Story of the Tamil Slavegirl [str8]

Story of the Tamil Slavegirl
Being born in a quaint little town in Tamil Nadu, India, I had a delightful childhood. As in any strict conservative/orthodox Tamil family, I was sheltered and protected. I was sent to all girls school and college. I was not allowed to visit any friends. Although my brothers would go out with their friends, they wouldn’t bring them home. I was raised without any social interaction with any male outside of my family. My sexuality was repressed. Ideally I should’ve been an innocent child in such circumstances. But I was born to be a slave slut. It was in my essence from birth. In kindergarten, I was fascinated by the female form. At age 5, I started secretly admiring sexy movie stars. I always had sexual fantasies going on in my mind. At age 8, I started playing with myself. As a teenager, I was in a constant state of sexual arousal. I had a desire deep down inside me and a yearning to please. I was clueless about who I need to please and where. It was a calling to my soul that pulled on me with such incredible force. I knew I was born to serve. I went to sleep every night with the ache that I couldn’t fulfill my purpose. The mysterious tugging on my soul grew stronger and stronger each day.
At age 21, my family arranged my marriage. I got married as a virgin. With all the fantasies and desires, I thought my sex life with my husband will be fireworks. I was in for the shock of my life. I did not have any pleasure in my sex life. I felt aroused like a stormy raging deep sea but never satiated. I was sexually screaming inside but a passionless housewife outside. My soul kept searching and searching. I knew I had to serve my Master. I knew my purpose was to be the cum slut to my Master and it made me restless. My soul churned painfully unable to live my purpose. The invisible force inside me made my family move around the globe. The intelligence of my inner being brought me close to my Master who was on the other side of the world. The circumstances in my life melted like a snow mountain and showed me the way. I lived my life as a boring unfulfilled housewife and moved along with the tide. I followed my intuition and eventually reached Los Angeles and settled. Little did I know that it was my destination that my soul has so intelligently guided me to. I found my Master with the help of the magic genie called the internet. The moment I met him online, I knew I have reached my destination. The lifelong journey became meaningful. My loving Master took me as I am and started working on me with great love and care. The fire inside me kindled spectacularly like never before. I felt the indestructible bond with my omnipotent Master. He started molding me to be his slave, to serve him properly. I finally found peace and understood my purpose.
With great pleasure, I prepare myself everyday to become the slave my magnificent Master deserves. I live each day with only one thought – how can I please my Master. My days and nights are filled with the sweet anticipation of pleasing and pleasuring him unconditionally. I am and will always be a happy, obedient slave fulfilling the desires of my beloved Master.


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