The neglected wife

The dinner date was the same as every other dinner date. Soul crushing. Boring. Maddening. Depressing. Hurry up and bring the pinot grigio, need to deaden those sharp feelings and get through the night, get to bed, get to my show, make sure he doesn’t touch me, he’s so….wrong for me. The thought races through your head and you try to tune in to what he’s saying, try to smile back, try to fake it. Are you going to make it? Hardly. You sigh inwardly, knowing it’s hopeless. As you fight to keep your eyes from glazing over, you notice over his shoulder a man looking at you. At first, you don’t really think about it, but your eye catches him again, he’s focused on you and it distracts you. You watch, trying split your attention, to make it seem like you’re engaged here, when really, you’re there, already, can’t help yourself. When was the last time a man looked at you that way. It makes your mouth go dry, you kind of want to hyperventilate, you feel your chest grow warm as your eyes connect and hold. From across the room, he slowly raises his wine to his lips, not taking his eyes from you, the way he sips, suggestive of unchained desire, unchained for you. The noise across from you drones on, now indiscernible, you’re entranced by those eyes over his shoulder. He slowly puts his wine down, a small smile now playing over his lips, you see him get up from his chair, he surreptitiously gestures toward the back of the restaurant, the invitation to you sudden but so welcome. You feel your chest rise, the turmoil in your belly, the skin under your bra suddenly sensitive, aching. “One sec” you find yourself saying to your dinner partner across from you, “I need to go freshen up”, and you excuse yourself. You wonder what has gotten in to you, but you also can’t stop yourself, what might happen, could happen? You look to the back just to see him disappear around the corner and you follow, despite the risk. Are you so drawn by that look, the promise of the sexual side of you suddenly flourishing back to life that you simply can’t resist? Your heart beats so fast, your hearing is almost deafened, you feel almost lightheaded, your mouth so dry as you draw nearer to the dark hallway where he disappeared. You step into the hallway, looking at the doors at the end, not sure where you are going or where he is, when suddenly, he is right beside you, behind you, his breath on your neck. “You’re so damn sexy” he whispers into your hair, your body thrills to the sound, the words, the desire packed in his voice. He gently guides you into an unnoticed alcove further down the hall, he is behind you, deeper in the alcove, leaving you the space to change your mind if you want. But you don’t, you stay, your desire, your hunger for this, so long unmet, the yearning to be touched, ravished, enjoyed, it locks you in place. And you feel his hands on your waists, lips brushing your neck, lean back, feel your panties wet, temperature rising between your legs, you haven’t felt this aroused in so long…

His hands slide down your hips from your waist, slowly, you can tell he is savoring your body, your soft feminine curves, so amazing, yet so unappreciated for so long. You feel as his hands pass your panty line and again, you thrill at the first touch of his fingers on your legs, your dress being lifted slowly… He turns you as he lifts your dress, his hand finds the curve of your butt, runs up your lower back, pulling you in, his lips find yours and you throw yourself into his kiss. His lips take you in, the mint on his breath cooling to you yet enticing you, intoxicating you in the moment. You feel your nipples, hard, pressing into his chest, for a moment, you wish his lips could travel down your chest, caress, suck, flick, bite, just take you, you need his touch, you need him inside you. You feel his hand, now between your legs, fingering your black lacy panties under your mini skirt, your body simply soaking his fingers, inviting him to slide in, no, not his fingers, not just his fingers, let that be the beginning, you crave so much more… You lose yourself in the moment as his fingers explore you. You feel his fingertips brush your panties over your swollen lips, you want him to go slow, you want him to go fast, you want him to go in, you want him to just feel you and take his time. You shaved your pussy this morning, your lips are sensitive to his touch as his finger traces underneath your panty line. You feel him push your panties aside and trace your slit, his finger falls in just at the top, you shiver as his fingertip just brushes where you are so sensitive. You are captivated in the moment, still kissing him, your hands running over his body, feeling the tightness of his ass and his back, you can’t help but pull him hard into your embrace. You feel the hardness between his legs, pushing into your belly, you imagine all of him, pulling him out of his pants, releasing him to begin to explore your body.

For a few moments, time seems to just completely stop. All you can do is feel. You feel the rise of your body against his, your legs squeezing against the soft cloth of his pants. The smells are intense, sharp, sexy, his cologne, your mixed sweat, the smell of your sex. The sounds come in to sharp clarity, you literally can hear your self falling hard and slow along his erect shaft. Your bodies are intensely connected, it isn’t just him inside of you, your bodies are wrapped together in sublime ecstasy. You can feel your climax rising, the threat of your scream tearing through the public place creates a delicious anxiety, you have to bite down on his shoulder to muffle the noises that threaten to escape your lips. His body is taught with the desire, your pussy wraps him, holds him, strokes him, he is helpless to hold himself back, he wants you and would give his life to have you. You can sense the edges of your vision going black, reality streaming away, how high your body climbs, higher, higher, when will you fall off the edge, Will you survive the fall, will it tear you apart? In the darkness of your body’s gorgeous pleasure, you hear his hoarse whisper, I want you, let go, I’ve got you. And in that moment, you feel him also let go, a hot jet, tearing into your body, inside of you, reckless abandon, desire made into physical being. Beyond your will, outside of your control, your body takes over, your hips, your thighs, your belly shaking, shivering out of control, a flood released, raining down between your bodies. And you hold the moment for breathless eternity‘s, the climax shaking from both of you again and again, you are racked with release and unmet desire. Do you feel your legs releasing, your body slipping down, his wet shaft sliding out, still hard, still wanting you, but the circumstance standing in the way. Your dress drops, and you turn to go, you hear him in your ear asking how to find you, this can’t be the last time.

You do your best to compose yourself before and during your walk to the table, where is your wine, you look at him sitting there, did he notice anything? Does he notice anything? You feel anxiety wash over you as you approach, but it dissipates as you notice him staring into his phone, glass of wine in his hand, he looks up with a distracted smile as you take your seat. Everything come out OK, he questions, he thinks he’s ridiculously clever, where is the waiter, you need more wine, you need some food, you are spent and he doesn’t even see. The waiter comes, you are thankful for the distraction, move the conversation along, how do you have a conversation, you can hardly think. When will you see him again, you know it’s going to happen, how, it can’t be too long, you can’t live without that. As you start in to dinner and make the boring small talk that you are so used to, you falter, almost losing your words in midsentence. You feel him again, that invasive penetration, that desire manifested, you feel him, you feel him seeping out of you as you sit at the table, running down your leg, it’s so hot, you feel like it’s burning you, a path of desire etched down your leg…

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