Hotel room surprise

I know which room you are staying in the number having been texted to me earlier. The hotel lobby is pretty much empty this time in the morning. Only passing a couple of people who are early to check out. No one will be able to remember me because of the Covid mask I have to wear. I know you are awake but just barely. You don’t expect me for another half hour or so. Knocking on the door I keep my head down so even looking out you can’t be 100% sure it’s me. As the door lock unlatches and you ease the door open I push my way in. First a hard slap to stun you and start you turning around. Then I continue your spin so I am behind you. The knife folded in my pocket is out in a flash and then pressed to your neck. My other hand holds your hair firmly in my grasp. Pushing your from behind towards the bed you are forced face down on the bed. You can feel my body weight against you. Your first arm is dragged back and you feel the zip tie from my other pocket tighten around your wrist, then the second. Your arms are secure behind your back. You only put up a little body tensing struggle as I start to pull your panties down, but as you begin to protest verbally the knife is under your chin pushing your chin up and mouth closed. You could open your mouth to yell out but it would have to be while the knife pierced you. You understand. You try to look back at me but are rewarded with a slap and your face pushed into the mattress again by the hair. Your fight is almost gone as you feel the panties slide past your knees. Then your mouth and nose are covered by my hands. At first it’s nothing then you realize you can’t breathe through my grip. It’s ok it’s only been a second. Then 10, 30, 45…as a minute approaches you start to wiggle. You can’t even be sure it’s me, why would I hold it this long? Wiggle becomes a struggle and then a fight. You need to breathe! You can feel the light headed feeling and the darkness strata to creep in from the sides of your vision. If I wanted to make you pass out why like this I have done it before but it wasn’t like this. Is it really me. Then I release all at once and the air rushes in. You suck down air big deep breaths. Opening your mouth wide to suck in as much as possible and then your mouth is stuffed. The lacy feeling of your panties being forced into your still gasping mouth. You can breathe through them but you know any screams will be muffled. Then you feel the cloth bag go over your head, is this a pillow case. Then you hear the zip ties again like two or three connecting. Then around your neck. Not tight but securing the bag over your head. It’s now you can’t really remember if you even saw my face. No it was just a mask. You can’t really even be sure it was me. I haven’t spoken or made a sound. You decide to try and spit the panties out to ask and are rewarded with a slap as they start to fall out and noise comes from your mouth. Again more zip ties. This time around your head and pinning the panties in your stuffed mouth. You know now it’s too late to make a sound. Hopefully it’s me. Then you are pulled to the edge of the bed. Half hanging off, bending over the edge. You can feel the plug you placed in your ass earlier get tugged on. Spinning it inside your ass. Tugged until it’s just about to pop out, then released and sliding back in place up your ass. That’s when the first one comes. An open handed slap on your ass. You can hear it before you even feel it’s sting or the follow up slap to the other side. Damn it was hard. That good sting you love. You do love your ass being slapped but you can’t be sure it’s me. What if it isn’t. Are you wrong for being turned on. If it is me why haven’t I said anything. Light is so dim you can barely see through the cloth bag. Just shapes. You can see the shadows and hear me moving around the room. You start to move maybe slide up more on the bed. This is rewarded with a belt across the back of your thighs. FUCK! The sting. Then you feel your feet get pushed apart spreading your legs wide. Spreading you out bent over the edge of the bed half hanging off it actually takes effort not to fall. Then comes the slap to your pussy. Open palm. To your bare pussy lips. Then nothing it’s quite. Have I moved while you wait for the sting to go away. You can feel the lips of your pussy redden. You know blood flow is headed there. Again you start to slide down from the position I have left you in. And the slap comes again. Stinging your pussy and forcing you back into the spread out half on half off the edge of the bed. The sting hurts. But hurts good. Moments pass in the quite morning. Then you slide down a bit. Slap again. Harder. But this time did it seem like I was slapping a wet pussy. Fuck is this turning you into a wet mess? Again you slide down another pussy slap. Did you do this one because you were tired of holding the position or because you wanted your pussy slapped? You don’t know really but you do know your wet and turned on. Why! You can’t be sure it is me and yet you can’t help be turned on. Again the plug is being played with. Pulled until it’s about to pop out and then released to be buried back inside you. Fingers start exploring your pussy. First one from behind. It easily slides in. Then two. God you are sopping wet mess. Two finger curl down and inside you. Slowly at first they are rubbing you. Then stronger and faster. Fuck it feels good. Then without warning the other hand grips your ass and pulls your checks wide open and the fingers fuck you even faster and harder. The plug is violently moving with the finger fucking. It can’t be held back your pussy starts to gush over my fingers. Flowing. Sloppy sounding claps of fingers fucking you. You moans hard against the panties forced in place in your mouth. Yes this feels so good, but also wrong. What if it isn’t me? Is it wrong to like this? Then the fingers stop. You trying to catch your breath. The plug is being toyed with again but you barely notice as your catching your breath. It’s only when the plug pops out you realize it’s different this time. The plug is barely gone when you feel it being pushed back in. No wait this isn’t the plug. It’s fatter. Much fatter. Slippery and fat the head of my cock pushes past your tight asshole. Your fighting to catch your breath from the gushing finger fuck when my cock continues to slide inside you. Deep. Much deeper than the plug. Buried. And you still breath hard against the panties. Slow deliberately my cock slide inside you. Resting deep. Now you realize it’s not the finger fucking which keeps your breath form you it’s this cock buried inside your ass. Slowly fucking you. Building in speed. Building in thrust. Building in force. Each time it’s pushed in it’s harder and deeper. Fuck you will never catch your breath. The building inside just in the cock that is violating your ass but in the pulses you feel in your pussy. They way this cock is violating your ass is the the same way it’s violating your mind. You still can’t be sure it’s me. The cock feels like mine but I haven’t said anything and you can’t call out. Fuck it’s building again so hard in your pussy. You can’t move your hands to touch me to feel if it’s the familiar body against you. All you can feel is the hands pushing you down into the mattress from behind and the cock pushing deep in your ass. Fuck! It’s too much just let go. And you do. The squirting just flows from you. Pulsing onto the hotel floor. You can feel it splash against my legs and thighs as I fuck into you harder. The pulsing squirts drive me on. Harder. Harder than you thought possible. Your pulsing so hard you can’t feel the pumping of cum deep inside your ass. It’s not until you stop squirting your feel the cum flowing into your ass. Deep thrusts slowly pushing the cum up inside you. You can feel me pull my cock from in your ass and then the plug being replaced. Now you will know it’s me. After a fuck like that and filling your ass with cum you know I will cut the ties loose and pull the cloth bag off your head and shower you with kisses. I have even pushed you up on the bed so your legs aren’t holding you in the bent over position. You feel me move around the room and climb on the bed. Straddling you and rubbing your legs pushing them together. Bending both your legs back and touching your feet. The sound of plastic rubbing on plastic and now your legs feel the clingy plastic start at your ankles. What is going on I haven’t started to untie you? IS THAT PLASTIC WRAP YOU FEEL ENCASING YOU????
