[f] putting on a show for my college landlord [M]

When I ran into some financial difficulties during college, my landlord, a lawyer with a fancy office a short bus ride from campus offered me a strange but well paying arrangement.

I would visit his office and surrender my panties to him then either sit naked and exposed while he observed me or obey his instructions which started innocently then escalated with each visit as the semester progressed.

This particular afternoon after removing my clothes he asked me to move my body as if I was begging to be fucked. And so, with my ass resting against the first cool but now warming leather chair I moved my hips, rotating them seductively, wantonly as if performing for him and begging him to take me. I wound my hips clockwise, my ass pressing into the leather cushions on each rotation my cunt growing increasingly slick until it was dripping and juicy.

After observing me for some time, he brought his face about 3 inches from me and inhaled deeply. Hungry for contact I thrusted my hips forward hoping to connect my quivering soaked lips with his own but he eased back a bit while deeply inhaling the scent of my sex.

It was too much I began to plead

I really need something inside me to fill me up. I know you cant touch me but maybe I can touch myself?

“Use whatever you find around the office but not your fingers,” he ordered.

I stood up and began to look around. The only phallic like structures were the four short wooden posts on the corners of a glass top table. I walked over and ran my fingers over it. It was smooth and clean. Without thinking I spread my legs and bent over and lowered my sex slowly until the cool wood entered me. Then I was wild. I arched my back and bent forward to give him a full view of my pussy from the back as this conveniently shaped thick smooth piece of wood entered me. Moving up and down rotating my hips with each time I got to the base. It was only about three inches long but it was enough. The brown wood was now coated with my creamy juices and he was breathing heavily, bursts if air escaping from his mouth rhythmically as I bounced up and down, fucking myself with his table. I moaned with desire for something thicker, warmer. My stomach and chest pressed against the glass top of the table and my head hung over the side. My hips moved up and down and he saw the wooden post disappearing again and again. Just when I was on the verge of climax he stomped his foot twice and said “Okay that’s enough!”

Reluctantly I raised my hips as the wooden post slipped out of my pulsating walls. My wetness collected at the base and also dripped down my legs. We both stood in silence, flustered, frustrated and radiating wanton energy .

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jsuvka/f_putting_on_a_show_for_my_college_landlord_m


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