The Sorcerer’s Newest Girl: The Year of Service (Part 1) [fM, fantasy, oral, genderswap]

I grew up as a boy in a large family full of boys and one father. I was the youngest and my mother died giving birth to me. My brothers and father were loud and aggressive. I was quiet and gentle. They often made fun of me for not being more masculine like them. It got to the point where I wanted to kill myself. Instead of killing myself, I decided to run away and try to start a new life as a girl, somewhere else.

I had heard of a sorcerer who lived in an old abandoned castle far away. It was rumored that he had incredible powers and it was known that his services were very expensive. Among his rumored powers, one was to be able to change males into females and females to males. This was my last option; if it didn’t work, I had promised myself that I would end my life.

I reached his castle after two days of travel. He was standing at the entrance, watching me as I approached. He appeared young, in his 20s or 30s. I asked him if he was the sorcerer, but he said nothing. He turned around and motioned for me to follow him. A girl my age was waiting for us in the courtyard. She took my things and I followed him inside the castle, where a few other girls poured us some tea and gave me warm bread.

“I know why you’re here,” he said. “You’re here because you are not happy with your body. I can transform you into a girl, but there is no guarantee as to how you will look. Your appearance as a girl will be determined by a variety of things, which you have no control over. The process requires ingredients and many months of treatment. The cost is 1,000 gold coins, which I already know you can’t afford. If you were to be treated and ran away, I could easily find you and turn you into a frog. However, there are other methods of payment. The girls you see around us were once boys like you. They could not provide money, so they now provide services. They work for me for 1 year. We shall refer to this as the “Year of Service”.

“At the end of your Year of Service you will be free to go. However, you must do anything and everything I ask of you in your Year of Service. I repeat: You must do anything and everything. If you do not do what I ask of you, you will get a warning the first time. The second time, there will be a severe consequence of my own choosing. Do you agree to these terms?” I had nowhere else to go, nothing else to do, nobody else I wanted to be. I nodded. One of the girls brought me a piece of paper and a quill. “After you sign you name, you will fall asleep and you will wake up a girl, and you will be in my service for a year. Are you sure?” I nodded and signed. As soon as I had written the last letter of my name, I started to doze off. I remember falling into the arms of two of the girls. I don’t remember anything after that.


Slowly, I opened my eyes. “Your treatment took 8 months. Your Year of Service, per the terms of our contract, begins tomorrow.” He stood up and walked away. I looked down at my body. I had small breasts, which didn’t matter to me. Most importantly, I could no longer feel my penis. It felt as though a giant burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I got up, shocked, and went to the mirror. Around my neck was a thin black collar with a metal piece that said “Emily”. I let my linen gown fall to the floor. There was nothing between my legs. I moved a finger down there and I had everything. A clitoris, labia, and a vagina. I felt so happy. I laughed. Because my treatment had been for so long, I also had long dark hair, down to my shoulders. My skin was pale white. I was more beautiful than any of the girls I had seen on my way in. I put my gown back on and wandered the castle grounds. I couldn’t stop smiling. But the other girls did not smile. I hadn’t noticed that the other girls weren’t smiling when I arrived.

The next evening, as I was combing my hair and getting ready for bed, the sorcerer walked into my room. But he did not look like he did the other day. He was not a 20 or 30 year old man. He was a 50 or 60 year old man. And he was fat. On my first day of service, he brought along another girl and he gave me the following instruction: “Take off your clothes and get on your knees. Remember the contract.” The other girl looked at me intensely. “Don’t mind her. She’s here to help you in case you need help adjusting to life as a girl. I must say, you are quite beautiful. You might be the most beautiful girl I have made. Now come, off with your clothes and on your knees.” I silently did as he asked. His assistant helped him disrobe. He walked up to me with his limp dick jiggling underneath his large belly. “I think you know what I want,” he said.

I looked directly at his penis and gently touched it with my fingers. I was too afraid to put it in my mouth. “Please show her how it is done,” he said. His assistant got on her knees, glared at me without saying a word, and put his limp dick in her mouth and gently massaged his balls. “Do you see? Now you try.” She took his cock out of her mouth and waited for me to open. But I was too slow. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed me forward into his crotch. His pubic hair felt rough against my cheeks and eyelids. I whimpered a bit, uncomfortable with his limp cock that still had her saliva on it. She pulled my head back again and pried open my mouth with her fingers. She then moved my head forward and placed his placed his cock into my mouth until my chin was against his against his balls.

His crotch had a musty scent. He called for another girl who came in and also pushed me into his crotch. My forehead was pressed against his big belly as he stood there with his hands on his hips. As the two girls forced my head into his crotch, I could feel his cock swell and harden inside my mouth. It was getting bigger and bigger and I began to choke. “If you bite, I’ll have my horses fuck you into a coma.” I started to cry. “Ah yes, I love it when the new girls cry. The first tears of your new life as a girl. I know you want this to be over soon. As soon as I cum it’ll be over.” I looked over to one of the girls who put my hand on his balls. She made a gesture with her tongue. I started to move my tongue around his cock as much as I could while I massaged his balls. “Ahhh, you’re catching on quick. You’ll make a very good girl. I’ll get my 1,000 gold coins back in no time. I’ll make quite a profit from you. You look so innocent, but there’s an eagerness to you.” Then the girls let go of my head and he took control.

“Hold her arms.” His two assistants grabbed my wrists and stood behind me. He held on to the back of my head and thrusted into me, his spongy tip hitting my throat with each thrust, making me whimper and sob. He just kept going and going until I felt a warm, thick, gooey substance hit the back of my throat in rapid spurts. I winced at the sour, bitter taste of his cum. His entire body shuddered as his semen squirted into my throat. I could fill his viscous, gooey cum fill up my mouth until some of it ran out my mouth and down my chin and onto my flat chest. “Mmmm. That’s at least two weeks’ worth. The taste is going to linger for some time, girl.”

Then he withdrew and I gasped for air. Saliva and cum fell out of my mouth and onto my chest. “Let her go.” They let go of my arms and I fell to the ground. “Tomorrow I’ll show you what your pussy is for. The day after … well, you’ll see. Good job on your first day. 364 more to go.” And with that, the three left my room. I fell asleep there, on the floor. I was disgusted at what I had just experienced. But I also felt proud. I was finally a girl, and I made an older and powerful man cum. For the first time in my life, I felt I had power and meaning.



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