[MF] [Slavery] [Noncon] The Auction – Part One

***Note:*** *I would really appreciate some feedback. I’ve never written erotica before and constructive criticism is welcome. If there’s any interest, I’ll begin writing part two, and if not, thank you for taking the time to read it!*

Neasa kneeled on the platform, only half-conscious of the slivers digging into her bare legs. She couldn’t see the crowd through the blur of tears, but she could hear them: bidding, bawling their desire, crying for someone to make it a proper show and finger her.

The auctioneer’s resonating voice rose above all the rest, painting a portrait for those standing too far away to admire her.

“*See here, boys, look at how your low offers hurt her! You have the poor thing crying. Stare into her blue eyes and tell me she isn’t worth more than that! And look at this hair, have you ever seen hair so light? She’s an angel among men-*”

Neasa whimpered with fright as the auctioneer’s assistant pulled her to her feet. The chains around her wrists were atypical among the group of slaves waiting to be sold; she had been outfitted with fine silver cuffs to denote her value. No one feared that such a svelte young woman would break free of fetters that appeared more like jewelry than bondage.

“*Now come close and see what’s for sale!*”

The assistant seized her dirt-smudged bodice and yanked it so fiercely that it tore open down the front, sending buttons ricocheting onto the platform. Her small breasts bounced free, and with a cry of alarm, Neasa covered her chest. It was the opportunity that her assailant needed to yank down her skirt and reveal the rest of her. She could feel a hundred eyes studying her, lusting for the thicket of dark-blonde hair between her legs. The young woman pulled her knees tight together as though it would protect her.

“*Exquisite, isn’t she? These tits are enough to make you cum-*” The auctioneer sidestepped to grope at her breasts, pinching one of her nipples and drawing a gasp out of the slave. Someone in the crowd moaned. “*And wait until you get her between the sheets. Gentlemen, she’s the one you’ve been waiting for: this sweet little lamb is a virgin! That’s right, hard to believe, I know.”*

He groped clumsily at her chest, ignoring the slave girl’s attempts to push his hands away. Neasa yelped with surprise as he pinched her again. The same audience member moaned louder, and a few moments later, the pervert spilled a trail of creamy ejaculate on her feet. The other spectators didn’t appear to notice.

“*Her maidenhead is intact. She’s been examined and confirmed a bonafide virgin, complete with papers. Don’t you want to be the first to fuck her? Bend her over and pump her full-*”

The blonde squeezed her eyes shut, blocked out the sound of the auctioneer’s voice, and imagined herself back on the slave ship.


The galleon had dropped anchor before sunrise, but it took hours to reach. First the slaves had waited on the dock, then been loaded in small groups onto a small boat that rowed them out.

It was impossible to climb without flashing herself at the prisoner who followed her up the ladder; every unsteady step gave him a full view of her undercarriage, from the gentle roll of her ass to the pink folds of her unspoilt pussy. The sensible part of her was grateful that she’d trimmed before the slave master arrived.

Pulling herself over the rail with shaking arms, Neasa gasped at the sight that greeted her. The deck was larger than she’d imagined and there were countless sailors milling about, throwing her sideways looks. The man clambering behind her gave an impatient shove and sent her sprawling forward, struggling to hold down her skirt and keep herself decent. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to…” It wasn’t a promising start to their voyage together.

She had been sold to the slave master as a virgin, but he wasn’t fool enough to take her brother’s word for it. The master had demanded an exam before he’d pay full price. So while the other shackled slaves were led into the dark hold, Neasa remained on deck, wringing her small hands and trying to seem invisible. The rhythmic slosh of water against the hull did little to slow her racing heart.

While she waited to be addressed, a passing crewman flashed her a wolfish smile that made her blush. Her ivory skin hid nothing from the stranger, and she was sure that he could see the tips of her ears turning red. The young woman’s bashful response appeared to flatter him though, and he seemed on the edge of saying something before he was cut off.

“This is her?”

The doctor was a foreign man whose accent was guttural and nearly impossible to understand. Tall and slender, he seemed to tower over his mousey patient, and a mop of black curls had been tied back from his face to see her more clearly. The man muttered something, and when Neasa didn’t respond immediately, he repeated himself so loud and clear that she couldn’t pretend to ignore him:


He met her eyes, and when she didn’t move, he took it upon himself to disrobe her. His fingers were methodical, undoing the wooden buttons on her bodice one-by-one to reveal her upper body. “S-stop, sir, please-”

Every inch of pearly white skin he revealed drew another pair of eyes from among the sailors, and by the time he’d bared her down to her navel, there was a small crowd watching. Neasa had been complimented by her handmaids before, but their polite observations were nothing like being admired by people she’d never met her before; the men in front of her weren’t well-bred servants. They were just waiting for a chance to lunge in and touch her. The doctor hummed small observations under his breath as he worked, and she did her best to behave and hold still as he lifted her voluminous skirt. It was hard to pretend they weren’t being leered at.

The older man’s hand snaked between her thighs with a cool, professional touch. Neasa tried not to look at his face as he pried apart the warm lips of her vagina and felt around, probing for something in the depths of her body. No one had ever felt her body in that way before; it was hard not to squirm with discomfort.

The doctor’s fingers trailed back, pressing gently on the uninterrupted flesh until it reached a tiny entrance. She had touched her pussy in passing when she washed, and she knew what he was studying; the break in her hymen was scarcely large enough for one of her own fingers, let alone his. He abandoned his efforts and turned back to the master of the ship with a solemn nod. “A virgin.” Neasa didn’t notice the tension in the air until it evaporated; the men all appeared happy with the announcement, as though the lot of them had doubted her chastity. Her sailor was hanging nearby with a lopsided smile on his unshaven face.

The slave’s shoulders dropped with relief. She was finished with the exam and could escape below deck to hide from the licentious crew of men. She was finally free of her brother, and once they crossed the sea, she’d be free of this ship as well. The exam would be an awkward memory, nothing more.

But the doctor’s hand remained where it was, nestled firmly against the mound between her slender legs. Neasa was too well-behaved to shove him away, but part of her began to panic at the realization that he hadn’t stopped. The man’s fingers were still searching along her narrow slit, palpating and pressing. He was looking for something.

*There.* She shivered away from his touch as a calloused fingertip grazed along the oversensitive bump nearest his palm. The older man held onto her as she retreated, shuffling towards her until the ship’s railing was pressed into her lower back. There was nowhere to go.

He drew circles over her clitoris, watching calmly for a reaction. At first it was uncomfortable; the doctor had rough skin on his fingers and he was petting the most delicate part of her body. Then the tingling warmth began set in.

It was slow at first, so faint that she thought she’d imagined it. But as he continued with his ministrations, the feeling began to rise, crawling under her skin and filling a void deep within her. Bit by bit, stroke by careful stroke, his fingers began to coax something out of her. She could feel herself beginning to get wet.

“What are you doing?”

Neasa’s hands flew to the railing pressed into her backside and gripped it in a halfhearted attempt to stay standing. Her legs felt like they might buckle at any moment, and every deft rub of the doctor’s fingers brought her closer to something she’d never felt. It was a fire that had started to prickle through her body, a pleasure that she didn’t know existed, and it was threatening to swallow her whole.

She was too far gone to notice that a few of the men had pulled out their cocks and were rubbing themselves. She *should* have cared; she’d never seen a man naked before. But when she caught a glimpse of the nearest sailor’s prick, its swollen red tip beginning to drip precum, she wondered at the sight of it. What would it feel like to hold in her own delicate hands? She wanted to rub the man’s cock until he felt as good as she did. She wanted to work his body the way that the doctor was working hers, pressing and stroking until the sailor bucked against her palm like a humping dog.

*No.* She wanted to feel that sailor’s cock inside of her.

It was the man with the crooked smile who had admired her a few minutes ago. He raised a thick eyebrow and chewed his lip, rubbing his dick faster as he realized she was eyeing him hungrily. “Like what you see?”

Her sky-blue eyes were too focused on the masturbating seaman to notice that her physician had dropped to his knees, but her fantasies were brought to a screeching halt when his fingers slid away from her wet slit. “Wh…what?” Breathless, she tried to hold onto the flickering heat that remained.

Then the doctor’s tongue rolled over her clitoris and the rest of the world disappeared. His fingers had been skilled enough, but nothing compared to what he was doing now. His mouth was hot in a way that she’d never imagined. Her pussy thrummed with intensity as he suckled on her, focusing on that button of pleasure until her squeaks turned into unbridled cries for mercy.

“Please, *please*, don’t stop! Right there, harder, *harder*!” Her high voice broke as he made an undignified smacking sound against her cunt, sucking and rubbing until she mewled like a kitten. Then, to her surprise and irritation, he broke away from the kiss to catch his breath. But he’d brought her too close to stop now; she grabbed a fistful of curls and forced him back into place, thrusting her hips against his face in a desperate attempt to keep the pleasure mounting. One of the deckhands watching the performance grunted his approval.

The wiry doctor scrambled to pick up where he’d left off, running his lips along her pink slit and tonguing every inch. Judging by her wanton grinding, it was the closest she’d ever come to having a man. “Hnnn- *please*, do it again! Don’t stop, *harder*, s-something’s happening-”

The thought that it might be her first orgasm made him shudder with excitement and double down in his efforts. With a moan, he returned his attention to her engorged clitoris and rolled it against his sinuous tongue, sucking until her pussy began seizing against his mouth. Her strangled cries were choked off by an orgasm that hit her like a cannon blast.

The waves sloshing against the ship rolled in time with the pleasure tearing through her body, ebbing and flowing and crashing into the deepest reaches of her cunt, rippling up her spine and making her spasm with ecstasy. The waves sounded as wet as the doctor’s mouth slurping between her legs, lapping up the runnels of fluid spilling from her entrance. “Ahh!”

It was overwhelming, more pleasure than she could contain, more than she knew existed in the world. An entire lifetime of innocence and restraint came crashing down as her pussy throbbed against the doctor’s expert tongue. He moaned into her cunt a second time and eased the pressure, bringing her down slowly and carefully from the pinnacle until her body was numb and spent. Nothing could stop the ringing in her ears.

Neasa’s legs gave out and she collapsed on the deck in a trembling heap, lifting her head just in time to get a string of sticky cum across her flushed face. Her shaggy crewman was standing within arm’s reach and he appeared to be just as breathless as she was, panting as he stroked the last spurts of semen out of his hard dick. And when he smiled at her this time, she smiled back.


But being stared at now, standing naked on a platform before a hundred men in the street, felt different. Neasa wasn’t enjoying herself any more and there wasn’t a handsome deckhand to distract her from the terror of being sold. The auctioneer’s assistant turned her around and gave her ass a teasing pat, drawing a ripple of laughter from the masses, as the auctioneer worked their bids higher and higher.

“I’ll take her.” A deep voice rumbled out of the ocean of spectators with an authority that quieted all others.

“We haven’t finished the bidding, sir-”

“I said I’ll take her. Name your price.”

The chain between her wrists was released. Neasa dropped to her knees again and curled into herself, shivering. Her small nipples were stiff from the cool air and the cum on her ankle had smeared onto her backside. There were tears trailing down her face; when had she started crying? Part of her doubted that she would ever feel clean and whole again. For now, she was just grateful that the exhibition was over.

*Or was it only beginning?*

She could hear the shuffle of feet as the crowd parted for the stranger. Breathless with fear and anticipation, Neasa hesitantly raised her head and looked at the man who had purchased her.

The man who was now her master.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jn1hzc/mf_slavery_noncon_the_auction_part_one


  1. I really enjoyed your story, but to be honest right before I was about to cum I couldn’t because I was busting laughing at the “smelled like a virgin and tasted like a virgin”. It reminded me of memes on r/badwomensanatomy. It wasn’t a big deal, just something small, but I would proofread for things like this that are anatomically impossible. Maybe that’s just my perspective as someone going to nursing school, other people may not notice. All in all great content, I’m looking forward to the next!

  2. This is very well written! My only suggestion would be a little more description of the characters that are participating in a scene, but that’s a personal preference of my own that others might think unnecessary.

    Pretty hot so far; looking forward to more!

  3. Very good and well written. I’m with u/wakingdreamland re a little more character description but thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks

  4. I liked the exhibitionist aspect of Neasa’s first orgasm without her really realizing it. Hope to see her grow into it. Great story.

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