Back Room Fights 2.4: Becca vs Adam (Mixed MMA) [mf] [St8]

The lights dimmed in the crowded back room as Claire entered the ring to announce the next fight. The audience had become rowdy over the last few bouts becoming more intoxicated as the night went on. Concurrent viewers on the private stream of the fights were rising as the penultimate fight was about to begin.

“We’ve had some passionate fights so far tonight but I hope everyone is ready for the bad blood behind our next couple fights. This next fight will be MMA style and will only end when a fighter is either knocked out cold or submits to their opponent. The winner will receive a $2000 win bonus as well as the opportunity to restrain and humiliate their beaten opponent. Now introducing a returning fighter in the blue corner. He holds a record of 1 win and 0 losses. He stands at 5’8’’, weighs 156 lbs, and is a 26 year old graduate student. Everyone give a warm welcome back to Adam!”

The black man removed his robe to reveal his average, slightly chubby build. He raised a fist to the air and confidently strutted back and forth in his corner. He was wearing only a pair of grey briefs that hugged his ass. The outlines of his ample cock could be clearly seen by those in the front row. His light brown eyes glittered in the low lighting of the bar. After knocking out Paige and bringing them both to orgasm last fight, Adam had been overflowing with confidence for the past month. He was hoping to relive the same high tonight.

“Now in the red corner. A new fighter to Back Room Fights, she stands at 5’6’’, weighs 146 lbs, and is a 23 year old graduate student. Last week, Adam violently knocked out her best friend Paige so she is looking to avenge that beatdown tonight. Give it up for Becca!”

The light skinned woman removed her robe revealing her body to the audience and her opponent. She was fit with some definition to her core, legs, and arms that showed the potential power she might have in this fight. She had average sized, saggy tits that jiggled a little as she mashed her red gloves together. Her brown eyes showed a fierce determination as she stared daggers towards her opponent. As she turned around to talk with Paige in her corner, her black curly hair brushed against her strong shoulders. Becca was wearing a pair of solid red panties that were beginning to ride up her absolutely massive ass.

“So how are you going to fuck him after you win?” asked Paige, giddy with anticipation for the fight. The short blonde was wearing jeans, a loose fitting, sleeveless shirt, and no bra to contain her large breasts.

“*If* I win Paige. He’s still bigger than me and he was able to knockout a tough girl like you. Honestly, I’m fine to just strip him, tie him up in a corner, then leave him be.”

“His dick feels fantastic though. Easily one of the best I’ve ever had and fucking in the ring just hits different.”

“Maybe you’ll get the chance to do it again,” mused Becca before Claire called her to the center of the ring to touch gloves.

As Claire reminded them of the rules, the two fighters touched gloves and locked eyes in a staredown. Adam suddenly had a moment of recognition as he stared down at his opponent.

“I’ve seen you around the lab before, haven’t I?” asked Adam, already knowing the answer.

“Go fuck yourself. I thought you were a prick before you beat up Paige and now I can’t wait to humiliate you.”

“Maybe I’ll be fucking you before this is all over. Your friend sure seemed to enjoy it.”

“Uggh,” Becca groaned with disgust as she shoved off of his gloves and returned to her corner. Adam walked back to his corner wondering why Becca held so much animosity towards him. Sure, he had been curt with her a couple times and had laughed at a couple of her questions but that didn’t seem like a big deal to him. He had worked in the lab longer so obviously he knew more than her. It ultimately didn’t matter to him though, he would run through her just as he did against Paige. He had even heard Claire talking earlier about establishing a champion for the fight club. Another win could make him a contender. Becca was steaming as she returned to her corner. She had to win this fight for both her and Paige. Motivated by pride and anger, she bounced on her feet waiting for the fight to begin.


As the round began, both fighters cautiously left their corners with their gloves raised to fight. Adam had a slight grin on his face while Becca was stony faced as the two circled each other in the center of the ring. The young man certainly found his opponent to be attractive but still found himself glancing across the ring to where Paige was watching the fight. Noticing the attention, the blonde quickly flashed her round tits at the man in the ring. The distracted Adam failed to see his opponent’s attack as a right hook crashed into his temple. He stumbled back as Becca charged in to deal more damage. Somewhat dazed, Adam launched a right uppercut in the direction of his opponent that managed to connect with her chin as she recklessly moved in. She fell to her knees barely aware of what had happened and wrapped her arms around her opponent’s legs. The crowd was raucous at the sight of both fighters stunned so early in the fight. Becca stood and executed a sloppy double leg takedown on Adam that sent both of them to the mat. Dazed, she crawled on top of her opponent, dragging her tits across his body. Adam drove a right into her side but he struggled to generate power from his bottom position. Becca fully mounted him in a dominant position and maintained her balance as he bucked beneath her. She could feel his semi-erect dick press up against her big ass as he tried to escape.

“Pervert,” she muttered before slapping him hard across the face. “It’s a fight. I know you haven’t gotten any action since fucking Paige but don’t forget that I’m gonna beat you to a pulp.”

She rained down fists towards Adam’s head as he turtled, covering himself to mitigate the damage. Suddenly he felt Becca’s left slam down into his solar plexus causing him to writhe in pain. The opening allowed her right to crack him hard across the chin. Desperate to defend himself, he reached with right and grabbed hold of his opponent’s left boob. Before she could react, he pinched her nipple between his thumb and index finger and pulled hard. Becca screamed huskily in pain but was unable to defend herself as he continued twisting and pulling. He sat up in the moment, still holding the nipple, and managed to scramble out of bottom position. Both fighters were now on their knees. Gritting her teeth against the mouthguard, Becca sent her right hand into her opponent’s crotch. The punch landed solidly and Adam grunted, but he held tight to her nipple. With his left, he drove a hook into her body. Overcome by the pain, she was helpless as Adam released his dirty hold and shoved her hard onto her back. Her thick legs wrapped around him preventing him from full mount. It didn’t seem to matter though as heavy punches rained down onto Becca, bouncing her head off the mat. The first was largely blocked but the second broke through her gloves, and the third landed hard against her cheek. Things were looking dire but Becca was saved by the bell as the round ended.

Adam stood up from his opponent and returned to his corner to rest and evaluate the past round. His opponent had gotten a few good hits on him that showed she wasn’t to be taken lightly. Her ground and pound against him had been methodical and it might have ended the fight if he hadn’t resorted to dirty tactics. Staring across the ring at his furious opponent, he worried that he had started something that would not end well. Becca was wobbly as she got off the ground and walked back to her corner. That shot before the round ended had really rung her bell. She sat down on her stool as Paige tended to her with ice and water.

“How are you feeling,” asked Paige.

“Kinda shit. I almost had him though.”

“He definitely had a handful of your tit,” Paige said while clearly fantasizing about her own boobs being played with.

“I plan on getting him back for it ten fold.”

Paige ran the ice pack across her friend’s chest to help her cool down. The cold sensation on her ravaged nipple made her shudder with arousal. Becca had always been into sadomasochism and this past round certainly wasn’t the first time she had been handled roughly. Nevertheless, she resolved to not succumb to Adam in this fight no matter what.


As the bell rang, the fighters stood from their opposing corners ready for combat. Gloves up, they met in the center of the ring now cautious of the damage each could do. Becca was first to strike with a right kick to the body. It landed with a hearty smack but Adam connected at the same time with an overhand right to his opponent’s cheek. Maintaining composure, Becca stepped out of range to avoid the follow up body shot. She reengaged with a jab that glanced off Adam’s gloves and a right hook to the same spot on his body. Wincing this time from the impact, Adam went for a clinch and successfully wrapped his opponent in a crushing bear hug. His opponent’s sweaty, saggy breasts were pressed against his hairy chest and her pretty face was millimeters from his own. In his moment of control, Adam whispered into her ear,

“Look, I get it. We got off to a bad start and you didn’t like that I won the fight against Paige last week.”

Becca struggled in his grasp, shifting her right arm towards Adam’s crotch. Meanwhile he continued,

“Can we just leave this all in the ring? Beat each other up a bit then fuck aAAAAAAA”

He was cut short as Becca reached into his briefs and twisted hard at his balls. Adam let go of his hold and rammed an elbow into his opponent’s tit in an attempt to free himself. Her right boob was crushed under the blow but Becca persevered now grabbing hold off his cock. Lifting it out of the way, she rammed her knee into his sack with a vicious force causing Adam to fall to the ground. He was now flat on his back, writhing and moaning in pain on the mat. Despite the moment of anguish, Adam was surprised to find his cock was rock hard and he was buzzing from the rush of having his balls busted. He saw Becca winding up a soccer kick to his crotch but felt frozen as her foot once again collided with his sack. The pain rushed through him once more and he thought he might vomit for a moment. The impact made him feel alive with adrenaline as he watched his opponent wind up another kick. Right before it impacted, he rolled to his left causing Becca to stumble forward as she missed. Adam was on his feet before she could turn to face him and wrapped his arms around her midsection. Feeling the strong arms around her, Becca knew she wouldn’t be able to escape easily. Her opponent’s dick was too awkward to get to this time. Adam pulled tightly on his grasp and firmly planted his feet to steady himself.

“So are we just going to stand here with your dick against my ass for the rest of the round?” quipped the young woman.

She suddenly felt her feet leave the ground as she was lifted backwards and slammed into the mat with a suplex. Becca luckily landed on her shoulders but she was still stunned by the move. The moment allowed Adam to crawl on top of her into a mounted position. He breathed heavily on top of her for a moment, amazed at the physical feat he had just accomplished. Before the action could continue, the bell rang to end the round.

The two fighters separated from each other and returned to their respective corners. Becca sat down on her stool as Paige once again attended to her. The young black woman was breathing heavily now at the end of the round and was beginning to show signs of the damage that Adam had dealt.

“Jesus, things got wild out there,” stated the small blonde.

“I think he got the worst of it,” replied Becca.

“Do you think his dick will still work after all that?”

Becca just shrugged in response. She knew she could win this fight but Adam had made her well aware of the strength difference between their genders. He had made that suplex look easy despite his average build. She sipped at the water Paige gave her contemplating the next round. Adam did his best to take his mind off his aching sack during the break in the action. The punishment he had taken had left his testicles brutalized but he was still rock hard from the sheer intensity of their interactions. Whoever won this fight, he figured his coming orgasm would be its own reward.


The third round started with both fighters eagerly meeting each other in the center of the ring. Adam fired off a jab that glanced off of Becca’s gloves. He followed it shortly with a quick uppercut that found its way between her guard and connected with her chin. The light-skinned woman was rocked backwards, breast flopping wildly. but managed to stay on her feet. She bit down on her mouth guard and stepped forward with resolve. A right hook came speeding towards her and barely missed as she stepped to the side. Becca sent a kick between her opponent’s legs but it merely slapped against his thigh. Circling each other now, the two grad students patiently waited for an opening. They both knew that any mistake could end the fight in a matter of seconds. Finally, Becca feinted with a right hook and shot in for a takedown. Taking the bait, Adam lifted his gloves to protect his face and felt his opponents grab his ass as she executed a double leg takedown. The two went crashing to the mat with Becca on top. Adam managed to keep her between his legs in his guard and firmly wrapped them around her. As she went for a right to his head, he bucked his hips causing her to fall forward off balance. A scramble for position ensued with Adam getting partially to his feet and Becca below him. She tried to push herself up but he easily shoved her back down. Enthralled by the juicy ass beneath him, Adam gave it a hard slap. It rippled from the impact across both cheeks and a small moan could even be heard from Becca. Deciding it was time to finish things, he slipped an arm under her neck for a chokehold. Feeling the arm tighten around her neck, Becca knew she only had a few seconds to escape. Pushing her strength to her limits, she got to her knees despite the heavy weight of her opponent on top of her. Then in one quick motion, she somersaulted forward, bringing her opponent with her. She was now on top but Adam still had her back and the choke. Tunnel visioning, she rammed a fist blindly towards his crotch and collided with his heavy sack. Adam cried out in pain and released the choke. Becca slowly got to her feet while her opponent lay clutching his junk. She motioned for him to get up to finish the fight. An exhausted Adam pulled himself up by the ropes to face his opponent. Sweat was dripping off of the bodies of both fighters. With determination in her eyes, Becca stepped forward with a left jab that snapped Adam’s head back. She followed it with a vicious right hook that made his legs collapse beneath him. The last thing he saw before slipping into unconsciousness was Becca’s ass as she walked away in victory.

As Adam came back to consciousness, he was surprised to find himself standing upright with the ropes pressing into his back. He tried to move his hands but found them both tied to the ropes.

“Good to see you are finally awake,” a voice said from behind.

Adam turned to see Becca tightening the rope restraints on his left hand.

“I guess I lost the fight.”

“I knocked you out cold,” Becca replied with a grin on her face. “As far as I’m concerned, my beef with you is just about settled. But I still don’t want to fuck you so I’m going humiliate you as my friend uses you as her dildo.”

Paige entered the ring at her friend’s beckoning. She smiled at the tied up man before her. Getting on her knees, the little blonde pulled down Adam’s briefs revealing his flaccid 6 inch cock. Seeing this, Becca gave him a hard slap on his ass from outside the ring.

“Get hard for her you slutty little boy,” commanded Becca.

The dick engorged to its full size as Paige giggled in delight. She handed the briefs to Becca who then promptly stuffed them into Adam’s mouth. Being a good sub, Adam let it happen despite his underwear being nasty with sweat and precum. Paige removed her jeans and underwear, revealing her tight ass for everyone to see. She climbed on top of Adam, wrapping her arms around his neck for stability. Her legs wrapped around her torso as she carefully lowered herself onto his erect dick. She began thrusting herself on him in an incredible display of athleticism. Becca snapped a picture for her friend’s accounts then turned her attention towards Adam’s rear. His ass wasn’t the most defined in the world but it had enough fat to it to make it enticing. Cupping her hand slightly, Becca slapped his left cheek hard in an upward motion. It jiggled nicely and she heard a muffled moan escape his mouth. She continued her punishment evenly on each cheek but made sure there was an arrhythmic tension to her spanks. Adam was overwhelmed by this whole affair. Paige was bouncing on his dick with glee while Becca was inflicting an increasing amount of pain on his ass. He moaned with greater intensity but the look on Paige’s face told him he wasn’t allowed to cum yet. He bit down on his sweaty underwear to take his mind off the pleasure and the pain. Paige was getting closer to orgasm. Her boobs jiggled freely inside her shirt with each thrust and threatened to pop out at many points. Their sex last month had been incredible but their was something to be said about being able to control the pace at which his long, fat cock slid in and out of her. She could feel him throbbing inside of her which drove her the edge. She came hard, sliding off of Adam and falling backwards on to the mat with a soft thud. Relieved of his duty, Adam allowed himself to ejaculate, semen spraying over Paige’s laid out body. As the cum drizzled out, Becca gave him one last slap across both cheeks before promptly exiting the rings, hand raised in victory. Paige was kind enough to untie one of Adam’s restraints before leaving the ring herself. The sore, beaten Adam was the last to leave. He would have to reflect on his defeat and humiliation tonight before returning again.


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