5 Dollar Footlong [mf]

This is a 100% true story.

When I was 18 I worked at a certain sandwich place that everyone knows. I worked with a girl that I had went to school with all through middle and high school, but we never really talked as our friend groups were very different. I guess what I’m saying is that we knew each other, but not well at all.

I’d been working there for a few months when we got put on the same closing shift, just the two of us, 4 days a week. There was never any sexual tension that I picked up on, but two 18 year old heterosexual people of opposite sexes together for an extended amount of time and something is bound to pop up.

Anywho, one night she was looking at her phone and started laughing really loudly. I asked her what’s up and she just handed me her phone.

She had just recieved a text from someone that just said “Want be fbs?”. Being young and naive I didn’t pick up what that meant right off, so she explained it to me. Fuck buddies. She said that there was no way in hell she would ever have sex with that dude.

A couple hours later, shortly before closing, I thought I’d be funny and text her. Keep in mind she was like 5 feet from me.

“Want be fbs?!” I sent

She got the text, looked at me, then walked away. I thought I’d done fucked up. Probably 30 seconds later I got the reply.

“Yes. When?”

I was shocked. I didn’t expect that reply at all. But fuck it, I thought, I’m dtf.

“Right after work?” I sent, still thinking that I’m imagining this, or that she’s fucking with me.

“Sorry, I have to be home by 10:30.” She sent back.

“No worries, some other time is fine with me. Whenever you want to!” Was my boring as response.

We finished up closing the store. While I was finishing the last thing; putting the line containers in the walk in cooler, she snuck in behind me. This is the first time any of our conversation regarding this was spoken out loud. 

She said, “we can’t fuck right now, but we can do this…” then she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to her face and started kissing me. We made out for a few minutes, then she walked away without saying anything and left.

She texted me when she got home and after a brief conversation we made plans to meet up that weekend. We had 2 more shifts together before then, but nothing was said or done during them, just business as usual. 

That Saturday I picked her up from her house sometime in the afternoon, probably around 3:00. I was nervous as fuck and hard as a rock already, which she noticed immediately. While driving and trying to decide where to go she was gently stroking me through my shorts.

We both still lived with our parents, so either house was a no-go. I hit the country roads and drove until i found the most remote location I could. It was just some overgrown track beside a hedge row in some farmers field. 

As soon as I shut my car off we jumped each other. My shirt came off first, closely followed by hers. Next came her bra, and by that point the stupid center console was in the way of us getting anything else done.

She climbed over to the back seat, I got out and met her there. By the time the door was shut her pants were down and my were unbuttoned. My dick was so hard I thought it was going to rip my boxers. With no thought other than saving my underwear, I took them off. That’s the only reason I took them off, I swear.

She had told me before that she didn’t suck dick, but thats no big deal. I decided to be the bigger person and go down on her anyways. I ate that pussy like a pot of macaroni. After an indeterminate amount of time she pulled my head up and growled “Fuck me, now!” 

Yes ma’am…

We started in regular old missionary for a while. I was so horny I almost came in a couple pumps, but mind over matter won out. She pushed me off and turned around, ass in the air. “Don’t mind if I do.” I thought. 

I fucked her hard, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I probably pumped a gallon a cum into the condom that day. 

That was the first time we fucked, but definitely not the last. 

And that my friends, is how I got my 5 dollar footlong soggy with a terrible joke text.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jgsyre/5_dollar_footlong_mf


  1. >I ate that pussy like a pot of macaroni.

    Don’t ever share that phrase with her, or any woman!
    Never read that comparison before. lol

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