Coming Out Pt2 [MF]

Alan’s cell rang, a quiet tinkling accompanied by a strong vibration as his phone rattled on his desk. Picking it up and looking at it, he saw it was his daughter, Andrea.

“Hi babe,” he said as he answered it.

“Hi Dad, just a quick call, can you drop in for dinner tonight? Mel’s cooking.”

“Mel’s cooking? You bet!” he laughed, “Just not too many calories this time, I hate waddling out of your door.”

“Okay then, about 6:30 then?” Andrea replied, but she didn’t laugh.

“Yep, not a prob,” he replied, “I’ll be there. See you then.”

“Okay, bye Dad.” Andrea cut the connection.

Jeez, thought Alan, that was quick. Alan thought there must be a problem, Andrea always laughed at his corny jokes. He thought about his daughter and her lover. Mel, short for Melissa. they had been dating for two years then last year, moved in together. Mel was simply gorgeous, tall, svelte, nice tits, blond hair and slim waisted, a blond Barbie, Alan thought. A really nice person too. Where Andrea was short, small and dark, Mel was the opposite and for whatever reason, they really clicked as a couple. Andrea was in sales and marketing for an international food company while Mel had just finished a law degree.

Mel had been working in her father’s legal firm as a paralegal, attending classes part time, but was now in line to become an Associate. That she was capable wasn’t a question, everyone in the firm knew she might be her father’s daughter, but she actually had a better legal brain than him. She could recall points of law and name them without referencing any law book, and then just point the questioner to the right book, right case right page even. Alan had seen this once while lunching with her and Andrea. A call from an Associate lawyer had interrupted them. Mel was thoughtful, polite and precise, without getting out of her chair. Alan thought she must have total recall, something confirmed by Mel, she never forgot anything. Mel said once that if she ever did forget anything, she would likely have a major meltdown over it.

Alan finished his working day and had an hour to kill, so he went to a small diner near where he worked and ordered a cup of tea, he hated the coffee there and read a book he had on his cell-phone. In time he left the diner, drove to Andrea’s apartment and was buzzed in. He took the elevator up to the fourth floor and went to knock on the door, when it opened.

“Hi Dad,” Andrea welcomed him and hugged him. Andrea’s head rested on his shoulder and she hugged him a second time. “Thanks for coming.”

“Hi babe, thanks for the invite.” Alan bent and kissed his daughter on the cheek.

Mel came out of the kitchen with a couple of plates, put them on the table and came over and opened her arms, pulling Alan in close hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. Mel was almost as tall as Alan, a full head taller than Andrea. “Hi Alan, good to see you.”

“Good to be here, Mel. Something smells wonderful.”

The dinner progressed and Mel’s cooking was just wonderful. If she ever gave up law, she would make an excellent chef Alan thought. Talk was small, about work, about the latest balls up Trump was making, laughing around Mike Pence being the only reason no one had made a serious attempt at knocking Trump off. Discussion turned to the Corona virus, news from China and now Japan. They all knew it wouldn’t be long before they were in the firing line, but life was going to go on.

It was then that Andrea told Alan the news, “Dad, we’ve decided to get married.” Alan looked at Andrea, then at Mel who nodded. The smile on Alan’s face threatened to split his upper lip.

“Oh, that is really wonderful. Wow! I am so happy for you both.” He effused and he was genuinely happy for them. “When’s the day? Have you decided? Who else have you told? Wha-”

“Whoa!! Tex,” Mel said imitating a cowboy, “Hold your horses. One thing at a time. No date yet, you’re the first person we’ve told. And there’s a reason for that too.”

Alan stopped and gave them a quizzical look that asked ‘What reason?’

“There’s something else that needs to happen first Dad.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” Alan asked, thinking of, then dreading, the possible implications around Andrea’s mother, his ex-wife.

“Mel wants a baby.” Alan’s eyebrows climbed his forehead and Mel nodded.

“I want to be pregnant on the day,” she said.

“Phew!” Alan sighed, “Well, I’m sure that you could buy some sperm and make the deed happen.”

“No,” Mel replied, “I am not interested in doing weird things with a turkey baster Al, doesn’t work for me.”

“So-o” Alan asked, his eyebrows still closer to his hairline, wondering what was next.

“Dad, Mel and I- we’ve talked about this. She wants to have a baby but-” she stopped.

“But- what?” Alan asked.

“I want to get pregnant in the usual manner,” Mel continued.

Alan was stunned. They were gay. They have a wonderful lesbian relationship, they’re two young, beautiful and really sexy women. “You mean you want some guy to-to-” He couldn’t say it.

“Yes, impregnate me. Fuck me and give me a baby.” Mel wasn’t embarrassed.

“Yes Dad,” Andrea said, “I don’t like the idea of buying some stranger’s sperm and use that to create a baby.”

“So you’re thinking you’re going to find some guy to make that happen? So you want my advice on this?”

Mel and Andrea looked at each other, Mel giving Andrea a slight nod. “No Dad, we have all the advice we need, it’s just the father of the baby has to be you.”

Alan wasn’t sure of what he had just heard, “What?”

“You Alan, we want you to be the father of our baby.”

“But- but- but I’m fifty years old. Too old, you need some young-”

“Fuck that! I’m twenty-seven,” Mel said, “You’re a pretty sexy guy, handsome and really smart. Besides, there’s the genetic angle to consider.”

Alan was still trying to understand what was being said here. “Genetics? What’s that got to do with it?”

“Think about it,” Mel started, not giving Alan any breathing space, “I would really love a baby by Andie, but that is just not going to happen.” Alan nodded. “So, you make up half of her, any baby you make is going to be her half-sibling, a genetic connection.” Alan nodded again, his brain finally kicking in. “There is no brother so it has to be you. You’re the most logical candidate.” Mel shrugged and went on, “And there are other reasons too, but these are the most obvious.”

“You’re half my age.”

“So? You’re our choice.”

“Andrea?” Alan looked at his daughter, “You agree with this?”

“It was my suggestion.” she replied, “Dad, please understand, we love you.” Mel nodded. “We know you love us too.” Alan had to give a nod to that, he couldn’t do anything else. “Who better to do this than someone we love, who loves us?”


“Al, I really don’t want some strange guy, or worse, someone we know through either of our jobs in our bed, fucking me. I want someone who loves me and wants to make love with me. We want our baby conceived in love, not a mechanical, desperate fuck, not a pity fuck, someone who loves us.”

“I know you would love to be in bed with Mel, Dad. You hide it well, but she is eminently fucking porkable and you’re not always as discrete as you think you are. On top of all that, since the divorce, you’ve been alone so perhaps it’s about time you had some loving.”

Alan shook his head, well they don’t know everything, he thought, but he wasn’t going to disabuse them of that idea. The discussion went on and Alan could feel his willingness grow. Mel is eminently porkable, yes he would like to fuck her, ever since he met her, until he finally said, “Okay, okay, if you’re sure about this, I’ll go along with it. But what about the baby’s right to know who their father is?”

“That’s a bridge we’ll cross when we come to it, but it won’t be a secret from them,” Mel said. This touched off another discussion about parental responsibilities. Mel, the lawyer, came to the fore and outlined several strategies in which the only time that his role as a father would be called upon was if either or both of them pre-deceased him and the child was still not legally an adult. It would be expected that his relationship with the child would be as a grandfather, that the parental roles would be filled by them. There was another reason as well, Mel stated clearly. Mel had no idea what her father would do if she was to die. Because the child was hers, it would be likely that her father would do whatever he could to gain custody of the child, Andie’s role as a parent would be questioned, likely even her fitness, and her father would fight dirty to win. If the child’s father was Alan, there would be no dispute because he is the acknowledged father, which will be easily established by the birth certificate and by DNA if questioned.

Andrea stood and said, “I’m going out for a coffee, be about an hour and a half.” There was no more discussion, she left.

As the door closed, Mel took Alan’s hand, moved close to him and kissed him. She said, “I really want a baby, your baby. And I’ve been looking forward to this since Andie first suggested it. I want you inside me, on top of me, behind me, giving me your sperm any way you want to.” She kissed him again, “Shower is this way.” She pulled him to his feet and coaxed him to the bedroom.

It only seemed moments had passed when Alan found his clothes strewn behind him as they entered the shower. This beautiful, naked woman was all over him, his cock rampant as he felt her soft skin against his. Her hands wrapped themselves around his tool, “Oh my,” Mel said, “Hello big boy! No-one’s paid any attention to you for a while, have they.” Alan never thought of himself as having a big dick, just an average six inch tool, maybe a fraction more.

Soap covered hands stroked him, gently masturbating him, he responded by kissing Mel, caressing her breasts and repaying the favor, stroking her cunt, feeling for her clit, rubbing it with increasing intensity.

Mel held him to her, stopped rubbing him and said, “I love sucking dick.”

“I love licking pussy,” Alan relied.


“Yep, love to. On the bed.”

Alan couldn’t believe his good fortune. He was actually going to be eating Mel’s pussy while she was sucking his cock. This was definitely not how he expected the evening to turn out.

Alan was lost in a sexual wonder world, all sensual touching and moaning and groaning. Mel certainly knew how to suck his dick, he realized, she was fucking good at it. He gave her his best tongue, over her clit, into her vaginal canal, lapping her juices as they ran all over his face. She stopped sucking him and he felt her tense, then begin to tremble as her muscles seized him. Mel’s thighs gripped his head and she came under his tongue.

Mel didn’t take his cock back into her mouth after her orgasm subsided. She rolled off him and turned herself around, kissing him, licking her moisture off his face. “Fuck,” she gasped, “No guy has ever made me cum so quickly before, ever. You are fucking good.”

“Only because you’re so beautiful and really sexy,” Alan whispered to her.

“You gotta fuck me before I really start enjoying this,” she laughed.

“I’m not going to last long you know,” Alan pleaded.

“You better not. I mean it! It’s your daughter I want to marry, just remember that,” Mel went on, “You don’t want to make me forget her and marry you instead do you?”

“No! She’d make sure I would be the oldest member of the Vienna Boys Choir – ever!”

“And we don’t want that, so come on, cum in me.”

They fucked then, Alan penetrating her as deep as he could, making sure he was pounding her clit. The noises Mel was making were music to him and he was right, he didn’t last long. He could feel the gathering sensations of his balls preparing to shoot. “Ugh, Ugh, gunna cum, cumming! NOW!” he cried as the cream shot up his cock and flew deep into Mel. She held him tight, wrapping he legs around him, pulling him into herself as deep as she could. He kept pounding into her as he shot a second and third time. Mel made the sounds of a woman who was loving the feel of his hot juice inside her. She held him fast and sought his lips, kissing him deeply.

After a few moments, they caught their breath and Alan gently rolled off her. Mel slammed her legs together like she didn’t want to waste a single wriggler of Alan’s semen. Alan lay, still sucking air as Mel rolled onto one elbow, then looking at his rapidly detumescing cock she swooped on it, taking it again into her mouth. She sucked the fluids from around the length of his cock, gathering the dribbles of his cum from the eye of his glans. She murmured appreciation of the taste of him, his cum now in both ends of her, her mouth and her pussy.

While she sucked him dry, Alan was really surprised at how good Mel was at it. Finished at last, he held her shoulders and kissed her lips. His tongue plunged into her mouth so he could also taste the slightly sweet and sour mixture of her mouth and his cum.

Breaking from the kiss, Alan fell back, exhausted. He then said, “That was fucking amazing.”

“You mean truly amazing fucking?” Mel asked, Alan just nodded. “I mean it, you know, I’ve never had a guy make me cum so fast, especially with their tongue.”

“You must have been really horny then.”

“No, not at all.” She didn’t elaborate and Alan didn’t ask.

“Where did you learn to suck cock like that? You’re really good. I’m just glad I got you cumming because you would have had a mouthful if you’d gone on much longer.”

“Oh that? I am far more interested in women than men, but it doesn’t mean I don’t fuck men,” Mel said. “Like a lot of lesbians, I started off with guys, then realized I was banging the wrong gong, as it were. But I still like a nice hard cock every now and again.”

“Hey,” Alan said, gently, “I don’t care, really, I’m so in love with you right now.”

“Don’t get too carried away with that, big boy.”

“Oh no, I won’t,” Alan said and he meant it. “As long as I have known you, I love that you have made Andrea so happy. I don’t want to interfere with that, but just understand, I really do love you, perhaps more now than I did before.”

“We know,” Mel replied. “You prepared to come back again? To fuck me?”

“To make love with you, for sure.” Alan replied. “Next month if you don’t catch?”

Mel’s brow wrinkled, “No, tomorrow night. We’ve been planning this for four months. I’ve been tracking my body temperature and if the sex doctors are right, I am going to ovulate tomorrow. I wanted a good supply of semen in me before I ovulated. Then, for the next two days after, I get a lot more. Increases the chance of a quick fertilization.”

Alan was surprised, four months? “Yeah, we’ve been planning this a while now, making sure that this is what we really wanted.”

“Then I am really appreciative that you picked me.”

“Well it was either you or my brother, and I really didn’t fancy that. I mean, I might have learned to suck dick from him, but a baby would be a step too far.”

“You sucked your brother?” Alan was shocked.

“Don’t all sisters? Didn’t yours?”

“No, not a chance!” Amazed at the casual mention of incestuous sex between Mel and her brother.

“Hahahahaha!” Mel laughed, “Gotcha!”

“Oh you- you’re awful, just lead me up the garden path!” Laughed Alan.

Mel kissed him and said, “I really did love what we just did, and I really want to do it again tomorrow too.”

“Not sure I can handle this much attention, you know.”

“You’ll be fine, as long as there is no spanking the monkey between now and then.”

“You want to come to my place? It might not be so awkward for Andrea.”

“No, she’ll love the smell of man flesh and fuck me properly tonight.”

“Euwww, a bit of over-sharing there.”

“Speaking of whom, we better move. I don’t really want to throw it in her face.”

Alan washed himself as Mel gathered his clothes. She put them in the bathroom and Alan dried himself dressed and made his way to the lounge again. He found Mel sitting in the lounge looking at her phone messages, wearing her silken robe and not much else. She stood and came over to hug him, kissed him and held him for a moment. They heard a key slide into the lock and the door opened as Andrea walked in, right on the ninety minutes she said she would be away. Seeing Alan was still there, she went to him and hugged him, “Thanks Dad. This really does mean the world to us.”

“For you, anything. I hope it works quickly, I want to be there to give the bride to the bride.”

“Yeah, it might get a bit confusing.” Andrea said, smiling.

“I better go. Love you,” Alan said as he hugged her, kissing her cheek.

“Love you too Dad. See you tomorrow.”
