The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 18 (Teasing) (Starstruck)

“Anna, are you coming?”

Bruce’s voice hits Anna’s ears. She hadn’t realized she had been frozen in place, the camera flashes having seemed to hypnotize her. She shakes her head and smiles nervously as she takes his hand and lets him help her out of the limo.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she says meekly. “This is all so new to me.”

“Everything is going to be just fine,” he whispers, giving her ass a quick squeeze before putting his arm around her. “And call me Bruce. We don’t want people thinking I am renting you.” He winks.

Anna giggles and takes a deep breath. Grabbing hold of his arm, they walk into the crowd. The barrage of lights and flashes cause her to squint but she does her best to keep smiling, grounding herself with his touch. She hears whistles and gasps from men and women, clearly looking her up and down. She instinctively tries to hide behind him. It had taken her some time to adjust to the attention at Paradise. Here she was fully dressed but somehow the nerves were worse.

“Just stay close to me. I know how to deal with these people,” he whispers into her ear, pulling her closer to his body.

“Well, well, Bruce bags himself another stunner,” says a tall overly tanned blonde man, slapping Bruce’s shoulder and openly leering up and down Anna’s body. “Unless you’re just paying her for the night.”

“Christopher, not every man has to pay for sex. I seem to remember having plenty with your ex wife and I never paid a dime. But you sure did when you found out. Bet you remember to sign a prenup next time,” Bruce shoots back, returning the shoulder slap. Anna feigns adjusting her hair so the diamond on her finger gleams in the light. The tan man’s smile turns to a scowl and he walks off without another word.

“Can’t stand that guy,” I say quickly to you. I change tone very quickly. “Is it weird seeing everyone wearing clothes again?” Chuckling and leading you down the red carpet.

“It is, si… Bruce,” she catches herself. “Though I feel like every eye here is trying to stare my clothes off anyway.”

“They most definitely are,” he chuckles. “Because you look sensational. Just walk, pose, and smile. This is the worst part.”

It feels like ages as they keep walking down the carpet. Anna starts getting more comfortable, his arm giving her stability and support. She sees Monique and Wyatt up ahead, the gold of her dress reflecting the light of the cameras.

“I hope I look that good, sir…” she says nodding in their direction and silently cursing herself for not using his name again. “Monique certainly looks incredible”.

“She sure does,” he says, startling Anna by quickly squeezing her ass again. “But not quite like a million bucks. Or 10 million for that matter. She’s a very nice girl. But she’s no you, Ms Aubergine.” He chuckles.

Anna giggles and blushes, her nerves replaced by arousal for just a moment as he squeezes her.

“Is this over yet?” she asks through her smile. “I didn’t know there would be this much paparazzi here. This is insane. My cheeks are starting to hurt.”

“It will be over soon. Gotta let the vultures feed. All part of the star package,” he says through his own grin. “That’s why the bar is so close to the door when you get to the end of this circus.”

They continue but he starts to increase their speed. He continues to say hello to people but just gives them a quick wave. Anna smiles and nod at them accordingly, letting him dictate their pace through the madness.

When they finally reach the bronzed arches that mark the entrance, he pulls Anna to the side.

“White wine?” he asks before opening the door. “Stay right here.”

Anna tries to protest but she doesn’t get a chance before he’s gone. She watches him run to take a spot next to Wyatt at the bar.

“One glass of the best white wine you have available. One double Red Breast with 3 ice cubes. Now,” he commands the bartender. Wyatt nods and points to himself to signify that the drinks should be added to his tab.

“How’s she holding up in the zoo?” Wyatt asks, taking a sip of his own bourbon.

“She’ll be better with a little of this in her,” Bruce responds as the bartender finishes pouring the requested drinks.

“I don’t doubt it,” Wyatt chuckles. “A little social lubrication never hurt anybody in a racket like this.”

Bruce returns to Anna with their drinks and take a long pull off of his.

“We made it through the press gauntlet. Our picture will be all over the internet before we’re even back to Paradise,” he says.

“But I’m not famous, Bruce,” she protests.

“You’re beautiful and now have been seen among the who’s who,” he says tipping the rest of his drink into his mouth. “You weren’t famous before you got out of the limo. It’s different now.”

He chuckles and starts pointing people out to her. “It really is Matt Damon this time, not my pilot. And there is Bobby Flay from Food Network. Odell Beckham Jr. is here for some reason. I suppose he’s not real busy at this time of the year. And that group of slobbering fools over there must mean Margot Robbie arrived. And, yes, a Jonas Brother was just looking at your tits but I couldn’t tell you which one.”

“This… is… insane,” Anna manages to say again, feeling her trance returning. He takes her arm in his again and leads her further into the belly of the beast.

“This is… This is just your life, isn’t it?” she whispers to him. “The parties, the people, the luxury, all of it…” Her mind can’t believe this is real. Is this going to be her life too? She looks at the ring on finger again and sighs, trying not to get overwhelmed by what she’s feeling.

He chuckles. “Yeah. It is. And you’re right. It is insane. But this has always been my life. It took me a long time to realize it wasn’t how everyone’s life was.”

He can tell she is uncomfortable.

“Anna, we can leave. You don’t have to do this. The gala. The fucking. You don’t have to do any of it. I want you to be happy. And that means you get to say no when you want to.”

Anna looks at him. Their relationship has been a lot of him telling her to do things and her obeying like a good slut. But this is a new side of him. She hasn’t seen this from him before. He is treating her as an equal. And suddenly she wants him even more.

She smiles and takes a deep breath, “No, I want to stay. I didn’t get all made up to not experience this. I said I was choosing to be with you so this is the life I’ve chosen. It’s just… It’s just all so new. I’m trying to get my bearings.”

She takes his hand and squeezes it, “Just don’t leave me alone with the animals, isn’t that how Wyatt would say it?”

“I’m here,” he puts his arm around her and chuckles. “I didn’t put an obscenely expensive diamond on your finger to leave you alone.”

He squeezes her closer again. With her in one arm, his other out in front of them to clear a path, he starts to move them around the room. Chatting to this person and that person. Anna notices every once in a while someone will discreetly press something into my hand that he puts into his pocket. She is curious but you doesn’t ask.

When they finally find a clearing to have a moment to themselves again, he pulls a series of colored poker chips from his pocket and counts them.

“Do you want the good news first?” he asks. She raises an eyebrow at him, confused.

“Each one of these chips represent someone who has paid the price I asked for you. Each of us presenters has our own color. I couldn’t show you mine because I didn’t even bring them. I told you that I’m not purchasing time with any prizes tonight. I’m staying with you.”

She smiles at the reminder.

“Anna, there are five markers here. Five people have paid ten million dollars each to fuck you tonight. And we have only been here an hour.”

Her mouth drops open. “Wait… What? Five? Are sure?” She smiles, excited by the thought. He shows her the chips, dropping them in her hand one by one. “Sir, you’re sure you’re okay with this… Me fucking five people tonight?” She bites her lip, worried he might be upset.

He takes her face in his hands and kisses her. “Five. Ten. Thirty. If every man and woman here wants to pay to fuck you, who am I to say no? You tell me if it’s too many, Anna. It’s your body. Your ten million dollar pussy. You’re the one who will have to do the work.”

“I don’t think five is too many…” she says, blushing. “I could probably even be okay with a few more…” She blushes deeper.

“As many as you want, Ms. Aubergine,” he kisses her again then takes her arm again.

“So now that you’re going to be fabulously wealthy, do you want to meet Jay-Z and Beyonce? They’re waving at us,” he says casually.

“Bruce, what’s the bad news?” she asks as he leads them over to the music moguls’ table, Still trying to fathom that she’ll be meeting them both.

“There’s no bad news. I just wanted to give you an update on how much money you’re going to make as a very expensive slut,” he whispers the last words into her ear, making her pussy throb for just a moment.

It becomes clear to Anna that Bruce has spent time with the famed couple. There are talks of who should come ride on whose yacht, whose luxury box seats, etc. Anna tries to be very cordial to both but is clearly star struck. Beyonce tells her that she’s absolutely adorable, making her blush harder than she could ever remember. Bruce tells them to stop by Paradise sometime. Jay laughs nervously says his Paradise days are over. Beyonce shoots him a glare when she acknowledges he knows what Paradise is.

As they’re talking, more men stop by the table to place markers in Bruce’s hand.

Bruce makes small talk and introduces Anna to a few more people. In the back of her mind she keeps wondering who the people who have paid for her are. But she knows it is against the rules of Paradise to ask. Every time she notices another marker being placed she feels a pulse between her thighs.

Between conversations Bruce leans in and growls, “Congratulations. You are officially a one hundred million dollar slut.”

He squeezes her ass again, harder this time. “The longer we stay here the more there will be. Apparently my high price seems plenty reasonable for a woman approved by both Wyatt and I. But you are now on the hook to fuck 10 people tonight.”

He sneaks her hand onto his crotch. “Well, 11. But only 10 are paying.”

Anna’s breath catches in her throat as her growls into her ear and she feels the bulge in his pants, feeling her thighs get sticky with arousal. He may see her as an equal but he knows how to excite her like no one ever has. The money doesn’t matter in this moment. She just wants him.

“I guess I am… Ten men… Fuck me… I don’t know how I’ll do it,” she says, trying to tease him back by feigning innocence.

She squeezes his cock playfully through his pants, “Will you fuck me first or last, sir?” She kisses his cheek and then whispers in his ear “How will you feel watching me fuck ten different people?” She giggles and then says, “I’m so fucking wet already, sir… When do I get started?”

“I’m first,” he growls back. “I’m selfish. I am taking the tightest, wettest fuck for myself. Any other cum you take I want you thinking about how it just pushes mine deeper inside of you.”

A small moan escapes her mouth.

“First we have to ride all the way back to Paradise,” he keeps growling. “There is a special room set up for you. They leave their cash outside with the posted security. You can have them one at a time. Two at a time. You can make all 10 come in together if you want to. They have paid to cum with you one time. If your magic mouth or world class pussy drains them in 30 seconds, too bad. They get to cum one time and one time only.”

She giggles and keeps rubbing his cock, feeling him pulse with each pass of her hand.

“Oh my… That sounds incredible, sir… I can’t help but want your cock. I want it now but I know to behave until we get back to Paradise…” she kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear, “Who are they? I need to think about what I want and who I want when….” She giggles and sees him glancing at his watch, clearly wanting to leave soon so he can claim her first. He squeezes her ass again and lets out a small grown before speaking.

“They are yours to command. If you want to tell them all to lineup so you can pick who you want when, they have to do it. Tell them to lineup prettiest dick to ugliest if you want to. Once they pay the money, you have the power.”

A waiter covered head to toe in glittered beads collects their empty glasses.

“Let’s find Wyatt and Monique and see if they want to carpool. After the tip we gave Fredrick I’m not sure he’ll be in any shape to drive,” he says.

Instead of walking beside her he walks behind, his hands on her hips. He wanted to hide how hard he is but instead he just keeps rubbing his cock against her ass.

She tries to talk to him over her shoulder, “Bruce I need to know who the men are. Or do I have to wait to find out?”

His only answer is to press himself harder against her. His control never stops being irresistible to her. The mystery is driving her crazy but also heightening her arousal.

Monique spots them first and bounces up to them, Wyatt in tow. “Are we ready to go? Is it time for fun?” she asks, smiling widely.

“I think we are. May we ride with you?” Bruce asks looking at Wyatt and grinning.

“I’m about ready to stop being so damn proper and wearing this monkey suit,” Wyatt says. He holds up a handful of markers. “And this one has got some work to do.”

Monique giggles. “It’s not work at all, you silly man. Just all the sexy fun!”

The foursome make their way to the limp, doing their best to sneak past the paparazzi again. A few manage to catch a few more photos.

“Just smile and pretend you’d not thinking about how hard I am behind you,” Bruce says through the forced smile. Anna’s knees nearly buckle when he whispers, “God I fucking want you.”

When they reach the limo, Wyatt introduces Jerome, his driver.

“Ain’t seen you in a bit,” he says to Bruce.

“Ain’t needed to be seen,” Bruce responds.

“Fair enough. Now ya’ll sit back and I’ll have us back to the promised land as quick as I can,” Jerome calls back before sliding up the partition. He’s been Wyatt’s driver long enough to know whatever is going to happen in this limo doesn’t need to be seen.

Monique takes Anna’s hand and asks, “Do you have lots of men to play with too?” Wyatt turns and looks at her, eyebrows raised. He’s just as curious. Anna smiles shyly and waits for Bruce to answer. But he doesn’t. He pulls the markers out of his pocket and drops the markers one by one onto his lap.

“Well I’ll be goddamned…” he says looking at the markers. “I didn’t think those cheap bastards would pony up that kind of dough. Even for what will likely be the fuck of their life. You’re going to be an even richer man.”

“No I’m not. Anna is doing the work. Anna is getting the money,” Bruce says.

“Right kind of you,” Wyatt says. He grabs Monique. “What do you think? Should I give you your fuck money too?”

“You’re so silly! I don’t need money!” she says laughing. “Unless I need to buy sexy time with this pretty lady!”

She crawls over to Anna and sticks her tongue in her mouth. Anna giggles then accepts it and gives the French girl hers in return, the wine now fully emboldening her now that she is among friends.

“I should stop this but they do put on a good show,” Wyatt chuckles.

Anna groans and as Monique pushes her onto her back, her head in Bruce’s lap. Monique kisses her neck and grabs her breasts. She opens Her eyes and looks up at him. She smiles, and bites her lip as she feels his cock throbbing against her cheek.

“Rod is going to kill you two if you destroy your dresses,” Bruce says, trying to pretend he is not aroused but not doing a very good job.

Monique stands as much as the car will allow and reaches behind her neck to unclasp her dress. The top drops, exposing her small, firm breasts. She leans forward and wiggles her way out of the rest, tossing it to Wyatt.

“No dress, no problems!” she says, throwing her hands in the air in victory. She jumps back on top of Anna. “I should help you out of your dress too? Please yes?”

“Get your silly naked ass over here,” Wyatt interrupts, unzipping his trousers. She giggles and bounces over to him. He grabs her head and pushes it down as she swallows his thick cock with ease.

He looks over at Bruce and Anna. “Hell, I made the rules. I can break them. Besides I haven’t gotten sucked off all day. Ain’t good for a man.”

Anna sits up against Bruce’s shoulder and shakes her head, trying to regain focus. She knows better than to let Monique get her naked right but she is so ready to be fucked it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. She strokes Bruce’s thigh and watches Monique work Wyatt.

“Should we wait too, sir?” she giggles, wondering how much more he can take of her teasing, secretly hoping he will follow Wyatt’s lead. Monique is red faced and saliva streaks her bare skin. Anna giggles, knowing Wyatt likes how she does it better.

“Yes. We will wait,” Bruce says, clearly straining. Monique is certainly nice to look at but having already fucked her he knows she’s no match for Anna.

He chuckles as they hear Monique gagging, trying to take Wyatt in her throat. “I kind of forgot that some women do that,” Bruce says, squeezing Anna’s thigh. “Haven’t heard it in so long.”

“Maybe if you had a man sized penis they would have some thing to choke on,” Wyatt snaps.

“Both women in here have had both of our cocks. They know which one they prefer,” Bruce says calmly.

Anna smiles and kisses Bruce on the mouth, sighing into it, trying to tease more. She wants him to jump on her as soon as they are alone. She sees his hands move to grab her but they stop themselves. His resolve is slipping slowly away and she knows it.

She turns to Wyatt and says, “You know I suck your cock better than that. It’s a shame your chip isn’t in the pile to have me again.” She knows teasing Wyatt will make Bruce want her even more. She is making strategic moves now.

“How do you know it ain’t?” Wyatt winks. “Maybe this is just my warm up. I may be an old cowboy but I’m sure you remember how fast I reload my gun.”

Anna blushes as Wyatt bests her at her own game.

“Your man put the kibosh on what I wanted to pay to do. But I may have paid for the general admission after being denied the VIP package,” he says.

Monique comes up sputtering and asking between gulps of air, “What did you want to do to her, Mr. Wyatt? You are the king. You make the rules.”

He pushes her head back down. “I’ll show you later. I know you won’t mind,” he says, reaching down to pinch her nipples and eliciting a muffled moan.

Bruce starts running his fingertips along Anna’s neck, shoulder, and any other exposed skin he can find.

“Jerome, any way you can get this bucket moving faster?” he calls to the driver.

Anna smiles at Wyatt, knowing what he wants to do. She responds, “Well there’s one thing you know you can’t have then.” And now he knows that she knows.

As Wyatt’s face shows his shock Anna giggles and turns and pushes her ass out, teasing him with what he knows he can’t have.

Anna moans into Bruce’s ear as his fingers trace her skin, causing goosebumps to form with each pass. She runs her hands up his chest and finds herself sitting on his lap facing him and kissing his lips hungrily but nothing more, knowing he said to wait.

“That dress comes off real fast, right?” he whispers between hungry kisses. “Otherwise I’m just going to rip it off and Rod can deal with it.”

But this point he has been so hard for so long his my cock has grown incredibly sensitive. He can feel she is not wearing panties even through her dress and his pants. Waiting for her body is fucking agony.

“Of course it does. Rod knows better,” she whispers back. “Just have to unclasp at the shoulder and it’ll fall right off…” Her words drip with lust.

Her body is on fire for him. Making her wait is the cruelest tease. “Oh Bruce…. I want you so fucking bad…” she moans into his ear as she stars to slowly grind her hips against him. Her dress rides up her thighs. His hands shaking with desperation as he touches the delicate flesh of her thigh.

“We here! Zip up and get out my car! The lot of you need Jesus!” Jerome shouts as the car jolts to a stop.

“Center of the grounds keys are set up?” Bruce says to Wyatt.

“Yup. Get to gettin’, youngblood,” he says. “We’ll be along in a bit. She needs to finish her work.”

Monique pops her lips off his cock to say goodbye but they’re already gone.
