Mf – Ship Control part 3- MC, humiliation, Public nudity

Forward – This was written on commission for “Yuna”, who wanted me to post it and tell the world that she paid for it with her dignity and by doing things on cam that would shame her parents for a man she has never, and will never, meet.

It’s not my normal thing but I had fun writing it and I think maybe it could be part of a larger series. It’s heavy on the mind control and dub con themes, so reader be wary.

Yuna was lazy in bed the next day, mostly thinking about the pool party. Some part of her knew she shouldn’t go. As impossible as it was, this Henry, this sexy American man, seemed to be able to control peoples minds. HAD controlled her mind. It was stupid to go. Foolish. She was crazy for even considering it.

He had made her show off her breasts to a roaring crowd and make out with one of her best friends, who she secretly had a crush on and which, admittedly, had been amazing. But that was from a distance. No, she needed to skip it. Had to skip it. She really should just stay in her cabin and hide until this cruise was over. After all, what might he do to her up close. What might he do to her in front of her friends. Or . . .

With frustrated whimper, mad at herself, she slid her hand into her panties, imaging his voice and the way it spread across her skin, made her . . . . what would he make her do?

She began to imagine that he was in the room with her, standing against the wall, watching her silently. He would want a show wouldn’t he? Like a girl in a porno. The idea made her shiver in pleasure and she quickly threw the covers off the bed, stacked the pillows behind her and slid her underwear off.

She licked her lips as her hand slid back between her leg. She lifted her legs up, feet on the bed, knees up, legs spread wide open. Lewdly displaying herself to his imagined gaze. Imagining that he had told her too. This was so unlike her after all. She would normally just pull her legs tight and rub her clit, play with her nipples a bit, and finish.

But he would want a show. A display. Perversity. She used her left hand to pinch her nipples, harder than she would for her own pleasure, moaning loudly, theatrically, in the mix of pleasure and pain. Imagining she had done it because he told her too made the pain exquisite somehow and she only pinched harder. She used her right hand to rub her clit, but occasionally stopped to spread her labia wide so her imagined voyeur could see. See her most intimate places spread open on display.

She slid her small fingers into herself, moaning, imagining his eyes, imagining his cock . . . she was getting close but the show wasn’t over, she had to slow down. He would make her smell herself. Didn’t men love to see a woman do that? She lifted her wet fingers to her nose and made herself inhale deeply. She smelt pleasant really, she was clean and as a bisexual she thought women had a lovely erotic aroma, but it was still so vile to sniff like this, to think about her own sent. It was strangely perverse, but his imagined eyes drank it in. She moaned in self-loathing pleasure.

What else would he make her do. This man that could take control of you, could have anything he wanted, had probably made women do everything imaginable to him, he’d want her to do dirty things.

She was fairly neutral on anal play, for some reason all the boys, and even one of the two girls she had been with, were obsessed with getting their fingers into her ass. She had let them sometimes. It hadn’t hurt, but it hadn’t done anything for her. She had even let one of her boyfriends try fucking her there, it had been his birthday and she had been curious and him . . . small. And it had done little for her.

But for Henry, for the man she imagined watching her, who had ordered her, made her do things for his pleasure. She imagined him saying it, imagined that sensation on her skin, that she had no choice. She let go of her nipple and slid the hand beneath her ass, wetting a finger in by sliding it into her pussy, into her slick, though as the finger trailed down, she realized she hadn’t needed to wet it, there was a trail of her arousal slowly leaking to her ass. For the first time in her life while masturbating, she slid a finger into her ass and shivered in pleasure.

It was more mental than physical, but she couldn’t deny that it felt good. That being so dirty, because he had told her too, told her to do something like that, while he watched, for his pleasure, that it made pleasure run through her.

Spread open, masturbating, moaning like a whore in a porno, a finger deep in her own ass, she found the moaning becoming real. It was no longer theatrics, it was real. The orgasm building in her strong enough that she almost screamed in pleasure, only choking if off to be a loud long moan as she came.

Lieing in bed, she knew what he would make her do next and for a moment hated herself for doing it. He would want her to debase herself for him. To do the most vile and lurid things for his pleasure. She told herself he had told her too, that she didn’t have a choice. But he wasn’t actually there, standing, watching, making. None the less, she lifted her fingers to her mouth and slowly sucked her own slick off each of them, even the one that had been in her fortunately quite clean ass.

She hated it. She loved it. She was disgusted with herself. She was so aroused she considered starting again.

“No,” she said out loud, something was wrong with her, something that she had to hide from. “No, I can’t go. I will have to tell them I’m sick.”

It was the only way, she realized, the only way to be safe. She had made up her mind and would be done with it. She had to be an adult, he was dangerous. What he made her feel was even more so. It was stupid to put herself at such risk. She wasn’t stupid.

At 12:55, she was the first of her friends standing at the bottom of the stairs. She had taken the time to wash with a lovely fragrant body wash, was wearing her favorite, bright blue bikini, and mentally kicking herself.


The Diamond elite pool area was small but nicely done up. Larger chairs than below with more complex functions, plenty of moveable shade to stay cool or tan at pleasure, and a private bar. The pool itself was not very large, but had a huge tanning ledge, a lovely area to rest in a few inches of water and stay cool while tanning.

Yuna and her friends saw that most of the bigger groups of chairs near the bar were already taken, but found a lovely little canopied area with more than enough chairs and right next to the tanning ledge of the pool. It’s only downside was that it was on the opposite side of the pool from the bar.

The pool had a sign up that said “suits optional” though Yuna couldn’t help but note is was a hand painted sign and not in the style of the other signs on the boat. None of them mentioned it, but many of the guests were topless or naked. They didn’t mention it, but stared, especially the boys. Maybe only 1 in 5, but still, and most of them were very attractive, at least the women where. People of all races and nationalities too, different skin colors and languages.

Moon gave her boyfriend a playful swat when he wouldn’t stop staring at a topless white woman with very large, very perky, very fake breasts, and everyone laughed.

They were just settling in when Yuna, who had been trying not to stare at the top of the steps, saw Henry’s head come into view as he climbed the stairs. He was wearing swim trunks that matched Yuna’s bathing suit perfectly. She narrowed her eyes at that.

Following him was the blonde woman from the first day, though now she was nude. And another woman, also nude, but tall with bronze skin, everyone in Yuna’s group stared as they noticed. The woman’s nipples were pierced, and not small piercings either, large thick rings. But more shocking, she had 3 thick rings through each labia and another through her clitoral hood, clearly visible hanging down between her legs. There was a metal chain, thin, wrapped through them, closed with a pad lock that dangled on all the metal almost an inch below her legs, swinging between her thighs, pulling all the metal with it as it did.

Henry and his entourage walked straight up to Yuna and her friends, saying, “Oh I’m so glad you could all make it.”

It took everyone a moment to respond, Yuna was still staring, the woman had a chain through the piercings . . . it closed her vagina. Someone had locked her vagina shut and she seemed happy about it. Hell, it was likely that every step of the swinging mass of metal pleasured the woman. Had Henry done this to her?

It was Lee’s boyfriend who recovered first and started to profusely thank Henry for the invite. Henry smiled graciously as the others joined in, all of their English good enough say thank you.

Yuna kept silent, finally letting her eyes move from the woman’s piercings to Henry’s face. She was sitting and still felt weak in the knees. He was staring at her, directly in the eyes, as he accepted her friends thanks. His smiling lips crooked with just the hint of mockery. They both knew that the reason her friends were here, was her. From the corner of her eye she saw that Lee had noticed his stare and was grinning at her like a buffoon, ready to tease her.

His smile grew, perhaps seeing something in Yuna’s eyes, in her face, that told him just what she was thinking. She looked away blushing but then he said, “Yuna, go with Mary and Shahar” his voice making her skin goose bump as it pushed through her before sounding more normal as he said, “I want to speak with your friends for a moment, ladies, show her to my chair.”

Neither of the women said anything, though they seemed happy enough. The blonde motioned for Yuna to follow as they turned to walk away. Yuna found herself standing up without thinking about it and following the nude women docilely, listening to the barely audible clink of the one’s piercings. She shivered in fear and pleasure realizing that she couldn’t stop, she had to follow, because he had told her too.

Half way down the left side of the pool where 4 large lounge chairs that had soft cloth slats. There was a reserved sign which the blonde, Yuna wasn’t sure who was who, removed. The women still said nothing, but each settled down into chairs, leaving one empty between them, somehow their posture made it clear that it was Henry’s. The blonde making a relaxed sigh as she leaned back and the pierced seemed to take extra caution to sit carefully.

Unsure of what to do with herself. Yuna considered. She realized that she could leave if she wanted. He had only MADE her follow them here, he hadn’t said anything about staying. She could walk away if she wanted to . . . in fact, she should walk away, no run, screaming, and be done with this.

But she sat instead, perching on the edge of chair facing both women. “Ummm,” she started somewhat awkwardly in English, “I’m Yuna.”

The blonde smiled and said, “Hello, I’m Mary” and then motioned to the other, “and this is Shahar, but she doesn’t speak english very well.”

The pierced woman nodded and in a thick accent, Yuna wasn’t sure which kind, said, “Hello” in english. Yuna found herself staring between the woman’s legs again and Shahar made an amused grunt and spread her legs open to give Yuna a better, but much more lurid view. She seemed to have no shame and enjoyed Yuna’s embarrassed stare. “You like,” Shahar asked in her thick English, “like girls?” She then made an exaggerated wink followed by an eye brow wiggle. “Maybe later, yes?”

Yuna opened her mouth feeling heat rushing to her cheeks, unsure what to say and settled with, “mostly curious about the piercings and why you have them.”

Shahar looked to Mary who made an apologetic gesture and said, “I don’t speak Hebrew, I can’t translate.”

Yuna nodded and no one spoke for a few moments, she looked over and saw Henry speaking to her friends, they seemed entranced. He was doing something to them. She felt . . . fear? Jealousy? What was he saying? She turned back to Mary and said, “Did Henry do that to her?”

Mary looked a little confused by the question, but said, “She had those piercings when she got onto the ship. I don’t think they had met before that, but she and Henry became friends during the captains speech. I can tell you that Henry was just as shocked to see them as you seem to be.”

Yuna considered the answer. Mary didn’t understand her meaning. Mary didn’t know what Henry was, what he could do. But Henry hadn’t mutilated . .. no that was the wrong word. The piercings were a little scary but actually sort of pretty and why Yuna wouldn’t want it herself, she had to admit a little erotic. She considered that if Henry had wanted to do that sort of thing, them probably Mary would be similarly pierced. Both of the nude women closed their eyes enjoying the sun on their naked skin and Yuna looked back to see Henry walking over.

He started to sit on the chair between the women when Yuna blurted, “what did you just do to my friends?” Henry finished sitting and she saw the smug grin on his face. “I’m serious,” she said, “if you have done anything . . .”

“Be quiet,” he said in his powerful voice. And she was. “You will only speak to answer my questions and you will answer me honestly.”

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. A million questions dieing on her silent tongue.

“Good,” he said, “now to allay your fears, I don’t normally do bad things.” He stopped and seemed to think and shrugged, “well, ok, I guess a lot of what I do is unethical and immoral, but my point is that I don’t harm people unless they are assholes.” Then his voice went powerful as he said, “Shahar lotion.”

The pierced woman quickly went to a bag on the ground and pulled out a bottle of suntan lotion, before sitting behind Henry and beginning to rub it into his shoulders causing him to stretch and flex his back happily for a moment.

“I have been on this ship for about five months now having a grand time,” he continued. “I take liberties, but not in ways that leave any harm. The people I interact with go back to shore having had a great vacation. Unless they are shits, then sometimes, I will admit that I punish them.” And Yuna noticed that he quickly glanced at Mary when he said it. Did that mean that Mary was a shit being punished?

“I simply did to your friends what I do to almost all the guests at this pool, I relaxed their inhibitions and made them less worried about normal social constraints regarding nudity and public . . . well . . . debauchery,” he said with a laugh. “They won’t do anything they wouldn’t normally, they just wont mind, in fact be excited by, doing it in public. Honestly, they barely needed the push, they are all young and horny and drunk on the excitement of a vacation and being at a clothing optional pool. They are going to get a bit wild and remember this day happily for the rest of their lives.”

Yuna looked back at her friends, but they seemed to just be chatting. Lee saw her looking and gave her a suggestive wink, and made a quick obscene fucking gesture with her hands, clearly teasing her about talking to Henry. She looked back at Henry who seemed happy to wait for her attention. She thought he might be wrong, that he didn’t know her friends like she did. Lee certainly was the type that would not mind this sort of thing in the long run, but not shy little Moon.

“So,” he said, “your question answered, it is time for mine. Did you enjoy the contest yesterday.”

Yuna blushed and tried to consider how to answer the question, but she realized she had to answer it and answer it truthfully, she couldn’t stop herself, she could barely even hold back her reply of, “Yes, I enjoyed it very much, but I felt guilty and ashamed of it.”

He nodded, “but you liked how that felt? Liked the shame and guilt?”

Yuna nodded and said, with a whimper, “yes.”

“And you like being controlled?”

Even smaller, barely audible, her eyes looking straight down, “yes.”

He smirked and said, “and your little friend, are you lovers? Your kiss was very passionate. I think had the host not stopped you, we might have seen more than just a kiss.”

Yuna wasn’t sure her cheeks could get any hotter and despite herself, she realized the heat was much lower as well. She could feel the arousal within her trying to bubble out. “We have never kissed, but I have wanted to and I think her as well.”

Shahar finished Henry’s back and he nodded as he leaned back onto the chair, to let her work the lotion into his chest. “You are just full of surprises,” he said. He seemed to muse on that as Shahar worked the lotion into his skin and Yuna sat waiting, impatient, questions trying to push out. After a moment he looked back at her. “So, you know then whats happening to you?”

“Yes,” Yuna said, “or I think I do, you can control my mind, I think. I had this day dream and it must have been,” Yuna stopped, wincing, putting her hand to her head as it started to hurt.

“Stop thinking about that,” he said quickly, the words passing through her, and she did. “Sorry about that,” he said more normally, “you are too smart for your own good. You’ve worked out something that your brain has been told not to accept.”

She wasn’t sure what he was talking about, something she had been thinking of a moment ago maybe.

“Ok then,” he continued, “here is what you are going to do,” his voice dipped into the power, “you are going to go back and sit with your friends, your going to take your top off and leave it off. Have some fun, pay attention to what they are doing and how they feel about it. When its time to get drink refills, you are going to go and when you sit back down, you will remember every interaction we have had clearly, you can ignore any command I have given you to pretend I wasn’t there or that it was a dream or whatever.” His voice became normal for a moment as he said, “I can’t do anything about the erased memories, they are gone, but this will ease your head.” He looked up at her and in a voice she couldn’t ignore said, “go now.”

“Oh and Yuna,” he called out as she walked away, though she was unable to stop do to his earlier command, “Don’t try to cover up and remember to use sun screen.” Then she heard him tell Mary to get Yuna and her friends a round of drinks.

Yuna stopped at her chair to remove her top. She did so quickly and without hesitation, though inside her mind was screaming. Her back was to her friends, who had gotten into the sunbathing area of the pool, and all she wanted to do was stay facing this way. But the power of his words where in her and she had to turn, topless, her large breasts feeling pleasent with the sun on them, and walk into the pool to sit next to her friends.

The boys stared open mouthed at her and Lee clapping started to whistle, pulling her own top off quickly. Either excited by her friends wildness or just unwilling to be outdoen as the crazy girl in the group. It wasn’t just her friends, the clapping had gotten the attention of many people at the pool. Yuna felt so many eyes on her as she sat, trying to relax into the water. Men and women, staring, some with appreciation, some with lust. She couldn’t help but notice that the attractive black man a few chairs down from them, had a growing tent in his bathing suit.

She blushed, she wanted to lift her arms and hide, she wanted to run.

But she couldn’t. She had to sit there, topless and have fun. She had to have fun and watch her friends, see how they reacted to Henry’s commands.

And god, was she horny.


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