Let’s play hide and see (Les) (Exe)

# Lets play hide and see

“Will come back, come back. No don’t get on the plane come back I will try harder to love you. Stacey let go of me let go, he is leaving we need him”

“Kelley, Kelley wake up its a dream, just a dream” I called. Kelley’s eye open up with the fear of the dream and she looks back and rolls over and buries her face into my chest. Kelley just sobs letting her Dragon green eyes get redder from the prolonged crying.

“Hey its okay I will only be gone a month.” Yea but Mongolia is a long way off and you will not be near phone service much of the time so no calls like when you and Stacey help open a new store.”

I know but this job will give us the money we need to buy a proper house together instead of this apartment. I have never had so many cold shower but luckily you and Stacey keep me warm.” a low moan from behind me reminds me Stacey only just got back to sleep after being sick from the food poisoning. No more food from Won Dum Some for us.

You want to talk about? If we do lets go to the couch, Stacey was sick a bit ago and I just got her to sleep. I had to rub her tummy and sing a lullaby.” “Yea let talk out on the couch, poor Stacey.” We get out of bed and I make sure the heating pad is still on Stacey over my t-shirt and I walk out closing the door silently.

Kelley is sitting and I sit beside her and lean back and she flops over with her head on my lap. “I guess my question is why don’t you want me to go? My casting Agent Mike went to bat for me to make sure I get enough for the down payment.” I stroke her soft brown hair “I know in my brain you will be back and we will be able to live together all the time vs a night here and there. Its just you will be gone so long and we are not sure how often we will get to speak to you.” “Ah so Stacey was feeling the same way till tonight puke fest hence why she told me we need to talk.” “Got it in one.” I reach down and start tracing Kelley’s amber Heart. You do know that where ever I go I think about both of you. Plus we are supposed to have mail service and I can wright you long letters as if I was on a battlefield in a great war. I can tell you of my pain of not being here and the horror of our robot overlords.” She giggles like a little girl.

“Will, do you think I am being silly?” “Honestly? No I don’t. I have allot of the same feelings. Why do I have to go, how will I survive with out my Pretty manger or my Green Eyed Dragon. The two people who always has my back when I need it. But then I realize that if I do this one time, that after 32 days of being alone I will then very soon come home and realize the dream of never having an empty lonely bed ever again. Does that make you feel better?” “Yes, some what. Doesn’t mean I will not make pout y faces at you till you leave” “Good because I plan to tell him he is fucking moron till gets back in our bed.”

I look over my should to a very tired and sick Stacey. “we didn’t wake you did we?” “No the bed deciding to do cartwheel while I was in it, that woke me.”

“Why not try sleeping sitting up here on the couch. There are the recliners, the lounge, or me?” You. You are warmer then the heating pad and you stroke my hair and actually care about me. I feel like I am going to die.” “The ER doc said that is normal and if you don’t feel better by this afternoon we should come back” Stacey sits down beside me and tucks her feet up under her and I reach behind and pull the pile of blanket to me so I can cover Kelley, then Stacey, and my self. By the time I am covering my self the other two are asleep.

“Will said he would call before he heads out to the base camp. What director wants to do a remake of Marco Polo in the actual Himalayas, I will never understand” Said Stacey “Well from what I read in this movie mag he is a total loon but talented so he gets what he wants. What time is it where he is?” “Coming up on 3 pm I think.” Said Stacey as she looks at her watch. Stacey and Kelley agreed that Kelley would answer the phone and turn on the speaker for both of them.

The phone rings and Kelley grabs it and hits the speaker. “Hi Will” said in unison. “There are some voices I have missed. 4 days of plane travel sucks and I just found out it is a 6 hour drive and at 3 in the morning IL.” “it is 3 am!” Kelley exclaimed. “Yea there is a 10 hour time difference” “Um I had the time wrong” said Stacey. Well I do not have a long time but I know you might be bored with out Faire so once I hang up go to the gun safe, you have the code, and you will find a box. I have project for you two….a naughty project. But hey wish me well they want me in the range rover like now I will call you when I can use the satellite phone to call. Love you and I all ready miss you.” “Love you will” called Stacey” You are in our hearts and thoughts, Love you Will.” said Kelley and then the phone hangs up.

“I wonder what that wicked man has in mind with this naughty challenge.” asked Stacey. “Well we can sit here and wonder or…” Stacey was up first and running to the safe with Kelley running holding her boob” I think you are right I need to wear a bra more often.”

After opening the safe and removing the cardboard box they took it into the kitchen and open it. Inside there was a pile of items. On top was two new digital cameras, two photo albums, and two envelopes one marked Kelley and one marked Stacey. At the very bottom is a note from Will.

I know that the naughty part would get your attention. So the game is to see who can take the most pictures from there list. This list is broken down to levels and each level has a point level. The naughtier the pic the more points. At the end of the game (when I get back) The one with the most points get a special dinner just you and me. The looser gets a box of Mac and cheese for dinner. Now I know you will be spending most of the time at your own homes you do need to come here and upload your camera on your windows profile on the computer. After I get back on the proper time then we will print out the pic and add them to your photo album. Now I will let you know most on the fourth level and all of the fifth level will require you to work together to get the pic.

“Well at least he is consistent. Should we look at the envelopes?” Asked Kelley “Yes I wonder what he has planned.”

After looking at the list they noticed some difference. On Stacey’s there a pic request a thigh pic in the cash Office and Kelley had one for a bra pic in her office with her blouse on. Both pics were worth 1 point. “What is a 5 point one for you Kelley?” “Take a pic of Stacey blushing all over while she is nude. Crap. How about you Stacey?” “Take a up skirt pic of Kelley in a Park. He isn’t kidding we will need each other for these.”

Day 12 Phone day. “It is 5pm his time 7 am here. “ Said Kelley. She was still wondering how she got talk into going to the museum and flashing her boobs at the T-Rex. “Good I know how much you and I been missing him.” said Stacey. Why did she fall for the “You got some ketchup on your inner thigh which gave Kelley the chance to snap a upskirt pic of Stacey at The over priced coffee shop. “Kelley can I ask you a personal question about Will’s game….are you…well.. you know… enjoying it?” Kelley can see Stacey was embarrassed to ask and was blushing but she all ready got that pic. “Actually, yes. I got all the level 1-2-3 pics in the first week. Did you notice all of those pics were just you?” “Yes I did. Did you notice that about half of the level 4 are not naughty and usually of the other person like your are mine.” asked Stacey. “I did notice and even on level 5 most are not that bad and really could be done some where we feel safe like me at the park and you here at Willa’s” The phone rings and they answer it. “Will are you there.” asked Kelley “Yes I am. Where else would I be?” “How are you doing?” “well I am still getting use to the food but I am not use to sleeping alone or not getting kisses from the loves of my life and I am sure I will never will. Any news for me? I don’t read the language and so newspapers are no help to me.” 15 minutes later Will had to to leave but promise he will call at the same time on the 24th.

“Stacey, I have not been sleeping well and when I am like that, Will lets me nap on his lap. Would you let me nap on your lap. I just feeling down today.” Stacey walk over and hugs Kelley “I would love to.” after Kelley laid down she did fall asleep on Stacey lap and Will had a request of a pic of Kelley sleeping on Stacey’s lap. How would he know it would happen.

Stacey look at her list and wonders if she should tell Kelley she had a 6th level with two pics. One a pic of Kelley eat in her out and a Pic of her eating Kelley out with the note “she can not know it is for a pic. What the hell are you up to Will.

Over the next few Days Kelley and Stacey were calling each other help for Pics. Kelley need Stacey to take pic of Kelley with her boobs out with a older man sitting behind her with out him knowing she had the boobs out. Stacey asked Kelley to take a pic at the park with Stacey eating a cherry pop like it was penis while in front of the old guys doing Ti Chi. Kelley needed Stacey to help her take a up skirt pic with no panties at the mall. Then Stacey need Kelley to grab her t shirt and pull it up while Stacey snap the pic at the lake.

The 24th comes and will calls and said he can not talk long they have to do some re shoots. “How the pics going?” Kelly smiles and say “I been having so much even tho some were scary but in a good way. I have 5 left and I am going to win this game..” Stacey had 3 plus those 2 level six pics left.

“Will, are you still leaving on the 1st? “Yes I am and I learned my lesson I am taking a direct flight home.” “Good we will have a welcome to your own bed party.” “I will need it..I love you but I got to go. Get all the pics before I get home.” the phone hangs up. What is your game Will I just don’t get it, thought Stacey.

Well in a few days all the other pics are done but Stacey still had the two level 6 to do. I think it is best I do it at Will’s so she feels comfortable. As Stacey walks in there is Kelley uploading pics. “Hello Kelley, finish all the pics.” “No, I still have two more to do.” Stacey goes and hooks her camera to she computer and logs in to upload. Kelley comes up behind her and starts hugging her. You know it has been so long since I have any sex of any kind and this is really making me horny I can also get the pic but damn it to hell I need to be eaten. With out a word Stacey stands up and turns around grabs Kelley plants a kiss on her lips. Just as suddenly Kelley is grabbing Stacey and pulling her closer all the while they were exploring each others mouth with there tongues. Stacey thinks about the pics she taken, how hot it was to watch Kelley expose her boobs and how right now Stacey longed to suck on them. Stacey pulls Kelley’s t shirt off and opens the front clasp of the bra and takes a boob in her mouth sucking the nipple till she was slobbering on it. Then Stacey switch to the other nipple and begins to flick. Kelley was not to left out and she pulled Stacey’s skirt down to her ankles exposing her her lovely green satin panties. Then Stacey pulled down Kelley short showing a very bare pussy that is dripping her juices. In frenzy they ran into the bedroom removing any and all clothes and they jump on the bed with Stacey on top pinning Kelley to the bed and Stacey lowers her mouth and begins to savagely kiss Kelley. As Stacey stops look down at Kelley big boobs it was only right if she helped Kelley cum so she doesn’t explode before Will comes home. Slowly Stacey kisses down Kelley’s body till she got to Kelley’s clit “Will said that it looks like a penis so he stroke and suck her off till Kelley squirted on Will’s face. Gently reached out and started stroking the clit licking as if it was a penis and going as far to suck it to Kelley orgasm and squirted her in her chest, Kelley sits up and push Stacey over to lay on the bed and she made a immediate attack on Stacey’s labia sucking until there was a constant flow of juice, Then Stacey rember will had put batteries in the remote control vibrators.”Stay here I got to get something.” Stacey ran to the gun safe and open it and took out the panties and runs back and slides a pair on Kelley then hands the other pair to Kelley who puts them on Stacey and they took the remotes.

As soon as she handed Kelley her remote Kelley gave Stacey hers. And they switched them on and the climb back together and start making out. The vibrators were powerful but silent so each could hear the moans of the other. Stacey crawled up to Kelley and she latched on to her left boob and starts to suck on it trying to milk it for all its worth. Kelley is moaning and the only word she can get out is Yes. Kelley what is the one thing you want Will to do to you. “Kelley looks at Stacey and says “Once Will wanted to fist me but “OH God!” his hand was to big.” Can I fist you Kelley? Please let me, I will keep’s Will’s promise to you right here and right now. Oh God yes Stacey fist me like Will wanted to.” Stacey pulls the vibrating panty down and gets the jar of lube off the end table and spreads all over her hand then she starts one finger sliding in then she tried 2 and she can hear Kelley ragged breathing slowing down 3 fingers 4 was hard but she got it in and then she tucked her thumb in under the finger and her fist slide in. Slowly Stacey pumped her fist in and out and Kelley breathing sped up and soon Kelley start a un stop strings of the word FUCK ME!! finally Kelley came and Stacey pulled her hand out of Kelley’s quivering pussy. “that was the most full I ever have felt, whispered Kelley. But you aren’t done yet. At this point Kelley turned Stacey remote on full and Kelley start sucking Stacey boob with little nips and in short order Stacey came also. They layed there for over a hour just touching and stroking each others hair and face. When all of a sudden Kelley yells “FUCK!! I forgot to get the pic of you eating my pussy and me eating yours.” It was the only two I had left. “You had a level 6?” Yes…wait Will said there was only 5 so I thought it was a secret challenge for me” Stacey bust out laughing “that man is tasty but he is also devious. This whole game… he was trying to get us so hot bothered we would take care of each others needs sexual and as best friends. He knew we would be loney and wanted us to sucker our loneliness with the one person who knew what were going.” Kelley starts laughing, he really is a card.”

The next day Will was supposed to call both Kelley and Stacey were in the apartment the Phone rang. And it was will. “How are my best friends doing.” Stacey replies “We have a problem, we both won the game how are you going to set a tie breaker.” “All 6th levels?” Kelley smiles, Of course. Now how long did it take you to tell the other you had 6th levels even tho my message said 5? Don’t answer I need you to get to the airport and pick up my frikien tired ass. I will be landing in 5 minutes and bag check will take a half hour. Then just in case a screening from the TSA.” How can you be landing in 5 minutes. Simple the wacko director ended production early since a real Yeti would not show its self on his blessed camera. I got the fast flight home I could get. It had only one lay over for 2 hours. The film production was so happy to get the raging ego to stop spending there money they upgrade our flight expense. See you soon.” “He really is big know it all.” said Kelley. “But he did show us that we can rely on each other.” “Lets get him in bed and see how long we can keep him on the edge like at Formal…with out my ex screwing poor Will by stopping it before he got to get off..

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jv0c2c/lets_play_hide_and_see_les_exe