Finally decided to speak up about it matter and want opinions

Hello everyone. I am Davis, 19 and I am a cuckold son. Yes, you heard right. I was thinking about this for a long time but couldn’t make up my mind but now finally I am ready to do it. It’s gonna be long but hopefully you would be interested. Here is my story-

My mom is 37. She had me when she was 18. It was pretty early for her and far as I overheard her and dad, she got pregnant partying during that time and never knew about who it really was. Still my dad married her. Anyway, even though she is 37, she is quite attractive and has big developed breasts just what years of breastfeeding would make. I am not good with numbers so describing things like this. Her butt is meaty and solid. She got a beautiful face.

Because of her being so attractive, I had to face a lot of difficulty in high school days. Everyone back then was just discovering adult stuff and anything that could catch their eyes they fantasized with. And unfortunately my mom was a prime subject for them. I always tend to be quite and less talking so I faced a lot of irritating from other guys and they used to insult me by saying how hot my mom is and how they fantasize about her every night. They even called me a loser that I have such a hot mom but still not able to do anything. I used to feel so ashamed and humiliated but I could do nothing. I felt so disgusted by imagining what they thought when my mom came to take me home from school. The way they checked her out was pretty insulting for me.

She and my dad got divorced 6 years ago in 2014. After that I got to stay with my mom. My mom took a short break and started dating men and tried to get into a relationship but things didn’t work out probably. So, she kind of gave up seeking for a date and focused on her work. She works at a fashion designing store as a sales woman. After a while she started going to the bar at weekends and picked up a random stranger for one-night-stand and brought them home. I didn’t realize it until May 23, 2015. Yes, I remembered the date. This is a day I could never forget. It was a weekend and as usual I went to sleep early without my mom returning home. She had the keys so I did not have to worry. At probably 2.15 am in the morning I woke up in thirst and went to the kitchen to get some water. I was dizzy since I just woke up tired and not had enough sleep yet. As I was pouring water I could hear some noises coming from my mom’s bedroom. I was suspicious and scared. Out of curiousity I put the water jug down and started walking slowly towards her bedroom. The noises were getting more and more clear and only God knows how much was running in my mind. I could still remember that my heart was beating so fast that literally I could hear my heartbeats. At that time I already knew about the porn stuff so as the sounds were getting louder the only thing I was hoping not be happening was getting true. I stoped walking as I was right infront of my mom’s bedroom and I could easily understand what was happening inside. MY WORST NIGHTMARE CAME TRUE.

At that point when my only concern was not the fact that what my mom was doing, but my concern was with whom. Because I could hear two voices and one was a male. Other voice I could understand of my mom’s. The door was locked from inside. I was so shocked by this that I could not feel my legs. My head was getting dizzy and heavy. As if my whole world was falling apart. I could never forget that experience. All I was hoping that it is probably a nightmare and soon I would woke up and discover myself in my bed. But all that went in vain.

If this was all, still I thought things could be handled. But things escalated further. I almost had a heart attack when I realized I was getting a boner down in my pants. Guys you can understand that when sometimes we are too aroused and hard that our penis gets warm and starts beating slightly up and down in a rhythm, exactly which was happening with me. I could see it beating up and down over my pants. I was awestruck and could not understand what to do. I quickly put my hand inside my pants to grab and stop the rhythm. But soon as I touch my penis, I could not hold it anymore and blew a load off. Only a few times in my life I have ejaculated so much load and that time even without jerking. My pants were dripping the load and it was getting wet. At that point I stopped thinking about what was going on inside and rushed to my room and locked it from inside. I didn’t even have the chance to think that I have to clean my pants. I lied down on my bed with those wet pants and thought about the whole thing I experienced. I was convinced that whatever it was, it wasn’t a nightmare. I felt so guilty and ashamed like I never did before. All I could think was who it could be with my mom inside our home in her bedroom. I was waiting for the morning so that I could see.

It was 7 am in the morning when I heard our front door opening. I quickly rushed to my room’s door and took a peek outside. I could see a stranger about the age of 25/30, average build opening it and my mom was right behind him. She was wearing a towel just like she does after getting out of a shower. Suddenly the guy turned around and grabbed my mom by her hips with right hand and put his left hand under my mom’s right hand’s armpits and grabbed her neck. He almost bend my mom over 90 degrees and gave her a deep french kiss. I guess this was his way of saying good bye. My mom seemed to be so impressed and she was giggling with pressure as they were kissing and exchanging saliva. As if my mom was a high school girl and she was kissing her first boyfriend in so much passion. Then he bid farewell and went away. Watching this scenario I was getting aroused again. I could not hold myself any longer and lie down on my bed again and took off my cum stained pants and jerked off again. Then I freshened up and had breakfast with my mom and both pretended nothing happened. But deep inside my world world was turned upside down.

After that at first I thought she did this every night so I stayed up late the whole week but only this thing again happned the following weekend and I realized she was doing this every weekend. I always wait for every weekend to come so that I could hear them and get myself off. I didn’t mind much after that because I can understand what a woman of her age needs. She has been single for so long.

She has been doing this ever since. The thing got more and more normal as time went by. Those high school insults were becoming a turn on for me and I wished to hear them more and more. I was getting older and maybe mom felt like I would understand. So some nights she brings a guy early before dinner and we all three sit down and have dinner together. My mom always introduces them to me as her friends. Then after dinner I go to my room and mom takes him to hers. Even we have breakfast in the morning sometimes before they go away. Now you may think does a same guy return again next week or not. The answer is a few guys last for more than a week but none of them lasts more than a month. So it’s pretty new adventure every weekend. Sometimes I even get a peek if they forgot to close the door but happened only a few times. I could see my mom in cowgirl position and that was pretty hot.

About my preference, I should say that having sex is quite normal and I do not get aroused much by just listening to them having sex. What excites me most in them getting romantic and passionate. Like the french kiss I mentioned earlier the first day I discovered this. I usually wait now at the door for them to finish having sex and after that they lay down on bed and my mom and the guy make love, talk romantic stuff etc. I love that the most. Also at the dinner table the guys are always acting very friendly with me in front of my mom but at some points when I see that they give me such a smug look like “I own your mom for tonight” that is a huge turn on for me. My mom sometimes is so eager to have sex that after dinner she asked me to clean up and goes with the guy right in front of me to her bedroom. I look at them walking while a random stranger putting his hand on my mom’s hips or shoulder and leading her to bed. And in the morning sometimes the guys mock me by saying, “You know David? Your mom is such a wonderful woman,” and laughs. That time my mom poked them with her elbow and giggles. By doing this sometimes even the guy kiss my mom in front of me at the table. It arouses me a lot.

I love her so much and I always want her to be happy by any means. Even in exchange of my own happiness. I am so obsessed with the whole situation that I never got to interact with girls of my age. I think I will remain a virgin all my life if necessary since I get all the fun in home while my mom enjoys the action. Guess this makes me a cuckold son. It is a lifestyle for me and I can’t help enjoying it. Though sometimes I feel guilty, it’s so much fun. Still I hope that some day my mom would finally find a new man and get married so I get a new step dad and we become a happy family with such a dirty little secret.

This was pretty much all. Now all who have read it all, what do you think could be my psychology behind it? And what’s your opinion? I would love to know everything that is on our mind about me after reading this. Please let me know in comments and also you can in-box me if you want. But please do not knock me if you are too desperate and horny. I am looking for a friendly discussion. Thank you so much for being so patient.


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