Erotic Letters

I’m an attractive Irish woman in my 20s with a keen interest in writing. I need to supplement my income and have an idea to rent a P.O box and have a service where men can pay a small amount a month to receive letters.

They can write to me via the P.O Box and we will establish a personal correspondence, or they can simply receive letters and not write back. Either way they will receive beautiful, personal, hand-written letters. Romantic, erotic, or otherwise.

I think the intimacy and nostalgia of how special it is to receive hand-written letters, especially with the added excitement of the romantic/erotic element could do well, but I have no idea how to find interested people.

Do you think this has potential? Advice appreciated


1 comment

  1. I think this is an excellent idea. I am old enough to know how exciting it can be to wait for a letter from a friend or loved one.

    A man could write to you, a little or a lot depending on what he want’s to, and include a $20 bill (or whatever you wish to charge) and you could write back. You wouldn’t need too many customers to make some extra money.

    The challenge will be marketing the idea. You need to get to lonely people who would really appreciate that letter from you every few weeks.

    Good luck and all the best to you.

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