The Beach House: Part One (MF, Cheating)

*This is the first part of a much longer story. I wrote this a few years back after staying in a similar beach house located on Pawleys Island, South Carolina. The story is fiction but my wife and I did perform some of the activities. Constructive criticism is welcome.*

Diane Ryder stepped out of the rented beach house’s living room and onto the large screen-in porch feeling quite frustrated. Taking a seat in one of the comfortable lounge chairs she stared out into the night hoping the steady but pleasant roar of the surf might relax her enough so she could sleep. Dressed only in her long cotton nightshirt and panties she felt an instant chill from the breeze blowing in from the ocean raising goosebumps all across her arms and legs. While sitting there in the dark the smallest bit of a smile crept across her face at the thought that something had finally touched her because her damn husband, Jeff, sure wasn’t showing any interest on what was supposed to be a relaxing extended weekend on the coast.

Making matters slightly worse, the main reason she had gotten up was the sound of lovemaking coming from the room down the hall where Brian and Laura Martin, best friends and next door neighbors, had been going at it off and on for most the night. After dinner the two had excused themselves rather early while she and Jeff relaxed on the porch enjoying a pleasant Pawleys Island evening. Diane had even used their blatantly obvious departure to try and get Jeff in the mood for their own bedroom romp but he just kept on reading over a large and detailed investment contract to prepare for what he claimed was an impromptu meeting in Columbia the next morning. Even sitting on the porch she could still hear the faint sound of moaning and stifled screams of pleasure.

Realizing she had no other recourse, Diane went back into the house and climbed the steps to the second floor where all the bedrooms were located. While the actual door to Brian and Laura’s room was shut, being primarily a rental house all the bedrooms including the two bathrooms were connected in someway. It was one of those side entrances that was allowing the sound of their lovemaking to seep through the house. Diane figured if she could shut all the doors that would quiet things down.

Quickly and quietly stepping through the first bathroom on the left side of the stairwell then into the connected but unused bedroom brought her to the side entrance to the room occupied by her overly energetic friends. Diane almost abandoned her plan when she saw the door leading into their room completely open. But if she wanted any chance at finally getting some rest, she would have to risk detection long enough to step over and slowly close it while hoping the hinges didn’t squeak in the process.

As silent as a mouse, Diane was able to cross the room and stand at the door, it was then that she saw the two tangled together, naked on the bed, the soft light coming from the small lamp on the bedside nightstand enhancing the sheen of the sweat coating their bodies. Brian was on his back with Laura straddling him, alternating between slowly grinding her hips on his cock savoring every sensation to bouncing up and down until she screamed. Brian spent his time fondling her tits with his hands or pulling her down long enough for him to spend several seconds thrusting his shaft upward into her pussy. That would send Laura into an animal-like frenzy where she would break free of Brian’s embrace and begin a series of her own rapid pelvic thrusts that would send her long blonde hair flying and Brian struggling to control his own body.

Without being conscious about it, the sight of the energy and passion her two friends were expressing immediately drew Diane into their world. She hungered for Jeff to want her as badly as Brian clearly desired Laura. Diane could almost feel Brian’s shaft impaling her as he was doing to his wife. The conflicting emotions of frustration at what she was missing with Jeff and the outright envy at seeing Laura’s body being worshiped by her husband was almost too much for her to stand. Both Brian and Laura were close to the same age as Diane and her husband, mid-thirties, and while not models or athletes did take care of their bodies. A fact Diane appreciated as she gazed at Brian laying on the bed.

Without realizing it one of Diane’s hands went up her shirt to caress her breasts while the other went into her panties to lightly massage her clit. Whether Diane was lost in the scene before her for just a second or a couple of minutes she had no idea, what brought her back to reality was seeing Brian’s eyes looking straight at her as Laura was once again slowly riding her husband’s cock.

Brian said nothing but continued to look at Diane as he reared up and began to suck on one of Laura’s nipples causing a slow and long moan to come out of her mouth. It was when Laura then began to spasm, clearly having an orgasm, that Brian smiled at the silent observer standing in the doorway. Diane was overwhelmed with a sense of embarrassment for being discovered along with her imagining she was the one Brian was fucking. She eventually found the will and the strength to walk away when Laura collapsed on top of her husband in clear exhaustion.

Seconds later Diane is back in bed with the sleeping Jeff hoping Brian would not say anything to Laura about her invasion of their privacy. She also puzzled over the smile Brian gave her, but didn’t dwell on it because as sleep claimed her, Diane dreamed of his lips sucking on one of her nipples and his cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy.

The next morning Diane barely remembered Jeff getting up and leaving for Columbia. Had she been more coherent she would have gathered all their belongings and rode with him because she didn’t want to face Brian and Laura. Instead, once she realized Jeff was long gone she came up with the idea of just staying in bed until the two left to go see Laura’s cousin who lived a short distance up the highway. As Diane lay in bed the beach house was deathly quiet except for the sound of the ceiling fan in her room spinning. Feeling certain that she alone, Diane got out of bed, stripped off her nightshirt and panties, and then walked through the connecting doorway to the other second floor bathroom.

Equipped with an overly large and efficient water heater the bathroom was soon filled with steam after Diane turned the shower on full blast. She stepped in and for a couple of minutes closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sensations of the hot water hitting her body allowing all her concerns and embarrassment to melt away. It was the soft click of the shower door opening that brought Diane out of her reverie. She opened her eyes to see Brian naked, and entering the shower with her. A moment of terror combined with simple shock froze her in place.

“Just relax, it’s only me.” He said quickly taking Diane into her arms and kissing her. Still too stunned to say or do anything, Diane found Brian’s tongue was both soft and forceful. She found having a man, not her husband, standing naked in a shower with her almost a surreal experience. Never in her life had she ever seriously thought about another man except her husband, the fact that Brian, her best friend’s husband, was part of the reason she remained stunned for so long. For the briefest of moments Diane’s unsatisfied lust allowed her to enjoy the surprise, but it was her usual morals that forced her to break away.

“Please,” she said trying to pull away, “Brian, I can’t do this for so many reasons.”

“Just relax Diane, it’s all going to be okay,” was all Brian said before beginning to kiss her again. This time he had moved in such a way to position his fully erect cock against Diane’s inner thighs. Against her will Diane uttered a slow and primal moan, it had been so bloody long she thought. But still, Laura was her best friend.

“Please stop Brian, I mean it,” Diane said with some force. “Laura is my best friend and your wife. I can’t do this to her.”

Brian just smiled, kissed Diane deeply again and then released her. She took that moment to quickly step out of the shower and grab a towel to try and cover her nakedness. Brian calmly followed right behind to see her fumbling with the towel. Just when Diane finally got the too small of a towel to cover most of her torso Brian was standing right up against her. Diane knew she should have ran to her room and locked the door, or at least slapped Brian for everything wrong he was doing but she just stood there motionless. With the barest motion Brian used his right hand to pull Diane’s towel away and drop it to the floor.

“I’ve always thought you were one of the most beautiful women in our neighborhood.” He whispered while lightly kissing her neck. You’re always so full of energy and your smile can light up a room.” He continued to say before taking Diane back into his arms.

Diane’s mind screamed all the reasons she should end this encounter but her body refused to obey. It all came down to the fact it had been so long since Jeff had done anything of this nature. Still one question remained that had to be answered. “Where is Laura,” she asked breathlessly.

Brian smiled again, “Laura left right after Jeff to go see her cousin. The house will be ours alone for several hours.”

With that answer all opposition to Brian faded away and Diane gave herself over to him. Knowing he had won Brian scooped Diane up in his arms and carried her to the spare bedroom connected to the one she and Jeff had taken.
