Fair’s fair [mfMF] [wife-swapping] [foursome] [cuckold, sort of] [s’mores]

“Samuel invited us camping with them,” Annabel said.

“Your hot co-worker?” We were lying in bed, my hand running over Annabel’s pale, ivory skin, tracing the lithe curves of her hips, waist, and chest.

“I didn’t say he was hot, Wesley,” she said, her cheeks still flush from sex, her brunette hair sweaty and disheveled, “Just that he’s kept himself in good shape, is all. Anyway, yes, him and his wife, Daphne. They invited us to join them, this spot they know, a few hours away. They go all the time, apparently.”

Despite the dim light, Annabel’s blue eyes still managed to sparkle as she closely inspected the diamond wedding ring. I’d placed it on her finger two months ago and she’d refused to take it off since.

“Wouldn’t the age thing be kind of awkward? Isn’t he like twenty years older than you? Than us?”

“I guess. But him and Daphne never had kids, still act young,” Annabel smirked, “You’d like her, Wesley. She may be in her 40s, but she’s cute, and got tits out to here.” She held out her hands. “Obviously goes to the gym, but probably had work done, too.”

“Babe,” I said, “You’re all the woman I need.” I kissed Annabel, gently, sweetly. “Plus, we don’t have any camping gear. We’d have to go buy everything.”

“Nah, I said the same thing. Samuel said they’ve got extras of everything. All we need to do is show up.”

“Well, then… I guess that would be fun,” I said, “Get away for the weekend, relax out in nature.”

“Yep,” Annabel said, smiling, “Bring your fishing gear, I’ll bring my binoculars. We deserve a little time off.”

She kissed me. Her fingers brushed my dick. “Now what was that you said,” she grinned, “About me being the woman you need?” She climbed onto me, straddling my waist.

I was in awe. “I love you,” I said.

“I love you, too,” she said.

She guided my cock into her again, and together we were in paradise.


“This way,” Annabel pointed at a trail marked with painted stones. “Ooh!” She swung her binoculars up to canopy above as some reddish bird flitted past.

“You’re sure?” I said, sweating, hauling our gear. Even with just clothes and other essentials, it still weighed heavy.

“We’re almost there,” she reassured me. She looked damn cute in her hiking outfit, and I was happy to have her lead, since it gave me a view of her sexy pony tail swinging back and forth as her pants stretched tight over her ass, flexing taut with each step.

How lucky was I, with such a beautiful wife?

And soon, like she said, we were there.

A small, serene glen with a campfire roaring in the middle and a tent set up a small distance away.

“There you guys are!”

“Samuel!” Annabel exclaimed, “We made it!”

“You got here just in time, too,” Samuel said, his voice big and commanding, his smile broad, “We’re just starting dinner!” He turned to me. “You must be Wesley.”

“That’s me,” I said lamely. His handshake was firm, solid. I doubt mine felt the same to him.

“Daphne, get out here, meet our guests,” Samuel said, his intense friendliness contagious. I couldn’t help but instantly like the guy. I could already see why Annabel liked working with him. He exuded cheerfulness, an infectious good spirit. And that’d be true even if he weren’t so tall, his arms and shoulders weren’t filling out his polo so perfectly, his gray, peppery hair carefully styled despite having woken up in a tent. Friendly and good looks, both. No wonder he was successful. He smiled at me. “Can I call you ‘Wes’?”

“Uh, sure.”

He turned over his shoulder. “Daphne,” he called. His wife was crawling through the flap. “Meet Annabel and Wes. They just got married, what was it?”

“Three months ago,” Annabel said.

“Newlyweds? Congratulations!” Just like her husband, Daphne was crazy cheerful and crazy gorgeous. Her hair was again carefully styled into a short, sexy cut. And her petite body was tanned and toned, ass round, tits huge. I could tell this, because she was wearing this airy, low-cut dress that showed off more than it revealed.

“I’m Daphne,” she said, hugging Annabel, “So nice to meet you.”

“You, too, Wes,” she said, walking over to me, “I’m a hugger! Pleasure to meet you!” She wrapped her arms around me, pushing her tits against my chest while smiling warmly.

“Uh, pleasure’s all mine,” I said.

“I’m sure it is,” she said, winking at me and subtly arching her back, pushing her tits out.

“Settle in,” she said, “Put your stuff down, join us by the fire. Crack open a beer, I didn’t haul all these out here for no reason.” She and Samuel laughed.

“Is that fishing gear I see?” Samuel asked me.

“Yep,” I said, “Not sure if it’ll get any use, but brought it just in case.”

“Oh, there’s a great spot, not far from here. I’ll take you out there tomorrow.”

“Awesome,” I said. “Annabel said something about you guys having a tent for us, or…” I trailed off, realizing the idiocy of getting all the way here without having the basics figured out.

“Oh yeah, of course,” Samuel said. “Just set your stuff in there,” he pointed at his tent, “We’ve got the left side cleared out for you guys.”

“Oh… we’re sharing your tent?”

“It’s a big, four-person tent,” Samuel said, “Plenty of room. We put four people in there all the time.”

“Err, you’re sure that’s ok?”

“Wesley,” Annabel said, “They’re the experienced campers. I’m sure it’s ok.” She turned to Samuel. “Thank you again so much for not just inviting us, but doing all the hard work, too. We really appreciate it.”

“Thank YOU for joining us!” Daphne said happily, “We’re glad you guys could make it. We always love sharing our camping experiences with others.”

“Ok, well then,” I said. I climbed into the tent, and sure enough, half of it was empty. Just an air mattress and some space for our bag. The tent still didn’t seem that big, though. We’d be sleeping right next to Samuel and Daphne. “Whatever,” I said to myself.


Dinner was sausages and roast vegetables, and we all ate and drank and chatted and laughed together as darkness descended. Samuel and Daphne were, despite my fears of the weekend being awkward, actually really easy and fun to hang out with, and Annabel and I were having a great time.

“I brought s’mores!” Daphne announced, “You can’t having camping without s’mores, no matter how old you get.”

“Gotta love her,” Samuel beamed, “She’s such an amazing woman.” He turned to me. “But I bet you feel the same about Annabel, isn’t that right?”

Annabel and I looked at each other. She smiled. “Yep,” I said.

“You and I, Wes,” Samuel said, “We’re lucky we married such beautiful women, aren’t we?” Samuel continued, “Just look at Daphne there, have you ever seen such a sexy s’more?”

Annabel and I laughed.

“Thank you, honey,” Daphne said, passing out the dessert. “You’re really too good to me,” she said. She and Samuel were staring into each other’s eyes. He’d pulled the crackers apart and was slowly licking out the gooey inside.

Annabel and I gave each other a look, but she just raised her eyebrows and giggled. I put my arm around her as I ate my s’more.

“Well,” Samuel said, “We’ve got a lot planned everybody. I suggest we all hit they hay.”

“You all get settled in first,” Daphne said to us, “We’ll clean up, come to bed in a few minutes.”

“Thank you so much,” Annabel said, “Again, we really appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”

In the tent, while Annabel and I were putting the bed together, I whispered, “Did you realize we were sharing a tent?”

“No,” she whispered back, “But it’ll be ok.”

“Ok, fine,” I said, “But what are you going to sleep in?”

She shrugged. “A shirt, I guess. We’re all adults here.” Then her gaze narrowed. “But don’t be staring at Daphne’s tits though. She’ll think you’re a creep.”

I rolled my eyes. “Your tits are more than enough for me, Annabel.”

We climbed into the bed, nuzzled up against each other, and pulled our blanket up over us. “Ready,” Annabel called out.

We had been very concerned about modesty, but when Daphne came in, she casually slipped her dress off like it was no big deal. And it wasn’t just me staring.

“Damn, girl,” Annabel said, “You’ve got it going on.”

Daphne, with her hard body, naked but for a tiny black thong, was right next to me, her tits practically in my face. And they were glorious, huge, firm, with smooth skin and hard, dark nipples. I was totally staring.

“Stop ogling, Wesley,” Annabel said, her voice teasing, “You’re embarrassing us.”

“I don’t mind if you don’t mind,” Daphne said, smiling, maybe a touch flirty, “I worked hard to look this good. I appreciate the compliments.”

Annabel spooned me from behind, her arm reaching around my hips. She patted my crotch. What the fuck?

“Nah, he’s looking, but I don’t blame him. I’m looking, too. You’re damn sexy, and my tits don’t even compare,” Annabel said. Then, “He’s half chub, too, so I bet he’s getting quite the kick out of it.”

I blushed. “Sorry, babe, I…”

“Relax, Wesley,” Annabel said, her lips near my ear, “I’m not offended.”

“You can touch them, if you want,” Daphne said, looking down at her own breasts.

“Go on,” Annabel encouraged, “I know you want to, it’s ok.” What the fuck was going on? “If you don’t,” she continued, “I will.”

Daphne gently pulled my hand towards her chest. Annabel giggled as I awkwardly fumbled against the older woman’s large tits. But both women were encouraging me, for what reason I do not know. And it was true, I really did want to grope the fuck out of Daphne’s chest.

Now, Annabel’s beautiful, and I love everything about her. But, she doesn’t have tits like these. And, fake or not, who gives a shit, these were glorious, the pinnacle of tits, the perfection of female form.

So it didn’t take that much encouragement to get me grabbing and squeezing and pinching and fondling Daphne’s large, tanned rack. I kept feeling like I was breaking the rules, like I was getting away with something, but Daphne’s smile was reassuring, and even flirty, and Annabel’s arm was wrapped around me.

Where was the jealousy? I didn’t know and I was starting to not care.

Daphne nodded at the tent in my crotch. “Your boy’s looking like he’s ready to go,” she said to Annabel, “Do what you want, but we’re not prudes here. I’ll even help, if you want.”

Annabel’s hand slipped under my boxers, began stroking me off. “What do you think, honey?” she said, “Sounds kind of hot, doesn’t it?”

“Uh…” I managed, Daphne’s tits filling my vision. Her breasts brushed against my face, and I sucked a nipple into my mouth.

“I think that’s a yes,” Daphne laughed, watching me worship her tits with my tongue. Annabel’s hand was really pumping me, using everything I’d taught her about myself to build me up.

“I hope I didn’t miss the party,” Samuel said, leaning in through the tent flap.

Oh, right. Samuel.

He was standing in the tent’s opening looking down at us, completely naked, muscles toned and defined, large penis hanging between his legs.

Daphne smiled up at him. “We’ve barely begun, dear.” She grabbed his cock, stroked him off some.

But then, Annabel’s hands left my dick, and I saw her reaching out to Samuel. “Fair’s fair, dear,” she said to me as she took his cock from Daphne. Samuel looked pleased, but not surprised, almost like he knew this would happen.

“You’re a beautiful girl, Annabel,” Samuel said, “You know that. I am honored by your affection.”

“Can I suck it?” she asked. What? She wasn’t even asking me! Shouldn’t my opinion matter most? She glanced back and forth between Samuel and Daphne.

Daphne’s smile grew wider. “Of course, honey, that’s what it’s there for.”

Annabel wasted no time. To Samuel’s obvious delight, she slapped his hard cock against her cheek a few times, then popped it into her mouth and immediately took it down as deep as she could.

My wife. Blowing a dude. Right in front of me. I watched, transfixed, not sure how I felt about this. Not sure how I should feel. When she sucked me off, Annabel was always very tender, very loving. But what I was watching her do to Samuel was on a whole another level. It was sloppy, it was depraved, it was animal. It looked like she’d been planning it for years.

“She’s a freaky one, ain’t she?” Daphne said with a smirk. I looked at her in horror. “Dived right in.”

“Annabel, darling,” Samuel said, “This is fantastic, but please, let me do something for you, too.”

As Annabel smiled up at him, Daphne peeled my wife’s sweatshirt off, revealing her pale skin to the night.

“Annabel,” I said, trying not to sound like I was whining.

“Shh, honey,” she said, not even looking at me, “It’s alright.”

“This is no place for jealousy,” Daphne said to me. Her hand reached for my dick, gave it a gentle rub. “There’s been a lot of sexual tension between those two. It’s best to let them get it over with.”

Samuel had Annabel on all fours and was kneeling behind her, running his fingers along her crotch.

“And if I know that look in Samuel’s eye,” Daphne continued, “Annabel’s in for a wild ride.”

He had pulled Annabel’s panties aside and was eating her ass. Annabel’s eyes were rolled back in pleasure as she moaned deliriously. Samuel winked at Daphne, who smiled back at him.

Annabel opened her eyes and glanced at me, but her look was unfocused, disinterested. I could see her deep in pleasure from Samuel’s tonging her clit, her asshole. Her hair was sticky with sweat, her face blushing with ecstasy, her eyes glassing over. She bit her lip and gasped.

I watched in growing horror as Samuel pull Annabel onto his dick and started fucking her, harder and harder. She was loving it, moaning in pleasure, begging, “Samuel, Samuel, yes! Harder!” What was going on? My bride was desperate for his dick. There was a hollow pit opening in my stomach. Samuel pushed his thumb in her ass and she was climaxing, Daphne tweaked her nipples and caressed her back.

“I need your cum,” Annabel begged.

As I sat there watching, Samuel pulled his cock out of Annabel. At least he hadn’t cum in her, I thought. He stood up over the girls and … oh no… she was really going to do it. The pit in my stomach deepened, my mind reeled. I watched Annabel stretch her lips wide as she took his cock back into her mouth, their eyes locked on each other. Daphne leaned in to join, sucking on Samuel’s balls while my wife blew him.

“You don’t mind,” Samuel asked me, “Do you, Wes?”

I stared at him, wide-eyed. I guess he took that as a ‘no.’

His grabbed Annabel’s ponytail, and used her mouth as his fuck toy. She loved it. She gagged and choked on his dick, letting Samuel dominate her in a way she never let me, completely unconcerned about me, about my feelings, about our marriage. Spit dripped from her lips, down onto her chest, and Daphne pulled back. “Do it, hun,” she said, “She wants it, bad.”

Samuel groaned and pulled his cock out. Daphne grabbed it, massaging it as it came, spraying his cum all over Annabel. Her face. Her hair. Her tits. She was dripping in his spunk, looking at him in awe. Daphne licked it up, running her tongue over Annabel’s body. She kissed her, letting the cum drip from her mouth into my wife’s. Annabel swallowed.

What the fuck was I seeing? How could she do this to me?

“Look,” Daphne said, glancing at me, “He loves it. He’s masturbating.”

What? I looked down. It was true, I was jacking my rock-hard erection. When had that started?

“Care if I finish him off?” Daphne asked. Annabel shook her head, her smirk mildly amused, triumphant even.

I stared, frozen like a deer, as Daphne sidled over to me. Her grin was flirty, and she pushed her tits against me. She grabbed my cock, taking it out of my hand and into hers. Her grip was iron, her pumping merciless.

“Fucking hot,” she said, “Isn’t it? Seeing your spouse with someone else?”

She grabbed my ass, slid her finger up into my asshole. I yelped in surprise and came, my load pumping out onto Daphne’s wrist. She smiled as she milked me dry, then wiped my cum on my leg.

What the fuck just happened?

Samuel was laughing, his arms around Annabel, his hands exploring her body. She laid there passively, showing no signs that he was unwelcome, no signs that she was going to come back to me.

“Well,” Daphne said, “That was fun. But I think it’s time we turn in. We’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

She flipped off the lantern, send the tent into a pitch black darkness, leaving me alone in the night.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jwkwpv/fairs_fair_mfmf_wifeswapping_foursome_cuckold

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