The Principal, the Matron and Amruta. (The Principal, Ch. 02) [Mdom, MFf, celeb]

(This story contains sexual action and adult themes. It is not meant to be read by those who are under age 18, offended by stories like it, or close-minded.

It is fiction, even if most of the characters are based on real people. Those real people are vastly different from their characters in this tale. This story was written for entertainment purposes only. This story in no way resembles real life. The characters mentioned are younger versions of real life celebrities, above the age of 20.)

This chapter follows the course of the events from ‘New Principal in a Finishing School, ch. 01’. While the title itself doesn’t mention ‘ch. 02’, it is intended to be such.


Day 2, Evening

After I returned to the Outhouse from the School around 4 o’clock, I came across Shanti, who was flitting from one room to the other, dusting off each room. As I had taken the day off, after my ‘disciplinary session’ with Amruta and Matron Shruti, I had arrived earlier than I was expected at the Outhouse. My ‘unexpected arrival’ had surprised Shanti, who recovered herself quickly and asked what can she do for me. After I asked her about the chores she still had to do, I told her to report me on the items that were currently available in the pantry. When she offered to cook herself, I interrupted her, saying that I was expecting guests this evening and that I intended to cook for them. To this, she looked at me with a look of surprise, and told me the things that were available. Considering the stuff at hand, I advised Shanti to wrap the remaining chores by 5:30, then make a round to the nearest shop and get the remaining stuff back to the Outhouse by 6, after which, she could retire to her quarters.

While Shanti was busy with her chores, I began exploring the parts of the Outhouse I hadn’t been to. Apart from the Master bedroom (which I had also made into my Study), the Main Hall, a few guest rooms, the bathroom (with a big tub and handheld shower head), the kitchen, the dining room, the storage room in the basement, there was that unknown room I had asked Shanti about, when I was unpacking my stuff yesterday, to which she had replied, ‘Find out yourself’. So ‘find out’ I did. As I ventured in the room, which was shrouded in darkness, I searched for the switches for light. As I came across the switchboard, I flicked it on. All of a sudden, bright lights came on, and what I saw in that room, surprised me to an extent.

After looking at all the things in there, I could definitely tell that this used to be a ‘dungeon’ of sorts. There was a rack filled with whips of different types, another rack with dildoes of different sizes, butt plugs and clamps all arranged in a proper manner, a structure that would resemble a cross with stirrups at its 4 ends, even a bed, with cuffs attached to its posts. Looking at all this took me back to my days as a slave for Kishori Shahane, where my evenings were usually spent with a plug in my butt, a clamp on each nipple. Jerking myself away from those memories, I began thinking about my predecessor in a new light. One thing I remarked about this room was the thick layer of dust on each thing in this room. I decided to mention this detail to Shanti and get her to clean this room.

By the time I arrived upstairs in the Main Hall, Shanti was waiting for me, with a canvas bag heavy with the stuff I had asked her to fetch from the shop. As I took the bag from her hands, I asked her about the stuff I found in the ‘Dungeon’. To this she replied, “Your predecessor was very much into bondage and self-pleasure. If it hadn’t been for her zeal to induct one of your students, she still would’ve been here”. I then told her that since all the chores were done, she should retire to her quarters. She went away, after wishing me good luck in ‘taking care of the guests’, with a wink in her eyes.

After Shanti had left, I flicked my cellphone on, went through Contacts and called Shruti (in the school premises, I would refer to her as the Matron). After she picked up the phone, I asked her how long would it take for her to arrive at the Outhouse, to which she replied, “About an hour”. I reminded her of the condoms, to which she told me that she was bringing enough packs for me to last a week. I ended the call by telling her to bring a hearty appetite as well. After ending the call, I began thinking about what time would that brat arrive with the evidence she held over the Trustee’s scalp, for I had told her to arrive ‘this evening’, but I hadn’t mentioned the time to her. Figuring that she’d arrive when she wants to, I took the stuff Shanti had brought to the kitchen, with a recipe in my mind.


As I busied myself in preparing a light supper, I kept on thinking about all the women I had interacted in the School so far and what marked them out. Amruta was the Queen Bee I had taken down a notch so far, with her attitude and resolve (which I relished in breaking down) made her stand out among her peers. The Matron, with her deferential attitude towards her superiors (The Trustee and myself), as well as her desire to be ‘punished’ was the one thing that flared up my passion. Then there was Aarya, the first girl I had came across the moment I stepped in that campus the first time. Her timidity (akin to a rabbit), her curiosity and the way she blushed all endeared her to me. I was thinking about all this, when my train of thoughts was interrupted by the ‘ding’ of the microwave, which I had set for 25 minutes, to cook a casserole of lasagna. As I removed the casserole from the microwave and rested it on the platform, I heard the ring of the bell at the door. Removing the mitts from my hands, I made my way to the entrance to open the door.

As I opened the door, I stood at the entrance for a few seconds, marvelling at the vision that was Shruti Marathe. Previously, I had mentioned few physical details about this woman, mainly the size of her bust (I had estimated that at 36DD) and the slight patch of pubic hair, resembling a landing strip. In the School, I had seen the Matron in a bland uniform, comprising of a starch grey shirt, a coat of the darker shade, and a jet-black skirt that covered her knees. That uniform subdued the allure of her body, which I got to see during my session with Amruta, as the Matron had stripped down to her birthday suit, and later on, when I had ordered her to do so and fucked her brains out.

But this Shruti I was seeing right now, was a masterpiece of beauty. She had came dressed in a cream coloured saree, which was translucent enough to cover her modesty, yet hug her curves like a second skin. She had worn a sleeveless blouse of a similar colour, which accentuated her glistening forearms and barely covered her armpits. She had a purse in one hand and a canvas bag similar to the one Shanti had, which she handed to me. I welcomed her in with a light peck on her lips and grabbed her plump ass with both my hands. Pushing me away a bit, she began to look around the stuff in the Outhouse, wondering at the various paintings my predecessor had accumulated and left here. As she was busy gawking at the spectacle in the Main Hall, I got a glimpse of her from the back, which showed me two things. One, the saree she had worn was wounded so meticulously around her that I could see the outline of her plump ass (which reminded me of how red it had become as I spanked her 15 times across each ass cheek) and the other thing was her blouse, which was backless as well, a simple knot holding it together. Through that, I could see a back-strap of same color (possibly of her bra). This woman had came with the intention of spending the night here, I mused to myself.

As I began rifling through the bag Shruti handed to me, I found out that she had, indeed, purchased nearly 7 packs of large size condoms, and a bottle of white wine as well. As I showed her the way to the bathroom, she asked me where the maid was. When I told her that I had relieved her off her duties for the evening, she smiled with a glint in her eyes, as she took her rather large purse with her to the bathroom. I told her to get ready soon for the supper, and went in the kitchen to get plates and silverware to set up the table. As soon as I had prepared the plates of lasagna and filled the glasses with the sparkling wine, I saw Shruti return from the bathroom. I was at a loss of words for a while, as I saw thst she had changed from the saree she had arrived in. She came back from the bathroom, wearing a silk dress of the same color as the saree, which had a plunging neckline, giving me a better look at her deep cleavage and a slight peek at the swell of her bust. As my eyes lowered down, I saw that the dress ended up a few inches above her knees, showing off her meaty thighs. When she twirled around, I could see that the dress could barely cover her ass from behind. Clearly, this woman wanted me to take her before we even made it through the supper. I rose from my seat, went towards her and grabbed the arm she had extended towards me. I kissed her upturned palm, then pulled her towards me and kissed her deeply on her lips, with my tongue probing her mouth, seeking her tongue. As I was kissing her, I cupped her ass with one hand and slipped another under her dress, only to find out that she was going commando. As I broke the kiss and looked at her with surprise, she pointed at her bust, as I saw that she wasn’t even wearing a bra, which made her nipples point out through the dress. I told her to take her seat, and while she was heading towards her seat, I gave her a light slap on her ass, admonishing her to dress so provocatively for supper. She looked through my false outrage and smiled inwardly as she sat across me from the table.

As we began eating, I noticed Shruti was downing her glass of wine quicker than regular. She had drunk 2 glasses of wine, while I sipped my first glass with leisure. She enjoyed the meal, as she commented on the flavor profile, the layering and texture of the lasagna. By the time we had finished our supper, I could sense her having a mild buzz from the 2 glasses of wine she had downed within an hour. As I was done with my supper, I rose from my seat, went to Shruti, pulled her from her chair towards me and inhaled her presence, as I could smell the wine on her as well as her musk from down there. I began kissing her passionately, grabbing handfuls of her ass. She groaned in our kiss with pleasure. Within a moment, I disengaged from our kiss, turned her back to me and embraced her. Moving her hair to one side with one hand, I latched my mouth on her open neck, sucking on her nape. I let my hands roam over her body, with one hand cupping her luscious breast, the other slipping under her dress and cupping her wet pussy. She too, moved one of her hands under her dress, pressing my hand with hers and stimulating her clit, with the other hand pinching her other nipple over her dress. We continued this, with Shruti riding wave after wave of pleasure which I drank in for a minute, until we were interrupted by the bell once again.

Realising that this would be my second guest for the evening, I turned Shruti back towards me, looked into her eyes and told her to take the packet of the condoms to the bedroom and get ready for what she had came here for. Kissing me on the lips once again, she grabbed the bag and sauntered her way towards the Master Bedroom, her plump ass swaying all the way, as she was aware of me watching her. Making sure that Shruti was out of sight, I made myself presentable, and opened the door to Amruta. Unlike Shruti, I could sense that Amruta wasn’t planning on spending more than a minute in my presence. After the humiliation she had suffered in my Office, I had expected her demeanour to have improved a bit. However, I was wrong, as she looked at me the same way she did in the Assembly yesterday, with not enough fear. I had determined that I would address this situation, ensuring that she would fear me as much as she should respect my position.


Welcoming her in, I asked her whether she carried the evidence she held over the Trustee’s head, to which she gave me a small nod. I told her to make herself comfortable, while I cleaned away the dishes from the dining table. As I let her stew away with her thoughts, I put the extra lasagna in the fridge, set out at washing the dishes and the glasses. After being done with cleaning dishes, I poured myself and Amruta a glass of wine each. As I took the glasses with me and offered Amruta her glass, she looked at me suspiciously. I allayed her fears by taking a sip from her glass and then offered it to her again. As we sipped the wine, we kept looking at each other, as if continuing the battle I had won in my Office. This one, ended in a draw.

After we were done sipping wine, I asked her, “Give me that evidence”, to which she wordlessly handed me a thumb drive. As she started rising to leave, I looked at her and asked, “Where do you think you are going?”, to which she replied, “As per the wager, since I lost, I was supposed to hand over the evidence I had over the Trustee to you. Now that I have done it, I am leaving”. As she began to leave, I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. Surprised by this, she looked at me with venom in her eyes. Ignoring her pointed look, I started, “That was partly true. While you did agree on handing the evidence, you also agreed to accept any condition I will impose on you. And since I made you cum 4 more times, you agreed to me imposing 4 conditions on you”. As she heard this, she froze. Taking advantage of the situation, I continued, “One of those 4 conditions is that you will always speak the truth and nothing but the truth to me. And don’t even think about lying to me, as I can detect the smallest of your lies from your face. Do you accept this condition?” As she thought about it for a second, I could see the fear in her eyes now. When she gave me a small nod, I asked her to say those words out loud. Frustrated, she said it out loud that she would speak only truth in my presence. To test it out, I looked in her eyes and asked her, “Is this the only copy of the evidence that you gave me, or have you copied it firsthand and have given it to one of your ‘sisters’?” She took a gulp, and said that she had in fact, kept another copy of the evidence with Sai, her apparent second-in-command in that Clique of hers. Smiling at the revelation and the prospect of taming another brat, I let go of her hand and continued, “I’m impressed by your honesty.

Now to the second condition. Whenever you are in my presence, whether it be in the premises of the School, in my Office or even here, you’ll always address me as ‘Sir’ and nothing else. Am I clear about this, Amruta?”, to which she immediately replied, “Yes Sir!”. Pleased with her obedience so far, I began telling her the third condition, that she would do whatever I command her to do, irrespective of how reprehensible she might think it to be. It doesn’t matter whether it would hurt her pride or her image among her friends, she would do whatever I command her to do. She lowered her head and meekly said, “Yes Sir”. To test this out, I told her to take her clothes off and stand straight only in her underwear. As she gave me a mean look, she began removing her clothes, starting with the red top she was wearing, then taking off the her figure-hugging jeans, and then her shoes. As she stood there, in her underwear, a black push-up bra and lace panties of same color. I was amazed not only at her curvaceous figure, but the dichotomy I observed in her, with her eyes aflame with anger, her fists curled, as if she would strike me if she gets the chance, yet her nipples stood out and I could see some wetness at the insides of her thighs. While this brat pretended to be pissed off at me, she was also partly excited at what was going to happen.

As she stood there staring daggers at me, I moved towards her and turned her with her back to me. I grabbed at her bubble butt with one hand, while I deftly unhooked her bra with the other one. As her bra fell off her breasts, I used the now free hand to pull down her panty. As I stepped back, I commanded her to turn around, which she did, with embarrassment (at having to be naked in my presence again) and anger evident in her eyes. As I saw her naked now, I could see the marks of her ‘humiliation’ on her body still, with a hickey at her nape, another one on each of her areola, one right above her navel, and one on the inside of each thigh. As I was looking at her body in such a manner, I also noticed how her areole were puffy, her nipples were stiff and her pussy was leaking juices. Smirking at that sight, I called out, “I can see the anger in your eyes at the way I am treating you, yet I can also see your excitement at the things that I will do to you. Shake your head if I am wrong”, to which she managed just a small nod.

Satisfied at the way I had the slut in front of me primed, I cupped her chin and turned it upwards, making her look in my eyes as I asked her, “Tell me, my Slut, do you want me to give you the pleasure I denied so vehemently to you during our ‘session’? Do you want me to stuff your soppy pussy”, as I probed her snatch with my hand, “with this dick?”, as I grabbed her hand and put it on the bulge in my pants. I brought her gaze back towards me and I said to her, “Do not lie on this count, for doing so would result you in forfeiting the condition I imposed on you. So, do you want me to fuck you?”, whispering the last words in her ear, after which I latched my mouth on her earlobe and sucked it. As I saw the anger in her eyes replaced by a primitive lust, her breasts heaving and a shudder pass through her, I knew that I am not getting a ‘No’ for an answer. After she squeaked a raspy ‘Yes’, I closed the distance between us and locked her lips with mine, my tongue wrestling with hers in her mouth, my one hand grabbing her breast and twiddling the nipple and my other hand probing her pussy, with four fingers buried deep in her snatch and the thumb tweaking her sensitive clitoris. As I continued this onslaught on her, I feel her scream in my mouth, as she cummed right there on the spot. As the tremors died down, I left her standing there confounded, my mouth and my hands detached from her body. I brought the hand embedded in her cumming pussy towards my nose, smelling the musk of her juices, which I then fed to her gasping mouth.

As she recovered from her orgasm, she looked at me with dreamy eyes, waiting for me to command her. I wasted no time by pointing towards the Master Bedroom, telling her, “That is where we go, where I complete what I started this afternoon. Mind you, it won’t be just the two of us over there. I have someone already waiting for me over there”, at which, she arched her eyebrows at me. Ignoring that, I continued, “Nevertheless, you will follow any command issued by that person, as if I am the one who issued that. Only then can we continue this in the bedroom. After you, my Slut”. She nodded in agreement and began moving towards the bedroom. I followed her, grabbing her ass and pinching it from behind.


As we made our way towards the bedroom, I could hear moans from the bedroom. Thinking that Shruti had started the action without me, I pushed Amruta to increase her pace. As Amruta and I entered the bedroom, I saw Shruti sprawled on the king-size bed, one hand grabbing her breast and tweaking her nipple, while the other was embedded four fingers deep in her pussy and her thumb rolling the clit earnestly. Looking at the scene, I whistled and said, “My naughty slave Shruti, you started on the fun without me. This seems to be the problem with you, one I need to address immediately”. She opened her eyes, looking at me and Amruta with wanton lust in those doe-like eyes. Amruta turned towards me, and said with frustration, “This bitch again! I thought it was just one time this after-, OWW!” she exclaimed with shock as I slapped her right on her face, leaving her cheek stinging. I looked at her with anger and said in a cold voice, “That woman in that bed is not someone you would address as a bitch! I was going to let her go easy with her commands, but now..”, looking at Shruti, I said, “You can command this Slut to do anything you want her to do. It doesn’t matter if it repulses her, she’ll follow every command you and I issue her, my lovely Slave”. Looking at Amruta, I asked her, “Isn’t that right, Slut?”. At first, she said nothing, but when I pulled and twisted her right nipple viciously, she squeaked out, “Yes Sir, Yes Madam”. Then I told her to undress me, as if she’s unravelling the most favorite thing of hers in this world.

As she began undressing me, I instructed Shruti to open one box of condoms and hand me a condom. As she passed the unopened condom to me, Amruta was done undressing me, my dick pointing at her pussy. I grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her down on her knees, pointing my dick towards her mouth. Taking the hint, she opened her mouth and began giving one of her signature blowjobs. As she got me hard enough, I tore open the packet and handed the condom to her, telling her to put it on my dick. When she was done with it, I dragged her by her arm towards the bed, where my Slave was watching the scene, her hands still where I saw them earlier.

I made Amruta stand beside the bed, instructing her not to come near us, nor to touch herself unless any one of us told her so. Without any word, she stood as instructed. With the condom on my dick, I moved towards Shruti, pulling her hand out of her dick and putting it in her mouth, the taste of her juices making her dizzy. I replaced her hand in the pussy with my dick, pushing it all the way inside till my balls clapped against her ass. I hooked her feet above my shoulders, instructing Amruta to begin sucking on her toes. Reluctantly, she climbed upon the bed behind me, taking one of Shruti’s toes, sticky with sweat and grime in her mouth and began sucking on it as if it meant the world to her. Oblivious of this, I kept on pounding my Slave’s pussy, making her grasp for air. After one such gasp, she looked beyond me at Amruta, telling her to lick off her sole of her feet. I could see the twinkle in my Slave’s eyes, as she enjoyed the double sensation of having her feet licked while her pussy was being pounded.

Amidst all of this going on, I leaned towards my Slave, latching my mouth on her nipple, biting it lightly, which sent a ripple of pleasure through her body, which was shuddering with the tremors her pussy experienced by getting pounded by my dick. As I sensed both my Slave and I nearing towards our orgasm, I sped up my pace, ramming my dick with such force that my Slave’s head would collide with the headboard. Eventually, both of us came together, as I filled the condom with my spunk. I pulled out from my Slave’s pussy, got up from the bed and dragged Amruta towards me. As I pulled off the condom, I pushed my still erect cock in her mouth, commanding her to clean my dick off. As she began lapping at my dick with her tongue, I looked at the condom, an idea flashing in my mind. I pulled my cock out of my Slut’s mouth, and held the used condom in front of her. I looked in her eyes and told her, “Suck the cum out of this condom”, to which she looked at me for a while, thinking that I was kidding. But when she saw me holding the condom in front of her face still, with deadpan eyes, she lowered her eyes, took the condom from my hands and began slurping the condom, getting all of my cum in her mouth. She showed it to me and my Slave, then made a show of swallowing it. After she opened her mouth to show that she had swallowed everything, she saw appreciation in my eyes and heard a whoop from my Slave.

I asked my Slut whether she was on the pill or not, to which she shook her head. I smiled at her, as I told her that while I will fuck her with a condom on, she will have to repeat what she did just now. Resigned to her fate, she nodded. So I told my Slave to get off the bed, and positioned my Slut in the position my Slave was a minute ago. I stuffed a hand in her pussy, which emerged out wet. Satisfied by my probing, I put on another condom and entered my Slut’s pussy. As she gasped, my Slave took the opportunity and sat on Amruta’s face. As my Slut was surprised by this. I began fucking her with wanton passion. Shruti and I were trying to establish a rhythm, where I would push in and she would lift herself up, giving my Slut some time to breath, then I would pull out and Shruti would descend on her. As my Slave and I worked up a rhythm, we began fucking my Slut Amruta in such a way, that two of her three holes were engaged simultaneously. Amidst this, I would grab Shruti by her hair and pull her in for a kiss, enjoying the sweet taste of her lips.

We continued this for another 10 minutes, until Amruta began tapping my sides, indicating that she couldn’t bear to have Shruti sitting on her face anymore. So I pulled Shruti from her ‘seat’ closer to me, resting her on Amruta’s stomach. I began making out with Shruti, French-kissing her, while grabbing the sides of her breasts. I continued in this manner for another 5 minutes, and during all this, Amruta cummed beneath us three times. Then I cummed in the condom, while I was still pounding Amruta’s pussy. I took out my cock, moved towards Amruta’s head and stuffed her gasping mouth with my dick, ordering her to clean me off. After she did a commendable job, I pulled out my dick and let my cum from the condom flow in her mouth. Without grimacing, Amruta swallowed it all, earning a smile from me.

Pleased with Amruta’s obedience, I stepped off my bed, instructing my Slave and my Slut to pleasure each other until I return from the kitchen. As I was moving towards the door, I could see Amruta and Shruti, engaged in kissing each other, their hands moving across their bodies. Making my way to the kitchen, I poured off a pitcher of cold water, mixed some orange-juice powder in the water, making a cold pitcher of orange juice. Closing the pitcher, I took it and 3 glasses from the kitchen towards the bedroom. As I neared towards my bedroom, I could hear more moans coming in from the bedroom.

As I entered the bedroom, I saw the ladies engaged in a 69 position, with the lithe Amruta atop the buxom Shruti, her mouth latched onto Shruti’s engorged pussy. Shruti was doing the same to Amruta. I perched on the dresser next to the bed, placing the pitcher and the glasses beside me. I fixed myself a drink of cold orange juice, taking small sips as I watched these two beauties go at each other. Within minutes of this action, both of them were cumming loudly, their entangled bodies a mess of nerves and glistening flesh. Taking my cue, I finished my drink, fixed both of them a glass of OJ, and waited for them to come down from their highs.

When both of them calmed down enough to disengage, they looked at me, a glint in my eyes and a glass of OJ in each hand. They each took a glass and began sipping the juice, their faces content with the pleasure they had provided to each other. After 10 minutes, as we were done drinking orange juice, we resumed the action. This time, I was fucking Shruti from behind, her body sprawled on the bed, her face on its edge, with her tongue deep into Amruta’s snatch as she leaned towards me, angling to lock her lips with me. Then I snapped my fingers, signalling new positions. I placed Amruta in such a way that Shruti could lap at her pussy, while I aimed my cock at her asshole. With considerable effort and lubrication provided by Shruti, I managed to penetrate Amruta’s ass, and began fucking her ass with a frenzied pace. Amruta took the rogering like a champ, slamming her ass on my balls, while Shruti drove her to another orgasm. We continued in this position for another 5 minutes, until Amruta was tired of being fucked from behind. For the next half hour, we were fucking each other like rabbits in heat. As all of us collapsed on the bed at the end, an entire pack of condoms used and emptied in Amruta’s throat, the bedsheets a mess, due to all the juices the ladies secreted.

As I signalled the end of our wonderful fuck session, I commanded Amruta to pull out the bedsheet and take it to the laundry hamper, wash it and dry it. With her busy in this task, I picked up Shruti, carried her in my arms towards the bathroom. As I placed Shruti under the shower and started it, warm water cascaded on our bodies, soothing our nerves. As I took a loofah and began massaging her body, I caressed her breasts, the nipples still sensitive from all the pulling and sucking. As she did the same for my dick, it got hard again. Laughing at the way it pointed at her, she agreed to let me fuck her bareback, to which I complied. As I entered her pussy without a condom, I experienced the vise-like grip of her velvet pussy pulling my dick in. After fucking her pussy for a while, I began probing her asshole with my finger. As she consented, I dribbled a blob of shower gel in her asshole and began driving my finger in and out, relaxing her sphincter. After a while, I pulled my dick out from her pussy and drove it gradually inside her asshole. As I finally drove my dick inside her asshole to the hilt, she let out a piercing cry, which brought Amruta towards the bathroom. With a curt nod, I told her to stay outside. As I began drilling Shruti’s ass, she stuffed her pussy with her fingers, cumming again and again. Close to cumming, I pulled out from her ass, flipped her on her knees and sprayed my cum across her back, from her plump ass to her back. My cum finally dribbled down her sides to fall on the floor. So I took the shower head from its perch and unleashed a torrent of warm water across her back, washing sweat and grime off her body.

Eventually, we came out of the bathroom, patting each other dry with the towels Amruta fished out from the dry laundry, fondling each other all the same. After dressing up, Amruta in the clothes she had stripped in the Main Hall, Shruti in her saree sans her underwear and myself in my nightwear, we kissed each other one more time. I escorted my Slave and Slut to the door, a hand on each of their ass. As they were leaving, I kissed each lady passionately, grabbing their butt (what could I do, their plump asses deserved the attention). Then I bid them goodbye and returned to my bedroom, where Amruta had replaced the soiled bedsheet with a dry one. Securing the evidence Amruta had handed to me, I laid down in my bed, sleeping soundly.


This marks the end of Chapter 2. Send your comments if you guys want a chapter 3. Feedback appreciated.


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