Dream Job 1

After grinding for 6 months, being leered at by older men while she was working, and smiling through countless rejections, it finally happened, she landed her dream job and it was just one plane ride away. Being away from home would be difficult for a while but it would be worth it to be shining on stage again. One last embrace and she left her fiancé at the door, her chest felt shallow and heaved, searching for enough breath to fill it, the next steps quickened her pulse in a thousand ways and before she realized she was in her seat and taking off.

Finally on her way there she was able to relax her body and rest, melting into the seat beneath her. She could feel every muscle as they relaxed starting from her slender neck, bending slightly allowing a single blond curl to brush past her ocean eyes, her shoulders rolled back emphasizing her supple chest contained only by thin black lace under her clothes. Her back arched and pressed back into the seat while her firm thighs tightened and released underneath her, her long legs stretched as much as she could within her seat while the brush of her lace thong against her lips sent a shiver up her spine. This might be a long flight but she was prepared with some entertaining reading, and a first class seat comes with some liquid luxury to indulge in and fuel the imagination.

Chapter 1: The Sailor

Our hero sets sail accompanied by his small but strong crew, each man bringing their own set of skills aboard. First is the man of the hour himself, a tall man with a lean muscular frame, his hair quaffed perfectly and his smile could melt even the iciest stares. He chooses wisely and prudently each action and each person near him, though he has no shortage of choice, surrounding him on every port are women clamoring for his attention, none succeed. At his sides sit two men while seemingly opposite each other are bonded by the sea. His right hand, a large framed, muscular man with a crooked smile and caramel eyes. Looking at him you see something simple, but upon further examination there is much to see, his sun grazed skin taught over his muscular arms, a broad chest pulsing beneath his clothes and a calm demeanor from every direction you look. At our Hero’s left a man nearly his height, his hair waves in the wind, unkempt and wild. Energy buzzed around him, emanating from his bright, crystal blue eyes, always quick to a joke and just as quickly his eyes could shift to lust, drawing in any woman in his gaze.

She watched them from a distance as they loaded for their trip. Their strong muscles clenched as they lifted and stowed everything and she imagined what those arms would feel like clenching around her. Gripping her tightly capturing her and leaving her no option but to submit. She could smell the salt of the sea on the chest of the clear eyed man as he pulled her close, running his lips along her neck as his rough hands explored her exquisite breasts. One hand ran along her collar bone and landed with his thumb across her throat. His lips came to hers as his hand tightened like a snake across her neck leaving her barely able to breathe, and filled with fear and adrenaline. Their lips parted as their eyes met and his grip, she took in a solid breath and with a newly awoken flame within her pressed her throat against his hand and kissed him again.

-Hot towel?-

A young woman’s voice called from the void as She realized her reading had turned to dreams, She politely declined and was once again alone with her thoughts. With her new reading she got a devilish idea and with her bag in tow took a short trip to the first class restroom. She had bought herself something as a sort of joke but sort of not, a small egg shaped device that had a remote to go along with it and when pressed created different vibrating patterns. She took out her new toy and slid off her form fitting pants, with the air she suddenly realized how wet she already was, the egg slid easily around her lips as she tested the remote. ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZZZ. A low moan escaped her as her body adjusted to the new sensation, making her even more wet than before. With excitement she plunged the egg into her aching slit, she turned the remote on and shivered from within as the buzzing rippled again and again. She could feel the pressure building and rubbed her clit while the vibrations continued. She leaned against the dirty plane sink for support as her knees grew weaker and her face contorted, she bit her lip to keep from crying out as the muted buzz pulsed on and on.

-Knock, knock, knock-

Startled she dropped the remote, hitting the button again and amping up the intensity. Her mouth dropped open as she tried not to give away the pleasure aching inside of her.

“I’m coming!” she breathlessly spouted. Her muscles seized as ecstasy ripped through her, she tried grabbing anything for support and gripped the edge of the sink behind her while her hips mindlessly gyrated beneath her and her knees went weak. Her body shook and relaxed as the first wave subsided.

Her chest heaved as her legs shook, finally she was able to bend over and shut off the remote. She could feel her pulse heavy in throat as she was suddenly parched and dizzy. She fixed her hair pulled her clothes together, opened the door to the flight attendant letting her know it was time to touch down. She returned to her seat flushed and smiling.

They touched down and outside the airport was a car waiting to take her to her hotel.

“If it’s alright with you I’m going to close the partition” She called to the driver.

“Long flight? Of course, you get some rest”

It was about an hour’s drive to the hotel and while she was exhausted she wouldn’t be resting anytime soon. She needed that pleasure again, it called to her like a siren, beckoning her to explore again, to climb, reaching higher and higher, pushing her limits, and sending her on an adventure she wouldn’t soon forget.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/jxa37h/dream_job_1

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