Rebounding with a ghost [MF]

I was taking awhile to get ready for the Halloween party tonight so I messaged my boyfriend, Peter, that I’d be a little late. Sending him a topless selfie with my makeup finished, he wrote back, “Nice. I’ll be at the party in 5. See you soon.”

I put on a sheer red mesh top and started tightening my black brocade corset over it. My tits looked amazing in this, the corset pushing them up so they strained against the stretchy sheer top. I pulled on a black faux-leather mini pencil skirt and some red spiderweb thigh highs, which left a few inches of my thighs bare.

I arranged for an Uber to pick me up, then set to figure out which shoes to wear. I had 7min to decide before my ride would arrive. Shoving everything I needed into a tiny black backpack that looked like bat wings, I put a black wedge ankle boot on my left foot and a red suede heel on the right. The wedge would be easier to walk in if I got wasted… and the red suede doesn’t match my thigh highs as well as I’d like. Black ankle boot it is.

I double checked my makeup in the mirror. I had red glitter eyeshadow with thick black liner and dramatic lashes applied. My matte blood red lips smiled in approval back at me. My lipstick would stay put through almost anything, but I had included the tube of lipstick with the rest of my essentials in the backpack in case I needed to touch it up later. My platinum hair was pulled into two high pigtails, accented with glittery black horn hair clips. I looked great!

The driver showed up and complimented my costume, wishing me a Happy Halloween as I got dropped off at the party. Walking into the house, I was bombarded with hugs from tipsy friends. Suzie, dressed as a slutty nurse, ran over to give me a drink.

“I made margs!!! You’ve gotta catch up, bitch. You look hot as hell, tho. When’s Peter showing up?” Suzie’s eyebrows shot up with her question.

I eyeballed the drink she gave me, it was orange, “Suze, what exactly did you put in the margarita? Also, Peter told me he’d be here already, you haven’t seen him?”

“Okaaaay, so it might just be tequila and orange soda, but like… it’s good, so drink it,” Suzie waved her hand at me, urging me to take a sip. It definitely wasn’t a margarita, but it was strong and it didn’t taste bad, and that’s the low bar I had set for house party drinks. Suzie was looking around the room and finally asked, “Is Peter wearing a mask or something? I swear I haven’t seen him yet.”

In laughed, “Peter? In a costume? Ha. No. I doubt he’s wearing a mask. He might’ve snuck in, tho. I’m sure he found a room to play Mario Kart in or something. I’ll find him eventually.” Suze nodded, and I pulled my phone out to text Peter that I was here, but was nearly knocked over before I could start typing. My drink flew out of my hand and splashed against the wall. My outfit was fine, but the guy at my feet didn’t look so great.

“Whoa! You okay, there?” I reached down my hand to help him back up before realizing who it was and recoiling, “Brent. I didn’t realize you were coming.” Brent was my sister’s ex. After they broke up and she moved across the country for school, he got real creepy towards the both of us. He and I used to be good friends when he was dating my little sister but now looking at him made me squirm.

Brent blatantly tried to look up my skirt and I walked away. He could stay on the floor for the rest of the night for all I cared. “Wait! Let me get you a new drink!”

“As if she’d accept a drink from you, weirdo,” Suzie spat at him and hurried over to my side, suddenly peppy again, “I’ll make you another marg!” Pfft. I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

In the kitchen, I watched her add a couple shots or so of tequila to a red solo cup before filling it the rest of the way with generic orange soda, “Thanks for the not-a-marg, Suzie. For real, you cannot call these margaritas. Now, let’s find a place to be where Brent isn’t.” She smiled at me and we made our way to the basement.

The basement seemed to be more chill than upstairs. Friday the 13th was playing on the TV, but I couldn’t hear the audio over the upstairs music. Seeing a couple making out on the couch reminded me I still hadn’t located my boyfriend.

As if on cue, one of the side doors opened and out came Peter. He was too focused on something in the room behind him to notice me, but I noticed the hot pink lipstick smeared around his lips and neck. Some half dressed witch came following him out, giggling, and draped herself on his shoulders.

I turned to Suzie, who was staring at Peter and his little witch with her mouth hanging open, “I’m leaving Suzie. This party sucks” She looked at me, glanced back at him, and then looked sadly back at me.

“Sorry, babe,” Suzie whispered, “he’s spotted you.”

“Baaaabe! What took you so long?” Peter was suddenly very close, his witch now nowhere to be seen. He reeked of whiskey and vodka. “Heeey, I found a little spot where you could show me that outfit a little better, my sexy little demon.”

“I saw you, Peter. With the witch whose lipstick you’re wearing all over your face. This sexy demon is leaving, and more importantly, is no longer yours. Enjoy the night,” I spun around and went back up the stairs as quickly as this stupid skirt would let me. Suzie started chewing Peter out, running interference so I could escape.

Out front, I called another Uber and headed back home. I didn’t let myself cry until I got in and locked my apartment door. I wiped off my makeup, stripped off my costume, let down my hair, and hopped into the shower. The hot water filled the room with steam and masked the sounds of my sobs. When I stepped out, I toweled myself off but quickly froze when I looked at the mirror. Someone was writing in the glass… but no one else was in here.

*Feel better?* I read, unable to process what I was seeing. The words vanished before the invisible hand started writing again. *I’m glad he didn’t come back with you* Ugh… tears welled up in my eyes again. *but I’m sorry for whatever happened*

Is this where I scream? I feel like I should be screaming. *Please don’t be afraid* Ha, yeah, ok. *I’ve wanted to show myself to you for so long* What. The. Hell.

“Okay, who are you? What are you? Did I fall in the shower and hit my head? Is this a coma? Are coma dreams a thing? Am I dead? What is happening?” I spoke at my fogged up mirror, wondering if I should be running out of here and phoning a friend to take me to a psych ward.

*I’m Vincent, I’m a ghost* Wut.

*You didn’t fall, or hit your head* So I’m just losing it… neat.

*No comas.* Yeah, got it. Lucid but crazy, that’s me.

*I’m the only dead one here.* Nice, Vince. Not weird at all.

“So can you talk to me out loud or something? Cuz the mirror isn’t gonna stay fogged up forever.”

*Not until midnight.* The mirror was starting to clear.

*Please stay. I won’t harm you.* Before the last bit of steam cleared, I could see a kiss press into the mirror, and then all that was left was my reflection.

I touched where I’d seen the kiss appear. I knew I should be scared but I was intrigued. Midnight. The ghost said midnight. I tapped my phone screen. 20 more minutes.

Welp. In one night I had encountered a creepy stalker, a sleazy new ex, and a… romantic ghost? Named Vincent. This… might be what saves Halloween for me this year. I shrugged to myself. Might as well give Vincey a show. I let the towel drop to the ground and walked out into my bedroom. I turned around in time to watch my towel get picked up and put on the rack to dry.

Okay. A romantic ghost that was a neat freak. I’m good with that so far. I felt a cool breeze slowly move across my ass. “Behave, Vincent! Not too much longer till we can have a conversation, according to you. If you pull that again, I’ll have to put on clothes to keep myself warm,” I smirked at myself, talking into the empty space of my home.

My fluffy robe came floating over and was placed over my shoulders. “Oh?” I put my arms into the sleeves, but when I went to tie it shut, the belt slipped out of the loops and went flying back into my closet. I burst into laughter. My robe hanging open, I made my way over to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. I hadn’t gotten to finish a whole “not-a-marg” at the party, and I certainly wasn’t about to flirt with a ghost completely sober.

“Okay, Vincent. When I can hear you again, I want to know how long we’ve got to chat, and whether or not we can touch without you leaving me feeling frost bitten. I’ve had a pretty shit night, and I was expecting to get laid. So if that’s something you can help me with… and there’s no… ghost STDs I need to worry about… I’m down.” What the hell, if I was losing my mind, I wasn’t going to do so while sexually frustrated.

At 11:59, a corporeal entity started to take shape in the chair across from me. It – Vincent – got clearer and clearer as it struck midnight. Still slightly translucent, Vincent was gorgeous. He’d been maintaining intense eye contact with me as he became more visible. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes had been, but they were dark and shimmery now. His hair was long and thick. Streaks of silvery gray highlighted the dark strands and I wondered if I’d be able to run my fingers through it. He had an angular jawline… to be honest, he looked like a hot extra in a cheesy vampire flick. Instead, he was a ghost in my living room. If I wake up tomorrow morning, I’m going to sign myself up for some therapy.

I’d had the urge to close my robe the minute I could see his eyes. I knew that was silly. Who knew how many times he’d seen me naked. Had he watched me having sex? How many times had the chills I felt after fucking Peter been Vincent attempting to touch my body? How. Is. This. Possibly. Real?!

“You should be able to hear me now. If we touch, I’ll feel mostly like a regular person. We have until noon, and if you continue living here, we’ll have every November 1st together. There’s no ghost STDs that I’m aware of. I would gladly spend the next 12 hours pleasuring you. If you’re wondering how long I’ve been watching you, I’ve been here since long before you moved in. My ability to manipulate objects varies unpredictably throughout the year, but is always strongest right now. I don’t know why. I wasn’t a believer in the afterlife while alive, and I have little explanation for what or why I am the way I am now.” Vincent clearly had no need to blink. His eye contact was making me squirm, but not in an unpleasant way. He gave me a devilish smile, “I may only be able to show myself once a year, but I assure you there are benefits to being with me… for instance, I don’t need to breathe and I’ve always loved a beautiful woman sitting on my face.” He arched his eyebrow at me, “I think I answered all your questions and then some.”

I stood and let my robe fall to the floor. Vincent stayed where he was, watching to see what I would do. I turned and walked into my room. If we had 12 hrs just to fuck, I wanted to start in the comfort of my room. Getting onto my bed, I watched as Vincent passed through the wall, ripping his shirt open, misty buttons spraying across the room but colliding with nothing. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to seduce or terrify me, but I just didn’t care anymore. He hadn’t otherwise made me feel like he was a threat, and all I wanted was to feel wanted. He was absolutely delivering in that regard.

“What are you going to do about the shirt you just destroyed?” I asked.

Vincent floated up to hover above me. “I’ll manifest another shirt if you require me to be dressed again. That display was entirely for your benefit,” he admitted.

“Hmm. Then is your whole appearance a manifestation of what you think I want you to look like?” I wondered out loud. He wasn’t far off, really. If I had to imagine a masculine ghost lover, they would probably look a lot like Vincent.

“No, this is what I looked like just before my death. I can choose what age I appear as, but I cannot alter my appearance to look like someone else,” Vincent answered, trailing his fingers across my body, casually exploring me in a way that seemed familiar. “Why… do I look like your ideal suitor?”

I shrugged, “For a guy, sure. You seem pretty ideal.”

Vincent seemed pleased, “Then I need you to tell me what you would like me to do to you.”

I smiled, “You’re the one who only has 12 hours to feel physical contact with the living. I want you to do with me whatever you’d like. Make me yearn for this again next year.”

With that, Vincent descended between my thighs. I could feel the pressure of his tongue enter me, his fingers teasing my clit. If I closed my eyes, I could almost pretend a regular, living person, was edging me towards a promising orgasm. But each touch had a lingering sensation that caused sparks to flutter across my skin. It was amazing and overwhelming. As soon as I felt myself near the point of no return, Vincent rose up to hover above me again. The smile on his face was devious and prideful. I whined and Vincent dove towards my face, his hands cradling my cheeks as his tongue entered my mouth. He tasted like the misty air of a cool foggy morning after a nighttime thunderstorm.

As I felt him enter me slowly, I wondered when he did away with his pants. His cock stretched me; he’s much thicker than I’m used to. Any pain was replaced by the now familiar sparks tingling over my pussy. I came as soon as he was fully inside. Vincent fucked me savagely. My orgasm turned into fireworks, the tingling sensation lit up my body everywhere he touched. My nipples were so hard and felt like they were letting out sparks. There were goosebumps all over my body, but I didn’t feel cold. I lost track of what exactly was happening, nearly floating on the exhilarating pleasure Vincent was giving me.

After a few minutes, I realized Vincent was hovering above me again. I wasn’t sure when he’d stopped touching me, but he seemed to enjoy the evidence of my orgasmic aftershocks rolling over me.

I felt myself be rolled over, my hips pulled up, putting my ass on display. Vincent licked me, clit to asshole, sending shivers up my spine. I felt him enter my pussy again, reaching around to electrify my clit. The explosive orgasms started up again. My legs turned to jelly, and Vincent had to hold my hips up himself. I felt the absence of his fingers playing with me, but I was being railed so deliciously from behind that it didn’t matter. Time had lost meaning.

A furious knock on my door made me realize I had been moaning obnoxiously loud. Vincent stopped his pleasurable assault on my womanhood to carry me to the door, collecting my robe and covering me on our way. I could get used to being carried about like a rag doll.

“I’m so sorry,” I called out through the door, not sorry one bit, “I’ll keep it down, I promise.”

“If you wake up my husband or our children, you WILL be sorry, slut. It’s 2am. Have some respect for yourself and those of us cursed to live around you and go to sleep!” My neighbor stomped back down the hall.

Realizing we wouldn’t have to open the door, Vincent chuckled and discarded my robe, pressing me against my door and entering me again. I tried my best to keep my noises to myself, but through the peephole, I could see my neighbor look back at my door in annoyance. I tried to push against the door to meet Vincent’s thrusts, but my legs were still useless and I fell over. Vincent caught me effortlessly and draped my body over the back of the couch before pounding into me again. I was completely at his mercy, not that I minded. Being used as a sex doll by a ghost was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

“Is this what you wanted when you said I could do whatever I liked?” Vincent’s voice was melodious and smooth, echoing in my mind.

“I couldn’t have imagined anything nearly this good,” I purred. “Please don’t stop. My body is yours.”

Vincent’s dick pressed gently into my ass. I buried my face into the couch to muffle my moan. His fingers probed my pussy once his member was all the way in. He alternated thrusting his dick into my ass with thrusting his fingers into my cunt and the contrast was amazing.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take much longer for me to start orgasming again. Vincent barely slowed down, growling and grunting until he held himself deep inside my ass and removed his fingers from my pussy to give my clit some attention. I felt his cock slowly slide out of my ass.

“Did you come, Vince?” I asked, wondering if ghosts had semen.

“Vincent, never Vince,” he chided, “You might call it that. This is all very pleasurable for me, but ghosts don’t exactly orgasm like the living do. It’s not like I could reproduce.”

I laughed, “Okay, Vincent, fair.” He picked up my limp body and settled me into his lap on the couch. I straddled him and got a good look at his magical penis for the first time. It was beautiful, and reminded me of an iridescent 7in dildo I’d seen in a sex shop. I fondled Vicent’s cock and felt it throb, sending shockwaves up my arm. I made a mental note to visit that sex shop again soon.

Gaining control of my legs again, I raised myself up and lowered my pussy onto him, enjoying the sensation of being entered again. He grabbed my ass and helped me bounce up and down on him, Vincent’s eyes captivated by my perky tits dancing inches away from his face. His mouth opened to suck on a nipple as he forcefully slammed me back down onto him. I hummed with ecstasy, letting him take over my movement. He fucked himself with my body and it felt amazing. Our bodies slapped together over and over. He released my nipple from his mouth and threw his head back, praising me and my body. I started massaging my breasts, which yearned for his touch again.

After another orgasm exploded through me, I realized Vincent was levitating above my couch slightly and I yelped. Vincent looked me in the eye, not slowing down, “I won’t drop you.” His voice was stern, demanding that I not get distracted. His cock felt like it was vibrating against my walls and my legs clenched around him in response. He started floating us back into my room and towards the bed, without once pausing the life altering fucking I was experiencing.

When we got to the bed, he laid down and picked me up off from his cock, placing me so I straddled his face, “Ride my tongue. I want to feel you cum on my face.” I remembered him say he’d loved this and I felt a thrill remembering he didn’t need oxygen. Uninhibited and without fear of smothering him, I rutted against his face and felt his tongue enter me. I moved so he could suck on my clit, occasionally flicking it with his tongue. I ground my entrance against Vincent’s chin which massaged my lips perfectly.

I saw the sun slowly start to rise as I came on Vincent’s face for the third time. I’d never orgasmed quite so many times in my life as I had over the past few hours. I wondered if I’d ever be able to orgasm again without Vincent’s help. I wanted to cry thinking about only being able to experience this height of pleasure one day a year.

Vincent slid me off of him and pulled me into a snuggle. He kissed my neck and sucked on my earlobe, “You felt sad all of a sudden.”

I sighed, “The sun is coming up. Soon we’ll be out of time. A year is going to be torture without you.”

Vincent fondled my breasts and I let my eyes close while they tingled from his touch. “I’ll still be here, but I understand. Please don’t be sad, enjoy our remaining time together. I’ll try to find ways to pleasure you throughout the rest of the year as well. You’ll need some new toys, I can manipulate electronics most of the time, for instance.”

“Mmmm,” I moaned quietly at the thought of Vincent controlling a vibrator for me. That was hot. “Wait… rewind. I felt sad? Can you feel my emotions?”

Vincent nodded, his hands roaming and massaging my whole body now, “More or less. I can always sense you when you’re near. I haven’t had that with anyone who lived here before you.”

“Ugh, you smooth talker,” I teased. I didn’t much care how many times this had happened before I moved in. He didn’t need to try to make me feel special right now, how much more incredible could this whole thing be?

“I have no reason to lie,” Vincent was stern. “I’m only stuck to this building, but I’m drawn to you. If you are home, I’m near. I feel stronger around you. I’ve been with others, but this is the first time I’ve wanted to spend my whole corporeal time with one person. I could leave the building during these hours if I wanted, but I wouldn’t give this up for anything out there.”

It took me a minute to process what he just said. I got up to straddle him and rub his length between my folds before I asked the question that came to mind, “So… then why did you say we could do this every year IF I didn’t move away?”

“I’m selfish,” Vincent said matter of factly. He gripped my hips and thrust himself into my entrance, “If you move away, I can’t be around you for the rest of the year.”

I vowed never to wear clothes inside my apartment again. We had sex in every position, on every possible surface, and a few more times while hovering in mid-air until I was absolutely exhausted. Somehow I wasn’t sore despite being fucked longer and harder than I ever had been before. I credited the tingly sensation that came with Vincent’s touch for keeping me feeling ready to go round after round. At 11:50, Vincent started to look less solid. I kissed him deeply, desperately trying to hold onto him. Tears escaped my eyes, and he kissed them away.

“I’m still going to be here. I’ll try to show you however I can from now on. You won’t be alone.” Vincent held me as I fought sleep from stealing my last moments seeing him clearly. “And I’ll still enjoy watching you fuck others if you’ll let me.”

I laughed and kissed him again, “Your dick gives me earth shattering orgasms and you’ve basically promised to posses a vibrator for me. I’m going to have a hell of a time finding a living human who can compete with that.”

Vincent smiled at me and squeezed me in his arms before fading away completely. I pulled my comforter over me as I suddenly felt cold. Soon I was fast asleep. When I awoke, starving but well rested, it was 6pm and my phone had 8 voicemails and a dozen missed calls. I deleted the ones from Peter and responded to my sister via text that I’d call her tomorrow. As I started to send Suzie the same text, her face lit up my phone. Sighing, I accepted the call.

“Girl! Are you okay? I’ve been trying to reach you!” Suzie blurted out the second I answered.

“Yes, yep. I’m fine. Great, actually.” I replied, trying to reassure her. Losing Peter wasn’t going to shatter my world. We’d barely been together a year. I’d never forgive him, but being with Vincent guilt-free was the best silver lining I’ve ever had.

“What, great?! Explain. Because I definitely saw Peter leave that party with some vampire, so I know you didn’t let him crawl back to you, right??” Suzie was alarmed, “Tell me he’s not there right now.”

I laughed, “Hell no. I didn’t even listen to his messages before deleting them just now. Actually, I, ah… spent the night with a somewhat older man.”

Suzie gasped, “Shit! Details. Now please.”

Pfft. “Well, his name is Vincent and… he’s… well, he’s from out of town. We hooked up last night and he had to leave by noon. I’ve been sleeping since he left. It was amazing. We’re going to stay in touch and get together again when he can make it all the way over again.” I was pleased with the half-truth. Suzie chattered away excitedly but I was distracted by a chill swirling across my neck and grazing my still bare nipples. I think Vincent enjoyed my explanation as well. Next Halloween couldn’t come soon enough.



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