not-quite-so-prude-anymore sister would make that leap so quickly. Ashley licked her lips. Yes, she’d get to suck quite a few of her sister’s boyfriend’s cock still and was looking forward to getting Malik’s big black one back in her mouth. She couldn’t wait till her sister went out with him again.


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