A Raw, Sloppy and Wet Deal [Exhibitionist, Slutty]

Why did I agree to this?

It sounded so good at the time. My coworkers finally doing their damn jobs for a day. That meant hours back of covering their tasks and constantly cleaning up their mistakes. The deal shouldn’t have even been necessary, but our manager had quit months ago and HIS manager didn’t give two shits about anything that didn’t affect the bottomline. That included our entire department: Human Resources. As long as we didn’t spend over our budget he didn’t care. And it’s easy to be under budget when you don’t do a damned thing. It’s hard to get a team member fired When your manager doesn’t care and you are the HR department. I’d just leave, but quitting in my second year and without a reference would leave a black mark.

The idea came to me in a our morning huddle, our standing meeting that always took a full hour. They had to cover everything important – sports, entertainment, drinking. So much waste gave me a lot of time to daydream how to improve the situation. And then it hit me.

I usually cover myself instinctively, pulling my sweater closed to cover any cleavage. The guys liked to stare and weren’t coy about it. Not like I could report it. I felt the impulse and then.. ignored it. Maybe attention could bring power.

Instead I did the opposite: I “straightened” my shirt by pulling down on the front and sat down. That gave them two full half moons to look at, and from a great angle too. As Tom would have said, 45 percent visibility.

Their eyes wasted no time getting sucked into the valley, and my contributions to the conversation were suddenly listened to. I made sure to be animated as I talked, waving my hands around and causing my breasts to jiggle.

It felt dirty. And empowering. And exciting down there, too.

We had reached a lull in the conversation, and I had lost focus after spending so much extra energy manipulating their hormones. I zoned back in, and realized there were three pairs of eyes on my chest and no one was talking.

“What about you guys actually do your work today before ogling me?”

They blinked.

“I wasn’t staring,” Milo denied it but I could tell he didn’t even believe himself.

“You’re saying you don’t like looking at my tits?” I cupped them and pressed them together. 55 percent visibility with a slight chance of nip slip.

“I’m not saying that, exactly..” he droned off.

“Look, you guys actually finish the daily check list and then you can stare as much as you like.” I squeezed more and felt a slight flick as tips of my nipples poked out over my bra and top. Sixty percent visibility with a titty watch now in effect.

Silence. Well, if boners made noises I’d imagine there would be three springs boinging. I covered my nipples with my finger tips. And by covered I mean rubbed in small concentric circles.

Steve broke the silence. “Deal. We finish the list, and we come back in here with whatever time’s left in the day and you work for us.”

That wasn’t what I had in mind, but Milo immediately jumped on board. “Sounds great!” Marlon nodded in agreement, and they adjourned the huddle abruptly.


The boys attacked the list with vigor. I can’t say they took the greatest care with their work, but responses were sent within their SLA which hadn’t happened before, like ever.

Meanwhile my work was lacking. Dragging my feet dreading the time our work was done wasn’t helping, but the constant eyes on me was the real killer. It kept any focus fleeting. The determination behind them, how they didn’t try and mask it.. I felt exposed and I wasn’t even undressed yet. God it made me wet.

I took a long lunch break, walking down the street to a Mexican place and actually sat down from work. The boys were still at it when I returned. I didn’t know if I wanted the clock to speed up and cut into my “work” time, or to slow down so it never came.

Or speed up, so I could touch myself again.

It was three o’clock when Steve dseclared them done. Their eyes instantly fell on me. I checked the list and sure enough, everything was marked complete. I spot checked a couple items and they checked out, more or less. Two hours left. Fuck me.

Resigned to my fate, I stood up and went to the HR meeting room. It wasn’t really ours exclusively, but it was the only room with blinds for the windows and a lock on the door. The boys followed me in.

“Go on, up on the table.” Marlon Wasting no time as he slapped the table top. Steve and Milo agreed.

I climbed up with Steve’s help, his hands giving my backside a firm boost up.

“Now strip.” Their hunger devoured my confidence. I sheepishly pulled my blouse over my head. My boring black bra wasn’t scandalous at all, and yet it wasn’t covering near enough. I thought they would sit down, maybe I’d give them a dance.. but instead they just stood at the edge of the table and stared.

Steve made a continue motion with his finger, and so I unzipped my slacks. Turning around to save some dignity – and give them a close up of my ass -I pulled them down. My black thong was much less modest than my bra, with just a simple black T back with a string running between my cheeks and a lace mesh front that hid nothing. Gracefully it did have an extra layer of fabric over my lower lips. Fabric that was slick and clinging tightly to me, and not because I was sweating.

Even turned around I felt their eyes. I no longer had any dignity. I felt a gentle but firm push on my lower back, and so I leaned over. The thong rode up, and inside me as well.

It was uncomfortable but don’t worry, Steve had me covered. He hooked a finger inside my panties. Letting his knuckle slide between my lips, he pressed into me for a brief moment before pulling down. That was fucking bold. And felt fucking good. It made a perverse shloppy sound as it unclung from my damp insides.

My panties now around my thighs, I was no longer concerned about how revealing the mesh would be when I spun around. Instead they had a straight on look at my pussy. I reached between my legs and split my fingers, letting them peer inside the well. Better me than them I always say.

I took a breath, then turned around to face the music. My face was as red as the bare skin between my thighs. At least I shaved this morning. Unfortunately I had shaved everything clear.

Standing there with my panties down, Steve reached up and pulled my breasts over my bra. The very picture of an exemplary HR rep I was, tits out and cunt spread.

“Finger yourself.” I thought I would show my tits, maybe flash my panties. This was too far. But naked on a table isn’t the best arguing position.

“A deal is a deal,” I mumbled. In truth I knew I had gone far enough. These lusty men had already seen more than they expected. But the eyes.. mmm. I could get off on the looks alone. I slipped a finger inside myself. Good, but not good enough.

Bunching my fingers together, I bent my knees and pushed four inside my vagina. It was a lewd look but damned effective. I did micro-pulses, the sloppy sound of thrusting my knuckles into my hole combined with the drops of love juice on the glass table top. And a grunt.

“Fuck me,” Milo said to himself. I looked at his grey slacks and saw a damp patch.

“Just like that Milo? You came in your pants just from watching my fingers? What about you Steve? What do you want to see?” I sat my bare ass on the table and pulled my panties off, dangling them on my right foot. “Will you cum in these for me?”

Steve took the panties off my foot and promptly unzipped. He dropped his pants and boxers like a little boy peeing, and after taking a quick whiff he tangled my thong around his cock and went to stroking.

I didn’t care what he did, I was too hot and into fucking myself. My thrusting caused me to slide on the glass, making squeaking noises as if it was being windexed. I lost control of the moans coming out.

Seeing the white spurts fill my black thong gave me delight. Steve tossed it back at me. “Put it back on.”

That snapped me out of the moment. I stopped masturbating and hesitantly sid one leg through, then the other. It tangled on the way up and did nothing to cover my privates. Steve’s cum rubbed off all the way up my thighs, and made a crude squishing noise when I had them back all the way up. I blushed.

Steve’s eyes were wide. Mustering my courage, I spread my legs wide for them to get a good view, then gave the soppy cotton a couple pats. Two down and one to go.I slid to the edge of the table.

“Come here Marlon.” He was nervous. As eager as he seemed to get his release, doing so in front of an audience must have made him timid. Motioning again, he finally stepped up.

I reached down and pulled his member out. “You want to dip inside?” I pulled the tangled black fabric around my hips aside. “How about fifteen seconds in heaven? One.. two..”

He plunged his cock into me. “FUCK!” I’m not sure which one of us screamed it. He was so eager to hammer me, which made him push outside more than in. In the fifteen seconds he got four, maybe five good thrusts. I wanted him to keep going, god did I, but I needed to maintain at least some control of the situation.

“Good Marlon, that’s enough.” He thwapped out, panting. “Now be a good boy and finish up.” I easily slipped off the table and onto the floor. Pushing the chairs out of the way, I lay flat below on the carpet, him standing between my legs. “Now be a good boy and finish yourself off.”

Steve and Milo adjusted to get a good view. I could see Milo grabbing the front of his pants. Steve took out his phone… to snap a photo. Damnit. I covered my face for a moment. Hoping he was done I looked, but he still had his phone out. Was he taking a video?! Fuck it.

I returned my attention to Marlon and his furious strokes. There was no patience on his part, just an eagerness – I suspect both to cum and for this public display to be over. I kinda wanted that dick back inside. Instead I diddled my clit.

Marlon closed his eyes tight. “Look right here Marlon!” I commanded. “Cum on me. Cum all fucking over me.” I grabbed my tits. His eyes went wide with disbelief as jets of white sticky fluid arched over me. The first hit my throat and chin, the next across my chest. Then the dribbles. He shook himself clean (What am I, a urinal?!) and splatters went all over my stomach.

God, so much cum. In an hour I went from Miss Respectable to the dirty slut in HR. And I fucking loved it. I shoved my hand back inside me and let my other grab myself wherever was needful. Words I had claimed not to understand echoed around the room. And then finally, I was done. The tingling had overwhelmed me and I just couldn’t ride the wave anymore, it crashed inside and out. My strength left me.

Relaxing, I let myself breathe as my strength left.

But they weren’t done.

Steve helped Milo pull me up and bend me over the table. I didn’t have the energy to enjoy or resist, so I let them. I felt his thrusting inside, but all I could do was watch the clock. Forty-five more minutes.

More pulsing, more wetness unloaded inside me. They took turns, but I couldn’t tell you who did. I was half there and half out of it. Half in raw pain, half in pure esctasy.

And when they were pumped dry from fucking they toyed with me. Hands explored for personal amusement, I felt them spread my ass. A plastic object enter me, a marker maybe? Then something cold and metal in my cunt. When it started thrusting I started climbing again. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t stop my hips from arching to let it in deeper either.

When the clock hit five I managed to mutter “Times up.” They left me there.

When I regained my senses I collected myself. My bra and panties were gone. I tossed my shirt on and pulled up my slacks. They both stuck to me in weird places. After waiting for the evening rush out the door to die down I left.

How was I going to face any of them at work tomorrow?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jlrojj/a_raw_sloppy_and_wet_deal_exhibitionist_slutty


  1. Loved the story, reminds me of a HR team I used to work with, nothing ever went this far but they were the biggest bunch of inappropriate flirts in the company!

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