(M, F) (cuck?) I need your guys opinions on if this woman is fucking someone else, or just teasing…

I need to know what you all think….

I was dating this girl way out of my league, and I was not her type at all. She tends to date huge, 6’2 plus guys, huge muscles and im just not that at all. What I am though is a huge pleaser. I did anything to make her happy. I would go over and help her with her dishes, etc, everything. In our sex life, she never really made any noise, and liked just teasing me with her hand, or letting me just cover her in oil and massage her, then hump her ass without being inside her. She would never dress up for any dates, wear makeup, anything.

Once a week she met her ex, a “friend”, for lunch. Before it, she would often have me massge her legs, or shave them, with oil so they would be smooth. I give great manicures and pedicures. She would say she would be busy the rest of the afternoon. I would come bring her breakfast or something, and she would be getting ready. Hair, makeup, heels all of it. She also almost always wore the bright red lipstick I got her (I have a bit of a lipstick fetish). I only ever saw her after the meetings once, and her hair was super messy and her lipstick was totally gone.

Her roomie used to joke when the topic of this guy would come up that she could hear them “trying to break the bed, screaming like a banshee” when they dated….

do you think they….you know…did the thing

before she dated me officially, we had this halloween party, and she dressed as my fantasy but told me i wasnt allwoed to touch her. She told me to wash dishes in the middle of the party, and i look and see her grinding with the latex skirt that I paid for on a guy….

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jq1q5f/m_f_cuck_i_need_your_guys_opinions_on_if_this


  1. It’s just barely possible that she might not be technically cheating on you. But she has you pussy-whipped and is treating you *like* a subby cuckold.

    Now, if you’re otherwise happy in the relationship, and don’t mind being thought a cuck (for example, if you came here hoping that we would all call you one), then there’s nothing wrong with that. Lots of people live happy cuck and/or submissive lives.

    On the other hand, if the possibility is really bothering you, start planning your exit strategy immediately. If you’re not sure whether or not you’re bothered, plan a provisional exit strategy, then have a serious “What are we doing in this relationship?” talk with her.

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