Legally Owned 1. Dinner with light domination NSFW

My friend challenged me to write erotica for the first time, I hope you enjoy it x

Legally Owned

Its been over a year of messages backwards and forwards when we eventually meet.

As I curl my hair and apply my signature red lipstick I feel nervousness in my chest, tightening around my diaphragm as I think about the times we have made these plans before but they never played out.

I leave the house and lock the door, I walk to my car and fling my heels on the passenger side as I slide into the drivers seat and start the engine.

He’s booked where we are going to meet. It’s a sparsely decorated yet sumptuous restaurant with dark walls and hidden corners. As I walk in I see him at the end of the room, sat confidently in a booth. He’s wearing that suit he knows that I like, the one he sent me pictures of last year. The one which is cut to suit his frame exactly, the one which makes his eyes glow.

I feel him watching me as I walk the length of the room.

I take my time.

I lock eyes with him and watch him appreciate every inch of this walk as the rest of the world melts away around us.

As I reach the table a smile forces its way out of my mouth as we finally touch, we are alone, for the first time. He stands up and goes to kiss my cheek, but as I lean into him, he moves his head so slightly and he graze the inside of my neck just below my ear with his breath instead. Its imperceptible to anyone else but it sends an electric shock down my neck, sets every hair on my body on end and I feel a burst of heat in my pussy.

He moves his head back smiling, he knows exactly what he is doing to me and he is enjoying the power he holds at this exact moment over every atom of sexual energy in my body.

I sit down in the curved booth next to him. It’s all I can do to not crawl inside him right now and revel in the chemistry between us, but for now I wait and live with the sparks that come when our legs brushing together occasionally.

We discuss the menu, chat about politics, his work, my work, our lives outside of this booth which for this short time has become the entire world. He’s animated and passionate, I love the burr that hangs over the way he says his ‘w’s. I don’t want to talk about work this night, I want to talk about art and love and culture, I want to debate everything and have a conversation which anyone watching thinks is an argument but it’s not.

We drink water and eat olives, the starters arrive and go as the rest of the world swirls around us and we stay oblivious.

The main courses arrive, I pick up my fork.
His hand is on the back of my neck, not gently this time but firmly.

‘Don’t touch your food’ he leans into me to say in my ear, his voice low but authoritative. I feel his beard push against the side of my face and the grip on the back of my neck tighten slightly. I instinctively uncross my legs under the table as the atmosphere changes.

I turn my face towards his, his expression has changed. The passion is still there but what was before outward enthusiasm engaged in conversation has now concentrated into a core internal confidence with a laser focus.

I am so eager to kiss him I reach my mouth forward to his. The hand on the back of my neck opens instantly and his fingers splay into my hair and grip tightly stopping me moving towards him. I mewl with frustration and look up into his brown eyes through his glasses.

His eyes burn into mine. We’ve had these talks before, we’ve not been able to meet until today, but he knows exactly what turns me on and how to taunt me. He leans into my side, I can feel every part of his body that presses against mine and it sends a current through me. I feel the grip in my hair slowly loosen as he whispers in my ear all the ways he’s going to make me cum. I feel my breath catch in my throat as the filth falling from his lips makes my body catch fire.

I feel his hand start to run up the inside of my leg, I push my knees apart as I silently will him to go further. I feel his fingers run over my knee and hit the top of the split in my long sequin skirt. It waits there for an eternal second. As his hand slowly moves higher it reaches the top of my stockings. I draw my breath in quickly as his fingertips dance across the sensitive exposed skin at the top of my thighs, I smile to myself remembering that I didn’t wear underwear tonight.

He tells me to spread my legs further apart. I look up for a moment remembering where we are, the booth is tucked away at the back of the restaurant and the Saturday evening throng near the bar is taking everyone’s attention. I relax and allow my knees to fall apart.

I close my eyes for a moment, and his fingers climb higher. I hear a low guttural groan as they reach my vulva and he discovers what I’m not wearing. I feel his fingers push between my slick wet pussy lips. I gasp, high pitched and suddenly as a wave of wetness crashes out of me and in that moment he kisses me hard for the first time and pushes 2 fingers deep inside me.

I want to eat him up, I want to explore every inch of him. My eager hands push inside his jacket and grips around his back, I can feel his body through the cotton shirt and it’s all I can do not to pull the shirt out of his trousers, rip it open and devour him.

But he stops me.

He takes his hand away from my cunt which feels empty and sad at the sudden loss. He removes my hands out from inside his jacket and place them on the seat. He holds my wrists down on the seat with more force than is really needed. He flashes a look back up at me that tells me he knows exactly what he is doing and what it is doing to me.

I squirm and beg him to touch me again, my pussy aches for him to fill me up.

He waits.

I can barely sit still, I’m rolling my hips in my seat I am so turned on.

He waits longer.

He waits till I can sit still.

‘Open your legs and pull up your skirt, around your waist. Now’

I obey, the velvet seating feeling soft against my skin. I’m completely exposed under the table, if I wasn’t so focussed on how hugely turned on I am I would remember to be embarrassed, but all those thoughts have gone.

He tells me to spread my pussy lips wide for him, he wants to see how turned on I am. I obey without even thinking about it. My legs are splayed and I open myself entirely to him. He watches me intently. He stares at my cunt and back up into my eyes. He takes his right hand and pushes it onto my chest, he pushes my body back against the wall of the booth and then down onto the seat. I lie back feeling the weight pushing down on my chest and I bring my leg closest to the wall of the booth up onto the seat. I am completely prone.

He looks down on me surveying every inch of my body.

He removes his jacket and my clitoris twitches.

He dives his head down to my cunt.

I moan… loudly.

The white cloth of his shirt is taught across his shoulders and back as his hungry tongue greedily licks up my juices. I writhe and buck against his face, my searching fingers finding the top of his head and forcing his face down on me harder.
He lifts his head and a flicker of anger plays across his face. He grabs my wrists and holds my hands far away from his head. I don’t resist and one hand grips the seat whilst the other holds onto the top of the booth. He dives back down and after searching out my clit with his tongue I feel his fingers roughly push inside me, he fucks me with his fingers so hard I push down on his hand and fuck him right back.

I can feel an orgasm building strength inside me, I can feel my muscles start to tense and I arch my neck so my head is almost lifted off the seat. The weight of my skull is bearing down on the top of my head as it digs into the velvet under me and I feel the baby hairs at the nape of my neck pinch and pull as the back of my head drags across the seat.

I’m close.

I’m so close.

He knows.

I’m on the edge.

He stops.

I almost scream with annoyance. My head snaps up, my teeth are bared as I prepare to chew him out.

He stands up like nothing has been happening. He carefully puts on his jacket and offers me a hand to stand up.

I understand that this is all part of the game, but it doesn’t make the stinging heat of disappointment any less. I adjust my clothes and take his hand to leave.

His hand is still wet with my juices and as I pull him in for a kiss I can feel how damp his beard is and taste my metallic taste on his tongue.

We walk out and towards my car, I’m parked in my carpark for work, it’s on the bottom floor and it being late on a Saturday night mine is the only car there.

I get to the car and start fumbling in my bag for my keys, my brain still foggy from the mind blowing oral sex and my pent up orgasm yet to be released. My fingers finally clasp the keys and I let out a little sigh of relief that I haven’t lost them.

He pounces.
My body is slammed against the side of the car as he angrily, hungrily kisses me with such force I’m sure he’s left bruises. I kiss him back equally as intensely. Our hands rip each others jackets and coats off, I pull his shirt out and rip it open and sink my teeth into his chest and shoulder.
I feel his cock hard inside his trousers, I scramble to open his fly and finally see what I have been daydreaming about for so many months. His cock stands proud, he’s circumcised and his genital area is shaved, unlike his chest which is thick with dark hair. His cock is thick and not too long, I sink to my knees to inspect it better. I love the way it fills out my mouth, I can feel every ridge and vein as he fucks my face hard whilst steadying himself against my car. I can feel my pussy is so wet it drips down the inside of my thighs. I move my hand to my clit and start to rub gently as I take his length over and over again in my mouth.
I hear the car door open, it’s the back door closest to my head.

He pulls his cock unceremoniously from my mouth and yanks me to my feet. He kisses me deeply and lovingly then pushes me back onto the back seat of the car. He climbs on top of me and whilst watching me play with myself he pulls out a condom and rolls it over his ready dick.

He pushes his cock deep inside me in one smooth, strong movement. I’m so turned on my pussy takes his thickness entirely. I feel stretched out, but full and excited and happy. He fucks me hard in the back of the car.

I feel for my clit and as he slams his dick into me with the power and purpose of pistons on a steam train. I play with my clit. I feel the orgasm I was rudely deprived of earlier swell again, I look into his eyes and ask him if I can cum. He kisses me hard and tells me to cum on his dick.

I orgasm loudly, waves of tingling energy flood my body from the soles of my feet up my legs. The pulsing of my vagina walls is matched by my panting breath and the convulsions of my hips fucking him harder as he also groans gutturally and pumps his orgasm hard inside me. Long after he is finished my body is still convulsing in slowly diminishing waves as I ride out the delicious feelings that run through me. The waves slowly die away until there is only my wracked, exhausted body left sprawled out.

He collapses on top of me and I wrap my arms around him. We lie there in a sticky heaving mess as we slowly catch our breath. I blink until I can see properly again.

I look down at his dark short hair flecked with grey. He looks back at me, his eyes have softened and he is gentle as he removes himself and stands up to dispose of the condom.

I don’t want to go after this incredible evening.
I ask him what he plans to do, whether he is driving back home now or later.

He laughs and tells me he booked a room at the hotel above the restaurant before I arrived.

Both starving hungry we saunter back towards the restaurant.


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