[incest][reluctance] The Board Game – Ch 1

This was inspired by a prompt from the [r/DirtyWritingPrompts](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/) subreddit, by the lovely [u/Namelessredditor87](https://www.reddit.com/user/Namelessredditor87/) in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/jfazhr/wpincest_family_game_night_takes_an_interesting/)


**Chapter 1: Happy Family**

“Ultimate Taboo, hmm. I don’t know it sounds like one of those party boardgames with embarrassing questions. You’re probably supposed to be drinking with along or something” Matilda said, frowning. She was holding the boxed boardgame, turning it to see if there were any explanatory text. She found none, not even a marketing blurb like you can usually read on these kinds of games. The box was solid black with a cursive title in gold embossed on the front, with a smaller text saying “by Faust Inc.” underneath it, other than that it was completely devoid of information.

They were all sitting around the living room coffee table, with the exception of Matilda who was standing, pacing around studying the box. The girl was comfy in a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top, enjoying a relaxed Saturday afternoon in social isolation. Quarantine was tough on everyone, and even her young metabolism was leaving a pound extra on her body, giving her a reasonably cute and pudgy appearance. She didn’t mind, it wasn’t like she had been very much caring of her looks before the world got caught in flames.

The father, David, reclined in his sofa chair. A construction foreman by trade, his wide shoulders gave him an intimidating look where he sat at the corner of the living room, a patriarch at heart who would have been as much as home in a stone-age cave as much as a midsized apartment. The mother in the couch, Monica, had appeared from a shopping run with an odd board game. She had ended dinner saying that they should do something fun together, and mentioned a board game she found. She had an odd glint in the eye when she talked about it like she was really excited to try it out.

“Mom, where did you get the game?” Jack said from his end of the couch. He was texting his friends and sharing memes, bored out of his mind.

“Oh, just in someplace,” His mother said, once again with that strange energy in her eye. She looked to her daughter and urged her on, “Come on Til’, open it on the table!” It’s super easy to understand and so fun!” She clapped her hands together with a chipper smile.

Her daughter frowned, “How do you… You know what, fine, whatever. I’m so bored.”

Together they slid open the lid and looked at the contents of the 30×45 cm box. There were some ivory play-pieces, a foldable board, a thin sliver of yellowed parchment, but surprisingly, no dice. Matilda unfolded the board. It was also black, with elaborate gold lines circling over the playfield. A twisting pathway in squares started in the corner of the field and ended after several loops and circles, in the middle. The middle shower an elaborate circle of flowers and intertwining lines, with the words “Happy Family” written in the middle. In the opposite corner of the starting square, a card-sized outline could be seen, once again in the delicate gold style. Matilda traced the lines with a curious index finger. Was something missing?

“Mum have you seen a stack of…” she started, but before she could finish the sentence her mother held up a tall, solid black little box. “…cards.” she breathed out. Matilda had an eerie feeling in her stomach but she couldn’t exactly say why. The box sat perfectly on the outline. On the side were a small white button, otherwise it was as devoid of information as everything else in the box. Well, everything but the parchment.

David held up the parchment at arm’s length, peering through his reading glasses. Besides his spectacles he looked fairly young, having gotten hitched early, he barley poked into his mid to late forties. He put the paper aside and looked at the board for a moment, looked back at the paper, and then back at the board for one last time. He folded it like it was originally and put it back in the box while he explained the rules as he understood them.

“So… if I understand the game correctly, we’re supposed to get everyone to the middle,” he said and tapped the centre spot, “and you move your pieces by completing the challenges on the cards.”

He looked over the board again, confused. He muttered, “There’s… there’s supposed to be a set of dice here somewhere as well?”

“Oh, they’re here! Silly me I must have picked them up before.” Monica laughed and pulled out a leather pouch of her dress pocket and tossed it on the table. She sat down next to her daughter opposite to the boys in the couch, smoothing out her dress before sitting on a pillow. Much like her daughter was starting to realize the family genes had an affinity to put on some weight, but in contrast to Matilda, Monica put up a fight. She knew she would balloon if she didn’t work out, so her body was fairly toned for a mom in her forties. Her butt and chest didn’t play by the same rules, sadly, and refused to slim down quite like the rest of her body. All in all, she was a pretty wife, that very well could skirt the milf territory on days where she felt cute enough.

Monica snatched one of the figures, an elongated face of carved ivory with sleek, feminine features and long hair. They all looked reminiscent of those easter island stone faces to a curious degree. David picked a blue face of some sort of mineral material, a sturdy face with an exaggerated moustache. He looked at it for a beat and said, “I guess we should start? Better learn as we go than to sit around all night learning the rules.

They all nodded in agreement. There was a discussion of who should go first, but Daniel resolved it by having them throw dice on it. The little ivory cubes bounced across the board, deciding that Monica would begin. They then rolled their dice to decide her partner. They looked at the result for a while and found that Jack had the highest number.

“The wheels of fate are turning,” she said with a dramatic flair to her voice while she leaned over to press the little button on the black box. The edge of a card popped out with a distinct and mechanical sound as if driven by springs and clockwork. She pulled out the card delicately and read the writing on the card.

“What does it say, mom?” Matilda asked, curious about this so far very mysterious game. The contents of the card would hint of what was to come!

Monica put the card next to the little black box with the text up, smirking. It simply said ‘Hug a loved one’. They all leaned over and looked at the card as a light mist of anticlimax settled over the table. Daniel spoke, “Hug, huh. Not as challenging challenges as I thought.”

Monica walked over and gave her son a hearty hug, making sure to linger as if to demonstrate properly. Eventually, Jack tapped her back, “Ok mom that’s enough. I think that counts, right guys?”

Daniel nodded, “I’ll allow it.” A number on the card indicated that Monica could jump 5 steps ahead. She moved her piece and nodded to Jack. A quick roll of their dices settled Matilda to be the next partnered. Monica clapped her hands in excitement and leaned over the table. She pressed the button and retrieved the next card, “Your turn honey, here’s to good luck!”

Her son took the card and looked at it, but something must have been wrong. They could see how an incredulous look grew on this face as his eyes switched from the card to his sister and back again. Matilda picked up on it and asked, “What’s up bro? What does it say?”

He hesitated, a blush growing on his cheeks before he put the card down. It said ‘The Kiss of lovers’. Monica stated, as chipper as ever, “Seems pretty clear to me guys”

“What the fuck Mom?!” Matilda hissed, looking at her mother. She closed her arms in front of her. What kind of game was this? How the fuck could it say happy family in the middle if these were the cards that came up? She thought to herself but was interrupted by looking up at Jack who had walked over to where she sat. She scratched her chin, nervously, and said with a mix of nervous laughter and embarrassment, “I, uh, I guess we could do like, a peck on the cheek? What do you say br…”

Her words were interrupted by Jack. He went down on his knees and leaned his face into hers, pressing his mouth over her lips. Quickly, his hands caught hers, keeping her from moving. The last thing she had been expecting was her brother’s tongue pressing between her lips, so when he did it, it was too sudden and surprising for her to protest. The movement was over in the span of a second and before she knew it he pressed her down on the floor, giving her the deepest french kiss she ever experienced.

She tried to scream “Mom?! Dad?!” but only subdued moans came out from her invaded mouth. They both watched with emotionless expressions, if not for what looked like approving smiles. He was stronger than her and held her down for a solid three minutes before he suddenly repulsed from her as if burned.

“Woah… What the fuck!? What the fuck?! Why d… I didn’t mean to do that I swear!”

He scampered backwards and stood up, panicked. He shot apology after apology, pale as a ghost to his sister who still laid on the floor in chock. Daniel blinked, “What… what just happened?”. Everyone but Monica stared at the boardgame, pale faces and widened eyes. The little box clicked with the distinct sound again, this time without any outside interference. Another card plopped halfway out of the container.

Monica merely grinned and looked at her husband, “Go on daddy, it’s your turn!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jgjypu/incestreluctance_the_board_game_ch_1


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